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Terror attack in Belgium


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
It is a bit big to think that, Canada the second biggest country in the world with only let say 38 millions people will have peace and be sovereign forever.
Terrorism is like cancer, it can strike, anyone, any gender, any age, any place they want, any time they want, they are patient, they dont need an army, how can we fight something that we can't see.
It is also big to think that we will not have attacks on our soil, this is not a normal war, its a religious war, diplomacy im my view is irrelevant, send a diplomat to ISIS playground they will send it back without his head ( maybe its exaggeration)
JT said we will bring the authors of this attack to justice, sure they have blown themselves, take a shovel and pick the pieces.
And today JT and SD told we are not at war with ISIS, this is a soft attitude.
Trump maybe flamboyant, but at least there are some truth in what he say.
They captured some days ago the author of the terrorist attack, and he didn't want to be extradited, he have a lawyer, im sorry but person fanatic as that and preparing other attacks should be, shall I say interrogated, harshly.
And why in the world we have not seen any arabic countries comdemned firmly the attacks, I wonder, why Dubai seem safe, they probably bought their safety.
We are a great country, with a chart of rights, opening arms to refugees, I do not know but if I would practice a religion and see some of my fellow followers blowing themselves up and killing people, i would be ashamed, and say it loud.
I am no mean a racist, I just hate religions, any religions that force people to live their lives according to some obscure book, you can believe in A God and not go to the church, now its Radical Islam that are in the news , centuries ago it was Spanish Inquisition.
So yes Canada should be involved, very involved, because one day, when are the targets, other countries will say we are not at war with your foes, we should be in this together, not like a crusade, but as laicism country again obscurantism extremists.
This is of course my humble opinion

Good post Mithridate. The first thing we need to clear out of our mind is that we are in a war. We are not. A war has rules. ISIS does not give a fuck a about any of these war rules. We need to put a tracker on anyone coming from these country for the past few years (why would anyone would have travelled there in the past few year? appart from journalist?).

Arabic country have had many more death so far due to ISIS then france and belgium. They are in deep shit too. Dont think Dubai is the only Arabic country.

I agree with you on religion. My take is that I am against any religion that threat woman like shit. Think about it, men are the number one reason we have terrorist, war and all these shit. Don't get me wrong I am a men. French singer Renaud wrote a wonderful song about this years ago. There is something in men that is wrong for many.

Maire Lebaume from Quebec said today we should look closely what is happening in mosque. Finally!! We need to stop our stupid "accomodement raisonnable" bulshit and tell immigrants and refugee how we live. In a world were we respect woman among the first thing. If you do not agree just go back. If you agree well welcome with us and I will invite you for dinner!



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Because Trump is a Democrat himself. If he goes to the contested convention in July, and does not get nominated, he probably runs as an independent in Nov, either way it is presidency for Clinton unless she goes to jail.

Those Trump supporters deserve Clinton.

Trump is Ross Perot II with a different accent. It's ironic that Trump is running against Clinton II. It's very strange.

Trump was a populist candidate just like Perot.

But getting back to the thread, we do have a terrorism problem. It has been in Europe, the US, of course the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Israel, Turkey), and even Canada (attack on parliament last year. Trump at least has been talking about fighting against terrorism and sounding the alarm of radical islamic terrorism. Maybe, Trump is a FDR or Truman Democrat. He's certainly not a weak and feckless Democrat like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Trump is Ross Perot II with a different accent. It's ironic that Trump is running against Clinton II. It's very strange.

Trump was a populist candidate just like Perot.

But getting back to the thread, we do have a terrorism problem. It has been in Europe, the US, of course the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Israel, Turkey), and even Canada (attack on parliament last year. Trump at least has been talking about fighting against terrorism and sounding the alarm of radical islamic terrorism. Maybe, Trump is a FDR or Truman Democrat. He's certainly not a weak and feckless Democrat like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Trump is just a populist, a demagogue, and on top of that a pathetical liar. He will be great for ISIS and help them recruit and build up strong. You don't beat these guys with planes and vessels. That will only kill more civilians which in turn will help ISIS win public opinion and recruit more.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
The guy captured in Belgium in regards to Paris attack is not cooperating anymore with Belgium police and wants extradition to France. Born a coward, will remain a coward...


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Feb 9, 2004
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Trump is just a populist, a demagogue, and on top of that a pathetical liar. He will be great for ISIS and help them recruit and build up strong. You don't beat these guys with planes and vessels. That will only kill more civilians which in turn will help ISIS win public opinion and recruit more.

Well, you just repeated the great Liberal Lie (and you're calling Trump a liar, haha). ISIS recruiting doesn't need a US politician who speaks out their demented jihad. They have been doing well all by their lonesome. And when will Leftists learn the only way to defeat ISIS is to wage war against them? Instead, Leftists do the opposite -- don't say anything against Islam or Muslims or you will recruit more -- which is such a false narrative. What are we supposed to do, Let them KILL US all first? You're logic is so FUBAR.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Well, you just repeated the great Liberal Lie (and you're calling Trump a liar, haha). ISIS recruiting doesn't need a US politician who speaks out their demented jihad. They have been doing well all by their lonesome. And when will Leftists learn the only way to defeat ISIS is to wage war against them? Instead, Leftists do the opposite -- don't say anything against Islam or Muslims or you will recruit more -- which is such a false narrative. What are we supposed to do, Let them KILL US all first? You're logic is so FUBAR.

I am not a lefltist at all! I do not like Trump but that does not make me a leftists. We definitaly need to rethink the strategy in order to defeat terrorist. And yes I do think we need to eradicate ISIS and say it loud.

Trump does not believe in climate change. He ignores the fact that allowing gun kills about 3000 children and send 7000 more in ER (data from 2014). You want that as president. Why not trying to stop american from killing themselves first?

Altough I live in Quebec, I am half american with half my family in Texas for many many years. I know a bit about Trump's kinds. Still this is just my opinion, I may be completely wrong. Trump may be the guy that will make america great again. I will be the first to admit I was wrong if that happens. For now, I have my doubts.


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Feb 9, 2004
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You sound very leftist jalimon, as you support leftist ideology in your statements.

Climate Change is a fraud. It used to be called Global Warming until the Far leftists couldn't back it up with science, as winters varied (yes, some winters were worse than previous) so they changed the name to Climate Change. CO2 is a natural occurring molecule which sustains life, as trees use CO2 to live and produce Oxygen for us to live.

I don't like Trump either. I don't think he is truly conservative, like Ted Cruz is. Anyhow, I support our 2nd Amendment for good people to defend ourselves. Criminals don't care about gun control laws so they will have guns no matter what. In most cases where children get harmed, there is a careless adult connected to the incident.

And lastly, what strategy are you thinking about other than going over there (Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc.) and blasting the hell out of them? Isn't that how you win a war? Hitler was defeated that way. We did not hold back against the Germans and Japanese in WWII or the Germans and Japanese could have very well won the war. Whole cities in Germany including civilian populations were decimated. Japan had 2 cities hit with the Atomic Bomb. We needed to win or Our way of life would have been altered and some lives would have ended (Jews, Blacks, ... all non-Aryans). Islam is no different. They want us all to convert to their ways or die.


New Member
Apr 3, 2012
Do you honestly think this can be resolved by the communities surrounding it?
For the most part they are the ones funding Isis and other terrorist organizations like them.
Whether or not it can be resolved by the west I agree is uncertain , but at the same time they cannot just sit back and allow mass murder of innocent people.
Perhaps you would think differently if one of those victims in Belgium or Paris was a close friend or relative.

Do you think there is no opposition to ISIS in that region? The kurds are the only ones fighting effectively ISIS in the region.
In general, when ISIS comes to your village you either join them or die and if the Syrian army finds you helping ISIS they kill you and rape your female relatives. Add "freeworld" bombings left and right and you might understand that such a situation can alienate pretty much anyone.

Here is a number of casualties so far:
200 000 in Syria
500 000 in Iraq
130 in France
31 in Belgium

Of course I would think differently if the victim was a close relative. I would want to kill the people who commit the crime.
How do you think ISIS recruits soldiers? They are experts in channeling rage and anger to give someone's death a meaning.

Back in 2004 the Spaniards were confronted to the same situation, but instead of asking their government to avenge the deaths they blamed the government for the attacks as the war with alqaeda was not theirs.

So, even if pummeling back might be your first instinctive response it might not be the best. There are other ways.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You sound very leftist jalimon, as you support leftist ideology in your statements.

Climate Change is a fraud. It used to be called Global Warming until the Far leftists couldn't back it up with science, as winters varied (yes, some winters were worse than previous) so they changed the name to Climate Change. CO2 is a natural occurring molecule which sustains life, as trees use CO2 to live and produce Oxygen for us to live.

I don't like Trump either. I don't think he is truly conservative, like Ted Cruz is. Anyhow, I support our 2nd Amendment for good people to defend ourselves. Criminals don't care about gun control laws so they will have guns no matter what. In most cases where children get harmed, there is a careless adult connected to the incident.

And lastly, what strategy are you thinking about other than going over there (Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc.) and blasting the hell out of them? Isn't that how you win a war? Hitler was defeated that way. We did not hold back against the Germans and Japanese in WWII or the Germans and Japanese could have very well won the war. Whole cities in Germany including civilian populations were decimated. Japan had 2 cities hit with the Atomic Bomb. We needed to win or Our way of life would have been altered and some lives would have ended (Jews, Blacks, ... all non-Aryans). Islam is no different. They want us all to convert to their ways or die.

Well said, more people need to give their head a shake. With ISIS pretending it is not happening here is wrong, keeping out of the fight is wrong, when we do get attacked do you think the other countries will be concerned about Canada whose leader figuers that if we leave them alone they will leave us alone. Climate change and carbon tax grab is the biggest tax scam in the history of mankind. Canada is carbon neutral, we produce no extra CO2, some groups want you to believe that so we shutdown our resources and then get our supply from them, pay attention.

Watch this, is about Australia but Canada in in the same position.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
So, even if pummeling back might be your first instinctive response it might not be the best. There are other ways.

Please explain one other way that would work.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I support our 2nd Amendment for good people to defend ourselves. Criminals don't care about gun control laws so they will have guns no matter what. In most cases where children get harmed, there is a careless adult connected to the incident.

Second amendment is not defending yourself, it's killing yourself. So there is 10 000 adults that are careless, per year? Owning a gun is careless. Period. Think about that girl that got shot by her 4 year old son in Florida in January. Her life is pretty much fucked up. Her son's life is fucked up. Her husband, other sons, family, all will have sequel. Multiply that by 10 000 per year. Much more impact than ISIS. I am not trying to minimize these crazy terrorist which need to be eradicated, but I am just trying to put things in perspective. If you cannot understand that, not sure what will.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Please explain one other way that would work.

Put a tracking bracelet on everyone that travels back from syria and other surrounding countries. Whatch their whereabouts. Start to listen to what's being said in mosque. Have big coorporation give back their encryption key so police can listen to iPhone and other device if needed. Infiltrate ISIS. Beat them on there ground by training military in Syria. Just a few pointers that might, I think, get better result than dropping bombs that kills mostly civilians.


Sep 14, 2011
ISIS/ISLAM/MUSLIMS don't need a reason to hate. They hate everyone who disagrees with their religion. And don't dare criticize their religion. When the great pedophile Muhammed died in the 7th century Islam had a schism into two main sects of Sunni and Shia. The more fanatical sect of Sunnis don't even consider Shia as followers of Islam. Hence they have no problem blowing up their Mosques.

Here is the kicker. 85-90% of the world population of Muslims are SUNNI.–Sunni_relations

The only way to keep these religious fanatics at bay is to keep them under control of a brutal dictatorship such as Saudi Arabia or Syria. At least Pres. Obama finally realized that attempting to remove Asad from power in Syria would have been catastrophic (even though there was evidence of his use of chemical weapons against his own people) - just as removing the brutal dictator Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq was a huge mistake (even though he gassed the Kurds and other dissidents). But now Obama realizes it is better not to intervene. Unfortunately because of the combined actions of Asad and ISIS and the unleashed sectarian violence in Iraq (created by the removal of Hussein) the various dissidents and religious fanatics are leaving in droves and flooding into Europe and being welcomed into the West.

The only answer is to grant asylum to these religious fanatics, in keeping with humanitarian principles of the right to life and liberty. However, once the situation has calmed down they must return to their homeland. The only other alternative is that they would have to renounce Sharia Law since it is totally incompatible with the rights granted under the Constitution of the U.S. and any other open society - most importantly freedom of speech. You can't go around killing someone for writing a dam book. I was deeply offended when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled decades ago that burning of the American Flag in public was protected speech under the Constitution - but I would not advocate the death of anyone who did so. The dream alternative would be to ban all religions - but we know that wont happen in our lifetimes.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
ISIS/ISLAM/MUSLIMS don't need a reason to hate. They hate everyone who disagrees with their religion. And don't dare criticize their religion. When the great pedophile Muhammed died in the 7th century Islam had a schism into two main sects of Sunni and Shia. The more fanatical sect of Sunnis don't even consider Shia as followers of Islam. Hence they have no problem blowing up their Mosques.

Here is the kicker. 85-90% of the world population of Muslims are SUNNI.–Sunni_relations

The only way to keep these religious fanatics at bay is to keep them under control of a brutal dictatorship such as Saudi Arabia or Syria. At least Pres. Obama finally realized that attempting to remove Asad from power in Syria would have been catastrophic (even though there was evidence of his use of chemical weapons against his own people) - just as removing the brutal dictator Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq was a huge mistake (even though he gassed the Kurds and other dissidents). But now Obama realizes it is better not to intervene. Unfortunately because of the combined actions of Asad and ISIS and the unleashed sectarian violence in Iraq (created by the removal of Hussein) the various dissidents and religious fanatics are leaving in droves and flooding into Europe and being welcomed into the West.

The only answer is to grant asylum to these religious fanatics, in keeping with humanitarian principles of the right to life and liberty. However, once the situation has calmed down they must return to their homeland. The only other alternative is that they would have to renounce Sharia Law since it is totally incompatible with the rights granted under the Constitution of the U.S. and any other open society - most importantly freedom of speech. You can't go around killing someone for writing a dam book. I was deeply offended when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled decades ago that burning of the American Flag in public was protected speech under the Constitution - but I would not advocate the death of anyone who did so. The dream alternative would be to ban all religions - but we know that wont happen in our lifetimes.

You should write more often Garotalover. You make us think with such good post. Man do I hate religion. And why is it always men instead of woman doing all things wrong. Somethings wrong about men...


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Feb 9, 2004
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Second amendment is not defending yourself, it's killing yourself. So there is 10 000 adults that are careless, per year? Owning a gun is careless. Period. Think about that girl that got shot by her 4 year old son in Florida in January. Her life is pretty much fucked up. Her son's life is fucked up. Her husband, other sons, family, all will have sequel. Multiply that by 10 000 per year. Much more impact than ISIS. I am not trying to minimize these crazy terrorist which need to be eradicated, but I am just trying to put things in perspective. If you cannot understand that, not sure what will.


You're wrong. Fascist / Communist governments have banned guns and guess what happens? Citizens who disagree with them are rounded up and sent to gulags and Concentration camps. You're so wrong. You truly don't understand history.


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The dream alternative would be to ban all religions - but we know that wont happen in our lifetimes.

Actually it did happen in all of the iron curtain countries and some others.
It was called communism and was in force for over 50 years.
That did not go over well either. I lived it, and no it is not a good alternative either.

It is not religion itself that is the problem I don't think any true religion teaches mass murder.
It is the way people twist religious interpretation to satisfy their fanatical beliefs.[/QUOTE]

You're absolutely right. Those who don't appreciate freedom, lose it.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You're wrong. Fascist / Communist governments have banned guns and guess what happens? Citizens who disagree with them are rounded up and sent to gulags and Concentration camps. You're so wrong. You truly don't understand history.

Banning gun would mean risquing sending people back to concentration camp? Did canada sent people to concentration camp? Where I live I do not even need to lock my front door when I go to work.

Maybe I don't understand history but your logic here is scary to say the least.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Banning gun would mean risquing sending people back to concentration camp? Did canada sent people to concentration camp? Where I live I do not even need to lock my front door when I go to work.

Maybe I don't understand history but your logic here is scary to say the least.

If Canada were to make a hard turn towards Totalitarianism, it sure will

Ask the inhabitants of the following countries at the following times what preceded mass people jailing and killing of millions:

Hitlers Germany 1939 to 1945.
Mao's China late 1930s to mid 1970s
USSR under Lenin, Stalin ... up until Gorbachav.
Cambodia after the Vietnam War
Vietnam after the Vietnam War
Venezuela under Chavez
Chile under Pinochet
... and there are more ...

Tyrants don't allow citizens to have guns. Only loyal foot soldiers and enemies of the people are allowed to have guns under Fascist regimes like the ones I have mentioned.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Put a tracking bracelet on everyone that travels back from syria and other surrounding countries. Whatch their whereabouts. Start to listen to what's being said in mosque. Have big coorporation give back their encryption key so police can listen to iPhone and other device if needed. Infiltrate ISIS. Beat them on there ground by training military in Syria. Just a few pointers that might, I think, get better result than dropping bombs that kills mostly civilians.

With the Liberal government? Bahahahaha, JT would rather toss their salad instead of offending a Muslim.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Where I live I do not even need to lock my front door when I go to work.

Same here but I have 2 guns in my house ( my parents put me through target shooting for years when I was younger and still enjoy it ), do not want to be one of those people who say " It was a very safe community, never expected a home invasion ". Probably will never happen but.....
Gun control is wrong, why have only the criminals carry weapons? You ever been to a gunfight with a baseball bat or a knife, you will not win.
The risk factor of Canada implimenting a gun control, martial law hits us and ending in some prison camp will never happen...... in the near future anyway.....
Next topic, religion... Being an Atheist all I can say is they are all cults, some worse than others.
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