Montreal Escorts

Spring 2007 Hobbyist GT Saturday April 28th.

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
Champs1000 said:
Hi all,
I will be late at the GT tonight...getting laid and all....will be bringing her with me after. More to come on the outcall section tomorrow.

Seeing this post by you this morning, it became clear why you had such a glow on last night. I mean, dude, you were full of vitality. It was great to see you looking so good. I'm looking forward to getting together with you and some of the other guys at Cleo's like we talked about.

Miss Maria said:
If I can wiggle free, I might pop by later but if I don't I wish you all an incredible night of pleasure!!!!

After talking with you last night, the words "wiggle free" and "pop up" take on extra significance. Did you guess why I insisted on sitting down instead of standing as you told me about your adventures in Bangkok's red light district? Let's just say I was doing a little "popping up" myself. Anyway, there is now no doubt that you and I are on the same wavelength. What a conversation we had! When I finally got to bed early this morning, I drifted off to sleep with images of Maria with Thai girls, images of Maria with my wife, images of Maria with Thai girls and my wife, and, needless to say, images of all the aforementioned with me. I guess that's the merbite equivalent of "visions of sugar cookies dancing over their head."

On a general note, it was only after I woke up this morning with a hoarse throat that I realized how much great conversation and laughter I had last night. Some of the most memorable moments were:

At the beginning of evening, just as the crowd had started to get large and take over the entire end of HDLM's piano lounge, Ronnie explained how the waitress (the waitress, right?) had asked her why all these people were gathering together. Ronnie explained that it was the meeting of an international company. "What company?" asked the waitress. "Merb," replied Ronnie. "Oh, like Merck, the pharmaceutical company?" asked the waitress. "Kinda," said Ronnie. "So are you into pharmaceuticals," came back the waitress. "Well, some of us are," said Ronnie.

Still on the subject of Ronnie, thanks for the head massage. As you duly noted, my response was "Hey, you're messing up my hairrrr.....uhhhhhh." I believe it was Ronnie who came back a bit later and asked if, since I was Fat Happy Buddha, she could rub my tummy for good luck. As she was doing this she turned to the lady beside her and said something in a low voice like, "I'd like to.....a bit lower.....good luck." Alas, dear Ronnie, if you were saying what I think you were saying, then I have to warn you that any lower you would have entered the domain of the ascetic Buddha who retreats to his cave to meditate for months on end. He's a very serious dude.

I got to speak with Nacho. It's probably no coincidence that Nacho flies Boeing XXX phallic symbols for a living. He was acting as a tour guide for one of his buddies who was in Montreal for the first time for a few days. I asked his friend (whose name I forget) how he was enjoying Montreal. He said he was having a brilliant time. "Did you like Old Montreal?" I asked. He looked at me with a blank gaze. "There's an old Montreal?" "Then, did you take a walk around the Plateau and rue St. Denis? The architecture is unique in North America and very beautiful." "The Plateau? Is it really high up? Is there still snow there?" he asked. "Well," I asked, somewhat mystified, "what exactly have you seen in Montreal." "Oh," he said, "when we got in a couple days ago, Nacho hooked me up with this girl from Satin Dreams. She was really hot, but because she was only nineteen I felt we didn't have much of a connection. The ride was great though. Then, the next day, we got a couple of thirty year olds. Jesus, that was amazing and we really hit it off. I think I'm going to stick with the older ladies from now on. There's so much more of an emotional connection. Then, yesterday, Nacho took me to Borissa's for a four-handed massage. Best massage I've ever had. You have to try it. She stays fully clothed, but it's a brilliant deep message with a fantastic happy ending. Anyway, after that we needed to eat, so we went to Schwarz's for some smoked meat." Well, Nacho, I think you are definitely in the running for the Montreal Tourism Board's "Tour Guide of the Year".

Another highlight of the evening for me was meeting Eager Beaver. I didn't get to speak to him that much, but it was a significant event for me not only because he is a senior and respected member, but also because he was so completely different from what I'd been led to expect. Someone once described Eager Beaver to me as a "somewhat staid and serious legal professional." So if I'd known EB was going to be there last night, I would have been looking for something along the lines of a high-powered George Costanza. Well, EB is anything but. I don't want to insult the other merbites, but if there was one merbite there last night who was designed to walk into any bar or nightclub and pick up women, it was EB. So much so that I didn't think he was a merbite. I asked a few people, "Is this guy an agency owner?" After all, the women certainly seemed to be paying him a lot of attention. But the few people I asked didn't know what agency he ran, so I started to wonder if he might be some big-time director of pornographic movies who was in Montreal on a project and was simply looking for kindred spirits. Or maybe doing market research. After all, what better place to find out the latest trends in sex and pornography than a gathering of merbites. (I mean, even Maria by herself could run an entire research and development department). Anyway, EB, it was a pleasure to meet you.

I also spent a long time talking with Pete of Escorts Montrealplus and Ashley from the same agency. Pete is really easy to talk to and Ashley, he and I had a lot of laughs. I'd never really had a long talk with an agency owner before and Pete was happy to explain how he runs his business. Ashley is an attractive forty-year-old (escorts montrealplus is a niche agency that specializes in mature ladies) who also has a fun sense of humour. I asked Pete and her what the average age of their clientele was. They said it was between forty and fifty, but that a good percentage of their business also came from men in thier twenties who were into MILFs. Then I asked Ashley what the main difference was between a twenty-year-old man and a forty-year-old man. Hearing that question, her jaw dropped and she seemed incapable of speaking, but in her eyes I saw the answer. "You poor bastard," they said, "you don't have a clue, do you?" Pete tried to dispel the awkwardness of the moment by asking me, "So, do you like to watch bass fishing on TV?" But his well-intended question only made things worse. Pete, it was an honour to meet you. A long-time Montrealer, Pete has never been to Cleo's (he says, "the ladies keep me busy"), but he expressed an interest in meeting there with other Merbites. So let's keep him in mind for the next mini-GT. I can guarantee you he would be a lot of fun.

There were so many other merbites at the gathering, old friends and new acquaintances. Among the new acquaintances that I had the pleasure to meet were JAS, Rex Kramer, qwerty, and Jee. I apologize to others whose handles I can't recall (there were so many!) Among the old friends were shijak, Techman, Paul (a kindred spirit), Rook01 (like always, full of energy), Candy (mmmmm, legs) , redstorm (see you online pal) and others.

Oh, by the way, what happened to everybody after HDLM. I headed to Kingdom to wait for everybody but the place closed without a single merbite showing up. I was really happy to discover a new SC, but please, please, don't tell me I missed the annual after-party orgy. I will be seriously pissed off. ;)
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Fat Happy Buddha said:
Another highlight of the evening for me was meeting Eager Beaver. I didn't get to speak to him that much, but it was a significant event for me not only because he is a senior and respected member, but also because he was so completely different from what I'd been led to expect. Someone once described Eager Beaver to me as a "somewhat staid and serious legal professional." So if I'd known EB was going to be there last night, I would have been looking for something along the lines of a high-powered George Costanza. Well, EB is anything but.

LOL, it was a pleasure meeting you too, Fat Happy Buddha. What is extremely funny is that I was talking to Doc Holliday after the party and we both had pictured you as a big fat Asian dude (based on your handle and past postings) and you are anything but.

It was a most enjoyable get together and it was nice to be joined by Rex Kramer and Doc Holliday in going to the party, and then seeing some familiar faces like Techman, Candy, Tom, Orallover, Shijak, Gee, Ned Nobody, Bladerunner, Sunny, Jessy of SD/MSC, Peter of SD, Ronnie, Kiki and Redstorm, as well as seeing new faces like FHB, Joe T, Rook01, Just-Ass-Sweet, SadButTrue, Nacho, and others, sorry if I left anyone out.:confused:

Highlight of the evening was a scintillating scalp massage from Ronnie/Naughtly Lady, but it doesn't work if you got hair on your head.;)


Feb 4, 2007
A new one

Hi everybody,

As you know, it was my first appearance to a GT. It was a very interesting experience for me.

A special thank to Candy. She helped me to be introduced to you and felt me cozy.

Also, I want to thank Nacho who has organized the pre-GT dinner.

I have the chance to meet Redstorm awake and very happy (lol). Now I can say that he is my friend forever.

It was nice to meet Cassey, Roonie, Jessy, Anik, Maria and also guys Champs1000, WO, Chateaulafite, SBT, Fat Happy Buddha, Shijak, Rook, Joe T, Gee, Techman, Gerry and others that I forget. It’s my first time, so gimme a chance.

Sorry, if I have not met everybody but I shall stay at the piano to check girl purses. If not, I would have been at dance area or talking with …

I really don’t know why, but I’m a little bit tired out tonight..


Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
Thanks Tom for another great GT! The only "complain" I have is that there were so many people to meet and talk to, and so little time! :)

Same problem with the last MERC GT I attended back in Dec 2005. I went there with Doc and Eager Beaver this time, but back in Dec 2005 both Doc and I were there, but we did not get to meet each other till much later on.

At the GT Eager Beaver was like a touchstone that everyone wanted to rub off a bit for good luck, and Ronnie the Naughty Lady got the best out of it. Doc, on the other hand, seemed to disappear and re-appear with different ladies a couple of times at the party. I was too bashful to ask Doc what was going on.

Even though I had my priority straight- ladies first- I was not able to meet and talk to every lady who attended, not to mention the hobbysts who were there. These are the people I had the pleasure of talking to or at least say hi, at the GT. Sorry if I forgot anyone.

Ladies first-
Candy, Maria, Kiki, Ronnnie, Cassey (hotbabe), Lily, Andrea, Jasmine, Yona, Megan, Melanie, Jessy (note to self- ask GG to talk to Jessy about retirement)

Last but not least-
Oral Lover (or was it CockAsian?), Fat Happy Budda, Ned Nobody, Techman, Shijak, Champs1000, SadButTrue, Newman, Gee, Algol, Rook01.

Thanks Peter (of Satin Dreamz) for buying the round of drinks. You are always such a gentleman.
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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
I had such a great time

Shijak with his lips on my face and neck

Fat Happy Buddha, thanks for letting me rub your stomache, I feel luckier already!

Nacho, I told you I was going to take my pants off!

Gee, it was nice to see you again

Tom, you are a bit more adorable everytime I see you

My big suprise was Big Boy Eddie - oh, I didn't remember that you were so sexy! Yum!

Naughty Lady, always nice to be felt up by her, Candy, Andrea, Jazmine, Maria, Hotbabe and many many others I cannot recall.

Extra special thanks to Shijak for making sure we got home safe.


Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
The best and the worst !!!


Well well was a pleasure to show up at the party
but I had a hard time all day for it!

First, I was late...
Then more late when I found out the limo driver still had my car key...
Arrived more late at the party then ever...
And the limousine never end up at the HDLM ...
For clients so much on party that forgot a limousine was waiting for them!
What a waste ...:cool:

Otherwise, I had fun running from one to the other, trying to spend a
reasonable amount of time with each of the people there...
well from the time I had left !!!:rolleyes: Soooooo sorry for that!!!:p

Thanks to the planner of this party. A total success should I mention!!!
Wach out for the next one!!!;)
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Gorgon's Eye
Jan 9, 2006
Beta Perseus

Doc Holliday said:
Well, back to the game & a brief chat with Bladerunner as the game went into overtime. Previously, a gentleman who happened to be watching the game next to me let out a cheer as Ottawa tied the game late in regulation time. Looks like we were both cheering for the same team, as i let out a controlled "Yay!" myself. ...


I stayed glued to that TV for both OT periods just across the bar counter. Impossible to miss me as wearing black leather pants. I've noticed others around me interested in game, but I'm really sorry I missed to opportunity to introduce myself to you!
I collapsed over the Sens' lost (I'm from Ottawa!) and I just vanished out disappointed towards my hotel where... as a consolation prize I called a (Devilish!) devil to kick his ass or... whatever. ;)
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