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Smoking ban costing millions


Amor est vitae essentia
Nov 25, 2004
In the depths of Dante's Second Circle
I'm a big time smoker. Frankly, why should I expose people who don't smoke to my vices. They should have the right to not be exposed to my smoking. I gladly walk outside and smoke my cigarette.

My biggest bitch is when I go to a Hotel and pre-book a smoke room and am told sorry we don't have one available, (now I am very meticulous in my scheduling, i always call a hotel to confirm my reservation, size of suite, bed and specificlly ask for a smoking room). I just go off on them and say,"well sorry, that's unacceptable, either provide me a smoking room or just cancel my reservation", in which so far I have been told multiple times,"oh we are sorry sir, please go ahead and smoke in our non-smoking suite." I then reply,"have a ashtray sent up to the room and 2 wine glasses."


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I will never try to claim that smoking or second hand smoke is harmless. I do not however believe the claims that second hand smoke is as dangerous as it is claimed, many of these claims which state that it is more harmful than smoking itself. I believe that some people are much more sensitive to it than most others in the same way that some people are sensitive to peanuts, perfumes and many other substances. But if someone was to push a law banning the eating of peanut butter sandwiches in public places or the wearing of perfume, I would be against it also.

I've said this before and I will repeat it here...I agree with the ban on smoking when it comes to restaurants or any other place where children may be. I am against it in bars of any kind which are adult only. We are adults, we are able to make choices of which bar we will patronize. Bar owners are also adults and should be able to choose whether their establishment is smoking or non-smoking. I used to go to the clubs at least once a week. Since the ban, I have been out exactly five times. I have not stopped smoking but I have stopped spending my money in bars. My regular bar hopping buddy, non-smoker non-alcohol drinker, has also stopped as he has lost his 'drinking' buddy. I doubt that I am the only one who has changed their habits. If the bars have found it tough during the summer, many of them won't last the winter when patrons will not feel like going outside in the cold to have a smoke.

With all the stats flying around about how much money Loto Quebec and the bars have been losing, I haven't seen any stats stating that the number of smokers have declined. This, in my opinion, makes the law a total failure. People still smoke, and making it illegal just makes it more attractive for teens and young adults to take up the habit as a sign of rebellion.


Nov 15, 2005
Techman said:
.......... Since the ban, I have been out exactly five times. I have not stopped smoking but I have stopped spending my money in bars....
What are you doing with all the money you have saved? Can we meet at Cleo's so you can buy me some dances ??? :D


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Flawed Data........

Without taking sides in the debate a few comments are in order. Flawed data or incomplete statistical studies are a major problem at every level. The most common reason simply is researcher or tester laziness. This is evident even in skill tests developed to evaluate little kids when making teams.Instead of doing the full range of tests the lazy examiners extrapolate.Example hockey skills - kids are required to complete a drill clockwise then counter clockwise.Lazy tester will do one test and then assume that the times will be the same in the opposite direction. Such results will never happen.Easy to spot.

The other issue is pandering to the interests that order the study. Usually requires a lack of ethics but is discovered when the same study is replicated by an independent body.Fortunately you see fewer of these as the years go by.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
chef said:
What are you doing with all the money you have saved? Can we meet at Cleo's so you can buy me some dances ??? :D

I really wish I knew where it all goes! It seems that I don't have any more than I had when I was spending it in bars. My DVD collection seems to have grown considerably though.:D


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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Just in case any self righteous non-smokers think that the new smoking ban isn't costing millions (and jobs), here are a few facts:

Statistics Canada reports that alcohol sales in the province of Quebec during the month of August (latest period available at this time) dropped by 8.5% or 6 million dollars compared to August of last year. July (biggest month for bars) down by 10% compared to last year.

Where are the non-smokers who claimed they would be going out SO MUCH MORE NOW because they don't have to inhale anyones disgusting smoke???

Well??? Where are you???

With all the stats flying around about how much money Loto Quebec and the bars have been losing, I haven't seen any stats stating that the number of smokers have declined. This, in my opinion, makes the law a total failure

Very well put Techman.

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
johnhenrygalt said:
As for the ban "costing millions" - what are the smokers doing with the cash they are saving by not going out? Unless you are burning it, just stuffing it under the mattress, or just deciding you won't work as hard because you don't need as much money anymore, the cash is being recycled into the economy through other avenues.

Hi johnhenrygalt -- Actually, much like George W. Bush's much hyped "tax cut for the middle class" I can probably tell you exactly where those "millions" are going... First, as you know, we are a nation (like America) of debtors... So it only stands to reason that most Canadians are using this "extra money" the same way as our US neighbors (according to a CNN poll in 2005) --> to pay off a relatively small chunk of our crushing debts... Second, it does not take a genius to realize that many extra millions are also going directly into people's gas tanks. Same amount (or less) of gas, same amount of jobs, same amount of stations, only difference is more profit for the oil companies and more taxes collected for the government (see they are getting their "lost" money back, it's just moving from one pocket to the other)... It does not take a PHd from the London School of Economics to properly conclude that paying off a tiny fraction of debts and buying less gas at a higher price does virtually nothing positive to foster healthy new growth in the overall economy.

Contrary to popular belief most people who quit smoking do not run out and buy new cars or 48-inch plasma screen TVs with all the "saved" money... The money saved from quiting smoking is negligible to most people in the big picture, even at today's crazy cigarette prices. If someone is quitting, it would be for health/personal reasons 9 times out of 10.



Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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spin said:
Just in case any self righteous non-smokers think that the new smoking ban isn't costing millions (and jobs), here are a few facts:

Statistics Canada reports that alcohol sales in the province of Quebec during the month of August (latest period available at this time) dropped by 8.5% or 6 million dollars compared to August of last year. July (biggest month for bars) down by 10% compared to last year.

Where are the non-smokers who claimed they would be going out SO MUCH MORE NOW because they don't have to inhale anyones disgusting smoke???

Well??? Where are you???

Let me understand something...............this is a bad thing ???????:confused: I am a ex smoker and let me tell you I am thrilled with the new law. To be able to eat in a restaurant in a non-smoking section without the smoke drifting over my table is amazing. To know that the VLT's are losing money and perhaps someones family will keep their home and or have a decent meal at Christmas. To think that perhaps because of the law there are even one less drunken driver leaving a bar at 3:00am and killing someone. Yeah, right, I am really concerned at the ramifications of this law...........remember...."Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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As for the ban "costing millions" - what are the smokers doing with the cash they are saving by not going out? Unless you are burning it, just stuffing it under the mattress, or just deciding you won't work as hard because you don't need as much money anymore, the cash is being recycled into the economy through other avenues.

Recycling money into the economy buy buying new skis or going on vacation is doing nothing for the people in the bar industry who have lost jobs or at minimum have seen hours and tips reduced.

I'm actually not saving any money - I smoke so yes I do go out less BUT the way I make a living is directly related to the bar industry, thus these days I have less income to spend - somewhat ironic I guess.


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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scorpio said:
Let me understand something...............this is a bad thing ???????:confused: I am a ex smoker and let me tell you I am thrilled with the new law. To be able to eat in a restaurant in a non-smoking section without the smoke drifting over my table is amazing. To know that the VLT's are losing money and perhaps someones family will keep their home and or have a decent meal at Christmas. To think that perhaps because of the law there are even one less drunken driver leaving a bar at 3:00am and killing someone. Yeah, right, I am really concerned at the ramifications of this law...........remember...."Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Please! Do you really think that someone with a gambling addiction has stopped because he can't smoke while playing a VLT??? No, they just change venues and in many cases take their addictions "underground".

Do you think smokers are the only ones who drink and drive???


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
scorpio, I haven't read any posts against the smoking ban in restaurants. In fact I would think that most are in favor of that part of the law. What we are talking about is the ban in bars. Many small neighborhood bars need the revenue from smokers and vlts to survive and a lot of them will not last the winter. Everyone screamed about what the cost of losing the Grand Prix race would have been for local bars and now the smoking ban will do it instead.

People who are addicted to vlts will find a place to play where they can smoke. Anyone who thinks that all the illegal machines are gone is fooling themselves. No one will have a decent Christmas dinner because they can't play the legal ones.

Where are the non-smokers who claimed they would be going out SO MUCH MORE NOW because they don't have to inhale anyones disgusting smoke???

Well??? Where are you???

Do you think smokers are the only ones who drink and drive???

can't put it any better than that Spin. Can anyone provide an answer?
I for one enjoy going out for a few beer, and I also enjoy having a smoke while doing so. But I don't drink and drive. And now if I want to drink and smoke, I have to stay home.:mad:
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