Hello all,
You must have misunderstood what i wrote, my dear friend.
I very clearly understood. Now you are embarrassed you are honoring a alcoholic and cocaine junkie with no known mental disorder issues who also tried to commit suicide after raising him above Williams, and to cover up for that you've started a diversio0nary whine about no one respecting your right to have an opinion, which NO ONE ever said or implied.
Well you've said very recently and several times before how you used to care what you say and don't any more. No one needs any more proof than this totally fabricated complaint about people being against your right to an opinion which you've used to take this thread way off track. The real objection is you've given your view in a very hateful manner, cold-blooded manner with no effort or intent to deal with proven modern medicine on emotional disorders as if you were stuck in the Middle Ages as Madmanacross pointed out...until these last posts. If you want to post your OPINION a thousand times do it. But no one is required to respect it. I SURE DON'T!!! It's crude, cruel and very stunted. If you had any real integrity you'd be saying the same things about Pryor and his suicide attempt. But you got caught in a big contradiction and decided to be defensive with this...why can't I have an opinion...diversionary crap.
Then here comes Iggy also crying about a right to an opinion. Never mind that he set up free-for-all standards in sports threads, then when he got back what he was given in counter OPINIONS he resorted to calling everyone stalker or crap disturber and tried to get the mods to ban them for their opinions. And be very careful around him about giving good opinions about other agencies because he'll come after you with PMs and use his party position for coercion against his friends. That's what he calls respecting an opinion.
What a lucky girl to pour herself out to someone like him without the capacity to understand or sympathize, and downright doesn't care.
As for JJ. He crusades for alleged strangers

like C36 who unleashed a torrent of malignant bile against me, MaxxxEdge, STN, and others because of their OPINIONS.
You guys wouldn't know how to have integrity on this if it flew up your butts and got stuck there.
I totally get your story and can also vouch for what you wrote since i've also had similar experiences. Many people suffering from mental illness (e.g. bipolar disorder) think they can stop taking their medication when they've been feeling better for some time & usually will start falling off a cliff again & make life miserable not only for themselves, but especially for their loved ones.
This totally contradicts everything you've been saying about taking the "easy way out" because you are acknowledging a lack of control over what they are doing without the meds.
Yet you impose a cruel cold-blooded judgment on them.
Again, you are being extremely stubborn and want to deny me my right to express MY opinion and MY point-of-view.
No this has been your diversionary defensive tactic for talking points.
For many, killing themselves is the most rational thing & the easiest thing for them to do when it comes to a certain point. It would be unfair for others to judge their intentions & how rational their process of thinking was at the time.
Yet your very first impulse was to make an absolute judgment and completely condemn someone for what you claimed was a rational choice. HELLO POT!!!
From what I read Robin Williams was in the early stages of Parkinson's Disease a symptom of which is severe depression. It seems likely that the pre-illness Williams would not have committed suicide. However the illness inflicts a diseased state of mind. I doubt that he was capable of appreciating his own actions in a logical way. I have observed mental illness both in a family member and while doing community service at a local hospital and it is something that can really fool with your head if you try applying logic.
I have always found the manner of Williams death personally disturbing, and not just because it was a suicide. It's been hard to accept in view his being such a warm, positive, caring and giving human being. Such a person could not have been in control of himself or have made a free rational choice to do this. But he was a great, GREAT human being...and it's a disgrace for anyone to want to trash that.