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The Joe.T Memorial Yankees Suck Thread for 2007


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Joe.t said:
Speaking of predictions I will make one for you my good man Korbie,

Lowell- Gonzo(Good replacement for ARod).
Ramirez-Gonzo(not worth the 20 million).
Crisp-Gonzo(lousy offensive player but a good defensive one, they will miss that).
Pedroia- Pitchers will adjust to him and it is highly unlikely that the little shrimp will have the same type of year.
Schilling- Gonzo(pitched pretty good for his age I must admit).
Ortiz- Is basically a cripple and who knows how his bum knee will hold up, I smell the disabled list for him.

Doesn't look like a bright future for the defending champs.

Hey Josey,

That's amazing. You can write with your lips still super-glued to Hench's butt. I bet it doesn't taste as sweet as it used to. You do know how to multi-task huh...bwahahahahaha. I'll take this prediction like the one about the Rockies winning in 6, just like the right way to handle a Yankers team jersey. I'll hang them both right next to the toilet.

I do feel some sympathy for you and your so-called team though. Steinboner pays this egotistical bastard $22,000,000 a year, then he spits in your face...and bye bye to all that Texas money too. Looks like he pulled a Damon...oh boo hoo hoo. And talk about losing players. How many will follow Torre to the Dodgers???


Korbel (World Champion Red Sox Nation)


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Hello all,

When even the Yankers won't pay out you know A-Slob must be insane.

NEW YORK (AP) - The Yankees were told by agent Scott Boras that they could not meet with Alex Rodriguez unless they presented an extension offer that guaranteed the star $350 million "as a floor."

Boras' remarks, first reported Friday by, were made Oct. 25 during a conversation between the agent and general manager Brian Cashman, a baseball official said Friday, speaking on condition of anonymity because those details were not made public.

Rodriguez had $81 million remaining over the final three years of his record $252 million, 10-year contract, and the deal contained an additional $10 million escalator. The Yankees were prepared to offer him an extension worth $25 million to $30 million a season for four or five years.

Cashman declined to comment on the conversation, and Boras only would go into general details.

"We've made no offers to anyone and we have received no offers from anyone," Boras said. "I'm not going to respond."

New York said repeatedly that it would not negotiate with Rodriguez if he opted out.




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Careful with name calling Korbie, the Red Sox are rumoured to be one of the teams that might give him what he is asking for, come April your nickname just might be hypocrite.

Hello Joe. t,

You need to look in the dictionary under hypocrite. I don't want the damn bastard and I won't like it if by some insanity he comes to Boston. That is not being a hypocrite. And I have never said the Sox aren't big spenders. I have siad the Tankers are much worse.




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hello Joe.t,

Posada to the mets. Looks like a mass exodus form the Yanker losers this off season.

If Jorge Posada bolts from the New York Yankees as a free agent, it won't be because Joe Girardi is the team's new manager.

The bigger question is whether Posada will receive a prohibitive offer from the Mets that would persuade him to leave the Yankees.

The Mets are expected to make a huge push for Posada, who would be an upgrade over Paul LoDuca at catcher and a bilingual bridge between the team's English- and Spanish-speaking players.

The Yankees' failure to sign Posada and teammate Mariano Rivera to contract extensions created the possibility that one or both could depart when the free-agent signing period begins Nov. 13.

Rivera, who turns 38 on Nov. 29, met with club officials in Tampa earlier this week. The Yankees' need to keep Posada, 36, only increased after third baseman Alex Rodriguez opted out of his contract on Sunday.




Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Korbel said:
Hello Joe. t,

You need to look in the dictionary under hypocrite. I don't want the damn bastard and I won't like it if by some insanity he comes to Boston. That is not being a hypocrite. And I have never said the Sox aren't big spenders. I have siad the Tankers are much worse.


Okay how does bandwagoner sound, your either going to be one or the other or maybe both.:p


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Joe.t said:
Okay how does bandwagoner sound, your either going to be one or the other or maybe both.:p
Hello Joe.t,

The reality is, you are going to use your labels no matter what I say. I am not going to abandon my Red Sox if some schmuck I can't stand, like Carl Everett or David Wells, is on the team. It doesn't make me a "bandwagoner" to stay loyal to my team, a team I have folled since I was 8 or so. And I certainly can't do anything about such a schmuck if he helps the team win. But, he's an asshole today, he was an asshole yesterday, he's an asshole tomorrow, and he's an asshole forever in my opinion. If for nothing else then the utter gall of seeking $35,000,000 a year for 10 years makes him so.

That's final,



AND...I know a few Yankers fans around here who agree with me.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Now that the 2007 season is long done it is early prediction time for 2008.

My top three picks for the American League East

1. New York- Girardi is a former manager of the year and he did it with a team that had very little talent, I get goose bumps thinking what he will do with the Yankees.

2. Toronto- Look for the Blue Jays to make a big splash in free agency as Ted Rogers has promised the team more money this year, I expect big things from the Jays especially if Ryan comes back healthy.

3. Boston- Papelbon should be drug tested after he said on Letterman that he thinks the Red Sox can repeat, repeating championships is one of the hardest things to do in sports and when was the last time the Red Sox repeated? Never!!!

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Joe.t said:
Now that the 2007 season is long done it is early prediction time for 2008.

My top three picks for the American League East

1. New York- Girardi is a former manager of the year and he did it with a team that had very little talent, I get goose bumps thinking what he will do with the Yankees.

2. Toronto- Look for the Blue Jays to make a big splash in free agency as Ted Rogers has promised the team more money this year, I expect big things from the Jays especially if Ryan comes back healthy.

3. Boston- Papelbon should be drug tested after he said on Letterman that he thinks the Red Sox can repeat, repeating championships is one of the hardest things to do in sports and when was the last time the Red Sox repeated? Never!!!

Wait, wait, wait...please wait until the new 2008 thread is created before posting this incredible drivel!!! Please!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The sorrow and the pity: a Bronx tale

This was just to rich not to quote in it's entirety. From today's Boston Globe:

The sorrow and the pity: a Bronx tale
By Alex Beam, Globe Columnist | November 7, 2007

Admit it, now that the World Series trophy has paraded through every Middlesex village and farm. You are starting to feel a little sorry for them. The New York Yankees, I mean.

Truth be told, they are pathetic. Their greatest current player, Me-Rod, is stinking up the sport, baying for lucre that he doesn't need. Their Murderers' Row of pitching aces is headed for the glue factory. Mussina, Pettitte, Clemens, Rivera - stick a fork in 'em. They're done.

The mark of greatness is empathy, and we are wallowing in it. This has been a very tough year for the Bronx Bombers, and we feel their pain. We mourned the passing of the legendary Scooter, Phil Rizzuto. We suffered alongside model citizen Jason Giambi as he weathered the hurtful reports of steroids use. We sympathize with Alex Rodriguez, the victim of distasteful tabloid insinuations about his marriage. We reach out to his charming wife, Cynthia, who appeared at Yankee Stadium this summer wearing a tank top emblazoned with the words: "[Blank] you."

Boston to the Yankees: We will be there for you. We care.

It has taken us nine decades to experience the full Elisabeth Kübler-Ross-ian gamut of baseball emotions: fear, hatred, contempt, and now pity. Don't take my word for it. Here is columnist Joel Sherman, writing in the New York Post about baseball's pitiful, helpless giants: The Bombers "are bleeding legends," Sherman writes. "They are no longer the Yankees, at least not in the fashion we have known them under George Steinbrenner."

Do you have any idea who is running the Yankees? A few months ago, Portfolio magazine writer Frank Lutz encountered the onetime fire-breather Steinbrenner outside his Florida home. The Boss was wearing Yankees-blue silk pajamas and a terrycloth bathrobe in the middle of the day. "He looks dreadful," Lutz reported. "His body is bloated; his jawline has slackened into a triple chin; his skin looks as if a dry-cleaner bag has been stretched over it."

Yes, it's a little graphic, but New York is a tough media town.

The plan was for George's son-in-law, the unfortunately named Steve Swindal, to take over the team. But some unfunny things happened on the way to the corner office. Swindal and Steinbrenner's daughter Jennifer separated on Valentine's Day, and he was nabbed for drunken driving by police in St. Petersburg, Fla., early the next day. Even Jonathan Papelbon couldn't save that marriage, and the mantle of Yankee ownership passed to Steinbrenner's sons, Hank and Hal.

So far, Hank seems like a chip off the old leather-lunged block. He's mixed it up with Me-Rod: "He doesn't understand the privilege of being a Yankee. . . . I don't want anybody on my team that doesn't want to be a Yankee." He has also dumped on beloved, outgoing manager Joe Torre: "Where was Joe's career in '95 when my dad hired him?" Steinbrenner asked the New York Post. "My dad was crucified for hiring him." New York sportswriters look to the Steinbrenners for colorful copy; it appears that the sons will not disappoint.

Contrast that with the Red Sox. Who owns the Sox? The commodities trader, the sitcom czar, and the baseball guy own a lot of the company. And, as a stockholder in The New York Times Company, I own part of the team. Compared to Steinbrenner père, I am in terrific shape. Compared to Hank, I am the milk of human kindness. So we can agree that the team is in good hands.

What is the worst thing that can happen to the Red Sox in the off-season?

Losing Series MVP Mike Lowell would be a blow, but as long as I am part of ownership, that won't be happening. Otherwise, next year's team looks very strong.

What of the Yankees? They will have to spend the off-season rebuilding their decrepit pitching rotation and beefing up their diminished force de frappe in the batting order. Management's attention will be distracted by construction of the $1.3 billion new Yankee Stadium, a taxpayer-supported temple of excess in the Bronx. Incoming manager Joe Girardi's media honeymoon will last about as long as an Eric Gagne relief appearance.

I'm not sure I've ever felt this sorry for anyone in my life.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
SI names Pavano signing among the worse in MLB

Sports Illustrated just rated the Pavano/Yankees contract as one of the worse in the past 10 years:

The "American Idle" has been often injured (shoulder, back, butt), angered many (notably when he broke two ribs in a car accident and declined to tell anyone) and had his desire to play questioned by teammates. Pavano has made 19 starts with the Yanks -- only two since July of '05. They still owe him $11 million for '08.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc Holliday said:
Sports Illustrated just rated the Pavano/Yankees contract as one of the worse in the past 10 years
And let's not forget that the Yankees also got the last 2 years of Kevin Brown's contract, best remembered for failing to get out of the 2nd inning of the final game of the greatest choke in sports history.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Hello all,

"Sympathy" for the Yankers? Surprise...I feel some of that too. When a Red Sox fan can replace the everlasting animosity against the Tankers with sympathy you know the pinstriped has beens are in tragic shape.


Last edited:

Robert 21

You give Love..A BAD NAME
Aug 8, 2004
Joe.t said:
Who is Carl Pavano.:confused:

WELL, it took some looking, BUT.............

Joe.t said:
Looks like Pavano is finished as a Yankee

This is actually very good news as it surely guarantee`s the arrival of a pitcher with the initials of RC to the bronx, i also wouldnt be surprised if Cashman is working on some deals to bring in some quality pitching as the middle relief of the Yankees suck the big one also, you cant depend on ARod and the boys to bail you out every night.

OH, I found this looking for Joe`s memory loss with Carl.
I hope Rumples, btyger, and SK are ALL ok
Joe.t said:
Rumples, btyger, SK eat your fucken hearts out!!! Yankees win the world series, stamped October 15, 2007.:)

JOE, you are TOO FUNNY.............Bwaahahahahahaha


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Joe.t said:
Rumples, btyger, SK eat your fucken hearts out!!! Yankees win the world series, stamped October 15, 2007.:)

Hello Robert 21,

Beautiful catch. Actually Joe. t was pretty close. Just change Yankers to Red Sox and change the date from October 15 to October 28 and he's got it. Otherwise...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Too funny,



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Pedroia plays with broken wrist.

Hello all,

Bloody sock, meet broken wrist.

The Boston Red Sox's 2007 run to the World Series championship gained a medical legend of its own when second baseman Dustin Pedroia revealed he played the last two months of the season and the playoffs with a cracked hamate bone in his left wrist, the Boston Herald reported.

In 2004, Red Sox starter Curt Schilling pitched in Game 6 of the the ALCS and Game 2 of the World Series with an injured tendon sutured in place. The resulting bloodstains on his socks became a symbol of that team's run to the franchise's first series title in 86 years.

Pedroia's injury was discovered by an MRI and bone scan on Sept. 10, but the second baseman, a favorite to win the American League Rookie of the Year award, didn't have surgery until Tuesday and is wearing a soft cast. He doesn't know when the injury occured, according to the report.

"It was just one of those things you know you have to take care of after the season, but you have to play through," Pedroia said, according to the Herald. "A lot of guys have done that. You definitely don't want to shut it down and have surgery during the whole thing. We just had to find a way to fight through it."

The toughest moment, he said, may have come in the cold in Game 3 of the American League Championship Series, when he faced the Indians' Jake Westbrook.

"I struck out, checked my swing and was like, 'Oh my God!' " Pedroia said, according to the Herald. "You just try and have the adrenaline take over, and take a lot of Tylenol. That seemed to help."

Pedroia hit .283 with 10 RBIs in 14 postseason games. In Games 5, 6 and 7 of the ALCS, with the Red Sox facing elimination, he went 7-for-13, including a home run and 5 RBIs in Game 7. He hit a lead-off homer in Game 1 of the World Series and went 3-5 with 2 RBIs in Game 3.

Pedroia, who is restricted from using his left hand until December, said the injury won't stop him from working out in Arizona during the offseason.

"It won't affect my offseason workouts at all," he said, according to the Herald. "I'll be coming in 100 percent and ready to roll."

And a healthy Me-Rod wants $35,000,000 for 10 years when he can't hit the stinking ball hardly at all...bwahahahahahahahahaha. CLASSIC! Now WHO is a real MVP...not A-Slob.


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