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Review Board hater on Twitter... wow, first time i see such hate.


Sep 4, 2006
Yes this is true. No one can. And this is mostly a good thing. Go look up a 4-10 page review on this board and look at all the clutter.

Not a good thing. This allows any guy to smear a woman for whatever reason, even if he never met her. It allows any guy to try and use his review to get discounts. It allows someone with poor hygiene to complain about bad service. You can pretend these issues do not happen, but the fact is men have abused the privilege of having the admins side with them too often and too long. Every decent review board I have been to allows the women to respond to a review. You are complaining about clutter? How much of that is women responding? In 11 years of using Merb I have seen it used sparingly, and yet knowing they can respond makes all the difference to me.

It does not have to be a forum-thread style review, on C69 they have a dedicated review section like TER and if there is a response from the woman or the agency it is mentioned in italics at the end of the review.

This is a problem on any board. They probably get a few more because guys are afraid to give them their CC# and they want free access. I will say you can usually tell which review is a fake..

Yes its a problem on all boards but TER actively does nothing about it. One SP I know told them about fake reviews from people she never met and their response was that the review was flattering of her and she should just "let it go". I am glad you can tell which review is real but its not about you.

Yep, and how many non-review reviews do you read on MERB? Too many. Without details a review is little more than worthless. Also, with their business model they are trying to get people to pay for a VIP membership. I also like the fact that you have to buy the VIP membership to see the details. Only serious hobbyists are going to give this website their CC#. I believe that no civilian would ever give this strange web site their CC#. In a way, it gives the SP a measure of privacy. Only the people that need to know get to know.
Whether or not a guy has the balls to give a website their CC is immaterial. They offer so many anonymous modes of payment its not a concern for someone who wants to pay. But its completely wrong of you to think they are applying their policy to non-reviews. I included plenty of details and got required to add even more, while other reviews posted by other people were far less. This is not about people posting one liners "I met her and we had a great time..."

I know for sure that you cannot write about it. I tried to write about a girl using her vaginal lips to provide a massage and TER refused to publish this. I told them that we didn't have unprotected intercourse. TER didn't care. They said that they do not promote BBFS. I was frustrated and I argued that it was not BBFS. I got pissed and I stopped reviewing on TER for a few years.

You can actually write about it in the discussion section and the ISO (in search of) section and I have seen several posts and discussions about it. They talk about it openly and sometimes in code when they say they are looking for "Ultimate GFE"

Honestly Stone, I have had my feuds with TER. They are very inflexible and they have pissed me off on more than one occasion. I was so pissed a few times that I stopped publishing reviews for awhile . I regret this because I cant remember exactly which girls I saw during that time If I had reviewed them I would have those memories preserved....and those are some good mammaries....I mean memories.

And I will say it one more time. Hobbying in the USA without TER is like jumping out of a plane without a parachute.

Because its the only option in the USA does not make it a good site nor does it negate the fact that the women have very valid points. Above all TER takes away a woman's choice to be on their website. If she does not want to put up with the problems and wants to be off that site, she will be told that she has to retire (take down her website, take down all ads on other sites...etc). But of course once the women send them a letter threatening legal action they fold like the pussies they are.
*Edit: If a woman only wants to cater to people who jump without a parachute, that should be her choice and consequences, not the choice of some TER admin.


Sep 4, 2006

It had long been the policy of MERB that agency escorts could not respond in the review threads, the reasoning being that agency operatives could speak on behalf of the agency. There was an incident in around 2010 or so, involving an Eleganza escort responding to her first bad review, that led to a formal policy in that regard.

More recently, that policy seems to have been relaxed. I have noticed agency escort posters, at least purporting to be the escort, responding in their own review threads. I also saw an agency escort turn Indy come back in her thread and admonish some tire kickers who apparently never saw her but were posting stuff about her, in the nature of drool and nonsense.

I was opposed to the formal policy at the time it was enacted and had a long and respectful debate with the then Moderators. They argued that review postings would be chilled and reduced if guys thought their reviews could be second guessed. And they would be afraid to post. At that time I responded either we are a board of men or a board of pussies and I preferred a board of men which was managed for men and not pussies. The Mods at that time adhered to their position. I don’t know what the current position is. It would be nice if the Mods posted a policy statement on this.

The situation on this board is light years better than TER. As for our board, an agency operator responding versus the woman herself is not a big distinction for me, and I have seen indy women respond when needed for as long as I can remember. This board also takes action against shills and will blanket ban IPs if need be.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
But she can respond. She has to do it one of the chat forums. The way the thing is set up nobody can comment after an individual review. You can now click on a like function but that is it. You fail to acknowledge that the reviews are set up differently on TER because of their business model. If you want to see the details of the service the girl offers or charges you have buy VIP. The search engine is very, very helpful. I can search for a total score in a certain area of the country. I can take a phone number or e-mail off back page and search to see if there are reviews so I know that the girl is not LE. I can set up a search by certain services offered. If you want to ask questions you can press one icon and ask a reviewer or press another and ask the SP or you can go to a chat forum and ask there. It is slick.

Also, SPs must be able to have her reviews removed. I know this because two girls have disappeared and their TER IDs have been removed. I can still see my review but no one else can see them by searching my TER ID or anyone else's TER ID. That way I can still read my review.

The site has it's pros and cons. However, if you want to be in this business than you ought to allow yourself to be reviewed. I think you and I have talked about this before. There are girls that want one to invest $500 USD/hour and they are on Twitter fucking TER. There was one I was thinking about seeing and you said you would stay clear. It wasn't long after that she made a Tweet that sickos should stop asking her to play daddy/daughter role play and that this is all sick. I am thinking she just likes to fight with people.

Just like on MERB, If a girl has a no review policy than stay clear. The odds are, she has issues and maybe something to hide. Unless someone like Rollingstone or another member or provider here gave you a tip, I would stay away.

I have also been a member of of ECCIE and Sweet Dixie Forums. The former is ok, especially for Texas and the latter was ok for the deep south and then it was ruined by the SPs commenting after each review and I do not know if it even exists anymore. ISG is great for the FKKs and Rio and some other places. They try to cover Canada. Argentina Privates is good for guess where? The other cities forum on MERB is helpful. I have acted on tips from this forum several times from several members and had some of my best escapades in Rio, Sao Paulo, Belgium, BA Argentina, Barcelona, Germany, Florida, Las Vegas, and Seattle. If you only hobby in Canada than there is a _ERB for you. If you only hobby in Quebec, MERB is all you will ever need.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The situation on this board is light years better than TER. As for our board, an agency operator responding versus the woman herself is not a big distinction for me, and I have seen indy women respond when needed for as long as I can remember. This board also takes action against shills and will blanket ban IPs if need be.

All-in-all, MERB does a great job but I believe TER does some of this but, unless they mention something in a public forum, no one else sees it.


Sep 4, 2006
But she can respond. She has to do it one of the chat forums. The way the thing is set up nobody can comment after an individual review. You can now click on a like function but that is it. You fail to acknowledge that the reviews are set up differently on TER because of their business model. If you want to see the details of the service the girl offers or charges you have buy VIP. The search engine is very, very helpful. I can search for a total score in a certain area of the country. I can take a phone number or e-mail off back page and search to see if there are reviews so I know that the girl is not LE. I can set up a search by certain services offered. If you want to ask questions you can press one icon and ask a reviewer or press another and ask the SP or you can go to a chat forum and ask there. It is slick.

Also, SPs must be able to have her reviews removed. I know this because two girls have disappeared and their TER IDs have been removed. I can still see my review but no one else can see them by searching my TER ID or anyone else's TER ID. That way I can still read my review.

The site has it's pros and cons. However, if you want to be in this business than you ought to allow yourself to be reviewed. I think you and I have talked about this before. There are girls that want one to invest $500 USD/hour and they are on Twitter fucking TER. There was one I was thinking about seeing and you said you would stay clear. It wasn't long after that she made a Tweet that sickos should stop asking her to play daddy/daughter role play and that this is all sick. I am thinking she just likes to fight with people.

Just like on MERB, If a girl has a no review policy than stay clear. The odds are, she has issues and maybe something to hide. Unless someone like Rollingstone or another member or provider here gave you a tip, I would stay away.

I have also been a member of of ECCIE and Sweet Dixie Forums. The former is ok, especially for Texas and the latter was ok for the deep south and then it was ruined by the SPs commenting after each review and I do not know if it even exists anymore. ISG is great for the FKKs and Rio and some other places. They try to cover Canada. Argentina Privates is good for guess where? The other cities forum on MERB is helpful. I have acted on tips from this forum several times from several members and had some of my best escapades in Rio, Sao Paulo, Belgium, BA Argentina, Barcelona, Germany, Florida, Las Vegas, and Seattle. If you only hobby in Canada than there is a _ERB for you. If you only hobby in Quebec, MERB is all you will ever need.

1. Responding in a separate chat dialogue is not enough. Its like saying seeing someone slandered on the front page is fine if she can respond in the classifieds section. As for the business model, it is no excuse as to how they do things. They could easily have a note from the SP at the end of the review showing her comments in a single paragraph. Again I have seen other pay-for-access sites like C69 do this and it works out fine. There is one TER reviewer in Toronto who keeps complaining when a girl does not DFK, but none have been able to respond to explain what is breath is like. Anything less than allowing the SP to comment or add a note to a review in the same space where the review is displayed falls short of what is fair to these women

2. I don't deny TER is a useful tool - but women should be allowed to choose if they are on it or not. Yes I shared some notes with you and many others regarding some women on Twitter, but as grown adults we can decide if we want to see a non-TER reviewed provider or not. There is plenty of fish in the sea and it makes sense that women who hold up well to review will do better. But its also true that for many reviews and reviewers are an undue burden. Me and you maybe perfect gentlemen with excellent hygiene, but lots of people are not. Reviewers expecting discounts or the same acronyms and shots on goal as someone who was much better groomed & behaved are common. TER will not delist anyone by request short of mention of legal action, and that is not how it should be.

3. The usefulness of TER is being diminished by paid shills. You talk to any indy today and they will tell you of emails offering paid shilling services. Even when an SP points out that a flattering review of her is fake , they will not take action. That fake reviewer is getting VIP status for writing reviews on encounters that never happened, and is effectively stealing from honest members of the site who either pay or write real reviews for VIP status. If they won't take action in very obvious situations I can only conclude they won't in the case of paid shills. Why? Its because their business model relies on a steady stream of new content
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