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Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent, BBC reports


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The guy is hiding in a bunker doing zoom interviews looking to implicate other countries to fight his call that a man's man!!!..WTF!!!
I thought I knew you as a fair and descent person, but when you are parroting Fucker Carlson, you are on the wrong side of history. Putin started this ego war and now he is turning Ukraine into a pile of rubble killing women and children in the process, because his army is losing thousands of men and are bogged down..

There have already been at least 3 attempts on Zelenskiy`s life. Where do you want him to set up his office ? Yes he is a hero and so are a vast majority of Ukraine men and women fighting the Russian bully that wants to enslave them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
One of the best snipers in the world, Wali (from QC!!!), now hunting in Ukraine...

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Merb reviewer
Dec 27, 2020
If you want a really informed military analysis of the war, check this video out. It explains in detail of what's going on in the frontlines and why Russia is not successful as they hoped to be.



Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
It's incredible at 1:55 of the clip Holt asks Zelynsky a simple question about the USA's concerns about getting dragged into the war with the likelyhood of triggering WWIII and this clown can't give Holt a straight answer because he knows that crying to the US to join the war would be admitting that WWIII would be his fault! Someone should shut this guy up ASAP...the more he talks the more dangerous he becomes!...he's a dangerous freak of nature!



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Putin & the dictator trap (excerpts below)

In the span of a couple of weeks, Vladimir Putin—a man recently described by Donald Trump as a strategic “genius”—managed to revitalize NATO, unify a splintered West, turn Ukraine’s little-known president into a global hero, wreck Russia’s economy, and solidify his legacy as a murderous war criminal.

How did he miscalculate so badly?

To answer that question, you have to understand the power and information ecosystems around dictators. I’ve studied and interviewed despots across the globe for more than a decade. In my research, I’ve persistently encountered a stubborn myth—of the savvy strongman, the rational, calculating despot who can play the long game because he (and it’s typically a he) doesn’t have to worry about pesky polls or angry voters. Our elected leaders, this view suggests, are no match for the tyrant who gazes into the next decade rather than fretting about next year’s election.

Reality doesn’t conform to that rosy theory.

Autocrats such as Putin eventually succumb to what may be called the “dictator trap.” The strategies they use to stay in power tend to trigger their eventual downfall. Rather than being long-term planners, many make catastrophic short-term errors—the kinds of errors that would likely have been avoided in democratic systems. They hear only from sycophants, and get bad advice. They misunderstand their population. They don’t see threats coming until it’s too late. And unlike elected leaders who leave office to riches, book tours, and the glitzy lifestyle of a statesman, many dictators who miscalculate leave office in a casket, a possibility that makes them even more likely to double down.

But to stay in power, despots have to worry about more than just their advisers and cronies. They have to win over, intimidate, or coerce their population too. That’s why dictators invest in state-sponsored media. In Russia, the state goes so far as to present fake presidential candidates who pretend to oppose Putin in rigged elections. The whole system is a Potemkin village, an illusion of choice and political debate.

Again, that mechanism of control comes with a cost. Some citizens brainwashed by state propaganda will support a war that is sure to backfire. Others privately oppose the regime, but will be too afraid to say anything. As a result, reliable polling doesn’t exist in autocracies. (Russia is no exception.) That means that despots like Putin are unable to accurately understand the attitudes of their own people.

Clearly, Putin is no fool. But as we debate possible endgames to the war in Ukraine, we shouldn’t kid ourselves. Putin, like many despots, isn’t behaving fully rationally. He inhabits a fantasy world, surrounded by people who are afraid to challenge him, with a mind that has been poisoned by more than two decades as a tyrant. He’s made a catastrophic mistake in Ukraine—one that may yet prove his downfall.

Democracy isn’t perfect. It’s messy. It can be shortsighted. Many powerful democracies, including the United States, are dysfunctional. But at least our leaders face real constraints, real pushback for their miscalculations, and real criticism from their population. And, crucially, there’s a built-in mechanism to replace our leaders when they start to behave irrationally or irresponsibly.

That’s why it’s time to jettison the myth of the “savvy” strongman, or the dictator who’s a geopolitical “genius.” Putin has fallen victim to the dictator trap and proved that he is neither.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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The guy is hiding in a bunker doing zoom interviews looking to implicate other countries to fight his call that a man's man!!!..WTF!!!
The guy is hiding in a bunker doing zoom interviews looking to implicate other countries to fight his call that a man's man!!!..WTF!!!
Would you call a 90lb - 90 year-old midget a coward when, against his will, he is thrown into a boxing ring with Klitschko and begs for help?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
I vote for the Klitschko brothers as President and Vice President of Ukraine!...Now those are real men..."a man's man"...they have the proverbial "balls of steel" to go out and fight in open war!

They don't hide in a bunker like Zelynsky eating matzo balls and opening his big mouth like a cry baby!

I have absolutely no idea how this incompetent trouble maker was allowed to be president of Ukraine! An utter disgrace!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Somehow I think the only real disgrace to humanity here is Putin and his close cronies.
Not only is he destroying the Ukraine but Russians will be living in misery also for the next 30-40 years as the world will not forgive or forget and unfortunately the ordinary Russian who has nothing to do with this will be the one to suffer the most.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
Somehow I think the only real disgrace to humanity here is Putin and his close cronies.
It may be so! It's not as if this invasion was a total shock since Putin has been telegraphing his intentions since 2014 in regards to Ukraine!

However, the bigger disgrace is Zelynski knowing that eventually one day soon this would happen! And he as the so-called leader of Ukraine and the West doing fuck all to prevent this invasion from happening and sweeping everything under the rug by one ruling administration after another! This is what happens when you have incompetent clowns running the show!!!
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
It may be so! It's not as if this invasion was a total shock since Putin has been telegraphing his intentions since 2014 in regards to Ukraine!! This is what happens when you have incompetent clowns running the show!!!
I would agree with you that you have incompetent people running things Sleepy Joe and Cackling Kamala front and centre, but the leaders of NATO don’t seem to get it either that Putin doesn’t understand anything else except brute force. What will they do when he continues this to the Baltic countries or Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Romania who is next.
As far as Zelynski yes he could see this coming so could the rest of Europe and the US what else could he have done. He hasnt deserted his people he is still in the Ukraine, I doubt him going out into the streets with an automatic weapon would make the difference. The Klitschko brothers, yes they have now proved that they are not only formidable opponents in the ring but on the streets of Kiev also.
This is history repeating itself the West stood by and watched this happen in the 50s 60s and 70s also.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
.....but the leaders of NATO don’t seem to get it either that Putin doesn’t understand anything else except brute force.
I was also inferring about the leaders of the Eurozone and NATO.
What will they do when he continues this to the Baltic countries or Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Romania who is next.
That's just speculation!...In my opinion that's quite far fetched!
As I mentoned in Post #18, Putin's pretext is to reintegrate Ukraine into Russia as they are all brothers in arms!...with the same East Slav root language! Russian Cossacks, Ukrainian Cossacks...a cossack is a cossack!...Although, I am sure Putin's real pretext for the invasion is different and more economic related.
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