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The Joe.T Memorial FM® Yankees Suck Thread for 2008


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Yes korbel I am damn proud that I pay for sex with beautiful drop dead gorgeous women, I even brag about it to my family, friends and even my mother, have fun choking the chicken tonight my whining friend as I have another hot date Sunday with a stunning beauty.

PS- Have fun with Rosie tonight, today or most likely right now.:rolleyes:

Hey Josey,

Bravo, character like that goes well with the N. Y. I am sure the "family, friends and even" your "mother" are proud of you.




Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Korbel said:
Hey Josey,

Bravo, character like that goes well with the N. Y. I am sure the "family, friends and even" your "mother" are proud of you.


I think one of three things has happened to Korbel recently.

1- He has gone right wing.
2- He has become a Gino(stud) all of a sudden.
3- He has found god.
4- All of the above.

Just a reminder that this is MERB which stands for Montreal Escort Review Board which also means you pay a good looking girl money and she then starts sucking your cock, surely you are not on this board just for baseball.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Is it time for a new baseball thread, devoted to a REAL discussion of the game, free of the rantings of Korbel and Joe.T? This crap is getting very tiresome.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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rumpleforeskiin said:
Is it time for a new baseball thread, devoted to a REAL discussion of the game, free of the rantings of Korbel and Joe.T? This crap is getting very tiresome.

I agree...Korbel, while we Sox fans appreciate your enthusiasm and fervor, you really need to take it down a few notches...Accept Joe for what he is (FM®) and go on.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Korbel said:
Now that Clemens (probably) and Pettitte (own admission) were both using banned substances it seems two of the starting pitchers in the last couple of Yanker championships were "tainted"...aka...cheating.
Do you even read the crap you post, I will say it again, nothing was proven with Clemens(your "probably" is a gutless way of saying he's guilty) and Pettitte did it when it was legal, unless you have proof?, I'm done responding to a clueless wonder, you would make a terrible lawyer.:rolleyes:

Let me see what do I have to do tomorrow, condoms, oh I forgot that the Chablis has condems in the vending machine right beside the candy and the gum, how could I forget, one less hassle that I have to worry about.

Sorry boys but he crossed the line when he referred to me and I quote "General Gonads" of the baseball thread.:mad:
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
...I will say it again, nothing was proven with Clemens(your "probably" is a gutless way of saying he's guilty) and Pettitte did it when it was legal, unless you have proof?,
Hey Josey,

Maybe we could stick to the facts in this thread then. Fact: there is nothing at all indicating Ortiz or Ramirez ever used any banned or not. Fact: Clemens is accused by a first hand witness he himself paid to stay on the Yankers staff. Fact: Pettitte admitted using HGH, banned at the time or not. If you want to be serious and civil about the issues...don't post lies out of spite. It will be interesting to see if you are willing to retract the lies about Ortiz and Ramirez if you are sincere about your concern for PROOF????? How about it? Or is your concern just one-sided?

Frankly, ALL...I never thought it was acceptable to call Joe.t a "fucking moron" whether he takes it in good humor or not. Funny how it seems to bother him less than being compared to GG.


Joe.t said:
I think one of three things has happened to Korbel recently.

1- He has gone right wing.
2- He has become a Gino(stud) all of a sudden.
3- He has found god.
4- All of the above.

Just a reminder that this is MERB which stands for Montreal Escort Review Board which also means you pay a good looking girl money and she then starts sucking your cock, surely you are not on this board just for baseball.

"Right Wing"...well...I am not a liberal, but many who know me would be laughing their butt off at that one. And the others are almost as funny. Thanks for the humorous moment.

1. Centrist Democrat
2. Just an average guy.
3. LOL...somehwere between...still looking and agnostic.

And what does this have to do with baseball?

Heal Thyself,

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Korbel said:
Frankly, ALL...I never thought it was acceptable to call Joe.t a "fucking moron" whether he takes it in good humor or not. Funny how it seems to bother him less than being compared to GG.
Frankly, Korbel, I'd greatly prefer being called a fucking moron to being compared to GG.

And Joe's not A fucking moron; he's THE fucking moron®. He still, however, has better range than Derek Jeter.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
Frankly, Korbel, I'd greatly prefer being called a fucking moron to being compared to GG.
Hello Rumples,

Wow...who would have :D




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Clemens is being accused by someone who has been accused of rape.

Hey Korbie click on the "come on Pedro" link and see who has made Kevin Hench's choker list.:D
Hello Josey,

I want to stay away from all the recent bitterness...however...could you explain what relevance Hench has? He has proven to be a Yanker sycophant, so he is valueless. I feel that way about anyone who has such bias toward a single team. Really Josey I don't mind reading editorials you may suggest, but could you pick someone who is credible. Gee, some Red Sox are on his choker list. As if that was unexpected. Now, since the Yanks lost in the first round with a team salaried at $218,000,000 compared to the Red Sox $155,000,000, which are the final numbers given for 2007, why aren't they on the choker list somewhere??? Oh...that's right...Hench the Yanker sycophant wrote it. "A filthy, disappearing changeup"...get real. I read about the cock fights, legal in that country, a few days ago. Disgusting, but by your standards it's fine isn't it. Remember what you said about Pettitte. If you do it when it is not's's

No biased authors please,



Did you remove your false accusations against Ortiz and Ramirez to protect YOUR credibility? I have not checked.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Trouble for Clemens lawyer???

Hello fans,

NEW YORK (AP) - One of Brian McNamee`s lawyers said Sunday he believed the Justice Department will open a criminal investigation into Roger Clemens` denials of doping.

Meantime, the chairman of a congressional committee said comments attributed to one of the pitcher`s lawyers could be interpreted as trying to intimidate a federal law enforcement official.

Clemens gave a five-hour deposition last week to staff lawyers of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform prior to Wednesday`s public hearing. McNamee, former personal trainer to the seven-time Cy Young Award winner, gave a seven-hour deposition.

"I think there will be a criminal prosecution after Wednesday, and that means there will be grand jury proceedings and subsequent proceedings," said Richard Emery, one of McNamee`s attorneys. "I don`t see there`s any possibility that Brian has any jeopardy. I only see the possibility of Clemens getting investigated by Justice, whether or not Congress refers it."

A message left Sunday night requesting Justice Department comment was not immediately returned.

Told of Emery`s comments, Rusty Hardin, Clemens` lead lawyer, said: "They have consistently acted and indicated that they have a pipeline to agents of the Department of Justice. Whether they do or not, it certainly raises a lot of questions of whether what`s going on here is proper. So I`m not going to express any predictions of what will or will not happen."

McNamee says he injected Clemens with steroids and human growth hormone at least 16 times in 1998, 2000 and 2001, accusations Clemens has repeatedly denied. Both are set to testify Wednesday on Capitol Hill in what figures to be a day of high drama.

"Our position is very simple: Roger did not take steroids, he did not use human growth hormone, and he has demonstrated that he is willing to repeatedly testify under oath as to the truth of those matters," Hardin said.

McNamee last month gave the Justice Department what he says are needles from times Clemens used performance-enhancing drugs, evidence that the pitcher`s legal team says is manufactured. Emery said he thinks there will be a Justice Department investigation of Clemens even if the committee doesn`t ask for one.

"If the tests come back that he is connected with those syringes, they have evidence that contradicts his sworn statement to federal officials," Emery said.

Hardin was quoted in Sunday`s New York Times as saying it would be "brazen" and "unbelievable" if IRS Special Agent Jeff Novitzky, a key prosecutor in the BALCO drug cases, attends the hearing.
"If he ever messes with Roger, Roger will eat his lunch," Hardin was quoted as saying.

Rep. Henry Waxman, the committee chairman, wrote a letter to Hardin on Sunday saying that some comments by Hardin and McNamee`s lawyers were "inadvisable."

"I do not know your intent in making this statement, but under one interpretation it can be seen an attempt to intimidate a federal law enforcement official in the performance of his official duties," Waxman wrote. "It is not your client`s prerogative to dictate who attends or does not attend the hearing. ... I trust you did not intend your comments to be a signal that there could be adverse repercussions to a federal law enforcement official for attending the hearing or taking other official actions."

Hardin wrote to Waxman late Sunday, saying his comments were "inelegant" and "I regret it." Hardin said he meant that if Novitzky pursued legal action against Clemens he would lose, and the remarks were "not meant as a threat of personal action against agent Novitzky."

Still, Hardin criticized Novitzky in the letter for "conduct that could reasonably be perceived as witness intimidation" and conduct "intended to chill Roger Clemens` attempts to publicly defend his reputation."

The committee called this hearing as part of its probe into the Mitchell Report, in which McNamee went public with his accusations against Clemens. The same committee last month asked the Justice Department to investigate whether former AL MVP Miguel Tejada lied when he told staff in 2005 that he never took illegal performance-enhancing drugs and had no knowledge of other players using or talking about steroids. The FBI`s field office in Washington is handling that inquiry.

Barry Bonds, baseball`s career home run leader, was indicted in November on four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice in connection with grand jury testimony in which he denied knowingly using performance-enhancing drugs.

Clemens spent two days visiting congressmen last week and may again on Tuesday.

His agent, Randy Hendricks, responded Sunday to an article by four professors from the University of Pennsylvania`s Wharton School who criticized an 18,000-word statistical report Hendricks Sports Management issued to rebut accusations that the pitcher`s career rebounded about the time he is accused by McNamee of using performance-enhancing drugs.

Hendricks` report compared Clemens` performance during the second half of his career to those of Nolan Ryan, Curt Schilling and Randy Johnson.

"By comparing Clemens only to those who were successful in the second act of their careers, rather than to all pitchers who had a similarly successful first act, the report artificially minimizes the chances that Clemens` numbers will seem unusual. Statisticians call this problem selection bias," professors Eric Bradlow, Shane Jensen, Justin Wolfers and Adi Wyner wrote in Sunday`s Times.

They compared Clemens` ERA and walks plus-hits-per-inning with those of 31 pitchers since 1968 with 3,000 innings and 10 or more starts in at least 15 seasons.

"The available data on Clemens`s career strongly hint that some unusual factors may have been at play in producing his excellent late-career statistics," they said, while adding, "in any analysis of his career statistics, it is impossible to say whether this unusual factor was performance-enhancing drugs."

Hendricks said the criteria used by the professors was flawed, and that they ignored criteria such as Clemens` ERA margin vs. that of the league and strikeouts. Hendricks` report tried to refute any perceived misconceptions that Clemens` career was on the downside when he left Boston after the 1996 season. While the professors claimed Clemens was in decline in his late 20s, Hendricks pointed out Clemens was an All-Star in consecutive years from age 27-29, finished second in Cy Young at age 28, then won it the following year.

"The professors make the mistake of thinking that his career arc should look like the arc of every other pitcher in their selected group," Hendricks said in a statement. "These `statisticians` are engaging in precisely the kind of insinuation with their words that they say cannot be proven by statistics."

Former New York Mets clubhouse attendant Kirk Radomski also weighed in on the dispute, telling that he thinks McNamee has told the truth about Clemens - although Radomski said he was no direct knowledge about Clemens.

Radomski, who led investigators to McNamee, pleaded guilty to distributing steroids and laundering money and was sentenced Friday to five years` probation and ordered to pay an $18,575 fine.

"I think (McNamee) is very believable. He was a cop. He knows the consequences of lying. He has more to lose than to gain by lying," Radomski was quoted as saying.

He also speculated on why Bonds` trainer, Greg Anderson, refused to answer questions in front of a grand jury about Bonds, even when it resulted in incarceration.

"I think it is money," Radomski was quoted as saying. "And you know what? If that is the case, that is fine with me. He made that decision. And Bonds did the right thing there. Then Bonds ain`t that bad of a guy. And he`s a smart guy, at least. And he looked out for his guy."


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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Pettitte wants OUT.

Hello all,

Report: Pettitte wants out of Wednesday's hearing

WASHINGTON (AP) - Andy Pettitte's lawyer has been in discussions with congressional staff to have the New York Yankees pitcher dropped from the witness list at a House committee hearing about Roger Clemens.

The sides were talking into Monday evening, two people familiar with the committee's work tell The Associated Press, speaking on condition of anonymity because no decision has been made.

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is holding a hearing Wednesday to look at Clemens' denials of allegations - made in the Mitchell Report by his former trainer - that the seven-time Cy Young Award winner used steroids and human growth hormone.

Pettitte gave a sworn deposition to committee staff last week, as did Clemens and trainer Brian McNamee.


Well, this is interesting. What is Pettitte concerned about...betraying a friend...perjury...just bored??? Certainly the good friend of an innocent Roger Clemens could just appear and say to his knowledge Clemens never took any steroids or HGH shots. So what is Pettitte's problem? Maybe a badly timed dental appointment?


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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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2008 Joba Rules Unveiled

The 2008 Joba Rules have been revealed. They involve him starting the season in the bullpen and finishing as a starter, with a 140 inning limit, and the Yankees will audition several young pitchers to replace Joba as set up man once the transition is made:

I believe that this is an appropriate strategy long-term. It will create a short term talent shortfall in the rotation. It looks to me like Kennedy will be the 5th starter unless one of the other, less talented pitchers steps up, in which case Mussina could possibly get squeezed out of the rotation if he does not perform well in spring training, which I view as a realistic possibility.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Buchholz Bulked.

Hello all ,

An article in the Boston Herald today reports that Clay Buchholz has been involved in a fitness program that has added 10 lbs to his thin frame and he is now an athletic and muscular 190 lbs. If that wasn't enough to reinforce his pitching, he has also been going through an evaluation process that has uncovered and corrected flaws in his pitching motion that will not only relieve strain on his arm and shoulder but also add efficiency and power. With a no-hitter under his belt already, achieved with the aforementioned flaws, it should be a better and fuller year for the hot young pitcher. He says he is ready to fill any role given him. :D


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
They're still going to limit him, Korbie. The Yankees are doing the wise thing with both Hughes, Chamberlain, and Kennedy keeping them under 150 innings. Unfortunately for them, that means a lot more innings for guys like Pavano and will allow them to use all of the HCK innings up in 162 games as they'll not likely need them in October.

My sense is that Buchholz, 3 years older than the Yankee kids, and Lester will be allowed to get up to 180 and 190 innings, respectively. They will need to keep them in the 165 range during the regular season.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
chercherfemmes said:
At an average of 7 innings per start, you're looking at a good fulltime starter throwing 227 innings in a season.
A good analysis for the most part, but a few holes. Start looking for another 162 innings. Two pitchers in the AL reached 227 innings last year. 6 innings is a much more likely average, possibly even less for the young guys who are likely to be less efficient than veterans.

Even if all three have good years, don't expect them to be any better than league average pitchers. Very few rookies, even the best, are.

chercherfemmes said:
you're likely to see people such as Rasner, Igawa, Karstens and Henn.
You better hope not. NONE of these guys would make the Tampa Bay starting rotation. Baltiimore, maybe. These are NOT major league pitchers.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

rumpleforeskiin said:
They're still going to limit him, Korbie. The Yankees are doing the wise thing with both Hughes, Chamberlain, and Kennedy keeping them under 150 innings. Unfortunately for them, that means a lot more innings for guys like Pavano and will allow them to use all of the HCK innings up in 162 games as they'll not likely need them in October.

My sense is that Buchholz, 3 years older than the Yankee kids, and Lester will be allowed to get up to 180 and 190 innings, respectively. They will need to keep them in the 165 range during the regular season.
Hello Rumpie,

Yes, I read that somewhere too. The Red Sox have indicated Buchholz is still in a development stage and will be limited in total innings, around 175-190. But, all indications are that his strength, stamina, and pitching efficiency are going to be markedly improved. My preference for him would be long relief with fill-in starts if needed. However, I would not be surprised to see him in an extended, not permanent, starting spot for a time.


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Korbel said:
Hello Rumpie,

Yes, I read that somewhere too. The Red Sox have indicated Buchholz is still in a development stage and will be limited in total innings, around 175-190. But, all indications are that his strength, stamina, and pitching efficiency are going to be markedly improved. My preference for him would be long relief with fill-in starts if needed. However, I would not be surprised to see him in an extended, not permanent, starting spot for a time.


My expectation is that he'll be in the rotation all year, but skipped when there are off days early in the year.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
chercherfemmes said:
... Igawa won't be as bad as last year.
Has this been scientifically determined or have you come to this via Joe's divination? :D He could, however, still suck big time and not be as bad as last year.

BTW, I fully expect Matsuzaka to be tons better than last year.
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