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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
i can with my Pens look for Sid the Kid and company to put an end to the Scabs misery.... :)

1. I'd ask if YOU can spell "bandwagon" but I know you can't spell anything.
2. I heard Bob McKenzie was a little worried that someone might take his job...but then he started reading your posts and Holliday's BS and he said "Ha ha ha. I'll NEVER be fired if this is all these two idiots can come up with!"


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
great post as always doc but are you forgetting something? the Pens are "MY SCAPEGOAT TEAM!" you have the sharks and cairo the dead things. please dont step on my turf, understand? ( :) )

1. Lovefest, lovefest - no surprise.
2. Incorrect use of "scapegoat" - no surprise.
3. Rooting for losers - no surprise.
4. Holliday rooting for soon-to-be losers - no surprise.

BUT...there actually ARE two surprises next:

1. Lg actually gets it right when he finally admits that the Wings are my team (although typically he gets it only PARTIALLY right by calling them my "scapegoat" (sic) team, and typically he uses a juvenile, inaccurate, and unoriginal term to name the Wings incorrectly).
2. Ig risks the wrath of his best butty by acting macho in the last sentence. Maybe he was pissed at Doc because of Doc's unending fixation on Johnny Weir...or maybe he wanted to be the dominant partner in the relationship for once - and you know, it probably WORKED, because shortly afterwards Holliday started referring to him as "MISTER Lggy".


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
By the way, since my favorite team is out of the playoffs, my current favorite playoffs team are the Bruins. After watching them perform during these playoffs, it's impossible for me to root against them. Go Bruins!

This stuff is great! When you write your autobiography, I suggest you call it "Confessions of a Ship-Jumper". Alternate titles: 1. "Lifelong Leafloving Loser"; 2. Me and Iggy: the True Story.
Which title you use all depends on which audience you're trying to attract.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to admit not being uncomfortable listening to gay people, watch them on tv or in movies, or even be around them in a social setting.
As for figure skating, i don't mind it. I like ice dancing. Why not?

One of the best winter Olympics in my opinion were the Calgary games of 1988, when we were thrilled to the 'Battle of the Brians', when USA's Brian Boitano edged Canada's Brian Orser by an extremely narrow margin.
I like all sports. Figure skating too! I won't prevent myself from watching a certain sport just because the stigma of homosexuality comes attached to it.

Quoted for the record.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Gee I'm sorry Doc - when I was listing some of the many teams you've claimed to be rooting for, I forgot the Penguins. My apologies.

As i've said many times & repeated, i'm a Leafs fan first, then i cheer for every single NHL team that isn't called the Montreal Canadiens. It's simple. :D

By the way, i'm amazed...truly amazed at how ridiculous you look in these threads. You must spend hours going back in threads in order to copy & paste some old posts made by myself & Iggy. My dear friend, you are a STALKER! LOL!!!!!!!!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
As i've said many times & repeated, i'm a Leafs fan first, then i cheer for every single NHL team that isn't called the Montreal Canadiens. It's simple. :D

By the way, i'm amazed...truly amazed at how ridiculous you look in these threads. You must spend hours going back in threads in order to copy & paste some old posts made by myself & Iggy. My dear friend, you are a STALKER! LOL!!!!!!!!

1. I am not your "dear friend" - please get that clear.
2. It's not stalking - it's EXPOSING you and your lapdog as the lying, ignorant, conscienceless and unscrupulous hypocrites that you are. I think you and your best chum (or shoulld I say "best chump"?) are the ones who end up looking ridiculous.
3. It doesn't take hours, since I work quickly. It is a necessary task - just as Woodward and Bernstein exposed Nixon, so Cairo is exposing Holliday and his camp follower. By the way, it's rather amusing that someone who has 5622 (!) posts - not counting the THOUSANDS he has deleted out of shame and a Watergate-like tendency to "burn the tapes" - is commenting on the time a fellow poster spends here.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I'm not a fan of any club. The best series I ever saw was the Cup Final between Detroit and Pittsburg and the dullest between Anaheim and NJ. I get a perverse pleasure of seeing the Leafs lose because of the pretensions of their fans (some of whom are announcers on National TV). I also hate goon hockey for which Philadephia is justly famous, so am still hopelessly hoping for another miracle from the Habs.

I found the yesterday's game the least encouraging for the Canadiens of this year's playoffs. Even during the first game of the current series in which Mtl lost 6-0, it seemed to me that they had some scoring chances. Yesterday, they missed the net, shot from long range or had the puck bounce off their sticks when they were anywhere close.

I wonder how much better the Canandiens would be if they paid the enormous salaries they do to Gionta, Gomez and the Kostitsyns to some productive hockey players.

Gomez has had a barely average career before 2009-2010. I absolutely don't understand what Gainey saw in him to take on a salary which nobody else in the league wanted. Gomez has exactly one goal during the current playoffs a month ago.

Gionta is -6 for the playoffs, not surprising for a Smurf.

I can't believe how many times I have seen Andrei shoot the puck away when a defenseman comes within 10 meters of him. I can't believe that it is always a line change. I've played hockey and getting checked is rarely even slightly painful.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
1. I am not your "dear friend" - please get that clear.

Right. You're a STALKER FRIEND.

2. It's not stalking - it's EXPOSING you and your lapdog as the lying, ignorant, conscienceless and unscrupulous hypocrites that you are. I think you and your best chum (or shoulld I say "best chump"?) are the ones who end up looking ridiculous.

Nope. You're stalking. You're definitely a STALKER.

3. It doesn't take hours, since I work quickly. It is a necessary task - just as Woodward and Bernstein exposed Nixon, so Cairo is exposing Holliday and his camp follower.
It's called stalking. So you're a STALKER.

By the way, it's rather amusing that someone who has 5622 (!) posts - not counting the THOUSANDS he has deleted out of shame and a Watergate-like tendency to "burn the tapes" - is commenting on the time a fellow poster spends here.

Ah, you've also noticed this? STALKER.

Admit it, Ms. Cairo. You simply can't help thinking of us. Face it, you're obsessed with us. You're obsessed with everything that we post. We're making your miserable life a living hell, aren't we? LOL!!!!!!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Someone forgot her Meds again , new record!

22 posts in lil over and hour! New Record for Mrs.C quick, someone call the Guinness book of world records! (mabye just merb book of world records will suffice) :)... All saying the same useless drivel as always, i have read them all over the last 6 months and frankly, it is a complete waste of time anymore,......... man o man you have officially lost your senses C... must be tough being a scabs fan these days eh? the frustration has lowered you to 22 posts in a single morning let alone all in a small time frame, with nothing whatsoever about hockey(i doubt anyways, as most were the same thing and just skimmed over) (go ahead and break this down into 8 responses, lol, are you just trying to drive up your post counts or just that plain weak and completely lost your marbles?) you did this doc, lol.

Anyways scabs fans, good luck the next several years with your small and soft team, the flyers really have exposed your needs, but when the money is not there, good luck.

this will probably jinx tomm's game but its to good not to post it, anyways espn caught a glimpse of this pulling into philly early this morning, and it has been confirmed, that is indeed Big George Larouque with the Band, i always knew he blew, but not just at hockey, and must have really fallen on hard times to hang out with the 3 stooges. something very disturbing tho, it seems joman and mrs c are twins, but gsg looks like he has rythem in the back beating on that drum!

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
espn caught a glimpse of this pulling into philly early this morning, and it has been confirmed, that is indeed Big George Larouque with the Band, i always knew he blew, but not just a instrument, and must have really fallen on hard times to hang out with the 3 stooges.
Speaking of Big Georges, maybe Jacques Martin should dress him for tomorrow night's FINAL game. He couldn't do worse than Sergei Kostitsyn or Benoit Pouliot, right?


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Ya know for two guys who now don't even have a scapegoat team left to root for you sure yak alot...


I'm gonna go out on a limb....lemme guess...if the Habs advance, you guys are all of a sudden Blackhawk fans?!?!:rolleyes:

LOL! Or as Iggy says...Bwahahahahaha!!!
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Ya know for two guys who now don't even have a scapegoat team left to root for you sure yak alot...


I'm gonna go out on a limb....lemme guess...if the Habs advance, you guys are all of a sudden Blackhawk fans?!?!:rolleyes:

LOL! Or as Iggy says...Bwahahahahaha!!!

No offense to you personally Jman, but, I tell you all these hockey threads are more full of silly sniping than any thread I've ever seen. Yadda yadda yadda...almost nothing but bicker and bicker back.

If there is any (one) Habs fan who still believes they can win this series I'll bet them a bottle of wine up to $25 value against it. Yeah, I know it's not a brave bet and the odds are all on my side. I don't expect any takers. Now where's Go Habs Go?





Men only. I don't feel comfortable taking bets with women.

I will pay off if I lose and I expect you to pay off if you lose too.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
wow, Merlot, you are an ok guy for that post, you actually made me LOL for real! dont worry, gsg and mrs c will never take a bet, they have proven that over and over, along with ballsdays1, but real fans of the habs might, maybe tech or nadya, even non fans might, like jman, but doubt even he would be that crazy, as the bet is pretty much in your favor, barring another halak miracle, but ya never know.

Hello all,

No offense to you personally Jman, but, I tell you all these hockey threads are more full of silly sniping than any thread I've ever seen. Yadda yadda yadda...almost nothing but bicker and bicker back.

If there is any (one) Habs fan who still believes they can win this series I'll bet them a bottle of wine up to $25 value against it. Yeah, I know it's not a brave bet and the odds are all on my side. I don't expect any takers. Now where's Go Habs Go?





Hobbyists only. I will pay off if I lose and I expect you to pay if you lose off too.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
BGL could at least crash the nets on the power play eh? at least better than what the scabs have shown so far against the big bad Flyers.
Speaking of Big Georges, maybe Jacques Martin should dress him for tomorrow night's FINAL game. He couldn't do worse than Sergei Kostitsyn or Benoit Pouliot, right?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
wow, read the name of the thread, duh! and at least you still have a scapegoat team left, (until tomm night) so quit rubbing it in :)

have fun, tomm night!

Ya know for two guys who now don't even have a scapegoat team left to root for you sure yak alot...


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hello all,

No offense to you personally Jman, but, I tell you all these hockey threads are more full of silly sniping than any thread I've ever seen. Yadda yadda yadda...almost nothing but bicker and bicker back.

If there is any (one) Habs fan who still believes they can win this series I'll bet them a bottle of wine up to $25 value against it. Yeah, I know it's not a brave bet and the odds are all on my side. I don't expect any takers. Now where's Go Habs Go?




Hobbyists only. I will pay off if I lose and I expect you to pay if you lose off too.

Hello Merlot,

Bravo my good man! You saw right through my posts...bwahahaha!
Yes the level of idiocrity here is amazing.

Now to the know I am a Sox fan and I love long shots...:cool:
The Habs have been down 3-1 and 3-2 already in this miracle run and have come back both times.
No one expected them to get out of round 1; which by the way is exactly 1 more round than the Leafs every qualified

I also realize that this is practically a sucker bet. But unlike a bandwagon fan, I believe in my team right up to the end. So, Ahhh what the hell...

I have grown to like a particular wine on my visits to Montreal...Ménage à Trois...very tasty and enjoyable...

Heres to Having fun...GO Habs GO!


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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
22 posts in lil over and hour! New Record for Mrs.C quick, someone call the Guinness book of world records! (mabye just merb book of world records will suffice) :)... All saying the same useless drivel as always, i have read them all over the last 6 months and frankly, it is a complete waste of time anymore,......... man o man you have officially lost your senses C... must be tough being a scabs fan these days eh? the frustration has lowered you to 22 posts in a single morning let alone all in a small time frame, with nothing whatsoever about hockey(i doubt anyways, as most were the same thing and just skimmed over) (go ahead and break this down into 8 responses, lol, are you just trying to drive up your post counts or just that plain weak and comepletely lost your marbles?) you did this doc, lol.

Anyways scabs fans, good luck the next several years with your small and soft team, the flyers really have exposed your needs, but when the money is not there, good luck.

this will probably jinx tomm's game but its to good not to post it, anyways espn caught a glimpse of this pulling into philly early this morning, and it has been confirmed, that is indeed Big George Larouque with the Band, i always knew he blew, but not just a instrument, and must have really fallen on hard times to hang out with the 3 stooges. something very disturbing tho, it seems joman and mrs c are twins, but gsg looks like he has rythem in the back beating on that drum!


What a useless bunch of drivel, as always. By your hero's definition, you sure as hell are a stalker - religiously reading all my posts, freaking COUNTING my posts (!!!), but sadly never UNDERSTANDING even a WORD of my posts - which I guess is not surprising for such a complete dimwit. You know lg, Bo Jackson was a two sport athlete, but judging by the total crap you consistently post both here and in the baseball thread you're a two sport dimwit.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
sit back and enjoy folks, mrs c is sure to break "another" posting record! and again, by saying the same things over and over , and OVER again! let the flood gates open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a useless bunch of drivel, as always. By your hero's definition, you sure as hell are a stalker - religiously reading all my posts, freaking COUNTING my posts (!!!), but sadly never UNDERSTANDING even a WORD of my posts - which I guess is not surprising for such a complete dimwit. You know lg, Bo Jackson was a two sport athlete, but judging by the total crap you consistently post both here and in the baseball thread you're a two sport dimwit.
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