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Should you give your all to the company that you work for.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Times have changed people do not work 20-30 years for the same company anymore.
Should you be giving everything you have into the job you are doing.
Do you think today companies /employers deserve that kind of loyalty.
Do you think they will compensate you for your hard work or are they just interested in profits and they really don’t give a shit about you,

My view with the way todays companies operate if they want loyalty they should get a dog.
btw I worked over 35 years for the same company, got a chance to travel the world and had a mostly rewarding career ( was less so in the last couple of years before I retired ) but what I have seen is that this is no longer the case and most of the younger generation don’t last more than 5 years in the same place or want to be there for that matter.

Perhaps this kind of company culture is about to change with labour shortages all over the world, or will this give more power to the workforce to switch more often to where the grass is greener.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Fradi- if you don't give your all you will not stay employed for long. Automation has made it very difficult and employers have the leverage. In my business if you have less than 100% effort and positive attitude it's quickly noticed and reflected and you get fired. I have survived 30 years in my business and seen a lot of people who tried to work in cruise control mode. It cannot be done in this profession, and you will quickly find yourself fired if you go into that mode.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think it is my fault for not being clear about what I wanted this to be about.

It is understood that if you are not productive and are not valuable to your employer you will not be kept, no employer is that stupid to keep a slacker on their books.
My point was all about loyalty to that company, do companies today provide enough opportunity, reward, benefits to maintain someone’s loyalty for 20+ years.
Personally I don’t think so and the people I know around my children’s age and their friends don’t seem to think so and don’t stick around too long at the same company and they don’t feel the slightest bit of loyalty towards them and I don’t blame them.
I had many opportunities to move to the US or Europe but the company I worked for treated me well and the benefits were excellent so a 15-50% increase in salary to me never justified up rooting my family leaving my friends and other family members behind and the lifestyle I had in Montreal.

I don’t really agree that in todays world the companies hold the cards or the advantage anymore someone well known and respected in his field today better be well treated and compensated because he has many options and offers.
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
Right now it's a employee market, there is no more employees to do the job, have you ever seen in the last 20 years a Tim Horton close early do to lack of employee.

To reply to your question and this is personal, i give my 110% when i am at work, but my company in recent years have been getting very greedy, they want profite and your health takes a backseat, i found myself doing a lot of overtime and in the end i drained myself. I am not a young buck anymore i turned 50 in June yes i still keep fit etc but i cannot do what i used to do when i was younger.

I sent a letter to HR explaining the issue and telling them that in there decision to not hire more employee and cut back on resource that doing overtime was draining me and my health and according to the laws they cannot for us to do extra OT, i am in IT not health.

In other word, go to work make your money and leave, take care of your health and don't ever let a job run you in the ground. I suffered a huge burnout in 2009 working for some idiot company very well known, and i promise myself never again.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I used to work in an exteremely regulated industry. From 9 to 5 you give it your all but by 4pm though there is no need to give that all. Between 4pm and 5pm you cool down. At 5 pm you are out the door. When the boss asks for $10 you give $10 yet if he demands any more than that you just push back. Nowadays this is called Quiet Quitting lol. WTF.
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