Montreal Escorts

The current state of the indie scene...

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New Member
Oct 25, 2013
If you don't like bigger, or curvy women ... then, just don't partake. I don't think AR is being silly, just being sarcastic, and justifiably so. If that young lady is "fat," then I'll take fat every day. I don't think anyone paying for a service wants to encounter an obese woman. But, ladies like AR and Ms. Wolfe and several others that I hope to visit next month are far from that. I haven't yet had the pleasure of partaking in Montreal's young ladies and won't until late August. But, I most definitely will NOT be visiting any spinners. My preference is "womanly curves." Based on photo evidence, young ladies like AR and Ms. Wolfe are very beautiful with the body types I prefer, and both are very high on my list of ladies I would like to spend time with next month. The advice to Birds and others is this: if it's very clear, based on their photos, that ladies like AR aren't spinners, and spinners are your preference, then just don't visit them. That would create a greater opportunity for those of us who appreciate those curvy (NOT obese) body types.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I'm glad you know what you like. Hopefully, you won't book a voluptuous 180 pound lady one day and have a 100 pound toothpick chick show up, which is what the original poster was complaining about. It is really just a matter of semantics. The post would have taken a more positive tone if the original poster had said, guys I have been burned a few times recently by ads that are unrealistic with respect to the escort who showed up, can anyone list some slim, athletic ladies that you have actually seen whose pictures are realistic, and who provided excellent service? It would not have pissed so many people off.

Exactly. It's the same in other type of business. When the market is hot for something somewhere you will see hundreds of suckers appear trying to have their parts with fake adds and fake service. If you then what to buy in this market you need to dig trought the shit.



Jul 29, 2012
Is it me or the indie scene is getting worse and worse? It's literally just fat women these days. It's sickening. Even if they don't look fat in their pictures, they probably are. They are almost always fat. And there are a lot of fake pictures of totally different girls or pictures that were taken years ago when the girl was actually in shape. They lie about their weight all the time. Also, there is this idea, perpetuated by feminists, that fat women are "sexy". Women constantly praise fat women about how great and sexy they look and this is what real women look like, etc... Now it seems escorts believe this too because I see a lot of ads of fat escorts claiming they have amazing bodies in their description. They are convinced that their overweight body is sexy. Also, 90% of the "big ass" ads are just fat women. Slim and athletic bodies seem to be endangered species.

It just pisses me off when I meet a "110" or "120" pound woman who actually have a bigger gut than me. The last girl I met claimed she was "110" but she was like 150 with fat all over her body and especially her gut. And the worse is that these girls tend to demand outrageous prices. Like 180, 200, or even 300. They make sure you agree to their outrageous price before you meet them, while lying about their appearance. They charge the prices of hot girls while not being hot. It's like indie girls all lie now. There was a time when I would meet escorts and the girl looked like she looked like the picture. But now it's almost guaranteed she looks nothing like the picture and weigh much more. Even the ads that contain words such as "real pictures!" actually use fake pictures. This happened to me a few times. Is escorting a scam industry or what? How about offering an honest service?

I am at a point where I look at the ads, only see a bunch of fatties and fake pictures and I am like : "I guess I will keep my money for something else." This is making me lose interest in the hobby. Is it that hard to be in shape for a job that has your physical appearance as the main requirement? I mean, why am I the one in better physical shape when I am the one paying? Finding a girl in shape over 25 years old is almost impossible.

I COMPLETELY agree.... And I will add, I do not understand, for some lady, the cost is so high, and not aligned with the lady beauty. Having said that, I like courbes, and do not appreciate slim or extra slim lady... I met Delilah few times and I love her courbes, as well as Lorence... But (a part few of them) the donation is incredible... Inwas told by few of them that in NYC and TORONTO is the standard... Ok, so move and go there.... I like Indy, for ethical, but honestly if I compare my meeting with Anastasia XO or Chloe, Bianka and others from Euphoria or Sophie from Elite and those I had with Indy, at the end of the day, I cannot see big differences...
Again, Some are a part, and they stay connected on earth, Montreal one, but the most are just flying so high.... For my part, it is 6 months I do not frequent Indy anyome for that...

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
And also guys the fact that they hardly ever return a text or mail when contacting or they answer you back like 3 or 4 days later


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Maybe I'm not what you are looking for, but then again consider that the guys who have the attitude attached to a 200/hr budget aren't what we are looking for either.

I don't quite understand this ? I'm used to the ' going rate " in the industry which is around 200 an hour ..Some charge a little more, and an excellent agency like MSC charges 180...
Can you explain to me what kind of attitude that I have ?

I never price police a provider, but it sounds like you are certainly price policing the customer ?

Best Regards


New Member
May 14, 2016
Is it me or the indie scene is getting worse and worse?

All I can say is my last Indy was spectacular. Tall, super sleek, beautiful, and full of...let's call it LIFE. She was full of energy, fulfilled my lingerie requests with delicious style, then bent and twisted and performed off-balance with athleticism in heart-racing ways. A much higher rate of my best times has been with Indies, which justifies the rates. If things have changed I have not seen it. If the rates are not what you are willing to pay, and I don't very often, see agency ladies like I do. There's plenty of quality there too to please anyone.

Good luck. :thumb:

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
First, I'm very impressed by the women's posts in this thread.
Bravo ladies!!!

I'm a in her forthy's escort not too thin and not too fat either.
And I never had a "perfect body" as staged in the magazines,
but for a lots of gentlemen, I'm beautiful, nice, educated and very fun to be with.
And my over hundred of positive reviews I had still my beginning
should definitely mean something.

I understand that the starter of this thread have been lied to and he's pissed of.
But he made general conclusion based on his personnal opinion & tastes.
That's not because he has been unlucky with his personnal choices of ladies he
decided to meet that everything is dark.
I would suggest him to choose more wisely maybe and take more infos next time
he wants to book?

I don't know what's happening lately on Merb, it looks like few want to make a
"Hunt witch" and degraded the TDS. That's 2 days in a row a see very bad things written here.
Vraiment désolant. I understand that could be deserved in particular cases, but
to make general degrading statement is another thing.


New Member
May 14, 2016
And I never had a "perfect body"

Disagree completely.

I'm beautiful, nice, educated and very fun to be with.


Besides, awesome shape doesn't need to be like a barbie doll. Great sensuality/sexuality isn't just slim and a much fuller shape can be more arousing with the right lady.

to make general degrading statement is another thing.

I also don't see why anyone has to knock a whole group down only because they aren't you type no matter how frustrated a person might feel..
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
If you're finding that the indy scene isn't to your expectations, you should just stick with agencies that you know have "updated" pics..just my 2 cents.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
It warms my heart to see so many awesomely thoughtful responses from our Merb members here! Escorts and gentlemen alike. You've restored my faith in humanity. ❤️ The accepting, loving and empathetic shall prevail. It was hard to read the original poster's words...I could feel so much hate coming from his heart.

Birds-- I wish you the best, and hope that your bookings become more reliable appearance wise. I suggest looking for independents with recent pictures, they'll often advertise such a thing because it reassures clients that they won't be a shapeshifter! ;) I also hope your general life and view of your self improves...the way we treat and think about others, often reflects how we feel about ourselves.

Much love. ❤️

Lovely Miss Banks,

There are thousands of members on this board, we are talking about the opinions of only a few, don't let that demoralize you. The vast majority of members simply don't have such opinions.


Apr 27, 2016
4 observations:

1. Some threads involve more venting than actual looking for discussion as the goal. Seems like the OP vent factor is in play, or at least, part of it sure comes off as pure venting.

2. As others have mentioned, the legit issue raised is false advertising. That can be remedied a lot of times by reviews here on merb.

3. Beauty itself comes in many different shapes and really is in the eye of the beholder. There's a reason Indy SP's stay successful beyond numbers.

4. Once you generalize in posts, don't expect to get sympathetic replies.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Why is it that some ugly fat guys (your own description of yourself from a past post), feel the need to insult women to build up their own self esteem ?
Absolutely pathetic.
You have no idea of the variety of Indy women in Montreal.
BTW calling women nasty names is not considered fore-play, even in a Sado-masochistic environment.

Wow, i am 100% with you on this topic cloudsurf, i opened this thread not expecting this at all, i am ashamed to be part of the male gender today, i wont continue this any further, i just cant, ladies, on behalf of all the men who love women, i am ashamed, and i bow my head.....

Thor Jr

Marie Montreal

Wild when appropriate
Nov 13, 2008
I think I am about to offer a new service : Crtitical thinking, logique, good analogies, fact checking and honest debating. The member who started this thread and his followers would greatly benefit from these lessons, plus I would not have to fuck their charming self and they would not have to touch my fat body, it's a win win!


Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
I'm a in her forthy's escort not too thin and not too fat either.
And I never had a "perfect body" as staged in the magazines,
but for a lots of gentlemen, I'm beautiful, nice, educated and very fun to be with.
Oui, oui, oui!!!!

I think I am about to offer a new service : Crtitical thinking, logic, good analogies, fact checking and honest debating!
Oh my.... for this you would have to charge a lot... it:s going to be hard work :bounce:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think the original poster was blowing off steam. Sounds like he was burned recently. I agree with a few of the things that he had to say. There are a lot of girls using photos that are heavily shopped or no longer current. This practice is not just limited to Indies, however.

I saw an Indy in the USA 3 years ago that was using someone else's photos!!! I went through with it for some reason....the good news was 1.) she was not LE and 2.) she was good in the sack. As Meatloaf would say Two out of Three A'int Bad. But I wanted the girl in the photos!!!!! Why didn't I just walk out? I immediately thought of Montreal and I had not seen a girl as unattractive as this one in all my years there.

Here are a few tips to avoid this type of encounter:

1.) Read the reviews. Not just the MERB reviews but also consider TER and ISG. Look for a preponderance of the evidence.
2.) Stay away from bargain basement. Pay the going rate. If the deal is too good to be true than it probably is.
3.) Form alliances with other hobbyists. Some of these things will occur naturally over time. Without really trying, I have made friends with members of this board and a few others. Someone may see I travel to place XYZ or maybe I like a SP that they also like and all of a sudden we are PMing each other....then one may drop a tip to the other. A few month later the other will repay the favor. This is called help from the back channels. These back channels (BC)are more reliable than random reviews I think.
4.) Develop a relationship with agencies. Frequent the agencies that are most honest with you and you have the greatest success rate with.
5.) Attend GT's. At GT's I have made friends with other hobbyists, strengthened relationships with agency owners and most importantly, I have met several SP's - both Indy and agency girls. My TDL is made up of girls that I have met at the GT's. I have not had a bad session with one of these girls ever. When we meet at a GT I can see that I am attracted to them and I can determine if there is the right chemistry.
6.) If all else fails, be prepared to walk away. Have 40$ in your front pocket and be ready to bolt. I just did this at an incall in Montreal. I recognized that this wasn't what I wanted and I picked up my money and put down 40$ and left. In cases where there is downright fraud I would just leave without paying. However, I am always ready to drop some money down to avoid trouble.

As the case with the girl in South Carolina...Why the hell did I go through with the date? I gave her a rare bad review for looks and I was very honest. She contacted me via e-mail to get me to change my rating or remove my review. I refused. To be honest, I should of given myself a bad rating for 1.) not walking away and 2.) not calling it a day once it was apparent that the well reviewed girls I had lined-up could not make it.

Lastly, I would like to say that I was not happy with the Sports Illustrate decision to use a plus sized model. And I refuse to bend and comply with the herd and say that she looks good just like I refuse to say that Caitlin Jenner is stunning and brave. However, I will say that we have several over weight woman that advertise on MERB. I do not believe that they try to hide the fact that they are fat either. Since I am a capitalist, I believe in the invisible hand that was described by Adam Smith. Since they are out there advertising their over weight inked up bodies that must mean that there is a market for this. If there was not a market I do believe that their adds wouldn't exist. Different strokes for different folks.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
To be honest, I should of given myself a bad rating for 1.) not walking away and 2.) not calling it a day once it was apparent that the well reviewed girls I had lined-up could not make it.

Remember I told you the Amsterdam rule... nothing good ever happens after midnight :pound:

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Smuler, that is pretty true in the USA too.
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