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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
True. And I think it comes down to that almost everywhere anyway, whatever the legislation on prostitution.

Yep just like the highway traffic code. The rules are there but the city choose on how and when to enforce the rules. Just like when you are driving at 120km/hr in a 100km/hr highway the cops choose to stop you or not. Cops obviously use rational judgement. Is the traffic all moving at that speed? Are the road conditions slick?
When left to themselves, LE operate on more rational criteria. They combat real crimes, not what moral entrepreneurs define as crimes for ideological reasons. When they do shit, it"s usually because they are forced in a position to do so by local authorities, prosecutors or irresistible public pressures.

Yep cops do what they are told by their commanding officer. The commanding officer gets the agenda from politicians.
Grinding ( R v Caringi, [2002]) and hand jobs [R v Brandes 1997]) were both judged prostitution acts by some canadien courts in the past.

There you go. Grinding originated from Toronto style lapdancing right around Fantasia club which I believe was around in the 90s. Then it slowly spread to Quebec. Toronto Police did a major raid and shut down Fantasia Hotel. Clients and dancers were charged with many prostitution related offenses->

Double G

May 21, 2016
LE couldn't care less. As long as it's between consenting adults, no drugs, no trouble, no complaint, it's all good.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Du outcall c'est la plupart du temps du incall étendu sur une zone géographique élargie. Pour les agences, une soirée de outcall ça se passe dans les mêmes 3 ou 4 motels "sp friendly". Penses-y deux minutes. La distinction est insignifiante.

Salut Double G

Ce que tu mentionne est representatif de plusieurs agences merb ,il font du incall Downtown Hotel seulement .

Au plaisir



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salut BL
je parle du ratio incall vs outcall
oui plus incall que outcall si on parle en booking (principalement 1h très probablement)
le reste, je n'ai pas l'intention de faire une étude poussée et avant-gardiste de la situation du marché des agences de MTL !
Salut Pat98 et tous

Il y des agences qui s'affiche outcall ,mes c'est uniquement du downtown et Hotel seulement .
Donc du simili outcall .

La vrai stucture outcall c'est pas ca .De plus des agences qui cédule des horaires de 4 a 5 heures par shift peuvent difficilement s'éloigner sur des calls ou le temps de transport est de 30 minutes aller et 30 minutes revenir ,même si c'était un call de 4 filles donc payant ,ca prend des chauffeurs ,les "one man show" ca fonctionne pas alors que dans le incall et outcall downtown ca passe .

Chacun opère ca businness comme bon lui semble ,cela n'est pas nécessairement révélateurs des statiques de l'industrie mais des statistique de certain qui choisisse ce modèle

Tu me finance pour faire cette étude ? :bounce:
(bon si c'est limité à moi comme "testeur", ça sera pas du tout représentatif, m'en criss ben raide des blanches neiges lol)

Bon sens de l'humour ,lâche pas l'ébène ca te convient bien profites en

Au plaisir



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
LE couldn't care less. As long as it's between consenting adults, no drugs, no trouble, no complaint, it's all good.

It is not LE you should be worried about it is more the ultra conservative and religious politicians. LE only follow the orders they are given. Mayor Denis Coderre wants to shut down all massage parlors and that is a fact. The city of Saskatoon has spent lots of money running US style undercover sting operations to bust on escorting. There are no more stripclubs in Saskatoon all have been shut down and I think there are almost no massage parlors there. Issue is these conservative people want everyone to follow traditional family and religious values as outlined in The Bible. Sex between husband and wife only is their moto. Personally it always escaped me why anyone would want to bust on prostitution especially in the US. No one is hurting anyone just a mutually satisfactory transaction. I am for them busting on underage prostitution and women who are being sexually exploited by pimps into prostitution.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
Coderre and Anie Samson promised to do something before the fall of 2014 and they've done nothing. I don't have numbers as they are hard to come by, but I'll be surprised if people were using erotic services less right now than 3 years ago, and if they do, it's probably due to the economy and not C-36 or mayor Coderre. The massage parlor situation who was one of Coderre "priorities" in 2013-14 isn't anymore, and now he will probably get busy annoying dog owners before next election until he realizes it's not a good idea.

Populists politicians looking for a quick bump in the polls or seeking reelection are the one we should fear ("Think of the children!!!!")
Coderre and politicians of his ilk sure love when we think of the children.

As for the religious zealots and moralists who like to decide who in this society is a pervert and who should decide what a woman is to do with her body (according to social conservatives, not women), they do exist, but they took a step back at the moment, I'm talkin' 'bout you Peter MacKay. Still, they left us with a dumbass law (C-36) and I'm not even sure LE cares about it at all.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

It is very costly to bust on these things. They done quite a bit... Many massage parlors have been shut down. A bunch of tity bars has also been shut down. Massage parlors are opening and passing themselves off as therapeutic massage. Tity bars are being refused rezoning and nudity permits. No new ones have opened and the ones that burnt down have been refused rezoning permits. I agree for bump in the polls which is why I doubt Trudeau will ever repeal Bill C-36. That POS Peter MacKay :boxing: LE only do what they are told to do they really could not care less.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
Agreed. For politicians, there's nothing to gain in decriminalizing prostitution. Way too risky, as opponents might me the minority but would be very vocal. Whoever is in power will probably react when Supreme Court get (again) involved.

Double G

May 21, 2016
It is not LE you should be worried about it is more the ultra conservative and religious politicians. LE only follow the orders they are given. Mayor Denis Coderre wants to shut down all massage parlors and that is a fact. The city of Saskatoon has spent lots of money running US style undercover sting operations to bust on escorting. There are no more stripclubs in Saskatoon all have been shut down and I think there are almost no massage parlors there. Issue is these conservative people want everyone to follow traditional family and religious values as outlined in The Bible. Sex between husband and wife only is their moto. Personally it always escaped me why anyone would want to bust on prostitution especially in the US. No one is hurting anyone just a mutually satisfactory transaction. I am for them busting on underage prostitution and women who are being sexually exploited by pimps into prostitution.
Well first of all I'm not worried about anything. I can't process the rest of your post not knowing how you tie together LE, ultra conservatives, religious politicians, the mayor of Montreal, Saskatoon, strip clubs, the Bible, family values, massage parlors, underage prostitution, sexual exploitation by pimps and consensual sex. It's a bit cloudy.
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