Verified accounts on LL guarantee very little, and virtually nothing with respect to security or to the quality of the provider. It's also interesting to say that being a high end provider charging more doesn't necessarily weed out the bad clients, because the converse is also true. Charging more doesn't make you a better provider. You guys will have to what I'm going to say with a grain of salt, because I understand that the culture is different here, but I'm more accustomed to the international conversations and their flavour is significantly different than here. The other guys tend to look at high end providers like they do designer jeans (perhaps a weak comparison) saying that you're paying a premium for what is at the heart of it the same product. You're paying for the branding, rather than the experience. Their viewpoint is that there has to be something to distinguish the high priced girl from the mid priced or cheaper one, and that had to be something in the experience itself, or a great difference in the level of social skills (sorry Luna) and their ability not just to please the guy, but also to make him feel good about himself. Their argument is that there are many more reasonably priced providers that can also do that (in part why they travel) , and that while higher priced ladies tend to be more reliable about punctuality and payments they also demand more and don't necessarily have that personal touch that helps distinguish between a deeply personal experience and just a sexual interlude. This is all just a very wordy way of saying that everyone shouldn't just concetrate on filtering out the lower end, but that there's lots of room to filter out the "poor" providers at the top end too. The warning here being that everyone heaps scorn on the lower end providers and their clients but that no one says boo about some of the higher ones that are also a waste of cash in terms of value. This despite the fact that the cash loss will be greater on the higher end than on the lower one, even if end up losing it all on the lower end. This is compounded by the fact that guys like to feel good and brag about seeing the higher rate providers, and hate to admit to anyone that at the end of the experience that they felt either let down or cheated. The guys that travel a lot have a hard time reconciling some of the what to them are disconnects, coupled with deposits, sharing personal info etc, which are extra risks to them (protections to the provider) and things that they don't have to deal with elsewhere. I'm so used to being in lots of different places that I adjust to the culture shock of each venue, but I have learned that it's very difficult to take anything in this business at face value and that all of it requires some level of scrutiny, not just the lower end, because assumptions about the high end can often be wrong, and you shouldn't be complacent. The one thing that virtually everyone agrees on is that personalities are super important. Of course, not everyone agrees on what type of personality is best.... lol.