22 posts in lil over and hour! New Record for Mrs.C quick, someone call the Guinness book of world records! (mabye just merb book of world records will suffice)

... All saying the same useless drivel as always, i have read them all over the last 6 months and frankly, it is a complete waste of time anymore,......... man o man you have officially lost your senses C... must be tough being a scabs fan these days eh? the frustration has lowered you to 22 posts in a single morning let alone all in a small time frame, with nothing whatsoever about hockey(i doubt anyways, as most were the same thing and just skimmed over) (go ahead and break this down into 8 responses, lol, are you just trying to drive up your post counts or just that plain weak and comepletely lost your marbles?) you did this doc, lol.
Anyways scabs fans, good luck the next several years with your small and soft team, the flyers really have exposed your needs, but when the money is not there, good luck.
this will probably jinx tomm's game but its to good not to post it, anyways espn caught a glimpse of this pulling into philly early this morning, and it has been confirmed, that is indeed Big George Larouque with the Band, i always knew he blew, but not just a instrument, and must have really fallen on hard times to hang out with the 3 stooges. something very disturbing tho, it seems joman and mrs c are twins, but gsg looks like he has rythem in the back beating on that drum!