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The emasculation of hobbyland


Oct 11, 2005
Maria Divina said:
If you permit me, nobody didn't yet call you, "Alpha" ???? If it is not a game you are playing when you're writing here, and you live your life concording with your thoughs you shared with us...I have the impression that you can be called this way..... What do you think about that???

I once had a SP call me alpha man because I always wanted to be on top.:D
I guess it all comes down to….if you wash my hands, I’ll wash yours.

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Mar 24, 2007
Just_Jay said:
In reagrd to "shooting your load all over her tits"....That is just guy locker room talk that will always exist. But that talk in my opinion is made for ears of others guys.

Exactely !

Always have been and always will be.
I beleive that's why some ladies prefer not to come and read the boards.
As many accept the way it is, some other get really upset when read it.

Just imagine if men would ear what is said in the washrooms ! :D

:D :D
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Oct 11, 2005
Just_Jay said:
In reagrd to "shooting your load all over her tits"....That is just guy locker room talk that will always exist. But that talk in my opinion is made for ears of others guys.

Not so fast JJ. I know a lot of women out there like to say to their man, "Come on baby, Shoot that hot massive load all over my tits."
Apr 16, 2005
I am getting the impression that this thread is about an evolution to politacle correctness and we are moving away from the lust and passion that so many seek. Part of the lust, passion and fantasy, is the abilty to step outside your skin and behave in a manner that is contrary to your nature. This provides least on a temporary basis. The ability to be crude and use language that is "dirty" can also be part of the fantasy. The problem is finding the balance between unleashing one's inner repressed self without being rude and crude to your partner. Some partners may welcome this behavior while others may be uncomfortable with it. Thus a meeting of the minds must exist.
Actually Jay it is about how we handle ourselves on this board. What goes on behind closed doors will always be private and for some dirty talk is titillating. There are sp's who will gladly provide that. Guys don't have the market cornered on that kind of dialogue.

In reagrd to "shooting your load all over her tits"....That is just guy locker room talk that will always exist. But that talk in my opinion is made for ears of others guys.

With regard to post session summaries, some use it to relive the experience and to titalate the readers. Some do a fine job of that. But mostly I think that relate more to providing guidance to others and what to expect before they walk into a given situation.
Yes, in a review it may be necessary to describe what services are allowed by any one particular sp and because of that a certain amount of graphic language has to be accepted. It is possible though in reviews to show some sensitivity and try not to use language which might better be reserved to describe livestock.
I guess it is like looking for a restaurant by checking with the yellow pages however if the yellow pages gave various reviews for each one, the selection process would be much easier
I think there might be a different motive at work here. Consider the following:
Add to that male escort reviews in the Outcall section. If this keeps up we will be paying $200 dollars to jerk off in front of a semi-clothed SP. You were warned.
Use crude language to describe the activities sp's engage in with us and they will feel like gutter rats or crack head street whores and not raise their rates because they are not really worth it anyway. We don't want them to get uppity ideas now.
My personal opinion is that this thread is geared to keeping it crude to keep the hobby in the ditch. My own personal take on it is that how we treat the sp's and rates are two completely separate issues. I can't think of one single instance in life where anyone can fault the concept of handling oneself with class.


Oct 11, 2005
Regular Guy said:
I can't think of one single instance in life where anyone can fault the concept of handling oneself with class.

You may be able to pull off the respectable john image in front of SP’s and fellow johns, but believe me it won’t work outside hoppyland. Since you are such a respectable lad, I’m sure you tell your family and friends how you pay money to spread your GREY POUPON all over a strangers mammary glands.
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Oct 11, 2005
Equanimity said:
Man if you are spreading Grey Poupon you are either seriously wierd or need to see a doctor.:D

The notion of this turkey basting being more erotic than the traditional direct injection method must stem from porn flics and the misguided notion that we are all little Ron Jeremy's.
Maybe you didn’t see the TV ads for GREY POUPON in order to figure out the sarcasm. Also turkey basting in most widely know as artificial insemination by lesbians.:rolleyes:


Oct 11, 2005
Equanimity said:
If one discharges anything resembling this colour you are a seriously ill individual.
Really? Gee, I would of never quessed such a thing.:confused:
Apr 16, 2005
You may be able to pull off the respectable john image in front of SP’s and fellow johns, but believe me it won’t work outside hoppyland.
Well first off I'm not pulling anything off. It is a belief that you live because you believe that it is the right way. If you have read any of my posts anywhere you would see that I don't hold it up to be some kind of magic formula that will make people (e.g. sp's) go AAAAH, OOOOH and fall all over you. People will act according to their own personal code, sp's too. And it does work outside hobbyland. How you behave towards others is how many people take your measure. Who was it on the board not long ago who said they would never take seriously anyone who mistreats their waiter or waitress. There are many stellar qualities to aspire to. Observe the CEO's (the great ones) as a group. To be a leader people admire handling yourself with class as a must, along with qualities such as astuteness, generosity of spirit,.....I could go on. And by the way, many sp's here have met and sp'd for that type of man. Do you really think that anything less will impress them?

Since you are such a respectable lad, I’m sure you tell your family and friends how you pay money to spread your GREY POUPON all over a strangers mammary glands.
Well first off, don't try to drag me into your ditch. If you feel the hobby is only for scum and those who behave like scum then why are you here? Do you feel this way about your own activities? Is this what you see coming out of you when you get into your porno sexual athletics? There is a distinction here between sex as being naughty and sex as appealing to our worst natures of cruelty, exploitation etc. Sex is sex. It is a part of who we are as human beings. It is as fun for you and me as it is fun for the KIng of Norway or the Queen of England. And there is nothing wrong with making it a time of play. What brings it to its lowest level is when cruelty, hatred, mean-spiritedness, bullying, rape, exploitation etc. are brought into the mix. And this can happen on both sides. This is why I have no patience with clients who want to treat the girls like livestock and even less for the sp's who hate their job and the clients but don't turn down the envelope full of money. We can do without both sorts. Oh I realize that this is a business, a very lucrative one for the girls. And that it's not a perfect world in terms of chemistry and that there is a great element of fantasy to it all. But I have read too many posts not to believe that many of the guys have genuine regard for the girls and that many of the girls enjoy men who treat them well, and try to give a genuine sharing and time of interpersonal contact. All you can do my friend is control how you act towards those around you. If it isn't reciprocated then you can rest easy knowing that it is their problem not yours. Try it. You'll be much happier with yourself.
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