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Terror attack in Belgium


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
There we go again
Revenge was served for last friday's arrest.
Metro and airport attacked.
Many dead. Toutes mes pensées aux familles éplorées


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
And people wonder why Donald Trump is so popular ?

My Dutch friends told me that all flights are being diverted to Amsterdam for now. Holland on super high alert as well

Best Regards


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Glad to see that JT now changed the law so convicted terrorists can keep their citizenships, the mastermind who was planning to attack Ottawa and behead some people will be out in one year and walking the streets of Canada again, makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Who is " their heads " ?

Best Regards


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
There won't be anything happening in canada, because we're not directly involved in any operation against Daesh...yet. The moment JT engages a coalition against daesh I'll be shitting in my pants.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
There won't be anything happening in canada, because we're not directly involved in any operation against Daesh...yet. The moment JT engages a coalition against daesh I'll be shitting in my pants.

Are you serious or is this sarcasm? :confused: Whatever you mean, the truth is that no Western country is safe from this kind of attack, no matter what its level of participation in conflicts in Syria and Iraq. Like Canada, Belgium is a minor military power and it stopped participating in bombing against ISIS in June 2015.


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
The attacks of Paris back in November were not just random attacks. French have been pummeling Iraq and Syria and so was Belgium ( What do people expect? What I don't understand in all of this is that people act surprised and say "isis hates us because we embody freedom and bla bla bla". When you attack someone, expect them to bite back. belgians are hostages of bad politics and so are the french. I don't want to see Canada in the same scenario. It is not worth it. If we want to avoid those things to happen again we need to use diplomacy not pummeling.


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Feb 9, 2004
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This is what open borders gets you. Anybody entering any Country in Europe can go throughout Europe without being checked. This includes Islamic Terrorists who blow up innocent civilians.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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I am soooo piss....i am sooo angry....i cant post comment cause it would be .....:mad::mad::mad:


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...I don't want to see Canada in the same scenario. It is not worth it. If we want to avoid those things to happen again we need to use diplomacy not pummeling.

Don't worry, former drama teacher turned PM Justin Trudeau fully agrees with you. He believes as strongly as you do that ISIS can be defeated by being nice to them. :rolleyes: After all, if there is one thing Canadians are known for worldwide, it's their niceness.

In fact, I heard that Trudeau is planning to ship several gallons of Grade A Medium Amber Canadian maple syrup to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as a gesture of goodwill. This act of diplomacy pretty much guarantees that Canada will be safe from attack by ISIS inspired terrorists.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
This is what open borders gets you. Anybody entering any Country in Europe can go throughout Europe without being checked. This includes Islamic Terrorists who blow up innocent civilians.

That is unfortunately true. And there is been proof that many also entered the territory as "refugee"....

If this makes us mad, how about:

"In 2014 a new study published in the journal Pediatrics: 7,000 kids to the ER every year, and an additional 3,000 children die from gunshot wounds."

I work in science. Changing the gun behaviour of US citizend would save a lot more life than building a wall along mexico let me tell you.


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
You call the murdering of innocent civilians "biting back"?
Is the whole free world supposed to back off and allow this to happen wherever and when ever they decide.
I don't think so, I was never an advocate of military force but with Isis there is no other alternative, you cannot resolve this with diplomacy or by trying to stay out of it.
No country is immune or safe from them.
Advocating military force is the only thing we've been doing for decades and so far we can't say it has worked, I can't think of one example that started with a military campaign and ended with a stable region. Do you know how many civilians bombings killed in Syria? There are people who join Isis with the same reasoning you're having. It is just applied to their particular situation.

I don't advocate diplomacy with Isis, certainly not. This is a problem who can't be solved by the west. This has to solved by the communities surrounding Isis.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The attacks of Paris back in November were not just random attacks. French have been pummeling Iraq and Syria and so was Belgium ( What do people expect? What I don't understand in all of this is that people act surprised and say "isis hates us because we embody freedom and bla bla bla". When you attack someone, expect them to bite back. belgians are hostages of bad politics and so are the french. I don't want to see Canada in the same scenario. It is not worth it. If we want to avoid those things to happen again we need to use diplomacy not pummeling.

Have to agree with you, turdleing is the best way to win a fight. ( sarcasm ), Google Canadian terrorist attacks.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Google terrorist attacks in Canada, the parliament hill thing was just some fucked up person.
Just to add: I am not the type of person who believes that if you stick your head in the sand and hope your threat goes away things will be alright. Our government may be thinking that if we to not assist in the war we will be left alone. Could be in for the same suprise Belgium got.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Donald Trump suggests to totally ban Muslims from entering US, which is not likely to happen, but he suggests US to interfere less foreign business and deal less with NATO, that gives ISIS better chance of waging Jihad.

Donald Trump is the emotional choice for the Republican nomination. He's touching on serious problems like the jihadist will to destroy the West as we know it, but his methods of doing so is not very consistent, as you well point out.

The Democrat choices are no better. The Democrats play heavy on domestic emotionalism.

On the foreign front, the Democrat party has gone from engagement in the World (FDR, Truman, JFK) to isolationists, which was the Republican platform during the 1930's prior to WWII. Funny how the roles have changed.


Sep 14, 2011
It has been reported that there are over 400 Belgian Jihadists who traveled to Syria to train with ISIS. Now they have returned and live in Brussels. Incredibly the Belgians do nothing but wait for the next suicide bombing. All hail Belgistan!! Welcome to the pussification of Europe.


"The old gamer"
Aug 16, 2003
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It is a bit big to think that, Canada the second biggest country in the world with only let say 38 millions people will have peace and be sovereign forever.
Terrorism is like cancer, it can strike, anyone, any gender, any age, any place they want, any time they want, they are patient, they dont need an army, how can we fight something that we can't see.
It is also big to think that we will not have attacks on our soil, this is not a normal war, its a religious war, diplomacy im my view is irrelevant, send a diplomat to ISIS playground they will send it back without his head ( maybe its exaggeration)
JT said we will bring the authors of this attack to justice, sure they have blown themselves, take a shovel and pick the pieces.
And today JT and SD told we are not at war with ISIS, this is a soft attitude.
Trump maybe flamboyant, but at least there are some truth in what he say.
They captured some days ago the author of the terrorist attack, and he didn't want to be extradited, he have a lawyer, im sorry but person fanatic as that and preparing other attacks should be, shall I say interrogated, harshly.
And why in the world we have not seen any arabic countries comdemned firmly the attacks, I wonder, why Dubai seem safe, they probably bought their safety.
We are a great country, with a chart of rights, opening arms to refugees, I do not know but if I would practice a religion and see some of my fellow followers blowing themselves up and killing people, i would be ashamed, and say it loud.
I am no mean a racist, I just hate religions, any religions that force people to live their lives according to some obscure book, you can believe in A God and not go to the church, now its Radical Islam that are in the news , centuries ago it was Spanish Inquisition.
So yes Canada should be involved, very involved, because one day, when are the targets, other countries will say we are not at war with your foes, we should be in this together, not like a crusade, but as laicism country again obscurantism extremists.
This is of course my humble opinion
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