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Sexy Cora: German Pornstar Dies After 6th Breast Enlargement


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I'm not a doctor (clearly.. lol) but I would imagine that having 2 huge foreign objects stuffed into your chest would put pressure on things in there. Lungs, maybe? The implants would have to be over the muscle for a size that large, otherwise it's even more invasive.

It's sad. 23 is far too young to have had that many breast augmentations.

I honestly do not understand why so many women what go get their tits enhanced especialy when they have such a small frame. It just goes to show how much influence the media has in people it is like no one has their own minds anymore.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I honestly do not understand why so many women what go get their tits enhanced especialy when they have such a small frame. It just goes to show how much influence the media has in people it is like no one has their own minds anymore.

Your post raises the issue of back problems etc. caused by adding extra weight. Does anyone know how much these tits actually weigh after they are enhanced to G size? In other words, what is the increased weight that the recipient carries around when she goes from like B to G?

I had a platonic lady friend who had to have breast reduction surgery. My friend, who fucked her and saw her tits, said they were huge pillowy D tits. She told me they were causing her back problems, even though she was a fairly big girl (about 5'10", 140-150 pounds). After the breast reduction surgery they still looked big to me, but she said she felt better.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I once met a high-end sp who had her boobs done at least three times. Luckily for me, i saw her two weeks ahead of her first boob job.

Reasons for her boob jobs? She wanted to look like her sister, who had recently had her boobs done & looked great with them (and i witnessed them on a few occasions & totally agree that they looked marvelous...almost real). The doctor first told her that her physionomy would make it difficult for her to have 'D' cups. He recommended 'C' cups. She had 'B' cups prior to the surgeries. Well, she wanted her boobs to be even better than her sister's, so she went for D cups. The surgery was awful. The even leaked at times. A girl who saw them told me they didn't look good at all & she was suffering. Well, she went back to see the doctor & he told her that the best he could now do would be to give her B cups. So she had them done again. Just imagine....a boob job with B-cups.....rare or what?

Well, a few years later, she had them done again & finally got C-cups, what her doctor had recommended from the start. She's probably still working as an sp, somewhere in the States. Let's hope for her sake that she hasn't wasted her money on more boob jobs. Sad!


New Member
Oct 17, 2010
One would assume she was getting larger implants each time she went in. You can't just walk in and ask for F sized breast implants. The skin needs to be stretched to make room for the implant. I doubt it was about looking 'right' as it was filling a niche that she thought would make her money. Not every girl who gets a boob job keeps running back for more and more and more, but the ones that do, like I said earlier, have distortional views of themselves and that's when things are really sad. Then it's a form of self-mutilation.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Remember that even in Montreal there have been some notorious deaths after cosmetic surgery in recent years... Cosmetic surgery is not benign... whenever you go under general anesthesia, there is risk and benefit. Now if the benefit is to take out your appendix because it is going to burst, that is life-saving, so the balance is obvious. If the benefit is to get your nose shortened, your boobs bigger or something like that... then the risk-benefit balance is all towards the risk. May "clinics" (aka small private set-ups with operating rooms) have a lot less standardized surveillance during the surgeries and after. Temptation to cut costs is obvious, for profit reasons. When you are anesthetized for 6 hours, this is VERY long!! This means 6 hours of continuous medication to keep you asleep, medication which can have effect on your blood pressure, lung function, body regulation, brain function, etc... !! If something gets disconnected or the patient gets an allergic reaction and no one realises it for 10 min only (remember, the patient can't complain!!) , it could easily prove fatal!

Porn stars who have huge boobs are not made more beautiful because of this--anyway not in my mind. They are popular for a short while because they are freaks of nature. I much prefer natural small breasts, hand size! Sadly, young ladies try to emulate them, thinking they will be seen as more beautiful, more attractive... and only distort their own bodies beyond recognition!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Porn stars who have huge boobs are not made more beautiful because of this--anyway not in my mind. They are popular for a short while because they are freaks of nature. I much prefer natural small breasts, hand size! Sadly, young ladies try to emulate them, thinking they will be seen as more beautiful, more attractive... and only distort their own bodies beyond recognition!


Of course these women make the choice, but why? Haven't they read, seen, and heard over their entire lives men and the media drooling over large breasts as if that is the thing that makes a woman "hot". How much of all the imagery and obvious messages with breasts hanging out or being accented in so many ways has influenced their decisions. A lot of the responsibility for these poor choices is this meat market value put on large breasts as a superficial key standard of feminine beauty. Even many of the so-called liberated women who lead top magazines often glorify the same large breasted message imagery. No wonder many women feel the need to do this.




Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
Ironic... clearly she wanted to make the headlines... and she did in the worst possible way! Of course u also have to hand it to her for going for it...

Chew on this: No one made fun for Gilles Villeneuve for using his head to play etch'n'sketch at 225 kph (140m/h) ... and his career wasn't exactly a smarter choice than Cora's... if anything Gilles career was riskier and crazier.

Of course, bottomline is I think it's stupid to die on the table for implants + on the race track for speed.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
... if you push risk to its limit, it's the same as suicide. What's your view of suicide?
... I do believe you stole my point there! :cool:

In the end, cute girl... played hard... died young! That's what happens when you dance with death, he'll always trip you up!

Kansas Frank

This is a sad and tragic death. May she RIP.

I prefer natural breasts and have always been turned off by enlargements -- especially, ones on strippers. Natural is beautiful and the best -- whatever the shape and size. (I've seen a couple of SP's whose natural breasts were asymmetrical and they were lovely and the SP's weren't bothered by what nature endowed them with.) I've passed on SP's with enlargements. I have buddies who get off on enlargements -- hey, more power to them and the ladies who get them and I wish them well.

I'm always amazed at the huge penises of the male porn stars. And if penile enlargement were possible and as safe as breast enlargement, I might be tempted to get my average size Mr. Johnson enlarged. Unfortunately, every Mr. Johnson undergoes shrinkage and more dastardly deformations as man ages. I guess we all have our own insecurities. Ah, wouldn't it be amazing if we can all freeze-frame our organs as they reach their healthiest and beauty.
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