great article as always, thanks for posting, btw, who was your source?
I found it on some site called
(the link doesn't always work)
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great article as always, thanks for posting, btw, who was your source?
Wow ! you know it all... dont you ?
What's going on tonight? No rioting on the streets of Montreal!!! How come?? Oh, that's right....THE HABS LOST 6-0 !!!!!!!!!
That's right, the idiot Habs fans only riot when their lousy team wins!!!!!!!!!!! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ole, ole, ole, ole..........ole, ole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, i love that song!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Here is a city that doesn't even know why they riot ! MMwouhahaha !!!!
Jman, now why O' why did you have to show us a pic of you and one or your 2 stooges on such a beautifull day? and what exactly are you looking for in there? an excuse as to why the habs got destroyed last night maybe? heh heh , ok, ok,,, it was only one game, but man, a game like that just adds fuel to phillys fire and shakes the confidence of the scabs. interesting to see game 2 and how both respond, hopefully same results!
blinded by the bandwagon scabs colors again i see...... you know, your stooges are not gonna like you showing their pics here, which one of them is it btw? ahhhh nevermind, i really dont want to know ROFL!
I totally agree with you, Mr. Iggy.
GhG, Ms. Cairo, and now our dear Jman who can't help but put his foot in his mouth! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The other three live in their own delusional hockey world & i don't even know why we bother mentionning their names. They obviously don't know dick-shit about professional hockey. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay...i've made up my mind. I'd like to do an unofficial poll until tomorrow morning. I want to switch scapegoat teams. As everyone knows, i've chosen the San Jose Sharks as my scapegoat team from day 1. Just like Ms. Cairo and her Detroit Dead Things. She's a Scabs fan, of course, but we decided it was okay for her to pick a scapegoat team to make it fun. I picked San Jose, Iggy picked Pittsburgh, and so on. Will you all give me permission to switch from the Sharks to the Flyers?
I'll await your decision.
Ohh, ayuk, ayuk...bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! I guess you got me on that one Iggy...Lemme swallow my foot. So sorry, I forgot this was the basement dwellers thread for 29th place and worse team supporters. Ya know after all those ears of being a Sox fan, I should team up with you guys...'cause we invented that "it will be better next year mantra" bullshit you are constantly spewing
Well genius...the piece of my post you conveniently deleted was dated get out your calender and we will count the weeks together...Just a few more than 5...
I must say this completes your official indoctrination into the fucking moron® club...LOL!
Have fun,
PS I wasn't poking any sticks in the bb thread. Sucks when your team does not do well doesn't it my man?
Okay, once again, you're absolutely right. Thank you for being the voice of reason ONCE AGAIN.
GO SHARKS!!!!!!!!
So, enough of this, lets get back to Hockey!, Flyers will win the series 4 games to 2, then go on to win the Cup
lets ask these guys what they think.....
Hello Doc,
Have Fun...IDC who your scapegoat team
Hello Iggy,
Next time don't follow so close...
Have fun,
Halak, 25, has been brilliant throughout these playoffs & is the sole reason why the Habs aren't currently spending time on the links with the stinkin' maple leafs, who as usual reserved their April tee times before the 2009-2010 season even began.
great article as always, thanks for posting, btw, who was your source?
Typical awful Iggy responses.
Translation: I know you are, but what am I???!!!!??? Bwwwaaahhh!!!!
Typical awful Iggy responses.
Translation: I know you are, but what am I???!!!!??? Bwwwaaahhh!!!!
So you're justifying the current rioting after the Habs games. I see......
i would say very effective responsesso much so that the female of the three stooges has beat her own record and just posted 10 posts in a half an hour it seems, i dont have time to read her spineless posts anymore but it is fun seeing who she quotes/responds to, and count the amount of posts we have driven her to on a daily basis, UNREAL!!!!! i guess she is making the best of her 1700plus posts.... (there ya go mrsc, i just fed you some more crying material, post away! ) heh heh. suckers, you have no clue , but your great entertainment!
Why don't you at least TRY to distinguish the differences between men and women? Your lifestyle choice is your business but I bet that most of the guys you hit on are not very pleased.