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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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Jul 3, 2005
If the Leafs finish in 29th place this year, at least they have something to shoot for next year that they actually have a chance of reaching...30th place!

Remember the old saying about people in glass houses? Well, fans of a team in second to last place really shouldn't be commenting on teams that are going to make the post season. How can you actually write posts about how great your team is when it probably couldn't even compete in the AHL? Oh well...there's always next year and that 30th place to aim for. And golf.:cool:

Indeed,these laffs fans are always assuming their bunch of overrated losers will eventually do something,but unfortunately for them history always keep repeating,over,over and over.....:p


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Aug 27, 2003
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
if you wanna call a bunch of young guys with most getting on the job training as we speak, as Overrated, then you are surely a very very VERY delusional Scabs fan. funny, but overrated pertains to established over paid players, AKA, Les Scabitants! aka, one playoff round and then some very lean years to come.,.. better enjoy your playoff run this year (if ya make it)

Indeed,these laffs fans are always assuming their bunch of overrated losers will eventually do something,but unfortunately for them history always keep repeating,over,over and over.....:p


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Cairo, you forgot to add the Sharks to the list. Like you with the Red Wings, my scapegoat team should also be part of the list. Fair?

1. We're supposed to be polite here, so that should be MISTER Cairo to you, (Mister?) Holliday.
2. Please share the dictionary that lggy is borrowing and look up the word "scapegoat". This is a constructive suggestion so that you will learn the correct meaning and avoid continued embarrassment through constantly misusing it.
3. I could list all thirty teams (Washington and San Jose would be at the top, while Toronto and Edmonton would of course be at the bottom.) I only listed these three because Detroit is my team, Toronto is the team you and lg live and die for, and Montreal is the team that everyone else here roots for (well, except for a couple of Bruins fans maybe). No one has ever expressed an interest in the Sharks.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
***** YAWN***** do you EVER post anything new? should be Mister Boring more than Mr. Cairo, which by the way when i read docs posting starting with the word "Cairo" i thought to myself, "watch Cairo say it is Mr. Cairo to you Doc" damn im good , or maybe you have just become to darned predictable, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA :)........ Habs Suck!

1. We're supposed to be polite here, so that should be MISTER Cairo to you, (Mister?) Holliday.
2. Please share the dictionary that lggy is borrowing and look up the word "scapegoat". This is a constructive suggestion so that you will learn the correct meaning and avoid continued embarrassment through constantly misusing it.
3. I could list all thirty teams (Washington and San Jose would be at the top, while Toronto and Edmonton would of course be at the bottom.) I only listed these three because Detroit is my team, Toronto is the team you and lg live and die for, and Montreal is the team that everyone else here roots for (well, except for a couple of Bruins fans maybe). No one has ever expressed an interest in the Sharks.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
now doc be nice, our favorite bandwagon fan (oh, sorry, i mean 2nd favorite, hihi, my bad,) not only knows the future of his real team is dim at best, also his scapegoat team, the Detroit Dead Things are fighting to even make the playoffs, meanwhile you know it burns Scabs fans to know that for finally in a long long time, the Leafs are headed in the right direction for once, otherwise they wouldnt waste a second even talking about Canadas Team.

and for the record he didnt mention my scapegoat team either, which is FAR better than his , matter of fact, my scapegoat team is winning the cup this year.

1. I'm not a bandwagon fan. If you could read with more accuracy you would have long ago figured out that my only team has been, si, and will be the Wings.
2. When, oh when, will you learn the correct meaning of "scapegoat".
3. I thought we were not supposed to use pejorative terms like ""scabs" or "dead things". I guess it's impossible for you to follow rules or be polite.
4. It's kind of amusing that a leaf fan would find bad things to say about the Wings, Habs or any other team, since ALL these teams have been FAR better than the lowly leafs for many many years...including THIS year! The only team worse than the leafs this year is the Oilers but at least the Oilers, who have only been in the league for 30 years , have FIVE Cups in those 30 years. Your beloved leafs have ZERO in 43 years - no wonder you and your very good, very close friend are so bitter and are reduced toi using insults and BS instead of facts.
5. The future - yeah, yeah, you've been bleating about this for ages. Too bad that when the future becomes the present, your leafs always end up biting the big one. You truly have my pity: must suck big time to be a leafs fan.
6. I look forward to your posts next year at this time, when you will again be ranting about how the future will be great while your present continues to suck.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Oh My, LOL! are you serious? stop with the same recycled posts will ya? get a grip man, lifes to short..

You have 1495 posts, and 1400 are in the hockey threads

500 are you denying your a habs fan
250 are slamming the leafs not winning a cup in 43 years,
250 are saying "It's Mister Cairo to you", and
400 are saying "i am for the LAST time, a Red Wings Fan"...
(ok maybe i am exaggerating a wee bit, but do you get my point at least? cmon, come up with something new for once)

PS. i say this respectfully about using the names laffs, scabs and deadthings. BUT, learn to read, (isnt that ironic, LOL). Mod8 clarified things a few posts ago, and he also understands a little sarcastic joking in the locker room is ok as long as the personal insults dont go to far. i for one 100% agree with him.

1. I'm not a bandwagon fan. If you could read with more accuracy you would have long ago figured out that my only team has been, si, and will be the Wings.
2. When, oh when, will you learn the correct meaning of "scapegoat".
3. I thought we were not supposed to use pejorative terms like ""scabs" or "dead things". I guess it's impossible for you to follow rules or be polite.
4. It's kind of amusing that a leaf fan would find bad things to say about the Wings, Habs or any other team, since ALL these teams have been FAR better than the lowly leafs for many many years...including THIS year! The only team worse than the leafs this year is the Oilers but at least the Oilers, who have only been in the league for 30 years , have FIVE Cups in those 30 years. Your beloved leafs have ZERO in 43 years - no wonder you and your very good, very close friend are so bitter and are reduced toi using insults and BS instead of facts.
5. The future - yeah, yeah, you've been bleating about this for ages. Too bad that when the future becomes the present, your leafs always end up biting the big one. You truly have my pity: must suck big time to be a leafs fan.
6. I look forward to your posts next year at this time, when you will again be ranting about how the future will be great while your present continues to suck.
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Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
if you wanna call a bunch of young guys with most getting on the job training as we speak, as Overrated, then you are surely a very very VERY delusional Scabs fan. funny, but overrated pertains to established over paid players, AKA, Les Scabitants! aka, one playoff round and then some very lean years to come.,.. better enjoy your playoff run this year (if ya make it)

One playoff round more than the Maple Losers....
Playoffs run....two words out of most hogtown losers fans vocabulary!:cool:


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
1. I'm not a bandwagon fan. If you could read with more accuracy you would have long ago figured out that my only team has been, si, and will be the Wings.
2. When, oh when, will you learn the correct meaning of "scapegoat".
3. I thought we were not supposed to use pejorative terms like ""scabs" or "dead things". I guess it's impossible for you to follow rules or be polite.
4. It's kind of amusing that a leaf fan would find bad things to say about the Wings, Habs or any other team, since ALL these teams have been FAR better than the lowly leafs for many many years...including THIS year! The only team worse than the leafs this year is the Oilers but at least the Oilers, who have only been in the league for 30 years , have FIVE Cups in those 30 years. Your beloved leafs have ZERO in 43 years - no wonder you and your very good, very close friend are so bitter and are reduced toi using insults and BS instead of facts.
5. The future - yeah, yeah, you've been bleating about this for ages. Too bad that when the future becomes the present, your leafs always end up biting the big one. You truly have my pity: must suck big time to be a leafs fan.
6. I look forward to your posts next year at this time, when you will again be ranting about how the future will be great while your present continues to suck.

Indeed JC,how could these desperate fans be able to praise the past ,or worst, the present!?!?
Their only other avenue is the unknown;THE FUTURE.
Unfortunately the future holds no guarantees.Winning a few games against decimated teams in a LOSING cause is casual for most teams,just look at the Hurricanes who were able to win 7 in a row.
No pressure,nothing to LOSE,other top teams take them lightly...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
seems the only "desperate fans" are scabs fans. this is a habs bashing thread, so why do you let us get to you so much? maybe cause you know since Burke has arrived the Leafs are no longer gonna stay on the path the previous 2 gm's had us going, and the fact that your own pathetic management is now taking the path our last 2 did? hmmmmmmm, interesting LOL!

As far as praising the past, WELL, nobody does that better than a Scabs Fan,in ANY sport. ;)

Indeed JC,how could these desperate fans be able to praise the past ,or worst, the present!?!?
Their only other avenue is the unknown;THE FUTURE.
Unfortunately the future holds no guarantees.Winning a few games against decimated teams in a LOSING cause is casual for most teams,just look at the Hurricanes who were able to win 7 in a row.
No pressure,nothing to LOSE,other top teams take them lightly...


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
seems the only "desperate fans" are scabs fans. this is a habs bashing thread, so why do you let us get to you so much? maybe cause you know since Burke has arrived the Leafs are no longer gonna stay on the path the previous 2 gm's had us going, and the fact that your own pathetic management is now taking the path our last 2 did? hmmmmmmm, interesting LOL!

As far as praising the past, WELL, nobody does that better than a Scabs Fan,in ANY sport. ;)

Once again pathetic assumptions.Leafs gonna be good,Burke is god,blah blah blah....
And btw,no matter how patetic the last two Habs GM have been,they<ve been better than the Lafs!!!!:cool:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ROFL!! i will type this slowly for you Cosmo my friend. W H Y does it bother you soooooooooooooooo much? again, this is a "Habs Bashing Thread". and the only real reason why habs fans feel the need to post over and over to defend there silly excuse of a team in a thread dedicated to showing how they SUCK is because the truth hurts , there is no other reason. quite funny tho. Go check how many posts Leafs fans have posted in the Leafs bashing thread created by a habs fan.. get it now? somehow, i highly doubt you do.....:D

Once again pathetic assumptions.Leafs gonna be good,Burke is god,blah blah blah....
And btw,no matter how patetic the last two Habs GM have been,they<ve been better than the Lafs!!!!:cool:


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
ROFL!! i will type this slowly for you Cosmo my friend. W H Y does it bother you soooooooooooooooo much? again, this is a "Habs Bashing Thread". and the only real reason why habs fans feel the need to post over and over to defend there silly excuse of a team in a thread dedicated to showing how they SUCK is because the truth hurts , there is no other reason. quite funny tho. Go check how many posts Leafs fans have posted in the Leafs bashing thread created by a habs fan.. get it now? somehow, i highly doubt you do.....:D

Duh,you have twice as many posts as I do.I think YOU are the one who takes this shit way to seriously.
The truth for the moment is the Habs are in seventh place fighting for playoffs spot and the Laffs are dead last in the east second last in the NHL,and I bet Laffs fans would just kill to have a respectable team fighting for playoffs instead of that bunch of wannabes....


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
honestly, i respond with a smile and a chuckle everytime. its hockey, and although it is a big part of my life, it is NOT my life, wish it was, but i got drafted in the 5th round by the Canadiens and well, i said, Thanks, but no thanks. ;)

Duh,you have twice as many posts as I do.I think YOU are the one who takes this shit way to seriously.
The truth for the moment is the Habs are in seventh place fighting for playoffs spot and the Laffs are dead last in the east second last in the NHL,and I bet Laffs fans would just kill to have a respectable team fighting for playoffs instead of that bunch of wannabes....


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
honestly, i respond with a smile and a chuckle everytime. its hockey, and although it is a big part of my life, it is NOT my life, wish it was, but i got drafted in the 5th round by the Canadiens and well, i said, Thanks, but no thanks. ;)

Yeah right, and Angelina Jolie aked me out and I said no sorry honey but your not my type....:rolleyes:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
honestly, i respond with a smile and a chuckle everytime. its hockey, and although it is a big part of my life, it is NOT my life, wish it was, but i got drafted in the 5th round by the Canadiens and well, i said, Thanks, but no thanks. ;)

Please! You couldn't even get drafted by the LEAFS!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
What a Game and a HUGE Learning Experience for "THE LEAFS YOUNG GUNS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TORONTO -- The Toronto Maple Leafs have truly embraced the role of spoiler.

John Mitchell scored the shootout winner Saturday as the Maple Leafs dispatched another playoff-bound opponent, beating the Montreal Canadiens 3-2.

Toronto has won six of its past seven games and is playing its best hockey of the season. Four of those victories have come in overtime or a shootout.

Mitchell and Nikolai Kulemin beat Jaroslav Halak in the shootout and Jonas Gustavsson was able to stop two of the three Montreal attempts, sealing the victory with a save on Brian Gionta.

Tyler Bozak and Phil Kessel scored in regulation for the Maple Leafs (26-34-12), who still sit 29th in the overall standings.

Gionta had both goals in reply for Montreal (36-29-7).

It wasn't a particular busy night for Halak or Gustavsson -- two of the hotter goalies in the league. Gustavsson made 25 saves and extended his personal win streak to five games while Halak turned aside 31 shots.

The Habs squandered a chance to leapfrog Ottawa and Philadelphia in the Eastern Conference standings. They entered on a six-game winning streak and would have moved into fifth with another victory.

There was very little intensity in a game between the old rivals.

Bozak opened the scoring with his seventh goal of the season at 16:05 of the opening period. The rookie had a wide open net after a shot from Kulemin hit the post and bounced out to him.

The Habs managed to tie the score before the period was out as Gionta raced up the right wing and beat Gustavsson with a backhander the Leafs goalie would probably like to have back.

Kessel put the Leafs back in front with a wicked shot from the top of the circle that beat Halak to the glove side at 18:15 of the second period. The Leafs winger has six goals in his last six games and is closing in on the 30-goal mark for the second straight season.

However, Toronto soon found itself in penalty trouble.

The Leafs were able to kill of a four-minute high-sticking call to Jamie Lundmark, but surrendered the tying goal after Fredrik Sjostrom went off for tripping.

Gionta was standing in the high slot and tipped a Scott Gomez shot behind Gustavsson at 13:54 of the third period.

That set the stage for overtime -- the fourth time that's happened in five meetings between the teams this season

ps litttle C. at least i got drafted,.... enuff attention to you..(habs fans only get one second of notoriety) ;)

Please! You couldn't even get drafted by the LEAFS!
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