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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Hockey thread dedicated to the person with the most posts in this thread, obsessed with Leafs fans. A former die-hard member of Leafs Nation, the one and only:

You're so obsessed with me that you went back and rewote a post from January 15th? You are one perverted stalker, that's for sure. Oh well, at least lggy loves you - even if the rest of the world is repelled by your abnormal and deviant behavior. In fact it's probably that abnormal and deviant behavior that makes lg go crazy for you!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
dude, seriously, can you EVER say anything different? every single post is EXACTLY the same as the last one ,the one before that, and 1800 before that... lol....... so much for an original thought! ...... then again, coming from the "source" i understand why..... :)

keep on keeping on mrsC... no one can do it quite like you,... i must say, you do keep us entertained each day (even tho were all laughing at you) Good Job! and YOUR habs still SUCK!

You're so obsessed with me that you went back and rewote a post from January 15th? You are one perverted stalker, that's for sure. Oh well, at least lggy loves you - even if the rest of the world is repelled by your abnormal and deviant behavior. In fact it's probably that abnormal and deviant behavior that makes lg go crazy for you!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
dude, seriously, can you EVER say anything different? every single post is EXACTLY the same as the last one ,the one before that, and 1800 before that... lol....... so much for an original thought! ...... then again, coming from the "source" i understand why..... :)

keep on keeping on mrsC... no one can do it quite like you,... i must say, you do keep us entertained each day (even tho were all laughing at you) Good Job! and YOUR habs still SUCK!

Sorry for not being as "original" (ha ha) as you with your2455 boring and illiterate posts of sexual confusion, worship of your beloved idol Holliday, blatant lies and ignorance, repetitive erroneous bullshit about bandwagon fans and "habs suck" - all coming from a flamingly gay (no offense - I'm not criticizing your lifestyle, just stating the obvious) lover of the second worst team in all of hockey. We get it already: you can't read or write, you love Holliday and the leafs (in that order), you don't like the habs, you're a complete coward who has run from every bet you've ever been offered, and you can't tell the boys from the girls (although somehow you always end up with the boys). Did I forget anything? Oh yeah, sorry: you also know jackshit about baseball. There - that sums up everything you've ever said, so there's no need for you to post again. Don't go away mad - just go away.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
more lame mrs c post, and trust me i can tell the difference from the boys and girls, isnt that obvious, the guys in here might go back and forth picking at each other and their teams, but its all for fun and nobody takes it to seriously but one person, but forgive me as i am very respectfull toward the women in here, Sexy Nadya and ....... ok well im just respectfull of her, but not the other "lady" in here... i will work on being more respectfull of the other one, YOU but dont hold your breath ...:)

Now, back to the Joelcairo habs sucking...... Will the scabs trade price or halak? heres a great scenario, scabs trade price, then halak jumps ship and heads to the Khl! great scenario indeed habs fans!

Sorry for not being as "original" (ha ha) as you with your2455 boring and illiterate posts of sexual confusion, worship of your beloved idol Holliday, blatant lies and ignorance, repetitive erroneous bullshit about bandwagon fans and "habs suck" - all coming from a flamingly gay (no offense - I'm not criticizing your lifestyle, just stating the obvious) lover of the second worst team in all of hockey. We get it already: you can't read or write, you love Holliday and the leafs (in that order), you don't like the habs, you're a complete coward who has run from every bet you've ever been offered, and you can't tell the boys from the girls (although somehow you always end up with the boys). Did I forget anything? Oh yeah, sorry: you also know jackshit about baseball. There - that sums up everything you've ever said, so there's no need for you to post again. Don't go away mad - just go away.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Now, back to the Joelcairo habs sucking...... Will the scabs trade price or halak? heres a great scenario, scabs trade price, then halak jumps ship and heads to the Khl! great scenario indeed habs fans!

And they'd probably STILL finish higher than 29th - loser.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I am not sure

Still says it all...why blah, blah, blah when you can keep it simple and irrefutable...



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
i have to give GSG a lil credit here, at least he doesnt seem as uneducated as the other 2 stooges, i almost would take gsg out or your "gang" and replace him with another, but before that happens, lets give gsg a lil more time to come down to your and lady C's level..... do you realise your in a HABS SUCK thread? if you and your gang were posting your idiocies in the maple leafs thread there would be no talk of stalking, or uneducated , lame, etc etc etc... you guys are just a glutton for punishment... batter up!


Still says it all...why blah, blah, blah when you can keep it simple and irrefutable...



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Courtesy of Glenn Healy:

In the 03-04 season, after a couple of leaf wins (very unusual!) following a prolonged losing streak (very normal!), Healy said: "They beat the 30th place team tonight and the 29th place team the other night. We know the parade route goes down Front Street but we don't know whether it's a right or left turn on Bay Street."

And to think that that was probably the HIGH POINT for Canada's National Embarrassment in the last half dozen years! They have NEVER made the playoffs since then and in 2009-2010 they had their worst season in 20 years...which is all the MORE embarrassing since they've pretty much sucked for those 20 years (actually, 43 years, but I'm being nice)!

What kind of idiotic hopeless LOSER would even DREAM of rooting for such a sad sack bunch of rejects as the stinkin' leafs?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
i have to give GSG a lil credit here, at least he doesnt seem as uneducated as the other 2 stooges, i almost would take gsg out or your "gang" and replace him with another, but before that happens, lets give gsg a lil more time to come down to your and lady C's level..... do you realise your in a HABS SUCK thread? if you and your gang were posting your idiocies in the maple leafs thread there would be no talk of stalking, or uneducated , lame, etc etc etc... you guys are just a glutton for punishment... batter up!


Why is it that whenever you walk into a room it feels as if someone just walked OUT?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
getting to ya a lil too much eh? heh heh....


there ya go mrs.C that outta be good for ohhh i dont know, 6 comeback replys in 8 minutes???? cmon, i know you can do it!!!!!!!!!


You go beyond mere stupidity. You're not just twisted - you're deranged. Why don't you run off and join a circus freak show - maybe you can start a romance with the bearded lady (probably the type of "woman" you like best) or better yet find an experienced performer to work under - preferably an ELEPHANT!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I'll say it again: GO SCABS!! :D

(It's called SARCASM. I know, i get you every time! LOL!!!!)

No. It's called shipjumping and it's called being a bandwagon fan. Since the hopeless leafs are your favorite team (which ALREADY says a great deal about your lack of hockey knowledge), you jump ship every year...usually at least 7 or 8 times (as even your remaining undeleted posts indicate).
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