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STD risks

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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
rollingstone said:
I agree that Dubya should wait until he gets his test results back. However I do also agree with Kepler, under the policy stated by Mod8 we will never hear about an STD since no agency would ever come forward and confirm it. If a dairy company was selling infected milk, no one would dare say it could only be published if the company in question verified it.

In the case you specify, there are government agencies that would be responsible for informing the public of the danger. If an individual were to make such claims without any proof you can be sure he would be sued in court.

MERB is not a government agency and if we permit unproven accusations to be posted, MERB and it's owners will be liable for any possible legal action taken against them as a result of such claims.

If a member wishes to reveal his medical test results along with his personal information to us as confirmation of the situation, then we can discuss with this member what actions may be taken.

But we certainly cannot permit unsubstantiated claims to be posted on MERB.

And as a note: everyone involved in this hobby should be getting tested on a regular basis for STDs.

Mod 8


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
wishing I was in Montreal

Other than questions, what is the benefit of this thread?

GWB doesn't know
- what he has
- when he got it
- where he got it
- how he got it
- who he may have gotten it from
- who he may have given it to

and he won't know until the test results are back.

Whatever else we may think, this thread is premature. If he had actual results, then he would have something to warn the community about.

I understand your concerns about "proof", but we aren't even at that point yet since he doesn't know anything. I am also unsure as to his hesitation to call the agency in question. If I were that positive, I'd be calling them non-stop because I have a lot of friends in the hobby I'd be worried about. I'd also be contacting my friends directly, although not thru MERB PM;) .

BTW I'm sure that the Mods could delete/close this thread pending GWB's test results, and restore the thread if his fears are realized.

more food for thought...



Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
"Everyone involved in this hobby should be getting tested on a regular basis for STDs

Quite right. The poster is receiving medical care, his condition is likely to be dealt with. Chlamydia is extremely common, and fairly mild if it is addressed early, which it seems to be.

The take-away is get yourselves tested, regularly. I do it semi-annually, but that is probably less often than I should. Certainly the working girls can take a hint from the State of Nevada, where prostitution is legal, and controlled.. The girls there are checked monthly. And that would be a full check - swabs, blood work-ups, etc.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Epidemiologically speaking

The following article on chlamydia by local STD clinic L'Actuel should give some food for thought. Based on this, and GWB's statement:
  • He does not know yet if it is chlamydia he has
  • "One of our biggest concerns at l' Actuel is the frequent lack of symptoms in the presence of chlamydial infections." The real numbers of people who are infected, yet don't know it varies tremendously due to geographic region, age, sex, etc. It is felt that most people infected with chlamydia are not aware of their infections and therefore may not seek health care. Estimates of asymptomatic chlamydial infection range from 40% to 70%, indicating that the true number of chlamydia cases may be much higher than reported. Despite the lack of symptoms...the infection may still be transmitted.
  • Chlamydia may be spread during sexual intercourse via the exchange of bodily fluids through mucous membranes in the anus, mouth, and genital areas. This means that chlamydia is primarily spread through unprotected penetration (vaginal or anal) and/or oral sex (fellatio or cunnilingus - infrequent). It can also spread from a woman to her fetus during birth.
  • When symptoms do occur, they may begin in as little as 5-10 days after infection, however, there may be very long periods of time before symptom onset. Symptoms may be intermittent is some people, often a reason why help and treatment is not sought.
The best way to protect oneself and the community is to take care of oneself, exhibit common good judgement when meeting sexual partners, and get regular testing.

An agency owner phoned me one time to tell me of a potential problem, and I rushed to get tested, fortunately there was nothing to report. I have made it my business to get regular tests, and be informed of those issues ever since then.

But in this case, with the data at hand, we can see that
  • GWB may not have chlamydia at all
  • He also may not necessarily have caught it from the lady he thinks he caught it from
  • She may have been asymptomatic, and unknowing
  • And that chlamydia is a disease with full recovery potential, once diagnosed and treated
The offer on behalf of MERB from Mod 8 is one of the best solutions. They will make sure this is followed up, and then at least whoever "may" be involved can get a test and treatment.

As far as any publishing of names is concerned, that is a toally moot point, morally and legally. Legally because even if the lady is proven to have chlamydia as well as GWB, it still is no proof it was her he caught it from. Morally, because the girl "could have " transmitted it, but unknowingly. The list of reasons against publishing any names is much longer than those simple facts, even.

Even tests for everyone on a regular basis won't stop the spread of STD's, but it could potentially slow it down if more people did their part voluntarily, before any problems surface. Thank you.
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J ai un peu de difficulté a comprendre la nature de ce thread. Vous pouvez me croire, je suis une de celle qui clame haut et fort que les test de mts devraient etre obligatoire au moins 3 a 4 fois par année pour toutes les filles oeuvrant dans ce domaine. Cela vous protègerait vous et nous. Mais on dirait que les propriétaires d agence ont mieux a faire que de dealer avec ce genre de situation et qu'ils préfèrent se dire que c est a nous de dealer avec ca. Dommage mais voilà la réalité de ce milieu. Bref, avant que je me fasse taper sur les doigts ... shuttttt! :p
Pour en revenir à ce thread. Je ne comprends pas vraiment le but de l avoir débuté. Oui il y a des symptômes... mais de quoi exactement???? On ne peut même pas le savoir puisqu il n y a encore aucun résultat de test qui a été émit. Qui? Quoi? Le néant. Je trouve que ce thread est inutile puisqu il sous entend que quelqu un , quelque part, qui travaille pour une agence de Montréal serait infecté PEUT ETRE de la chlamydia. Ca en fait des peut etre. Je suggère de ne pas laisser de telles allégations flotter sur le board sans preuve tangible.
Avec preuve, mon opinion change alors tout a fait de bord. La fille devrait etre mise au courant et faire les test ainsi que prendre la médication nécessaire. Que ca soit mit sur le board... ca je ne sais pas vraiment. Oui d un cote ca ferait en sorte que les gars qui l ont rencontre se fasse également soigner mais d un autre c est un risque que tous et chacun decide de prendre dans ce hobby. Ce n est pas nécessairement la faute de la petite pitoune. Puisque croyez moi il n y en a pas une dans le domaine qui serait fiere d attraper quelque chose d un de ces clients. Mettre le nom de l agence a travers cette histoire. Bof , vraiment pas nécessaire a mon avis puisque ca n a rien a voir la dedans. C est la fille qui, pas malchance, a attrapé quelque chose et qui doit se faire soigner. Point final. Faut pas généraliser non plus.

Ce n etait que mon opinion!


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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
sapman99 said:
But in this case, with the data at hand, we can see that
  • GWB may not have chlamydia at all
  • He also may not necessarily have caught it from the lady he thinks he caught it from
  • She may have been asymptomatic, and unknowing
  • And that chlamydia is a disease with full recovery potential, once diagnosed and treated
The offer on behalf of MERB from Mod 8 is one of the best solutions. They will make sure this is followed up, and then at least whoever "may" be involved can get a test and treatment.

As far as any publishing of names is concerned, that is a toally moot point, morally and legally. Legally because even if the lady is proven to have chlamydia as well as GWB, it still is no proof it was her he caught it from. Morally, because the girl "could have " transmitted it, but unknowingly. The list of reasons against publishing any names is much longer than those simple facts, even.

A lot of what you say is true Sapman, but I don't really care who gave it to who... And a lot of the discussion seems to focus on "proof" of this ... Maybe not you particularly, but some others. If you tell me that there will always be one or a few people on either side (provider or client) of the hobby who carry STDs with them, then I will say I agree. And it is a risk we all need to accept, otherwise we would be playing ostrich... hiding our heads in the sand. If you tell me because of this we should not mention when one gets symptoms in possible relationship to an encounter, I am not sure.

Simply put GWB (very most likely) has an STD-- ou don't get white-yellow stuff comin' out of your penis from much else. He got it from someone... and had sex with someone else shortly before getting symptoms. This means that whoever he had sex with has a certain chance of having it too ( as a cause or as a consequence...). And this someone has had sex with likely a few other people in the days since... I don't think GWB ever blamed the young lady.

GWB may or may not have chalmydia... But epidemiologically, it is the most common STD giving rise to symptoms such as GWB aluded to. It can present with a wide spectrum of symptoms... From pus and burning on urination to ... nothing! Most men are symptomatic, while most women are asymptomatic (or very mild symptoms). Hence, it is likely that whoever gave it to GWB gave it to him unknowingly, that is true.
The other worrying thing, is that there are various tests out there for chlamydia, not all as reliable. Chlamydia is hard to diagnose through regular swabs and culture, so many doctors prefer to treat it on simple clinical suspicion (having the more typical symptoms), reasoning quite justifiably that they prefer to over treat a few than under treat many!
Now as far as chlamydia being a disease with full recovery potential... It can result in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women, an infection of the uterus and tubes/ ovaries. This can cause abcesses in the pelvic cavity... Also if it is left untreated chlamydia--with or without PID-- can result in scarring of tubes and infertility in women... Similar but less frequent thing in men also. And finally, there is a certain % of people infected with chlamydia who also have a 2nd infection travelling along... Chlamydial infection is a risk for HIV, herpes, etc...
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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Hormone, you are quoting from my link. About the consequences of untreated chlamydia. I think I understand right, that this is about symptomatic chlamydia. Who in their right mind won't seek treatment?

You are opening one can of worms my friend. Because this would only start something, and resolve nothing. As well, whoever is "not named" by GWB would automatically acquire unwanted, possibly undeserved, notoriety. Possibly your intent of community protection is noble, but it is simply misguided in this case.

So, because GWB reports this (test results to come too :eek:), this lady gets to be the one "named". Lucky her! Never mind where she may have caught it, or if she knew she had it. And never mind all the other STD infections MERB clients and providers passed to one another over time. We'll just name this girl this one time, and all the past ones and most future ones never get mentionned. That sound fair to you?

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

I am not going to permit this thread to degrade into a flame war over what may and may not be GWB's situation. He is awaiting his test results. Theorizing over how they will turn out will get us nowhere. The subject of various STDs has been covered on MERB before and there is no reason to go over it again here in this thread.

Anyone involved in this hobby should inform themselves of the risks involved and if they are not willing to accept those risks they should stay away.

The situation as it stands now is unclear. At the very least GWB should inform the agency involved of the situation by telephone to ensure that they are indeed aware of the matter. He should also keep them up to date on any developments when he receives his test results. If he wishes to contact a moderator, we will also do a follow up on the situation with the agency if possible.

No one should forget that it is also possible that he had a dormant, asymptomatic infection already and the SP in question should be not immediately blamed as the source but she should be informed of the situation so that she may have herself tested also.

In the meantime, there is no purpose in keeping this thread open. In the event of GWB informing us of his results, I will re-open it for a follow up.

Until that time, this thread is closed.

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