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The Joe.T Memorial FM® Yankees Suck Thread for 2008


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Great articles, especially the one on the stats on bullpens in 2007. What's interesting is that the Yankees' record pre-Chamberlain was probably a lot worse. I wonder how many of those 9 losses came in games in which Chamberlain and Rivera were called upon to pitch the 8th and 9th innings. Probably not too many.

I have been hearing a lot about Joba starting 2008 in the bullpen. I would assume that the rotation would then be Wang, Pettite, Hughes, Kennedy, and either Mussina or Igawa as the 5th starter. I suppose a lot will depend on how Mussina and Igawa pitch in spring training. At the end of last season, I heard Gene "Stick" Michael interviewed on WFAN and he said that the Yankees for years have been irritated with Mussina's offseason working regimen. In a nutshell, they have been telling him for the last 4-5 years that he is getting older and he needs to have an offseason workout regimen and strength and conditioning program. Mussina, if you have ever heard him in interviews, is somewhat of a curmudgeon who believes he knows what is best and everyone else knows shit. However, Michael speculated that Mussina getting his ass kicked like he never did previously in that one 3 game stretch late last season, after which he was temporarily pulled from the rotation, may have finally opened his eyes.

It's all speculation until they go to spring training and we see what kind of shape everyone is in and how they are pitching. However, if they keep Joba in the bullpen, they will have him, Hawkins and Mariano to pitch the late innings, with Farnsworth in reserve and possibly relegated to middle relief in blowout games. Maybe they can start that way and see how things shake out with Mussina/Igawa or maybe even Henn as the 5th starter.

Another option would be to put Joba on a strict pitch count but that could end up taxing the bullpen.

Regarding Kennedy being dangerously prone to an injury based on innings pitched, that's an interesting assessment. He is not tall, but he is not skinny or a runt, and his delivery shows good mechanics. To me, all of these articles, like most of the posts here, are just speculation. If these were scientific analyses with high degrees of probabilities, we would not need to play any games, we could just sit here and decide what the outcome of the season will be in advance, crowning the champion in each division, then guessing at the postseason rosters based on who will likely be healthy and productive, then picking wins and losses based on the pitching matchups.

I prefer to watch the games being played instead.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
chercherfemmes said:
Mods: If there's a problem maybe delete the text and keep the link.
Here's the problem and it's with Verducci's premise, not with your posting the whole article. Verducci omits one thing and that is that major league innings are much more taxing than minor league innings. This issue has been discussed at length by Will Carroll.

None of these Yankee pitchers should go over 150 innings in 2008 at the major league level.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
chercherfemmes said:
Last year Hughes and Homer Bailey of the Reds were the 1a and 1b pitching prospects in the country. I have been reading the various prospect rankings for years and don't remember Lester ever being rated so highly.
Both Sickels and Ron Shandler had Lester in the top 2 in the AL in 2006.

chercherfemmes said:
My comparison of likely rotations in 2009 & beyond is as valid as any other.
Simply put: bullshit. You compare and established ace with a prospect and call that a legitimate assessment? You totally ignore Matsuzaka and call that a legitimate assessment? Do you also consider comedian Rush Limbaugh a legitimate political analyst?

chercherfemmes said:
A hamstring injury is much less serious than an arm or shoulder injury.
True, but Hughes went from a hammy injury keeping him out 3 weeks to a sprained ankle keeping him out two months. He's been injured before. History suggests that guys who get injured repeatedly continue to get injured.

chercherfemmes said:
And I don't think it's a stretch to assume the Yanks will sign a marquee free agent starter (i.e., not a Pavano) in the next 2 years.
Possibly not, but considering their track record over the last 10 years, I'd hardly consider it a sure bet. The last 2 marquee free agent pitchers they signed were Pavano and Wright.

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
Yankee Fan Rudy Giuliani Celebrates With Red Sox


NEW YORK (WBZ) ― It's a sight that may bring tears to the eyes of even the most die-hard Yankee fans: Rudy Giuliani

celebrating the 2007 World Series win with the Red Sox.

That's exactly what they'll see when Topps baseball cards hit stores this week.

About one in every 70 packs will include a picture of the former New York City mayor, with his fist raised in victory, celebrating with the Red Sox on the field after their World Series win.

Besides being Mayor of New York City, Giuliani is a self-professed die-hard New York Yankees fan.

However last October while campaigning in New Hampshire, the then Republican Presidential Candidate told supporters he was rooting for the Red Sox against the Colorado Rockies in the World Series.

The comment irked many Yankees fans and gave the people at Topps an idea.

Clay Luraschi, the baseball brand manager at Topps, said they came up with the idea to put Giuliani in the championship pile.

Giuliani was not consulted about the new card.

Despite several attempts, Giuliani has not commented on the card.

***Could JOE T be Next?***


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
This today from Joe Sheehan, Yankee fan and Baseball Prospectus author and editor:

For the first time in a long time, the Yankees open spring training as a considerable underdog to win the AL East. The Red Sox have moved far ahead of them, as the financial investments they made in older players have paid off a bit better than those that the Yankees made, and their farm system is about a year ahead of the Yankees in supplying inexpensive, good young players. The Yankees aren’t necessarily playing for the wild card, but that slot—beating out the Indians—is a more realistic goal than first place in the AL East.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Ya if I were a Boston fan I would be just drooling at the thought of those financial investments- Timilin, Lopes, Snyder, Hansen, Delcarmen and Tavarez. bawhahahahahahahaha!!!!

By the way Sheehan is predicting a huge breakout year for the Melkman Melky Cabrera.

rumples- Wait until you see my team name in the fantasy league at, it didn't take much thought and you will absolutly love it pal of mine.:)
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
By the way Sheehan is predicting a huge breakout year for the Melkman Melky Cabrera.
You, my fucking moron® friend, are full of shit. Where in the following do you see "huge breakout year?"

"Beyond that, the Yankees need to commit to Melky Cabrera as the everyday center fielder, even if it means making Johnny Damon a $13 million fourth outfielder. They need Cabrera’s defense, and Cabrera needs 600 plate appearances to develop his power and be the player he can be." Joe Sheehan

The "player he can be" is somewhere around Coco Crisp, without the defense.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Melky seemed to wear down a little at the very end of last season, but before that happened I saw some positive things from him in terms of him showing signs of being able to drive the ball with authority into the gaps. Another positive with Melky is that he plays the game with boundless energy and enthusiasm, both in the field and on the basepaths, and is always good for a few hustle plays every game. This may be one reason why he wore down at the end of the season. Yet another positive is that he seems to have above average patience and discipline at the plate for a young player from the Dominican Republic, who are typically not known to be threats to have consistent high pitch count at bats. The best thing about him defensively is the strength and accuracy of his throwing arm.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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In my view Kennedy is a better pitcher than Igawa, Henn, Karstens, Rasner et al and the other candidates for the end of the rotation, and so I am not sure I see the point in him pitching in the minors unless he is hurt and needs to rehabilitate or sucks in spring training (which I don't think will happen). They can limit his innings in the minors or in the majors, the ball weighs the same in both places. I would rather have him giving whatever innings he can give in the majors than the other guys you mentioned, based on what I have seen so far.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
chercherfemmes said:
Prospectus Today
Breakout Candidates
by Joe Sheehan
Usually I agree with Sheehan, but he's alone in the world on his assessment of Cabrera. Most scouts and performance analysts see him as an average performer.

What's particularly bizarre about Sheehan's piece is his suggestion that Cabrera will get 80 extra base hits in a season before long. In 2007, exactly three American Leaguers got 80 extra base hits: Ordonez, Rodriguez, and Ortiz. The only time Melky will get 80 extra base hits is in Joe.T's dreams.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EagerBeaver said:
In my view Kennedy is a better pitcher than Igawa, Henn, Karstens, Rasner et al and the other candidates for the end of the rotation
Considering that Kennedy is the only one of the aforementioned pitchers likely to experience a major league career, you are certainly right, EB. The others might be candidates for the end of the Baltimore rotation; none of them will ever see anything but mop-up roles in the Bronx.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Boston papers are reporting that Curt Schilling may need shoulder surgery. He might have a lot more time to waste campaigning for John McCain than earlier thought. If this is true, plans to start Buchholz in Pawtucket may be shelved.

While this will actually make the Sox stronger through Buchholz' first 150 innings, they'll probably then have to spot start, gulp, Julian Tavarez occasionally to keep Buchholz available in September and October. That or make a deadline move.

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
Sources: Schilling out until All-Star break at least

rumpleforeskiin said:
Boston papers are reporting that Curt Schilling may need shoulder surgery......

uh OH............

Boston Globe said:
Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling will not have shoulder surgery for what appears to be a partial tear of his rotator cuff, despite the recommendation of the doctor who operated on the shoulder in 1995, and will follow the more conservative course recommended by Sox medical director Thomas Gill, after the club and player agreed to submit to today's recommendation by an outside medical expert.
Even without surgery, the 41-year-old Schilling is not expected to be ready to pitch until the All-Star break, according to several sources familiar with his condition.

***Where's JOE T?***


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Robert 21 said:
***Where's JOE T?***
Joe's out back polishing Curt's Hall of Fame plaque.

The question is how many innings they'll let Buchholz and Lester throw this year. The fact that they're 23 and 24, with the former turning 24 in early August, means that they're nearly past the babying point.

Buchholz pitched 150 last year. My guess is that they'll let him go to 180-185 including the post season.

Lester pitched 160 last year. Guessing again, I see them letting him approach 190.

This means that, unless Schilling comes back at some point, they'll probably need to get 10-12 starts from someone else. Tavarez, Masterson, or Bowden. It becomes a very good thing that they didn't deal Lester and Masterson.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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"Injury riddled season", ummm where did I hear that before?, did some wise smart man predict this to be the downfall in 2008 for this aging decripit team.:rolleyes:

Prediction- Sean Casey will get 500 ab, and you can take that to the bank, might be a good fantasy pick up.:)
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Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
"Please understand that a lot of what has been reported is not true."

Curt Schilling is reporting the following on his Blog...

Curt Schilling said:
There have been disagreements these past few weeks in an effort to provide me with a solution that would allow me to pitch as much as possible during the 2008 season. At no time did I ever consider taking a course of action against the clubs wishes. In the end, regardless of who agreed with whom, I have chosen the clubs course of action and will vigorously pursue any and every option I can to be able to help this team to another World Series title in 2008.

Please understand that a lot of what has been reported is not true. When the club feels it’s appropriate to further discuss the details of this issue publicly I will elaborate but I need to make it clear that Dr Morgan did NOT diagnose me with a tear of the rotator cuff at any time during this process, nor did he recommend rotator cuff surgery.

Dr Craig Morgan is inarguably one of the most highly respected shoulder experts in the world. I’m here because 13 years ago he was the only person on the planet to actually get what was wrong with me and correctly diagnose, and then treat me. He’s been on the cutting edge of treating throwing shoulders for over a decade. Much of the stuff that’s now seen as cutting edge treatment and therapy he was doing 10 years ago. I trusted him with my career then, and always will.

After being diagnosed by the Red Sox medical staff I sought a second opinion, as anyone would, and when it became clear there was disagreement (which is not uncommon by the way), I agreed to see an independent Doctor from a list the Red Sox provided me, for the third opinion.

At this time I have agreed to abide with the clubs wishes in hopes that will provide the results they believe it will.

***Red Sox Nation is holding it's breath***


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Good riddance, I never liked the conservative ass kissing bum, he can now use the rest of the can of red paint on some signs for Mcain, after all it shouldn't have taken much paint for the one sock.:rolleyes:

Korbel- Get back on these boards my good man, get it through your head that "it's over, the pats choked".:)
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