Montreal Escorts

Spending an overnight or a weekend with a lady.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
General Gonad said:
I submit that this line of thinking is erroneous for several reasons. Even if she accepts to go on a trip with you, do you really think she enjoys your company or is just looking to make "easier money" by sticking to one John instead of having to see multiple Johns to make the same money? In other words, is it possible that the lady is just doing it exclusively for financial reasons?

Second, why would you go on trips with an SP unless you had ulterior motives to develop some sort of deeper relationship with an SP?:confused: We all know you can't buy love but I wonder about the psyche of guys who think that they developed a "special" relationship with an SP just because they took her here on a trip. These guys are especially vulnerable because they might think they are special to an SP when the reality is the SP sees them as chumps they can squeeze trips, money and gifts out of.:rolleyes:

Third, SPs feel it is a vacation when they can be themselves and hide nothing. I know SPs who vacation but they never tell me I am vacationing with a client. Instead they'll say "I got to go somewhere with this client". Now to the client, they'll say "oh, I can't wait to vacation with you" but in reality, she might dread it.:eek:

Finally, let me share some insight with you. I met one lady in the past few months that none of you really know about. She has an extremely wealthy client in the US who is a software billionaire. She claims she has a special relationship with this person. "He flew me over to Spain and we spent time together on his yacht".:rolleyes:

Assuming it is true, what the hell does she know about him and what does he really know about her? Maybe they are friends but I suspect she is impressed with his fortune and he just wants a piece of her ass.:D

The moral of the story is that you should reserve trips for people you really care about. When vacationing by your lonesome, try to pick up a babe at the bar, you never know, she might be an SP.:cool:

Hey GG,

Well, that is very rational and realistic, and totally consistent with your well known line of thinking. So............what do you think of an SP who goes with ME on a trip totally off of the clock. All I had to do was pay for the trip for the two of us. The sex was free. Hmmmmmm, yes of course, it's an aberration. BUT, where is you 100% pessimism now good buddy. don't believe it...IRRELEVANT!!!


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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
rumpleforeskiin said:
Are you speaking here from experience, or pontificating from on high? My statements, for the record, are from experience.

As for question number 2, the answer is: for fun. That's why some of us see SPs, for fun and for fun alone.

Question 3, I assume that, since you're speaking for SPs, that you've been an SP yourself. Otherwise, how do you come by this knowledge?

We all know about your "experience".:rolleyes: I can ask you the same question: how do you know that an SP really enjoys being with you? Because she told you so? If you cut off the money, will she still enjoy you as much?:rolleyes:


P.S. There is no SP I ever met that I would consider going on a trip with. One lady, who I spent a day with for free, was fun but at the end of the night I just had enough of her.:rolleyes: For an overnight adventure or even a weekend excursion, Miss Samantha gets my vote. I think Samy is in a league of her own but even with her, I would never pay to take her on a trip.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Korbel said:
So............what do you think of an SP who goes with ME on a trip totally off of the clock. All I had to do was pay for the trip for the two of us. The sex was free. Hmmmmmm, yes of course, it's an aberration. BUT, where is you 100% pessimism now good buddy. don't believe it...IRRELVANT!!!

I do not believe you. Show me proof, what is her name, let me speak with her. I do not believe any SP would go to a trip with you or anyone else just for the trip and provide you with free sex. It can happen with me, but definitely not with a bald ugly loser like you.:D


P.S. I am just kidding here.;)


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
Question 3, I assume that, since you're speaking for SPs, that you've been an SP yourself. Otherwise, how do you come by this knowledge?
Bravo Rumples,

GG, won't you speak from your personal experience on this subject, instead of presuming to be an SP and attempting to speak as an SP with the experience of an SP? We would all be grateful.



General Gonad said:
I do not believe you. Show me proof, what is her name, let me speak with her. I do not believe any SP would go to a trip with you or anyone else just for the trip and provide you with free sex. It can happen with me,...


P.S. I am just kidding here.;)

Then why hasn't it? And why should anyone prove anything to you?????


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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Korbel said:
GG, won't you speak from your personal experience on this subject, instead of presuming to be an SP and attempting to speak as an with the experience of an SP? We would all be grateful.

Sure, I paid to take out an SP out for lunch. We had sushi, lots of saki, and we laughed a lot. I knew she had severe issues with escorting and she did not hide that from me. She was also jittery and excusing herself to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes. I suspect she was going to score some blow. It was sad seeing her in this shape and not being able to help her. One thing she told me is that she hated escorting, she didn't think much of her clients but she had no qualms whatsoever to use them for her needs. No surprise there.:rolleyes:

Korbel said:
Then why hasn't it? And why should anyone prove anything to you?????

Because I do not inhabit the land of Delusia!:D

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:
One thing she told me is that she hated escorting, she didn't think much of her clients but she had no qualms whatsoever to use them for her needs. No surprise there.
A. You've told us a zillion times that escorts always lie.
B. You've told us a zillion times that escorts always tell you what you want to hear.
C. You've made it quite clear that your primary purpose in seeing escorts is to have them to tell you how much they hate escorting.

So with the escort in question above, was she lying to you when she said she hated escorting or was she telling you what you wanted to hear? According to you, it must be one of the above.

And, by the way, what does any of this have to do with this thread, which you've managed, once again, to hijack in the direction of your personal, anti-hobbying agenda. Hopefully, the mods, who certainly have better things to do than clean up after you, will remove this post when they launder this thread, yet again.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
General Gonad said:
Sure, I paid to take out an SP out for lunch. We had sushi, lots of saki, and we laughed a lot. I knew she had severe issues with escorting and she did not hide that from me. She was also jittery and excusing herself to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes. I suspect she was going to score some blow. It was sad seeing her in this shape and not being able to help her. One thing she told me is that she hated escorting, she didn't think much of her clients but she had no qualms whatsoever to use them for her needs. No surprise there.:rolleyes:

Hey GG,

Thanks. Sorry you had a poor experience. But you shouldn't let it color every SP. I had two fairly special relationships with SPs which included a lot of free time off of the clock. They were both independents who will not be named. Touring and lunch were off of the clock. There was paid sex, but even then the time given was much more than the donation covered. Then there was the trip. You see I am pretty slim and fairly fit, have plenty of hair, and not too bad to look at. I suspect that did not matter much. They seem to think I am just a nice guy, though I can be quite a BIYATCH on the So not every SP is the same. All humans are simply not paper doll cut outs as you seem to always insist.

the Biyatch,



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
General Gonad said:
Reggie, Korbie,

There is no use arguing with two middle aged men who are convinced they are special.:rolleyes: I am so happy that you feel this way. I would love to inhabit the land of Delusia but I know too much about how these ladies think and feel, especially about guys like you.:eek:

Okay GG,

Well, with your attitude and famous rabid pessimism is it any wonder why you see them that way.

Kisses buddy,



May 3, 2007
Passer 24h avec une prostituée?

Jamais de la vie!

Si je paie une prostituée, c'est justement pour qu'elle disparaisse immédiatement après que je l'eusse baisée!

Si j'ai envie de passer 24h avec une nana, je vais plutôt me tourner vers une amie (si! si! j'en ai!)

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
General Gonad said:
I submit that this line of thinking is erroneous for several reasons. Even if she accepts to go on a trip with you, do you really think she enjoys your company or is just looking to make "easier money"

Easier money gets my vote.

I think the hooker is as happy as the average passenger on a flight to tropical vacation. The clapping at the end is not because the flight was such an enjoyable experience it is because everyone is happy it is finished and they get the hell out of the plane.

Hookers have two orgasms. One when we pay them and a second when we shut the door behind us.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Korbel said:
Well, with your attitude and famous rabid pessimism is it any wonder why you see them that way.

I got a great attitude and I am glad to have met a few wonderful SPs for some short encounters. But when I really think about it, it didn't bring anything meaningful to my life and these ladies do not care about me (or you). So spending an overnight with them or taking a trip is just laughable to me since I know they would prefer being elsewhere. I'd rather save trips for someone who loves me for who I am, not what I can provide her with.:rolleyes:

Again, if it makes you feel better, you guys can continue thinking you are special.:D


P.S. Hydragoat is spot on. But I am not into goats or sheep. That's Elfie's specialty.:D
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
LeGuy said:
You should ask the high priest, he traveled up to club 10-35 once to see me. Many members saw me at mini-GTs and they trust me.

On a happier note: Many strippers are converting to escorting these days. Since I know many many strippers one of these days you might see one of them. Who knows I might even get pictures :D
Okay LeGuy aka A27,

Can we stop taunting him now. I know you are having a ball, but GG is so easy to antagonize, it really isn't a challenge anymore, and it isn't right. And GG, you are being quite a fool. You could get a lot more than a week if you don't knock it off...and consider deleting all your posts since you were told not to post. They're repetitive anyway.

Your funeral,

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Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Samy said:
I do not bargain.

I agree with you. This is why I've never bargained. I might give my opinion before the price is set but once I'm informed of the price, if I don't agree with it, I will just go elsewhere.


New Member
Feb 8, 2004
jimace said:
I agree with you. This is why I've never bargained. I might give my opinion before the price is set but once I'm informed of the price, if I don't agree with it, I will just go elsewhere.

Yes, this is respectuous and then both parties know what to expect !


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Samy said:
Yes, depending on the time spent with a gentleman, my rates change.. For an overnight of 12-16hours I do charge 2000$ and for shorter periods I charge less. (6hrs-1200$) for example. If I am with a gentleman for a week or for many days , I would not charge by the hour or I would not multipliate my 12hrs rate as it makes no sense to me..I take in consideration that I am not attach to the bed making out for days and I must say that if the plan is to make out and F**** for days, then I am not interested in being with the gentleman for a long period and for whatever the amount of money that is offered to me, I am human.

In fact, it is exactly why it is called a ''buisness''

Also, sweet Korbel... Why would you have no problem naming me ,but out of respect ,would not name the gentleman you are talking about. ;)
Because what you are saying would surely hurt me a lot more than him as for now I will have a bunch of men trying to get so kind of VIP
treatment I will not offer.


Hello Samantha,

First, many apologies to you. All my previous posts have been deleted since they have caused you problems. What I was saying...what I thought I said is exactly what you said in the first paragraph here. Obviously, I was not able to make that clear enough to make some over eager patrons understand that you are always a smart business woman who wants to get justly paid. But I did say 10 hours would be up to $1800 depending on the arrangements, which seems to be right in line with what you quote here. As for the "bunch of men trying to get some kind of VIP treatment", if any of them doesn't realize that rates and conditions are always up to you then they are not using their brain. I never said anyone was guaranteed anything. I take responsibility for making the mistake of seeming to speak for you. Again, many apologies. I did try to make it clear that the conditions and rates I cited were for PREFERRED REGULAR CLIENTS...not...anybody who calls. Gentlemen, if you feel misled I am sorry. But I didn't promise any deals and I am certainly not her agent. I talked about her reasonable business sense just as she explains it above. I only attempted to relate how she handles business under very specific conditions, not for every caller. So....WISE UP!

I do remember Samantha posting something about guys taking advantage of her sweet character and and cheating her out of what she was owed. That is shameful. With me Samantha was paid the rate she posted plus $50.00 tip for each of our two meetings. I also mentioned two independents who gave me some time off the clock while I bought them lunch/dinner. Miss Samantha was NOT one of them and I never said she was in the post where I referred to her. So plan on paying up in full for the time you request..."gentlemen".


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New Member
Feb 8, 2004

I have met you and I know how nice of a gentleman you are and always told you that all the little and bigger attentions you do make a woman feel special.
I know you did not meant bad, but I felt I had to explain myself so nobody try to take advantage of the situation or say ''I read on merb you stayed longer with him , I want you to do the same with me or .... '' You know how people are... There is good and bad everywhere and you do not belong in the ''bad'' category at all.




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Samy said:

I have met you and I know how nice of a gentleman you are and always told you that all the little and bigger attentions you do make a woman feel special.
I know you did not meant bad, but I felt I had to explain myself so nobody try to take advantage of the situation or say ''I read on merb you stayed longer with him , I want you to do the same with me or .... '' You know how people are... There is good and bad everywhere and you do not belong in the ''bad'' category at all.


Hello Samantha,

Again I want to apologize to you out of respect for you as a person and as a good business woman. You know I think the world of you and I got a little over-zealous about how special you are, and should not have attempted to quote any rates. It was nauseating to read on another thread how some took advantage of your very sweet nature and cheated you. I wish you all the best as always.




New Member
Apr 24, 2007
MY two cents

It never ceases to amaze me how many folks think you're wasting your money if you spend more than an hour or two with an SP.

1) It's my money, I earned it, so why do you care how I spend it or who I spend it on?

2) I only ever do overnights. I travel to Ottawa, Toronto, and Montreal for hockey games... why would I want to spend a couple of days seeing the sights, eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and go to the game by myself when I can have an attractive female companion join me?

3) As it is my money, don't bother asking my how much they charge me as I won't say. It differs by individual according to many different circumstances and I'm not going to put any of the SPs in a bad postion regarding their rates. It's their business and mine with regard to rates.

4) If you thinks it's a waste of time spending money on overnight and weekend dates then don't.

My experiances have all been fantastic. I love the companionship and have always found the SP's I've been with to be a great deal of fun in every aspect of the date. I've found that if you treat a person like a human being you get treated well in return.

If you treat an SP like a whore, she'll surely treat you like a John. If that is what prefer then enjoy... but there's no need to judge others for spending their own time and money in a fashion they prefer, so get over it.

La Femme

New Member
Jan 6, 2008
jackd1959 said:
I've found that if you treat a person like a human being you get treated well in return.

If you treat an SP like a whore, she'll surely treat you like a John.

So very true. :)


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
jackd1959 said:
It never ceases to amaze me how many folks think you're wasting your money if you spend more than an hour or two with an SP.

I won't quote your entire post but I agree 100% with everything that you wrote in your post.
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