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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Hello all,

I see Go Habs isn't the only one who can't deal with reality. The first video shows the 2008 riot during the first round. At 1:45 you will see hockey fans in Montreal with Canadiens banners, flags and jerseys rioting around looted stores, burning cars and businesses. The fact is the worst of the Canadiens fans lower themselves to riots, thuggery, vandalism, arson, and brutality...far more than breaking glass. We remember the Boston fans who got stomped on and put in the hospital by Canadiens fans. Rioting, your fans seem to do it in every round of the playoffs like some sort of pagan ritualistic rite. Already they've done it twice this year alone with two rounds left to play.

Now, no one ever made any excuses or denied there were 2 or 3 deaths in 2004 after the World Series victory. It was hideous and evil. It wasn't around Fenway, but it was at the same time. I'm not going to deny this tragedy. It's the truth. My question is why are you and Go Habs lying? Aren't either of you man enough to say yes, it happens?

In the second video you can see how Bruins fans handled the absolutely classless and crude booing of the American national anthem in Montreal during a playoff game just prior as shown in the third video. I'm not saying Boston fans don't have the same thuggish element present as among any cities sports fans, but I can take tremendous pride in the Boston fans reaction to how Canadiens fans humiliated themselves with such a disgusting display of unsportsmanlike venom by booing the American anthem as the Boston fans cheer Oh Canada ...all the way.




If you can deny what goes on then you must either be devoted to your team to total delusion or you have real personal issues.

BTW...2 things:

Hey Lulu Belle...you said Habs fans don't riot, then you say they break glass. Which is it?

How the hell is winning anything related to the issue of rioting?????????

Love Canadians...loath the Canadiens thug element.




Try not to riot at the end of these playoffs.

Hey ma petite Lulu ! it took you all this to say 'OOUPS' I should have shut the f* up ?

I'll explain it to you since you need youtube to understand !

You are a Habs fan when you are born with CH on your heart !
It's not about the game if you go break some glass until they win the cup !

It's perfectly normal to be out on the streets with flags and having fun because WE Live in Mtrl.

For those who didn't notice yet ! we do HAVE a lot of Festivals going on all year round !
We love to party here in Mtrl and every excuse is a good one to party !

That's what people who aren't ignorant knows about Mtrl wherever they come from in the world !

We don't wait for the Saint Jean Baptiste or like some independance day or Canada day to have fireworks and burn down a few things !

We do have some stupid asses coming from Toronto with their head bleach to create havoc here sometimes because they know they can party HERE ! and that's allright ! Even the Bruins' fan !

Hey ! when your team didn't won since the 70's, it's pretty boring you know !
So, we welcome both to come and have fun in Mtrl !

Now I'm sure if I go to Philly with a Quebec liscence plate on my car...I'm asking for it.

But hey ! we like these revel a l'orange because you know what ? They are SOBs and we like to fight real SOBs.
Not the ones who try to be Big, Bad and playing golf ! ... or turn to baseball and basketball in order to party a little !

Once in a while !

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Now since you don't have any arguments I'll give you some.

All year round, on the planet, Hockey rank only as the 10th sports that people talk about.
One team brought it to the 4th rank in past week and no it's not your second favorite team...

The 7th game won against the Pens was THE news both in Quebec and even where ? the rest of Canada !

And out of the 7th game the weight of the news about the riot was 15% in Quebec, 7% in Canada and 0.6% in the media of the rest of the world.

Which for the un-educated who always try to bitch about Mtrl...

I will explain in a clear way : it means that all around the world the weight of the WIN itself was 99.4% of THE NEWS of the week.

Not the riot.

Why ? because a vast majority didn't think the Habs would win.
In the states it was 89% of them.

Why ? because this small riot is nothing to compare with riots in other parts of the world.

You get the picture ?

So continue to do like you all do right now and just 'Butt out' !
You guys don't know nothing about news coverage.

There is more than youtube and CNN.

Like we say 'I rest my case !'

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
"The Official Habs Really Suck Hockey Thread"
Don't you think it's time to change this title?? Really doesn't make sense anymore...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello JH,

It's perfectly normal to be out on the streets with flags and having fun because WE Live in Mtrl.

For those who didn't notice yet ! we do HAVE a lot of Festivals going on all year round !
We love to party here in Mtrl and every excuse is a good one to party !

That's what people who aren't ignorant knows about Mtrl wherever they come from in the world !

We don't wait for the Saint Jean Baptiste or like some independance day or Canada day to have fireworks and burn down a few things !

I will have to call you just JH from now on, an acronym that will mean "Just Hopeless". I long ago realized there is a certain species of sports fan that won't and can't deal with reality or wrap so much of their life in a sport or a team it becomes some sort of religion to them. That's you...a hopeless idol worshiper.


So you're saying it's just part of Montreal custom and culture to dress up in Canadiens jerseys, enjoy waving flags, and have festivals where there are burning cars, shattered and ransacked buildings, cordons of police in armor carrying shields, and firemen risking their lives. That would be one of the most entertaining fantasies I've ever read if it wasn't one of the most stupid assertions and most insulting characterizations of a fine city ever written. You're a real piece of work.

Tragically laughable,

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
rule book for 3 stooges in here, especially one

Actually Jboy, coming from a bandwagon fan, actually it means nothing... oct post or not, you were silent all season for the most part. (insert all your excuses here)

btw, i found your handbook that you and the other 2 stooges use.. i must say, one part you have nailed down to a T (i highlighted it in case your wondering as all the rules seem to apply equally, but the bold face print stands out to everyone who follows this thread)


Difficulty: Moderately EasyInstructions

Step 1
Choose a team that has enjoyed a good amount of success. Becoming a bandwagon fan of a very successful team will keep you from having to switch again next year.

Step 2
Cheer for a player instead of a specific team. When that player leaves a team, cheer for whichever team he plays for. Be sure to choose a very talented player, though, as his team is more likely to be successful.

Step 3
Claim to have always admired your new team. Being a bandwagon fan involves a little bit of fibbing every now and then.

Step 4
Buy cheap and generic apparel from your favorite team. Since you're just a bandwagon fan, there is no need to spend $100 on a unique game-day jersey.

Step 5
Once your team starts losing, stop cheering for that team. If somebody asks you about this, simply tell the person that you don't really care all that much about this particular team, anyway.

Step 6
Change teams every couple of years. A bandwagon fan has little loyalty to any one team. If another team becomes dominant, switch your allegiance to that team.

Step 7
Dont pay alot of attention to your team until the playoffs.

Everybody knows that bandwagon fans come out when their team is on the verge of a championship. Once the playoffs start, wear your cheap sweatshirt and support "your team" loudly.

You gotta love it...



New Member
May 31, 2008
Hey Holliday, are you talking for two tonight? Usually your soulmate is side by side with you in writing your childish and inane posts. QUOTE]

His soulmate actually lives inside his delusional mind.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Wow ! me a sorry punk ass ? Ha ! you are really short of arguments !

You said it, not me.

You guys are the sorry asses always trying to bitch about Mtrl and the Canadiens on a forum about Mtrl SPs.

If you're not happy, stay out of this thread. It's that simple.

Poor you. Maybe if you knew anything about scoring you wouldn't loose so much of your time posting here !!!

No, poor you! Maybe if you would have scored more in your lifetime, you wouldn't be here wasting our time on this board whining about what we think of Scabs fans. The truth hurts, doesn't it?
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Wow seems to me this year my favorite team will be the Habs, the Habs, the Habs and Habs !!!
And if they don't win the cup they still will be the favorite one and I will still bitch about them when they don't play as good as they can because I deserve to bitch about them.

Typical bandwagon fan! Staying away from the thread for the entire season, yet decides to stick his nose in the hockey threads when his lousy bunch of overachievers are finally shocking themselves by winning games. Where were you all season long when the Scabs stunk up the joint? Staying off the radar, of course.......like typical Scabs bandwagon fans! LOL!!!!!!!!

Now, instead of whining like a little girl, why don't you hit the streets, head towards Ste Catherine street, start doing what you seem to enjoy doing & start harrassing innocent bystanders, while vandalizing cars & breaking windows? You seem to be more fitted for this type of stuff than any kind of serious, non-delusional hockey talk.
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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I long ago realized there is a certain species of sports fan that won't and can't deal with reality or wrap so much of their life in a sport or a team it becomes some sort of religion to them.

Yes, the scientific term is "leaf fan". Chief characteristics: 1. Inability to deal with reality. 2. Extremely limited intellectual skills and very little formal education. 3. Bossy, bullying, arrogant manner until challenged - at which point he runs like a scalded chicken. 4. Lifelong tendency to lie and to fabricate stories. 5. No sense of honor whatsoever: frequently attempts to rewrite or erase his idiotic statements when they are inevitably proven wrong. 6. Deep and abiding love of cooking and figure skating. 7. Complete inability to distinguish between the sexes. 8. VERY close "special" friendship spent "hanging out" with fellow leaf fan.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Yes, the scientific term is "leaf fan". Chief characteristics: 1. Inability to deal with reality. 2. Extremely limited intellectual skills and very little formal education. 3. Bossy, bullying, arrogant manner until challenged - at which point he runs like a scalded chicken. 4. Lifelong tendency to lie and to fabricate stories. 5. No sense of honor whatsoever: frequently attempts to rewrite or erase his idiotic statements when they are inevitably proven wrong. 6. Deep and abiding love of cooking and figure skating. 7. Complete inability to distinguish between the sexes. 8. VERY close "special" friendship spent "hanging out" with fellow leaf fan.

I found this definition in Websters under Yankee fan too...lol
And when they are a Leaf's fan and a Yankee's fan 0h baby...double jackpot Iggyramous!
Don't worry Igman...I understand ...it's exactly like Yankee fans who are only heard from when their team wins...hmmm...Bwahahahahahahahahaha....

Screw off with your bandwagon bullshit! Piss on the Leafs, they suck!

On to more pleasant things...

Habs looked great on Thursday...here's to more of the same...GO Habs GO!


Oh yeah ... and Iggy...

Have fun,


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Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
Visit site
My scapegoat team is still in the playoffs. My other favorite team, the Flyers, are leading in their series with the Scabs. So what's your problem dickhead? Stalking me again? Are you another Johnny Weir groupie? If so, watch out....i know a missy who'll be truly pissed off at you! LOL!!!!

Stalking does not equal calling attention to a posters ignorance and stupidity, something you have demonstrated in these threads on numerous occasions

You’ve been exposed as a fraud with zero credibility. You don’t stand behind your words, instead, in a gutless and cowardly fashion; you go back and delete your posts when it is clear that said posts are embarrassingly wrong and full of bullshit.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Piss on the Leafs, they suck!

You have written classic and timeless words of wisdom Jman! The leafs have sucked since 67, the leafs suck today, and the leafs will continue to suck long, long after each and every one of us is dead and buried.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Stalking does not equal calling attention to a posters ignorance and stupidity, something you have demonstrated in these threads on numerous occasions

You’ve been exposed as a fraud with zero credibility. You don’t stand behind your words, instead, in a gutless and cowardly fashion; you go back and delete your posts when it is clear that said posts are embarrassingly wrong and full of bullshit.

Excellent summary GHG: We are all fully aware of Holliday's duplicity, treachery, ignorance and cowardice - qualities that his adoring little lapdog is apparently in love with.
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