Ziggy Montana said:
Bullshit yourself. Your rebuttal of a widely accepted concept, supported by decades worth of scholarly research, was caricatural at best.
Sorry, that's as empty a statement as one can manufacture. I supported my position, you failed to support yours. "widely accepted" and "decades of scholarly research" are meaningless non-arguments if you can't back it up. Furthermore, you still fail to intelligently argue/debate my arguments, and explain why my position is "caricatural". Again, more empty rhetoric.
It takes one set of nerves to completely discredit, as you did, the possibility that resentment of Israeli's occupation of the Gaza Strip and of US unconditional support of Israel is a reason for grievance. You're talking as if nothing ever happened in the Middle East.
I don't totally discredit it, but with regards to Muslim fundamentalism, it does not stand up to in depth analysis. The reality is that Muslim history didn't start with the creation of Israel. They have been stuck in patriarchal, autocratic societies for centuries and have always, often violently, opposed a more liberal interpretation of their religious texts. Their failure to evolve into more open "civilized" societies is almost entirely of their own doing. And I'm going to say this again.
Muslim scholars and moderate Imams in Europe who have finally decided to speak out agree that it's high time that Muslims stop blaming the US and Israel for all their failures and take a good look at themselves. One more time, does that make them xenophobic towards their own people and are the views "caricatural"?
You're views are overly simplistic because you are so blinded by your anti-US and anti-Israel agenda that you dismiss everything else. "Grievances" is (mostly) a copout argument. Other people have had grievances throughout history (and again, none more then the jews... how ironic...), and they've still managed to evolve into modern, productive, civilized societies, and don't resort to blowing themselves up over "grievances". So your "but the poor little Muslims are simply being oppressed!" argument is essentially moot.
And I haven't even gone into the fact that countries like Iran and Syria don't give a hoot about the Palestinians. They've got little to no interest in seeing a resolution to the conflict because they use the Palestinians as pawns, in order to further anti-US, anti-Israel sentiment. Blaming others for your own inadequacies is one of the oldest political trick in the book. As long as you have somebody else to blame, you don't have to admit or face your own failures.
Not to mention how you would account for homegrown terrorism in Europe, which mainly occurs in countries that have embraced multiculturalism...
I said that Islamic terrorists are a category of their own feeding their hatred from the same set of grievances. The concept is simple and straighforward (too simple for you, maybe? Doesn't it feel better to complicate matters uselessly so you can feel specially intelligent?

) and was proved correct countless numbers of times by historical facts, many of which accounted for in declassified US National Sercurity archives.
Complicate matters? Good one. I prefer to read, inform myself, and derive opinions based on careful examination of facts, whether they be historical, religious, sociological, or cultural. If you prefer to stick to overly simplistic views, knock yourself out...
And- yes - the thread is there for anyone who cares to see. What the thread shows (well, not completely since all my posts are gone) besides my reluctance to have a part in what had quickly turned into a cesspool for xenophobia, is your eagerness to justify Islamic terrorism as a fatality, as if "hatred" is something embraided in the Koran.
Ahhhhh xenophobia... Now why did I waste my time with lenghty intelligent arguments when I could have simply responded with thinly veiled accusations of anti-semitism... More knee-jerk reactions derived from the refusal or the inability to debate.
For the record, if you knew anything about the Koran and had taken the time to ponder my points about the refusal by Muslims, throughout history, to adhere to a more liberal interpretation of their religious texts coupled with the lack of central authority (or body) on Islamic doctrine, you would begin to understand why the teachings of Islam can be so easily distorted and perverted.
The readers will also note that some of your "supporters" are the same people who took part recently to another thread where the perspective of "beating up on Middle Easterns with baseball bats" was celebrated with uncontained joy...
I cannot be held responsible for the opinions of others, as misguided as they might be.
Since this is a total waste of time, I'm done arguing this issue with you.