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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
you say I dont face the facts? hmmmmmmmm for the slow minds (mainly YOU) i never said the Leafs were a contender this season, and if i did it was more for your benefit to humor you

Hey lg, what you wrote is what literate people refer to as a "contradiction" - "I never said..." followed by "and if I did". You're actually calling YOURSELF a liar! Good call, by the way!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
you should see how scabs fans are crying on Habs Boards across the internet, same way when Markov went down in the first game, unlike this time tho, the season only has 25plus games left
On another note, Montreal lost top scorer Mike Cammalleri to a possible knee injury. Initial reports state it's an MCL problem and further tests will be made Monday. Insiders fear that the diminutive winger will be lost for the rest of the season.

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
and as we speak like clockwork, Ms. Cairo is probably once again childishly looking for past posts to quote.. what a buffoon.. just like night and day there is always "Dumb and Dumber"

3 points: 1. As usual, you are guilty of what you accuse others of. Guess what, non-genius: you quote posts all the time, or are you unaware of that little fact, as you are of so many others? 2. I see you're still sexually confused. Well, in your defence, it will probably take decades of therapy to cure you of that problem. Since you refuse to face hockey reality, I guess it's only natural that you also have your little difficulties with gender also, sort of like the Burke family. 3. while reading old posts and laughing non-stop at how all the idiotic predictions and statements you have made have now been proven to be completely wrong, I noticed that GHG had first referred to and your fellow leaflover as "Dumb and Dumber" back on July 30. I see therefore that one of your favorite insults has been copied from him.At least TRY to come up with something original!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
What a MESS with a Capital M! Doc, do you understand any jibberish these days from Ms. Cairo?

for the SLOW minded, aka Cairo., it means i am just pullin the strings of my favorite lil puppet by way of subliminal messages...

Hey lg, what you wrote is what literate people refer to as a "contradiction" - "I never said..." followed by "and if I did". You're actually calling YOURSELF a liar! Good call, by the way!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
im sorry, did i mess up YOUR "routine" with your VERY VERY close friend, i am sorry, please accept my apologies :)
Can you say something intelligent for once, or is crying out to your very close friend the best you can come up with?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
What a MESS with a Capital M! Doc, do you understand any jibberish these days from Ms. Cairo?

for the SLOW minded, aka Cairo., it means i am just pullin the strings of my favorite lil puppet by way of subliminal messages...

I've told you before: keep your hands to yourself. Your perverted fantasies are not amusing to anyone except you and your "buddy".


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
but they "BY RIGHTS" should be a top team in the league this season....... ummmm NOT! ..

I know logic is not your strong point. (I guess your only strong points are being able to type bawk bawk bawk or bwahaha.) If you can, however, try to follow this: you are constantly bleating about how bad the habs are, yet they have been ahead of your shitty little leafs all season. In fact almost the entire NHL has been ahead of your shitty little leafs all season.
The Canes won Saturday night - I haven't checked the latest standings but with that victory if the Canes haven't yet passed the leafs (and they might have), they soon will. Toronto's objective, as Burke (the elder Burke, that is, not his gay son) has said from the beginning is to make the playoffs. They will not, which makes the season a failure by Burke's own standards. Their new objective is probably just not to finish 30th - because there's no bonus for them anyway since Good Old Brian traded away his draft rights for P. D. Phil (PD standing for prima donna).


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
1. going back months to copy/paste posts on a daily basis as the ONLY thing you can do to save face when there is nothing else left to say, and make yourself look relevant is a joke and so grade school playground material, i only copy and paste your current silly little ramblings, i dont waste time childishly digging them up from 6 months to a year ago , my time is not gonna be wasted on what silly thing a person said that long ago, and not the depths you and some others take it to, once in awhile sure, but when you do it on a daily/weekly basis, it is borderline Obsession,,,,,, SCARY!

2. no, like i said, i enjoy woman and dont sit in front of a mirror admirring myself like a woman like you have stated you do.(btw thats how your little "Ms" / "Mrs." came about , in case you forgot)

3. Not sure gsg did or didnt but even if he did, it suits you two much better as bandwagon fans than real fans

3 points: 1. As usual, you are guilty of what you accuse others of. Guess what, non-genius: you quote posts all the time, or are you unaware of that little fact, as you are of so many others? 2. I see you're still sexually confused. Well, in your defence, it will probably take decades of therapy to cure you of that problem. Since you refuse to face hockey reality, I guess it's only natural that you also have your little difficulties with gender also, sort of like the Burke family. 3. while reading old posts and laughing non-stop at how all the idiotic predictions and statements you have made have now been proven to be completely wrong, I noticed that GHG had first referred to and your fellow leaflover as "Dumb and Dumber" back on July 30. I see therefore that one of your favorite insults has been copied from him.At least TRY to come up with something original!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
The Canes won Saturday night - I haven't checked the latest standings but with that victory if the Canes haven't yet passed the leafs (and they might have), they soon will.

Well, I just checked the standings, and you gotta love this: the Canes HAVE caught the leafs - bravo! Both teams have 45 points but the Canes have two games in hand and two more wins, so they're now 28th while Burke's sorryass bunch is 29th. The Canes have been hot lately and the leafs have been...the leafs. Go Oilers Go - if only Edmonton can win a few, then Hogtown will take its rightful place at the very bottom of the entire league.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
going back months to copy/paste posts on a daily basis as the ONLY thing you can do to save face when there is nothing else left to say

It's not to save face non-genius, it's 1. because it's EXTREMELY funny to read the utter crap you have consistently posted, 2. it's extremely amusing to see how Doc has deleted dozens and dozens of his sillier posts (to "save face"? - yes, I think so, in his case), 3. it's neat to see how ALL the other posters have been seeing through the two of you from the beginning, and 4. since all you ever do is mouth off and say what will happen in the future, it's nice to PROVE that EVERYTHING you predict ends up being wrong when the future comes to pass. Your own words have come back as perfect evidence of your total ignorance about hockey.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
no, like i said, i enjoy woman and dont sit in front of a mirror admirring myself like a woman like you have stated you do.(btw thats how your little "Ms" / "Mrs." came about , in case you forgot)

I guess if you say it often enough you're hoping it might come true. You don't have time to sit in front of a mirror because you're too busy "hanging out" with Doc and dreaming about men in women's clothing.


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Yes I guess they do - after all, they're only 11 points ahead of the Laughs.

Coming back from a 2-0 deficit against the hottest team in the NHL and at least getting a point isn't as bad as spoiling a 3-0 deficit and getting 0 point,IMHO...
...and I agree JC,the Habs do suck too this year and with A.Kostsytsyn and now Cammalleri out,things aren't looking too good,but at least Habs are still fighting for playoff spot and well ahead of maple Laughs...


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Raycroft's end-of-game "salute" to the fans showed exactly what he thinks of TO and the boneheads who support the leafs.

TO has now played 56 games and has managed to win 17 of them - LESS than 1 out of 3 - absolutely pathetic!

Wilson sends his troglodyte Roseweed out on the ice when the game is out of reach - really classy!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Not sure gsg did or didnt but even if he did, it suits you two much better as bandwagon fans than real fans

Translation: Yeah maybe you did steal the line from GHG and since you can't come up with a decent excuse you'll fall back on the tired old BS about bandwagon fans. From what I've seen on this board, the ONLY "bandwagon fan" is your idol Doc. Even though he has deleted his posts, enough other posters have copied and quoted them to show the PROOF that he has jumped off the leaf wagon many times (as soon as they get eliminated, which - for the leafs - is usually pretty early) and on to the habs wagon.

On the other hand, I have ALWAYS said I am a Wings fan. Long before you joined this board I said I was a Wings fan (and I even took some heat for it from some habs fans). I have NEVER said I was a fan of any other team. I have also ALWAYS said that I hate the leafs...and with good reason. GHG has ALWAYS said he is a habs fan, as have Cosmo, G1GBallday, JustBob, Techman, Octavian, and others. YOU are the only person who has ever said differently - so either you are making this shit up because you have nothing intelligent to say, or else you are so divorced from reality that you actually believe the garbage you write.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
the only thing your proving is the lact of intelligence you posess....."im gonna copy/paste things from a year ago", " im gonna say im a red wings fan when it is so obvious i love the habs" , "im gonna jump on every habs fans bandwagon cause i cant come up with anything original by myself" blah blah blah, here is a tissue ya big baby. but we already knew how you were since your first few posts, so whatever floats your boat i guess, what else can i say about it, but maybe, keep up the good work? :)

PS. i see your still obsessed with Doc also, why on earth does it matter to you or anyone else if the poster deletes some of "HIS" former posts?.... i will tell ya why, cause when you fail miserably at everything else, you try to "spin" whatever you can and thats all ya got left? such a baby, hard to believe your 61...

It's not to save face non-genius, it's 1. because it's EXTREMELY funny to read the utter crap you have consistently posted, 2. it's extremely amusing to see how Doc has deleted dozens and dozens of his sillier posts (to "save face"? - yes, I think so, in his case), 3. it's neat to see how ALL the other posters have been seeing through the two of you from the beginning, and 4. since all you ever do is mouth off and say what will happen in the future, it's nice to PROVE that EVERYTHING you predict ends up being wrong when the future comes to pass. Your own words have come back as perfect evidence of your total ignorance about hockey.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Coming back from a 2-0 deficit against the hottest team in the NHL and at least getting a point isn't as bad as spoiling a 3-0 deficit and getting 0 point,IMHO...
...and I agree JC,the Habs do suck too this year and with A.Kostsytsyn and now Cammalleri out,things aren't looking too good,but at least Habs are still fighting for playoff spot and well ahead of maple Laughs...

Well said as usual Cosmo and really the habs don't suck. ( I was just trying to point out to Doc how dumb it is of him to keep saying habs suck when his own team is 11 points worse.) The habs are certainly not great (hey, neither is Detroit at this point) but they give an honest effort and have nothing to be ashamed of.
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