As for as getting pregnant goes… but the risk of infections is the same lol. If i have an STD on my penis and you agree to give me a BBBJ, well you might contract it.
I'll give you the long version.
The two most common STI are chlamydia and gonorrhea.* Those STI, if you are infected, are not
on you penis, but in your semen and maybe in your pre-cum too. From the perspective of the person giving a blowjob, if there's no ejaculation in the mouth, there's little risk. If there is ejaculation, the risk would be higher, but we don't know by how much, that there
might be a throat gonorrhea infection. This would result in a sore throat, or no symptoms. Chlamydia in the throat is very rare and is not even tested for. Those SPs who are particularly health conscious will ask for a throat swab during their STI checks. From the perspective of the person receiving a BBBJ, having gonorrhea pass from the throat to the penis is very unlikely. As for the
actual risk level of transmission of all of this, no one really knows, because it's very hard to study in the real world.** We are relying on biology to make relative risk estimates. From my personal experience, and having spoken with health-conscoius escorts and a nurse who works with sex workers, the risk of passing these infections via oral sex is low. Most people with knowledge and experience in this field do not worry about this. Doesn't mean it will never happen. Just that it's rare.
*I will leave herpes out of this discussion because it is asymptomatic most of the time and it would be too long to explain why it's not that much of a concern for most people.
** You would need people who
exclusively have protected intercourse
and unprotected oral. Single clients and escorts seem like an ideal sample, now try recruiting them in large numbers for your study, and you have to make sure that they don't have unprotected intercourse "on the side".