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The Joe.T Memorial Yankees Suck Thread for 2007


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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EE leave rumples alone, right now he is in a state of euphoria that once he comes down from it he will never experience it again for the rest of his life so let him enjoy it while he can.:)

Lowell for ARod?, sounds good to me.:)


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Joe.t said:
Lowell for ARod?, sounds good to me.:)

A-Rod will become a one player attraction chasing the HR record. If a team stumbles into a pennant race or a World Series with him it will be a bonus.

The Yankees should learn from the Red Sox and jettison all their potential free agents except Posada. Catchers are scarce and the Red Sox have won twice since 2004 mainly because of an inexpensive initial FA - David Ortiz and wise management of their minor league assets.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
eastender said:
The Yankees should learn from the Red Sox and jettison all their potential free agents except Posada. Catchers are scarce and the Red Sox have won twice since 2004 mainly because of an inexpensive initial FA - David Ortiz and wise management of their minor league assets.
Like Manny Ramirez? While wise management of their farm system has helped, as has the scrapheap (Wakefield and Ortiz), they've also benefitted enormously from trades: Schilling, Beckett, Lowell, and Varitek.

The biggest benefit from the farm system is still to come: Ellsbury, Lester, Buchholz, Papelbon, Pedroia, Masterson, Bard, Anderson, Bowden, Hagaone, Kalish and Lowrie are the harbingers of a dynasty on the verge.

What Epstein has done is show what Billy Beane could accomplish if he also had a small fortune to spend.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

rumpleforeskiin said:
Like Manny Ramirez? While wise management of their farm system has helped, as has the scrapheap (Wakefield and Ortiz), they've also benefitted enormously from trades: Schilling, Beckett, Lowell, and Varitek.

The biggest benefit from the farm system is still to come: Ellsbury, Lester, Buchholz, Papelbon, Pedroia, Masterson, Bard, Anderson, Bowden, Hagaone, Kalish and Lowrie are the harbingers of a dynasty on the verge.

What Epstein has done is show what Billy Beane could accomplish if he also had a small fortune to spend.


Epstein was not responsible for the biggest difference,the trade that brought Beckett and Lowell to the Red Sox while giving up an amazing prospect,H. Ramirez. Going against conventional wisdom worked.

Problem that Billy Beane had or has is that his pitchers keep breaking down.
This will be the biggest obstacle for the Red Sox and the Tigers who have targeted high ceiling young pitchers.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
eastender said:
Epstein was not responsible for the biggest difference,the trade that brought Beckett and Lowell to the Red Sox while giving up an amazing prospect,H. Ramirez.
If you believe that Epstein wasn't involved in that deal, you would be the only one.
eastender said:
Problem that Billy Beane had or has is that his pitchers keep breaking down. This will be the biggest obstacle for the Red Sox and the Tigers who have targeted high ceiling young pitchers.
His biggest problem is that he has been unable to sign any of his free agents or potential free agents: McGwire, Mulder, Zito, Tejada, Canseco, Giambi, Hernandez, Damon, Hudson, et al.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
See the Link

rumpleforeskiin said:
If you believe that Epstein wasn't involved in that deal, you would be the only one.

His biggest problem is that he has been unable to sign any of his free agents or potential free agents: McGwire, Mulder, Zito, Tejada, Canseco, Giambi, Hernandez, Damon, Hudson, et al.

Re Epstein see the link:

Suddenly you rate Canseco,Giambi,Damon higher - what gives? We are talking the same Giambi(two time zones around the bases) and Damon replaced by Cabrera to give the Yankees some D in the outfield. Mulder and Hudson broke down, Zito flopped.

Who first signed Pavano Oakland or Boston?:D :D


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Special K said:
Nice to see we're finally back on baseball talk and not all this other asinine bullshit that's consumed the past 10 pages of this thread. Can we keep it here now please???

You have breakfast between 9th and 10th on Masson and don't ask me over?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
eastender said:
That's the company line. It's not a well kept secret that Epstein was behind it.

eastender said:
Suddenly you rate Canseco,Giambi,Damon higher - what gives? We are talking the same Giambi(two time zones around the bases) and Damon replaced by Cabrera to give the Yankees some D in the outfield. Mulder and Hudson broke down, Zito flopped.
These were not all once fine players? Mulder and Hudson broke down after leaving Oakland. Zito, who was never fabulous anyway, flopped after leaving Oakland.

eastender said:
Who first signed Pavano Oakland or Boston?
What's the point? That he was never a prospect? He was once enough of a prospect for the Sox to net Pedro.

You seem to love argument for argument's sake and, in the process, you make Joe.T seem intelligent and articulate by contrast. Any more stupid comments?


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

rumpleforeskiin said:
That's the company line. It's not a well kept secret that Epstein was behind it.

When teams win GM's get too much credit when teams lose GM's get too much blame

These were not all once fine players? Mulder and Hudson broke down after leaving Oakland. Zito, who was never fabulous anyway, flopped after leaving Oakland.

Better to move a player too quickly or let him go then be stuck with "Dead Money" or "Dead Talent"

What's the point? That he was never a prospect? He was once enough of a prospect for the Sox to net Pedro.

See above. When Pavano was traded for Pedro the Red Sox also included Tony Armas Jr. They also had a third young pitcher at that time - Brian Rose, I believe. All broke down. Some organizations are plagued with young pitchers breaking down. Pittsburgh comes to mind.

You seem to love argument for argument's sake and, in the process, you make Joe.T seem intelligent and articulate by contrast. Any more stupid comments?

Do not have much faith in young pitchers or the Red Sox ability to bring them along - last two seasons alone Paplebon and Bucholtz were shut down the last month. Guess smart would be not getting enthused about young Red Sox pitching.

See your old habits are hard to break.My comments in bold.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
EE, You've managed to out-dumb even yourself. For the record, the bold items (the dumb shit) in the quote above is actually his.

Most of what you say, EE, is frankly too stupid to warrant reply, but one thing I just can't let pass. Branch Rickey used to say, and Theo Epstein has adopted the policy as well, that it is better to get rid of a player a year too soon than a year too late. However, to suggest that the A's got "rid of" Giambi, Tejada, et al is breathtakingly ignorant and suggests that you are distinctly at odds with reality.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
And your Paplebon (sic) and Bucholtz (sic) comments suggest a stupidity beyond which I could not have imagined.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Give Credit

rumpleforeskiin said:
EE, You've managed to out-dumb even yourself. For the record, the bold items (the dumb shit) in the quote above is actually his.

Most of what you say, EE, is frankly too stupid to warrant reply, but one thing I just can't let pass. Branch Rickey used to say, and Theo Epstein has adopted the policy as well, that it is better to get rid of a player a year too soon than a year too late. However, to suggest that the A's got "rid of" Giambi, Tejada, et al is breathtakingly ignorant and suggests that you are distinctly at odds with reality.

Give credit where credit is due Rumples. Trying looking beyond the Red Sox -Dodgers fixation that you have.

While Branch Rickey was still playing MLB in St.Louis team owners, GMs and managers in baseball and hockey had figured out that it was advantageous to move players sooner than later. Baseball greats like Ty Cobb, Rogers Hornsby, Tris Speaker, Babe Ruth amongst a large number of HOFers were moved because the COST / BENEFIT of keeping them did not work. Spin it whatever way you like - a chance to manage elsewhere, good for the team, etc the concept was there way before Branch Rickey made his mark as an executive. Likewise in hockey HOF greats like Newsy Lalonde, Howie Morenz,Eddie Shore, Charlie Conacher, King Clancy amongst many others were moved one way or another.

Branch Rickey, Theo Epstein just repeated what many others before them had done.
This is historic reality Rumples not some Brooklyn and Boston revisionist concoction.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Parade Euphoria.

Special K said:
Nice to see we're finally back on baseball talk and not all this other asinine bullshit that's consumed the past 10 pages of this thread. Can we keep it here now please???
Hello Special K,

I did go to the parade today and had a marvelous time. I saw almost everybody up close (twice). Sorry you could not attend, or did you make it there too?

I will write more about this later.

"We are the CHAMPIONS my frieeeeeends..."




When someone from the parade asked with a loud speaker if we wanted the Red Sox to sign A-Slob there was a thunderous and universal...NOOOOOOO...we want Lowell!!!!! The will of the
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Glad You had a Good Time

Korbel said:
Hello Special K,

I did go to the parade today and had a marvelous time. I saw almost everybody up close (twice). Sorry you could not attend, or did you make it there too?

I will write more about this later.

"We are the CHAMPIONS my frieeeeeends..."



Glad you had a good time. Hope you had a chance to get some momentoes or photos to go along with the memories.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
btyger said:
The only ass ramming I saw was the one you took when you made that bet with Rumples-and didn't I tell you not to? I hope you never stop posting here, because your comic relief is welcome with all the arguing.

Congrats, Sox!
Hello Btyger,

Having super-glued his lips to Hench's ass out of rapturous adulation for this writer's pinstriped wisdom, the taste of that butt has changed greatly from the sweetest honey when Joey thought he had found the ultimate Yankers guru, to "what the fuck is that rancid stink" now that Hench is a total flop and the Red Sox are THE WORLD CHAMPIONS...once AGAIN!!! Be careful what you wish for may have to EAT IT...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! "No time for losers cause we are the CHAMPIONS...OF THE WORLD."

Bon appetit,



Hey Josey...speaking of predictions...I think it will be a bit tough for the Rockies to win in six...bwhahahahahaha.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
Visit site
Speaking of predictions I will make one for you my good man Korbie,

Lowell- Gonzo(Good replacement for ARod).
Ramirez-Gonzo(not worth the 20 million).
Crisp-Gonzo(lousy offensive player but a good defensive one, they will miss that).
Pedroia- Pitchers will adjust to him and it is highly unlikely that the little shrimp will have the same type of year.
Schilling- Gonzo(pitched pretty good for his age I must admit).
Ortiz- Is basically a cripple and who knows how his bum knee will hold up, I smell the disabled list for him.

Doesn't look like a bright future for the defending champs.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Joe.t said:
Speaking of predictions I will make one for you my good man Korbie,

Lowell- Gonzo(Good replacement for ARod).
Ramirez-Gonzo(not worth the 20 million).
Crisp-Gonzo(lousy offensive player but a good defensive one, they will miss that).
Pedroia- Pitchers will adjust to him and it is highly unlikely that the little shrimp will have the same type of year.
Schilling- Gonzo(pitched pretty good for his age I must admit).
Ortiz- Is basically a cripple and who knows how his bum knee will hold up, I smell the disabled list for him.

Doesn't look like a bright future for the defending champs.
Hey Joe, how are things on the planet Fuckingmoronia? Well, you at least got one thing right: Defending Champs!!!
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