My response to this rediculous post.
wilko26 said:
Whats the point about public and private school in that thread? You think this book is intended for only public school?
School was brought up so am not sure how this is confusing to you. And any private school I choose will not have any hint of a seperatist agenda and will not teach a seperatist biased history. If I cannot find one I will send my kid to an english school, which are more in line with my way of thinking.
wilko26 said:
First ovall this book have been written with private money has anybody of us can do it... Everybody can publish a book.
Second, who said this book will goes into school? Tomorrow I can write a book about How teacher should educate kids to prostituion, and its doesnt mean its would be into school.
Third, we live in a free country, we are not into germany in 1940 when they were burning book of jewish people... So people are free to talk about history the way they want... the funniest thing here in Quebec is that history class at secondary school at TOTALLY different in french and english. So dont worry they already talk about it, its wont be something new...
I posted under the assumption that the book was to be distributed to schools and thanks for telling me that anyone can publish a book if they want to pay (sarcastic). Good luck with your hooker book.
Also if you think we live in a free country you are sadly mistaken. If we did an immigrant could come to quebec and send his kid to an English school and I could use a totally english sign for my business that does exclusive commerce with anglophones. But alas this is illegal even though we have two official languages. So we are far from a free society.
As for history my kid will never learn the seperatist version where the english are blamed for all their ills and the quiet revolution is revered as great and the FLQ is considered a group and not terrorists like they were. If you look at the history of the french canadians the english were not to blame for them not being part of the buisiness world it was the church who said business was evil so just stay on your farm and make babies. But don't get me started on this.
wilko26 said:
So to have this book, into classes the following step need to be done:
1-) Teacher buy the book.
2-) Teacher read it and judge if its pertinent or not to bring it into classes.
3-) Teacher need to talk about it in class.... if its a mathematic teacher I'm curious how he would bring it.... so remain: french, history and maybe geographia class...
Nothing to say here it is just rediculous. If the gov't wants it in the curiculum it will be in every class. Easy as that. And if a teacher brought that in the class they should be fired, that is way over the line. Parents must know what is being taught to their kids. This happened in Alberta I beleive where the idiot was teaching that the holocaust never happened it was Jewish propaganda. He went to jail.
wilko26 said:
If you think a school gonna buy 100s copy for student there, its like believing Irak have massive destructions weapons. Actually anti-separatist play with words to make people think that... But believing anything said on radio and tv is to be ignorant... You should listen interview done buy the guy who publish it.
Both sides spin but the problem is the seperatists flat out lie and cheat to steal votes.
wilko26 said:
Considering they talk about HIV, bisexuality, how use a condom etc...(something that their parent should talk) at school I dont think that talking about separation is that bad...
The problem with talking about seperatism is that they don't offer both sides impatially. The glorify the seperatism and vilify the federalists with a bunch of garbage about protecting their language bla, bla, bla. Without Canada quebec is english in 20 years. It is canada's protection policies forcing imports to be bilingual, and many others.
wilko26 said:
Anyway dont worry at 16-18 y.o. most of people are able to make their own idea... If they cant too bad for them.
You obviously are unclear on the concept of indoctrinization (brain-washing). Kids spout what they are taught. If they are taught their whole life to hate blacks they not going to rethink their position at 16. No they will hate blacks their whole life. Education is critical to formiong how our young people think and if we don't over look what they are learning then when society goes to shit it is ourselves we should blame not society. We each have our part to do.
Phew I am done. I may have upset people but I really don't care. Nothing I said here is against any group it just states things as I see them. Just as a note I am against seperatists cause they lie and cheat. If they told it like it is, saying how hard it will be, that they will lose substantial amount of people and business, and they will not have all quebec as they know now as their new country and IF knowing all this they vote to seperate I will accept it. I will move but I will accept it. And yes I speak french and my signifigant other is pure french canadian.