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Say NO to sponges, period


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
For me I would want to know but I still wouldn't cancel...I always do overnights and don't like to sleep alone...besides...there are other ways to have fun and if I'm comfortable with the companion I'm with it wouldn't bother me...except for the the fact that I love going down on a woman...and even a period hasn't totally stopped me from doing that...


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Wow, this is great!

I'm really impressed with the level of constructive discussion this thread has reached, enough to renew my faith that "MERB works" :eek:.

Lilly and the two Marias brought up some very valid points. Lilly talks about "cancelling disappointment". My take on this is: Sex work is very personal work. If a lady wakes up one morning and doesn't feel like keeping her appointments, I would rather she told me an elephant trampled her car than meet her :). So if she phones me with say, two hours notice, the reason she gives me is not as important as the courtesy to give me a warning and not showing up when she doesn't feel like it.

I exchanged some PM's with girls, and since I thought what they brought up was germane, I will bring the points up (without mentionning names):
  • One lady asked a very pertinent question: why do we johns insist the ladies like their jobs? Are sex workers not allowed to resent having to work just like anyone else? I would say yes to a point, and use myself as a reference. Up until recently, I was doing work for non-profit organizations. I found out that while it is helpful work, the money blows, and the demands on time are great. I was to the point of actually abandonning my profession and seeking another one. Then I got offered a contract with incredibly better money somewhere else. I cannot believe the change that has come over me now, I am so excited about working I cannot recognize myself! Escorting is hard work, but it is not a joe-job either. No one can expect to collect that kind of money without giving their all. Again, my take. For my french-speaking friends, I will refer you to a Michel Rivard song, "Libérer le trésor", where he talks about young people who "vendent leurs corps comme on venge la mort d'un ami"... I will also say that it is damaging to the highest degree, perhaps more than any other profession, to sell your body while resenting every moment. Something to think about.
  • Someone else said that possibly the ladies I was talking about did not want to be there, sponge, period, whatever. It may have been true in one case, but not in the other. The second lady and I have a very good relationship, but I know for a fact she was having money problems that time. She is young, and it was short-sighted of her to jeopardize our client-escort relation for one night and some small amount of money. I have not talked to her about this but certainly will if this happens again. I want to say that it would not end the relation if she doesn't want it to end. Just that one date.
  • Another private answer I got talked about the fact that it is not up to clients to dictate what SP's do with their bodies, and I will fully agree. However, this period-sponge-client date issue is far more complex than that simple truism. After all, it is sex being sold.
Miss Maria talks about her experiences with the sponge, and it sounds as though she has received much better advice on the kind of sponge to buy, and the way to use it, than the girls I have met using it. Certainly that kind of information may be valuable here, with the caveat that the client should always be informed of the situation. I would also say, on the phone, before the date, so as not to put undue pressure on anyone.

And I would also agree that there IS more to an escort date than just sex. Those who know me know this.
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Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Maria Divina said:
Just underline that I am not the Maria Mr. Sapman99 is referring too.... I never used anything else that "The pill" to stop my period...... :) ..... but I am awared of the "Sponge Possibility" since a gentleman paid me 3 escorts, at my beginning, because, I talk to the girls :) ..... and for the thing who's looking like a diaphragme, just recently...

This thing is probably more "clean" than a sponge, I may think, by the way.... The girl who is using it looks really satisfied when she show me it ( a brand new one, of course...!!!!!)....and described it to me... and its use IT IS for the periods.... made and sell in an individual bag, so, you can be sure of the salubrity of the product, instead of using wet sea sponges... You know what I mean???

BEURK! Wet sea sponges!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

There are contraceptive sponges that are sold and are very "clean". I know two company, one is called "Replend". :) They are sold in the same section than condoms.

The diafragm thing you were telling about is called "Instead" (sounds appropriate...) and personaly, "instead" of feeling a sponge, the man will feel a thik plastic rim inside. It doesn't allow more lubrification than the sponge, and sometime, the "cup" spills... and then... more mess than a sponge would have create! For some women it works, for some it really doesn't.
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Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Maria, I posted an information about the sponges, not an implication that most girls used the contraceptive sponges. :eek:

I know, I know, I've also seen girls use the sea sponges. Worse, I've seen them wash the sea sponges and re use it. ;) I am sure that still happens! I still find it gross! :(

I tried the contraceptive ones too and I can't use that too often or I develop an allergic reaction like many women.

Still, given the choice of those two, I'd take the "Replends".
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New Member
Apr 24, 2007
Maria Divina said:
I am still curious what it is the worst for the gentlemen: The period itself, or the fact that the girl is hiddening the use of something to not show she is in her period to not say, she is in her period...

For me I would want to know if it is that "time of the month" but I wouldn't cancel a date because of I said in a previous post, it may change some of the things one does depending on the amount of "flow" but there are many ways to have fun and I don't like to eat or sleep alone :)


Nov 12, 2014
Personnelement, je trouve ca déguelasse si je ne suis pas au courant, étant un addict du daty, faudrais jamais que je m'en rendre compte, je le dénoncerais.
Les filles , ayez au moins la décense d'avertir le client pour qu'il soit en mesure de faire le choix de continuer ou pas.
Jan 29, 2014
One other good alternative for girls, which I use myself, is a 3 month cycle contraceptive.
The one I am on is called seasonique, so I literally take 1 week off per season, and it is a really good time lapse to take a little holiday and get away for a week every 3 months :)

I have had no side effects, and no sign of bleeding at all during the 3 months, been on it for over a year now and I am a happy customer.
Jan 29, 2014
Sounds good Amelie. But I have a question: how common is it for girls to work during their period? Do you ladies talk about this?

Well we don't discuss it that often but the rare times a girl has mentioned it to me was because she had to cancel a date or a duo, so at least within the girls I know, and the agencies I am familiar with, it is not a common practice!

Also as far as I know, most girls want to rest and aren't in the mood during that week!


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Thanks Amelie.

That's what I thought too. I always figured a girl who is working on her period is likely either a dope-head who needs a fix, or she has to come up with cash to pay her pimp....

But there is no excuse to subject clients to that....

Maurice you are so stereotyping and its funny !:confused::lol:




Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Having worked at an agency and independently, and talked to many ladies about this discussion(especially after a big sponge incident that happened with a new girl I briefly worked with), I can tell you it's very common practice. It's certainly not girls who are "dope-heads" or "need money to give their pimp". I can pretty much assure you that you've probably seen many other SP's on their periods using sponges or something of the sort, and you just didn't know about it.

I do believe it's more common with agency girls than independents, since I think independents have a bit more flexibility with their schedule, but also you have to take into consideration that some of these girls genuinely are surprised by it. Like an earlier lady mentioned, a powerful orgasm, or even just the act of having sex and the movement that goes along with it, can sometimes start a period earlier than expected.

I can sort of understand why you'd be upset finding blood and such during the act, but you sound downright angry about the thought of ladies working during their period. Taking the time off from working during their period is not a luxury many SP's can afford. I'm not sure if you're aware of how a woman's cycle works, but it's not the cut and dry 7 days in a month we're told when we're younger. Every person's body is different, and every lady's cycle is different too. Some last for only 3 days, some for 2 weeks or more. Some are regular, some are so irregular they never know when it might show up. If we all took the time off around when we got our periods, no escorts would be working or making any kind of living! I do agree they should let the gentlemen know, and let him make the decision himself to go through with the encounter or not, but I don't think you can expect them to just not work around that time.

Luckily, like some other lady had mentioned, I just take my birth control one after another, so I very rarely do get any form of a period, but I know lots of women don't have that option available to them and have to get by the way they can.


Active Member
Dec 30, 2013
Having talked to many ladies about this it's very common practice.

That's my experience too. As Sapman says, girls working on their periods hide it through the use of sponges, and a "no digits" and a "I don't like DATY" policy....and of course...many simply go to the bathroom first and take out their tampon before the meeting....

You have to take into consideration that some of these girls genuinely are surprised by it..

Yes. Some. But by far most who pretend to be "surprised" are the same ones who spent 15 minutes in the bathroom before the appointment taking out a tampon ... and have used the above "no digits" other words they knew full well that there was likely to be a mess....

Maurice you are so stereotyping and its funny ... Booker

Also....IMHO many of the girls that I have seen that worked on their periods looked like dopeheads....though as Booker mentions that may be generalizing...

I just take my birth control one after another, so I very rarely do get any form of a period....

Um...maybe I'll go check out your web-site....


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Yes. Some. But by far most who pretend to be "surprised" are the same ones who spent 15 minutes in the bathroom before the appointment taking out a tampon ... and have used the above "no digits" other words they knew full well that there was likely to be a mess....

I would have to say this is true, nut because of my experiences, but because of the temptation to keep making money.

However, in my experiences one very well known escort was honest enough to tell me about some some spotting she discovered during bathroom prep time. Whether she knew before the meeting or not I could not say. Before I said anything about the situation she was already upset about the situation and upset about the prospect of having to leave without a paying session. It's still hard to say which of the elements, the spotting or losing money, concerned her more, but she did get weepy about the possibility of having to leave. That made me pretty uncomfortable. The ladies really don't have any right trying to make a client feel guilty about something that can't possibly be his fault.

In another episode I met one of the most gorgeous blonde escorts I had ever seem. Ahhhhhh MON DIEU, elle etait incroyable, vraiment. I asked about greek only because that's the one thing I always ask about that risks breaking the mood instead testing with a slow start. She was known for offering that but I was not surprised she didn't want to do it. We went on and the session was very good, with small limitations. Afterward I cleaned up then she did the same after. Not long after she left I was getting dressed to go out and started to move the big pile of towels when I saw this mess of bloody stuff under the towels. Now that was unbelievable and scary. I reported to the agency right away.

Talk about deception, that was pretty damn bad. I don't believe she was anything like a "dopehead". She was simply too mercenary, scheming, and frivolous about risks. I didn't ask for compensation. I was just angry. AGencies should still give at least a 50% discount on the next meeting for any situation where their ladies pull this type of thing. Maybe 100% since having sex with any woman in that condition and using obvious intentional deception is totally beyond all expectations.




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
But the pool of blood she left on the sheets was about 9" in diameter....

Whithout having more details its hard to assess what really happen !Of course some girls will lie about the situation and clients exgerates the situation to make it look worst then it was .
Sponge are there to contain the flow of bood ,to prevent a pool ,I have had many experiences with ladies in their periods ,daty and digit was performed to a certain extent the worts that ever happen to me had nothing to do with menstruation blood !

I was booking girls regularly every week with this popular merb agency I even new the main booker personally and the owner .
They new my style of girls and what style of guy I was!
On the day of my big misfortune It was a new booker! I identify myself and booked a girl for a two session as do most of the time !
The girl arrives close to promise time she confirns the call to her driver everything cool.
She came to my bedroom both undress I start to provide her with DATY was responsive enough some moaning and shaking nothing extraordinary but pleasing enough she did not want to DFK was actually the first of that agency not providing me DFK !!!
SHE SAID THAT SHE WAS NOT FEELING WELL THAT NIGHT ,well I ask if she wants to leave and have her replace by on of her colleague she said no .
So we continue she comes over my head putting her pussy so I can provide DATY was again very responsive great moaning until her legs got shaking Aks me to change positions witch we did install the hat on my shaft we boyh lied on the bed side ways so she then inserted my big shaft in her pussy started pumping and putting my hand on her stomach told me not do this starded filling very weird after 20 to 25 minuted don't do this don;t to that starting to be a turn off .iI still continue pumping her pussy until I felt something very wet liking out of her pussy was going on now and the and she in her period she no its much worst I am pregnant blood was flowing everywhere girl was crying she was having a miscarriage on call call the booker,driver everyone on the panic blood everywhere boyfriend not aware that is girlfriend is a escort ,she was broth to hospital .i felt really bas about this event how can bring a pregnant to a regular customer that you know and think nothing will go wrong .Compensation not really the girl left after 30,35 minute two hours where prepaid got another girl for one hour only .
This is really a bad taste should a been avoid sending a pregnant girl definitely not the idea of the century don'y you think"

This beats any menstruation blood any day of the week !
I did not report the lady neither the agency ,not because I was shy ,but I do believe that consequences that went through was much worst then any reporting !

Cheers all

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