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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Speaking of Big Georges, maybe Jacques Martin should dress him for tomorrow night's FINAL game. He couldn't do worse than Sergei Kostitsyn or Benoit Pouliot, right?

I guess he also couldn't do worse than Kessel, Phaneuf, and the rest of the hopeless 29th place leafs.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
wow, Merlot, you are an ok guy for that post, you actually made me LOL for real! dont worry, gsg and mrs c will never take a bet, they have proven that over and over, along with ballsdays1, but real fans of the habs might, maybe tech or nadya, even non fans might, like jman, but doubt even he would be that crazy, as the bet is pretty much in your favor, barring another halak miracle, but ya never know.

You know lg that's pretty funny coming from a gutless loser like you. Anyone who has followed the hockey posts is well aware that you ran like a scalded chicken on at least 3 occasions, bawkbawking your way out of 3 separate bets offered by GSG, G1G, and me. I'm not surprised though because in addition to being a sexually confused illiterate coward, you're a liar who loves to ignore the truth and make things up. Your total bullshit isn't even funny - it's just plain pathetic, as everyone in the hockey and baseball threads is well aware of.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
BGL could at least crash the nets on the power play eh? at least better than what the scabs have shown so far against the big bad Flyers.

And what have the leafs shown, dimwit? Oh yeah, nothing - mainly because their season ended as usual after 82 games. They play about as well as you write. No wonder you and your best butty love them: losers love losers.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
do we really need to go thru this yet again? lets make it short and sweet, your very close friend gsg had 2 scapegoats to bail him out of taking my bet, ballsday and yourself, when all he had to do was just say, no thanks, i dont want to bet... seems the personal insults are getting more and more ofton with you these days, everything ok bud?

PS. only 5 posts in 13 minutes? you must not be yourself tonight, i was sure you could set a new record! you were certainly on pace to smash it!

You know lg that's pretty funny coming from a gutless loser like you. Anyone who has followed the hockey posts is well aware that you ran like a scalded chicken on at least 3 occasions, bawkbawking your way out of 3 separate bets offered by GSG, G1G, and me. I'm not surprised though because in addition to being a sexually confused illiterate coward, you're a liar who loves to ignore the truth and make things up. Your total bullshit isn't even funny - it's just plain pathetic, as everyone in the hockey and baseball threads is well aware of.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
anyone seen GSG? i mean besides on that lil red flyer wagon i posted a pic of earlier? maybe big george laraque finally woke up and came to his senses and ditched the 3 stooges, took the wagon, gave it the beat down like he used to do to other players before he became a scab, and headed back to montreal, leaving the boys high and dry? ehhh just a thought

Note to self, dont make this guy mad, or he will take your ride!

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
do we really need to go thru this yet again? lets make it short and sweet, your very close friend gsg had 2 scapegoats to bail him out of taking my bet, ballsday and yourself, when all he had to do was just say, no thanks, i dont want to bet... seems the personal insults are getting more and more ofton with you these days, everything ok bud?

Of course we don't need to go through it again, but since you're the dimwit who brought it up again - stupidly, of course, since it reminds everyone what a coward and what a liar you are - we might as well tell the truth. That's why Cairo - the conscience of the board - came to the rescue.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
You've already been exposed for what you are lg and as usual you won't admit the I have agreat idea. Please continue reading:

Since you like to bet (ha ha - that is, as long as you name the conditions), here's a bet I offer you that will serve several purposes:

You're a leafs fan, I'm a Wings fan, so what could be more simpler and what could make more sense than this:

I bet you that the Wings finish the next season (2010-2011) with more points than your hopeless leafs. I'd love to make the bet for THIS season but for obvious reasons (namely that the Wings have been ahead of your hopeless leafs ALL season long and are GUARANTEED to finish ahead of them, as are just about all the other teams in the league) you wouldn't bet on THIS season.

Now I could happily bet you money on this but I know you'd weasel out just like you did with GHG (twice at least!) and G1G, so I'll bet you something else - something that will benefit not only me when I win, but every other poster on the board (except for Holliday) also.

Here's the stake: loser leaves MERB. If the Wings finish next season (2010-2011) with fewer points than the pitiful leafs, I leave MERB and never post again. If however the Wings finish next season (2010-2011) with MORE points than your stinkin' leafs, YOU will pay your debt by leaving MERB forever.

Deal? Or will you find a way to pussy out of this one also just like you've done with GHG and G1G?

I only wish I'd offered you this bet at the start of the current season - it would have saved everyone a lot of annoyance!

Here's where I challenged you lg. Make sure you read my next post too (not that I need to say that, since I know you read ALL my posts).


New Member
Jul 26, 2005

why would i even take a chance that my bestest habs fan buddy would leave forever, you make my days with your silly posts day in day out! you bring sunshine to my days when it is rainy and cold outside, why sometimes i am feeling blue, i read some of your nonsense and i am in a happy place all over again! why would i risk losing that? HAHA! nice try, but if you wanna play that way, then my scapegoat team will surely have more points than yours! :) .

And here's where you ran like a scalded chicken.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Nice try at re-writing history but your so called “bet” was an ambiguous, vague and muddled piece of crap (given the source, not too surprising). You were given repeated opportunities to make a real bet and as those who have been following these threads know all too well, you pussied out big time.

I offer you the same bet for next season, a real and clear-cut bet ; $500 the Habs finish with more points than the Leafs by the end of the regular season (with Jessy holding the wager if she is still interested). I know you’re going to pussy out on this one as well with your weak and pathetic excuse, so I offer an alternative; $500 worth of plain vanilla MasterCard or Visa gift cards instead of cash (with an extra $50 from each of us for Jessy, who by the way, can verify the balances on those cards).

I await your response


Hey lg, here's just ONE of the posts where GHG challenged you.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Another silly attempt for you to look good i see, how many times does it take for you to understand i DO NOT BET $$$$$$, am i suppossed to go against my personal beliefs to satisfy you or anyone else , really???? nice try, but your making yourself look even worse. you actually could of had seats in the red for this saturdays game against the hated leafs had you had some faith in your team back in october. nice job, you really messed that one up. but i will enjoy it for you

And here's where you ran like a scalded chicken as usual.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
You’ve been called out because I think you’re full of shit – and you just proved it in resounding fashion. You don’t have the stones to make a real bet – you’ve been exposed as a poser and a complete fraud. :D

Here's ONE of the posts where GHG labelled you for what you are, lg.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
how is that pussying out? it is a LAME bet like the poster. i dont know that the Leafs will have more points than the dead things next year, but i am confident in the Leafs having more than the scabs!.. it was a dumb bet, i dont take dumb bets, i make bets where the chance of winning is at least 50/50 or better, i can admit the wings probably wil have more points than the Leafs next season, i never said they were a better team than Detroit, but i do feel the Leafs will be better than Montreal next year. besides what the bet was for is stupid, i would miss joesy if in fact i won the bet HA!

And here is your typically lame, braindead, and ball-less attempt at a response to GHG's accurate labelling of you as a pussy.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Exactly! You're a big talker but when you're asked to back it up you admit that the leafs aren't as good as the Wings.

You're still calling them "dead things" but you don't have the balls to bet that your pathetic leafs will beat them next year, so maybe you should finally shut up with the "dead things" crap and the other crap you spew, since you've now publicly admitted that you don't have faith that your cretinous leafs will do better than the Wings next year...despite the fact that for two years and over 2000 posts you've been bragging about how great Burkie is and how bright the leaf future is. You've been exposed once and for all lg!

Here's one of the many posts where I correctly identified your loudmouthed cowardice. I, and others, routinely expose you as a braying, lying, no-nothing, loudmouthed coward and hypocrite - but, hey, I'm not bragging: it's just SO easy to do!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Man, i really think you need some time away, seriously. i think we have driven you nutso
even on holiday you have nothing better to do when you wake up than to stalk some more. 10 posts in half an hour, all repeating the same thing you have been saying for 6 months, lol.. unreal, and on a holiday morning, YIKES! please go see your shrink. you are making a complete fool out of yourself. at first i just thought it was a dry sense of humor, but now i just feel sorry for you, for real. at this point it is obvious how obsessed you have become, cover that up by self proclaiming yourself the conscience of the board (ROFL), but it is actually more along the lines of a Psycho Stalker than anything else, anyways back to the habs really sucking!

PS, i would bet you that you couldnt go a whole day w/o posting the same thing over and over but you would chicken out of that bet just like your bestest butt-y did before....


Here's one of the many posts where I correctly identified your loudmouthed cowardice. I, and others, routinely expose you as a braying, lying, no-nothing, loudmouthed coward and hypocrite - but, hey, I'm not bragging: it's just SO easy to do!
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Of course we don't need to go through it again, but since you're the dimwit who brought it up again - stupidly, of course, since it reminds everyone what a coward and what a liar you are - we might as well tell the truth. That's why Cairo - the conscience of the board - came to the rescue.

What kind of way is that to talk to a fellow hockey fan? C'mon buddy, show a bit of love! :p
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