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Robin Williams dies at 63 of apparent suicide - August 11th, 2014

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Having an independant thought does not mean that you have the right to say things that are senseless...But then again, like the poet said: the beauty of ignorance is that, when you are ignorant, you even ignore that you are

So now you're calling me IGNORANT just because we don't share the same opinion? Now, that hurts. And you call yourself a psychologist? :confused:

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
JJ, the previous poster has just proven that once again, you are 100% correct. ;)

p.s. I am being a gentleman as always & being respectful of others. Yet, just because i do not see eye-to-eye with them, they attack me with hurtful words. Why is this so? :confused:


You have always been a gentleman on this board but the problem is you are not a pack animal. From time to time you post your own opinion, an opinion that does not match the herd animals on this board. That scares them, they don't ever want to admit that there is the tiniest possibility they may be wrong because that opens the flood gates. If they are wrong about something what else may they be wrong about. When it comes to this biz they are wrong about pretty much everything and that terrifies them to death. If the escorts they pay for sex aren't madly in love with them there world would not be the same.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Thank you for caring & stating those reassuring words, Jeff. After having had my feelings hurt recently by a couple of aggressive members (plus mean Mr. Merlot), i realized that i was extremely fortunate not to have fallen victim to hard drugs & full-blown alcoholism in the past, or else i may have had similar thoughts to what Mr. Williams had a few weeks ago. But fortunately, i'm fairly healthy both physically & mentally and can depend on your support when times are tough. Like yourself, i enjoy facing the few problems that i have head-on & deal with them in a very rational manner.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Thank you for caring & stating those reassuring words, Jeff. After having had my feelings hurt recently by a couple of aggressive members (plus mean Mr. Merlot), i realized that i was extremely fortunate not to have fallen victim to hard drugs & full-blown alcoholism in the past, or else i may have had similar thoughts to what Mr. Williams had a few weeks ago. But fortunately, i'm fairly healthy both physically & mentally and can depend on your support when times are tough.


There is one thing that you can count on and that is if you put out an independent thought and the pack starts attacking you because it doesn't match there opinion i will step up to the plate and defend your right to voice your opinion. They may try to shout you down as they quite often do but they will hear from me. I will not put up with there bullshit.



Jan 8, 2012
So now you're calling me IGNORANT just because we don't share the same opinion? Now, that hurts. And you call yourself a psychologist? :confused:

I'm not calling you an ignorant...directly... all I'm saying is that, when you don't know shit about mental conditons, you should be humble enough to admit it and stop making unacceptable remarks about mental health...See, in our field, we have worked for decades to eliminate prejudicial preconceptions about mental disorders...And your point of view represent everything that we've been fighting against...So, no, I will not be kind with you, but rather confrontational, cause you don't know what you're talkking about...Then, in your own words...Man up...Don't be weak...Don't take the easy way out...And learn a little more about the subject.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's

If these johns ever find out that these two guys who were recently banned weren't from blue and if it was proven beyond any shadow of a doubt i will make a prediction, not one of them will have enough balls to step up to the plate and admit they were wrong. Why is that that, it is because the pack is never wrong. It is not possible.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

There is one thing that you can count on and that is if you put out an independent thought and the pack starts attacking you because it doesn't match there opinion i will step up to the plate and defend your right to voice your opinion. They may try to shout you down as they quite often do but they will hear from me. I will not put up with there bullshit.


Thank you, Jeff. It means a lot that i can count on you & that you will always stick up for the little guy. You are this board's version of Ralph Nader. If you look at what i've posted in this thread, you will see that i simply expressed my opinions & that i was polite & courteous at all times, as always. You may also agree or disagree with me, but i believe that i simply stated the facts. Unfortunately, some members who have been part of Mr. Williams' fan club have been hiding their heads in the sand & have refused to see the man for what he was: an imperfect human being. In my opinion he was not a 'genius' as many of his adorers have claimed. He was a comic & an actor who was good at his craft in order to make a good living. He had not done anything relevant or good in a dozen years. He had many demons. He was not well mentally & no one is certain what led to this. His despair & chronic unhappiness likely caused him to inflict his own death because i suspect he did not want to live with his personal problems (and demons) anymore. And because of this, i simply stated my opinion that he should not be glorifyed or treated like a hero. There are many true heroes in this world who do not get any credit, nor do they seek it. Now tell me Jeff what is so wrong with having my own opinion on the matter?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
We finally are rid of a guy who every week would call ignorance to people who dare not agree with him and now we have 2-3 guys wanting to be the heir to the throne. EVERYONE is entitled to his/her OPINION w/o the BS replies of ignorance, stupid, jerk, ahole, braindead or any other degrading remark no matter if you think you are above them or not.

I also think suicide is the easy way out because simply, it is. I know first hand about mental illness and what a terrible thing it is. I had an ex (thank the Lord she is an EX now) who was fine for months and then all the sudden she breaks down crying in the car for no reason at all and when i asked what was wrong she simply tells me "I should have told you a long time ago, but I have a mental illness and i stopped taking my meds and i cant deal with this anymore, it is not you but the illness" so by that time i had really grown to like her or so i thought and got her some help and she was totally normal acting again once she saw a shrink and got her back on the meds, UNTIL she decided she was fine and stopped taking them again and flipped out 6 months later and that was it, I tried, she refused help so see ya later, get some help and be happy but not with me. I was only with her because i felt sorry for her because of her family life anyways and that relationship was my ONLY regret in life.

So dont tell me I need a freakin piece of paper from some University in the medical field to know what i am talking about. In a years time I lived it and learn't more about things than i ever planned or wanted to pertaining to mental illness and at the time it hurt like hell to see someone I cared about more as a friend than a loved one go thru that, than any time i could have spent in a classroom paying 80k to get that piece of paper. Street smarts are more powerful than "paper" and you do not see me calling someone ignorant because they dont agree with me about suicide. You say it is not the easy way out and I say it is, am I calling you ignorant for it? I think as stated above, that I know first hand what I am talking about also and yet still no name calling from me on this subject. I am no better than you nor you than me, no matter what you think. This is all I have to say so feel free to call me ignorant, i am above that about this subject as it hits home so beat your chest and go ahead. Have fun.

Nobody should judge anothers opinion by calling them stupid for it, unless it has to do with being a red sox or a habs fan and then by all means, carry on.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

If these johns ever find out that these two guys who were recently banned weren't from blue and if it was proven beyond any shadow of a doubt i will make a prediction, not one of them will have enough balls to step up to the plate and admit they were wrong. Why is that that, it is because the pack is never wrong. It is not possible.

It reminds of a famous line uttered by the great Jack Nickolson in the movie "A Few Good Men".

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.

If these johns ever find out that these two guys who were recently banned weren't from blue and if it was proven beyond any shadow of a doubt i will make a prediction, not one of them will have enough balls to step up to the plate and admit they were wrong. Why is that that, it is because the pack is never wrong. It is not possible.


We have gone over this, it is impossible for them to prove they are not from the blue, and in the slightest, remotest, minuscule chance that they were not they were trolls and contribute nothing to his board except stir shit which is what the blue does. Going around in circles aren't we.
PS: I salute you for sticking up so much for people that are complete newbies and you have never met before that constantly trashed most posts they were in. Most people would tell them to fuck off but you believed in them.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Now tell me Jeff what is so wrong with having my own opinion on the matter?


There should never be anything a matter with voicing your own opinion but on this board it just does not go over well. There is about 10 to 15 posters, lets call them them pack animals that tries to shout anyone down if there opinion does not match the pack. I have taken each and everyone of them on and will continue to do so. You and i could agree that something like 2 + 2 = 4 that is an absolute but they want to say the two recently banned posters were from blue and that is an absolute. Well they are right, it is absolute bullshit unless of course they can post proof of it but guess what, up until now they can't but they continue to pound there chests like there is not even a tiny possibility that they may be wrong. I don't get it.



Jan 8, 2012
It reminds of a famous line uttered by the great Jack Nickolson in the movie "A Few Good Men".

Wow, doc, you have a lot of supporters, which is not my case; still , I may not be a Merbite with 12 000 posts, but I know that those 12 000 posts will never authorize you to say things about human nature that are not documented scientifically, and this is what you've been doing on this thread...So don't hide behind your "supporters" and face the music... May be we should have a beer togheter...:cool:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I also think suicide is the easy way out because simply, it is. I know first hand about mental illness and what a terrible thing it is. I had an ex (thank the Lord she is an EX now) who was fine for months and then all the sudden she breaks down crying in the car for no reason at all and when i asked what was wrong she simply tells me "I should have told you a long time ago, but I have a mental illness and i stopped taking my meds and i cant deal with this anymore, it is not you but the illness" so by that time i had really grown to like her or so i thought and got her some help and she was totally normal acting again once she saw a shrink and got her back on the meds, UNTIL she decided she was fine and stopped taking them again and flipped out 6 months later.....

Nobody should judge anothers opinion by calling them stupid for it, unless it has to do with being a red sox or a habs fan and then by all means, carry on.

Wise words by a very wise person.

I totally get your story and can also vouch for what you wrote since i've also had similar experiences. Many people suffering from mental illness (e.g. bipolar disorder) think they can stop taking their medication when they've been feeling better for some time & usually will start falling off a cliff again & make life miserable not only for themselves, but especially for their loved ones.

But it's really no different than other people with various medical conditions. How many times have we been told by doctors to take all of the medication they've prescribed, yet we stop taking it as soon as we start feeling better, somehow thinking that we no longer need it or we want to save some in case of a recurrence later? I've done it. Many times. I will likely do it again. So will most people. "You must take your antibiotics for 10 days or until your prescription runs out." Sure, you say. But 6 or 7 days later, you no longer have symptoms, so you stop taking your medication. This is human nature & it's unfortunately no different with mental health sufferers.

And unfortunately, many sufferers are in denial of their condition and believe that it's ok to come off their meds or stop visiting their shrink when they feel mentally right again.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008

Exactly what i learnt as well and did not have to pay 80k for it (but it was the "80k for a piece of paper shrink" who told me this lol)... It is what it is i suppose but no matter what I learned in that long horrible year, my opinion stands about suicide and always will. You take your life and you are hurting everyone else who loves you out of selfishness, plain and simple. One life versus MANY others who will now hurt until they die. The only exception would be a terminally ill person, that is the only exception, to me anyways. Was Robin Williams terminally ill? Serious Question there.
Wise words by a very wise person.

I totally get your story and can also vouch for what you wrote since i've also had similar experiences. Many people suffering from mental illness (e.g. bipolar disorder) think they can stop taking their medication when they've been feeling better for some time & usually will start falling off a cliff again & make life miserable not only for themselves, but especially for their loved ones.

But it's really no different than other people with various medical conditions. How many times have we been told by doctors to take all of the medication they've prescribed, yet we stop taking it as soon as we start feeling better, somehow thinking that we no longer need it or we want to save some in case of a recurrence later? I've done it. Many times. I will likely do it again. So will most people. "You must take your antibiotics for 10 days or until your prescription runs out." Sure, you say. But 6 or 7 days later, you no longer have symptoms, so you stop taking your medication. This is human nature & it's unfortunately no different with mental health sufferers.

And unfortunately, many sufferers are in denial of their condition and believe that it's ok to come off their meds or stop visiting their shrink when they feel mentally right again.


Jan 8, 2012
many sufferers are in denial of their condition and believe that it's ok to come off their meds or stop visiting their shrink when they feel mentally right again.

On this we totally agree...So, what can be said when those "suffererers" make extreme decisions, including suicide; is it ultimately their responsability ?...When you're off meds and without treatment, cognitive distorsions take the lead: dichotomous thinking, "should statements", disqualifying the positive, dramatization...It will affect the way you think and analyze your options... so, ultimately, suicide is not an easy way out...It is the the only way out your distorted mind could think of... It has nothing to do with rationality and logic; it's purely pathological and anyone working in the field knows that...Hence my comment about ignorance... It's not about being weak or manning up....It's about not being cognitively/emotionnaly able to make a decision..So, with all due respect, no, I will not accept a point of view that, as I said earlier, willl convey the middle ages notion that you're weak if you're depressed, suicidal or alcoholic. In my field of work, we're fighting those medieval ideas and I will be there to remind you of this, whether you like it or not...Ignorance does not mean you're stupid...It just means you don't know what you're talking about... I'm totally ignorant about F1, so I can't tell you why Mercedes is better than Ferrarri this year...But at least, since I don't know much, I keep my mouth shut and don't express a point of view... You should do the same about psychopathology, my friend... If you don't know shit and can't help, keep your mouth shut....

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
We have gone over this, it is impossible for them to prove they are not from the blue, and in the slightest, remotest, minuscule chance that they were not they were trolls and contribute nothing to his board except stir shit which is what the blue does. Going around in circles aren't we.
PS: I salute you for sticking up so much for people that are complete newbies and you have never met before that constantly trashed most posts they were in. Most people would tell them to fuck off but you believed in them.

This is my final word on this because i cannot prove what i am saying. If a time were to ever come that i could then i will unban myself. My whole point all along was that i simply do not believe who ever they were, that they were from blue. I stated in another post and in another thread my reasons why. In my opinion it just doesn't add up. Now could i be wrong, of course i could but i can say that. If absolute proof comes out that they were from blue will i step up to the plate and say you guys were right and i was wrong, you bet i will but if the opposite ever proves true will you guys do the same. I have my doubts. We can go on and on about this but the truth is we are not likely to find out one way or the other anytime soon or probably ever. So i am done on this matter.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As for the previous poster's advice that i should keep my mouth shut & not express my point of view, well he can kiss my ass as far as i'm concerned. He's free to express his opinion and so am i. If he wants to give his opinion on F1 or any other subject, he's free to do so & he doesn't have to be an expert to share his views. This is an escort review board, after all. Not Sports Illustrated or Psychology Today.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The only exception would be a terminally ill person, that is the only exception

I agree that if quality of life is near the end it should be ones choice. But do we really know what is going through ones mind when they are severely depressed and under the many prescription pills the doctors give them?
When I met my ex she was an excellent person, always laughing and enjoying life, about 15 years depression set in and she started drinking alcohol ( lots ) and then the doctors prescribed medication and it takes 6 weeks to see if it is the correct medication and believe me it took many tries to get the right one ( the wrong ones really fucked her up ), mood swings that would tear the house apart. I had to fly home a few times because my kids 9 & 16 at the time had to call the police on her ( she was so fucked up she almost killed the dog and burned 1/2 her clothes one time ). In the end I got full custody of the kids and the judge allowed them to live on their own as minors when I was out of province. We still see her as she has gotten better but under medication constantly and still drinks on occasion. My point of this is that if a person is heavily medicated and under depression they do not think right, I was at one time waiting for the phone call saying she was dead. Doctors over prescribe too much in todays society do not supervise properly and send them on their merry way. When my ex was fucked up she took my kids to her doctor who prescribed Ritalin to both of them and I had to get a lawyer involved to stop it ( Doctor went to a medical review board ). Long story short, Robin Williams may not have known what he was doing when he killed himself.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Long story short, Robin Williams may not have known what he was doing when he killed himself.
Yet, he may have. We will never really know. And had i been in his shoes at the time, i may have done exactly the same thing he did. But i probably would have chosen a less violent way. I once read a best-selling book on the various ways to kill yourself & let me assure everyone that should i chose one day to end my life, it wouldn't be by hanging or gunshot.

By the way, the minute i find out from my doctor that i suffer from alzheimer's and that i'll be suffering from full-blown dementia within a certain period of time, i'm fairly certain that i'll start reading that book again.


Jan 8, 2012
As for the previous poster's advice that i should keep my mouth shut & not express my point of view, well he can kiss my ass as far as i'm concerned. He's free to express his opinion and so am i. If he wants to give his opinion on F1 or any other subject, he's free to do so & he doesn't have to be an expert to share his views. This is an escort review board, after all. Not Sports Illustrated or Psychology Today.

You are totally right, this is an escort review board; still, it does not give you the right, as I've mentionned earlier, to express a point of view that is not even one...Your views on mental health problems, when you say that people should man up instead of being weak, are ridiculous, derogatory and only help in stigmatizing those suffering from mental problems, and this, you may know by now, I will not accept. We have worked hard in our field to offer dignity to those struggling with depression, so I will not give an uninformed person and his stereotypical ideas an easy way out... You're saying that you have dealt with suicidal people, but apparently you have not learned a lot from them.
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