I'm surprise of the "no sympathy" reactions. Specially when it is expressed in the "lounge" section where all kind of silly subjects are put on the floor. If you are not interested on the subject, pass on the next one which might be "which color do you prefer"... or "do you feel guilty after meeting an escort, while in a relationship". I would expect a reaction on the message, not the messenger. Calling others "cheapo" is not a very respectful manner to exchange a different point of view.
On my part I don't see escorts (well... rarely) as I feel it's hard to find a good one at a fair price. Too each one to decide what fair price he is willing to spend for this activity. There is no rational there. It is a market, women decide how much they want (for whatever considerations) and guys get involved or not depending on their priorities on how to spend their money. Probably if I would earn $1 million by year it would mean nothing for me to spend $1,000 for an high end lady for a few hours... as the guy in "Pretty woman" movie... It is a free market, capitalism at its best.
@dillingerboy expressed his frustration. I hear him an hope that he is not addicted or dependent on escorts because it could be a very expensive activity... I wish he will make up his mind and find a way to manage his needs.