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SOCIALIST Sarah Palin: The Grand Hypocrisy.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Here's a link to the preview of the call which will be released on Monday.


You have to give it to these guys!


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
JustBob said:
Palin pranked by Les Justiciers Masques of CKOI FM in Montreal.


Hahahaha! :D

I thought she sounded and acted like a nervous dizzy teen going along with anything she hears just to please some enjoy a cheap flirtation. When the guy said something like he loved the documentary of her life, "Nailin Palin" the porn film, and that it was a good portrayal of her I couldn't believe she was still going along with it. It was bad enough when the guy said he just wanted to kill things form a helicopter and she still went along like that was a great thing. I realize she thought she was talking to Sarkozy, and she may not have known what "Nailin Palin" was, but she came off altogether like a dolt. Did she really think the leader of France would tell her his wife was hot in bed???




The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Just noticed that. :eek:

I didn't check your link because I had already read the story on a couple of sites and I thought it was a similar report.

Damn she is a dumb broad. When he mentions the Hustler video Nailin Palin, she actually thanks him for the comment.

These guys are great.



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Techman said:
Just noticed that. :eek:

I didn't check your link because I had already read the story on a couple of sites and I thought it was a similar report.

Damn she is a dumb broad. When he mentions the Hustler video Nailin Palin, she actually thanks him for the comment.

These guys are great.

Hello Techman,

They really succeeded in exposing what a silly, smiling, nodding, unthinking dizzy teenage-like girl she is. Presidential material???...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Imagine her having to take a tough stance with a political rival who knows how susceptible she is to a good schmooz.




May 7, 2006
Korbel said:
Hello Centaurus,

I missed you buddy. Ever think of writing for SNL? What a character. Hey thanks for keeping an open mind and voting several hours early on the debate polls...every time.

Great vid, ;)


Comrade Korbel,

Get used to be called comrade as of Wednesday, since sadly, it looks like comrade barak hussein osama would be Selected chief of the communist democratic party and head of the people union of America.

I would most definitely loose my job due to comrade hussein distribution of wealth red philosophy, which is basically overtaxing the rich- i.e. small business owners like my employer who’s been contemplating retirement for a long time. Therefore, I will be crashing in your house-sorry the people house-since all properties belong to the people in red regimes-until I get shipped to Siberia or Alaska to hunt moose where I would live in the people public housing projects until I expire.

On a serious note, I urge you to read some history books about the great success communism enjoyed in USSR, Vietnam, China, and Cuba before you cast your vote.

p.s.: I missed you too
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
centaurus said:
Comrade Korbel,

On a serious note, I urge you to read some history books about the great success communism enjoyed in USSR, Vietnam, China, and Cuba before you cast your vote.

p.s.: I missed you too
Hey Centaurus,

First, I am a certified historical authority. Now I want you to take very good care of yourself. I mean that sincerely. There just aren't enough red-baiting McCarthyites left to preserve this primitive derivitive of the human species, so we really need to take care of the few there are. I will write to Ann Coulter to inform her there is a match in this world for her, if Beautydigger doesn't beat you to her. Maybe you and her can propagate so we can continue to study the gene sequencing that caused such a sad aberration within the species.

Really Centaurus you are astonishingly...PRIMITIVE! First Obama is a Muslim...then he is a Communist. Do you even realize that the two are philosophically mutually exclusive from each other. As for the rest...it's nonsense.


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New Member
Nov 19, 2004
centaurus said:
On a serious note, I urge you to read some history books about the great success communism enjoyed in USSR, Vietnam, China, and Cuba before you cast your vote.

Funny, you almost had me spit out my coffee.


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Korbel said:
Hey Centaurus,

First, I am a certified historical authority. Now I want you to take very good care of yourself. I mean that sincerely. There just aren't enough red-baiting McCarthyites left to preserve this primitive derivitive of the human species, so we really need to take care of the few there are. I will write to Ann Coulter to inform her there is a match in this world for her, if Beautydigger doesn't beat you to her. Maybe you and her can propagate so we can continue to study the gene sequencing that caused such a sad aberration within the species.

Really Centaurus you are astonishingly...PRIMITIVE! First Obama is a Muslim...then he is a Communist. Do you even realize that the two are philosophically mutually exclusive from each other. As for the rest...it's nonsense.



It is sad to see the depth of some people's ignorance. It is that ignorance that leads to name calling, classifications i.e. bigotry. So BD and Centaurus live in "thier" world full of irrational fears and should be pitied.

For me it comes down to who is most capable. We have had the village idiot running the country for the last 8 years. McCain is no better and maybe worse and as for Palin, she can not even complete an intellable sentence. So I will go with the candidate that graduated at the top of his class from Harvard law school versus someone, McCain, that had a D average for his undergraduate degree and was 3 from the very bottom of his class. Demonstrating an ability to learn and a willingness to learn makes me much more comfortable that Obama will look at what works and be open to new ideas and ideas differening from what he may have had.
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