Martin actually has a sense of humor, sort of
It's often amusing to take the time to point out just how clueless you two "close friends" are.
Why delete it? How about you ask the mods to just close it so that we can have a permanent record to refer to for next year's thread?
Just a thought.
I totally believe that it 'often amuses' you since you keep doing it over and over, and over, and over....over...again!
C'mon my good friend, show me the love.....
Why delete it? How about you ask the mods to just close it so that we can have a permanent record to refer to for next year's thread?
Just a thought.
complete ass
Apparently you have not looked in the mirror at yourself lately, if you had, you would see whats in bold print.... take the meds! they will do wonders for you! ... here ya go. how about this, take your meds and get out your posters of your heros, gsg and johnny weir!!!!!!!!!!! in your little world i would guess you call that a "perfect night" , minus the scabs not playing!
ok, 12 posts in 22 mins, all repeating yourself over and over and over and over, you CAN DO IT, cmon, let er rip!!!!!! ready? set? GO!!!
It's Holliday who has this "johnny weir" as a hero. I have no idea who the hell the guy is.....
Nice try, Ms. Cairo! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW Doc, i love the revolving thread name change every few days, absolutely hysterical!
p.s. His consecutive 'posts' record has yet to be broken & likely never will.
BTW Doc, i love the revolving thread name change every few days, absolutely hysterical!
Well, considering 80% of the posts in this thread over the past month are from him, i figured i might as well name the thread after him. He deserves it!
p.s. His consecutive 'posts' record has yet to be broken & likely never will.
Thank you Doc. I humbly accept the honor.
ROFL! i think mrs c is color "dumb" Doc........... bwhahaahahahahahaahahahaah (that was NOT a compliment from DH, lady!) heh heh!
It's not your gayness that's annoying - it's your stupidity.
funny, it is BOTH with yours! next try?
cmon 22 posts with in the hour, i will let you do it and wont post til you break your own record, ready? set? go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You poor, pathetic, misguided soul. God obviously created you on a special day reserved for losers. It's not your fault - just the hand you were dealt. Good luck to you with making the best of your miserable existence. But how about TRYING for that good luck somewhere far, far, FAR away...and, oh yeah, somewhere with NO computers. Take a picture of Doc to hold to your heart and keep you warm on those cold, cold nights. But please: don't EVER come back. Best wishes to you in starting a new life.