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The JoelCairo Habs Suck hockey thread

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Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
It's love!!!!

Who ever said that true love doesn't exist?



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
i see someone is looking into their "mirror" again :rolleyes: you should be the one with the name "Doc" as in spin doctor, you try so very well, but always seem to fall a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit short... but hey, i give you an "A" for effort.. :D

1. Please lose your fascination with me - stick to the real Doc - he seems to like you (VERY MUCH!) which is completely logical since he exhibits the same signs of sexual confusion that you do - although to his credit he doesn't boast about his fantasies of men in dresses, as you do.
2. Thanks for the A. I'd like to reciprocate (oh sorry for the big word, but maybe you have a friend who can look it up and explain it to you) but I'm much too honest, so I'll give you an F double minus.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
i heard price is using new sticks as of yesterday, so im sure its just a photo op :D , that locker room is a mess ,. another loss to the Sens tomm night would NOT surprise me at all! ...

Another loss? Oh, you mean like the leafs did tonight? Give them credit though, they lost 5-4 to Jersey in OT. An OT loss is GREAT by leaf standards - I bet they're all celebrating right now!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Of course i do, we are all not a Cairo, gessh , :) , and well, i just did, and i looked up scapegoat and it had your picture there as the inventor.:) ...and you had a "friend" in the pic with you,...PS., check out the next post ;)
I know you have never OPENED a dictionary, but do you even know what a dictionary is?
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ms. C and his Scape Goat, "GO WINGS GO"! (Priceless)

here is what Websters Dictionary shows when i look up Scapegoat, and it "aint purrrty" My only regret was i couldnt find the goat that had a red wings blankie on like the one your used too :D.."Go WINGS Go!!"

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
here is what Websters Dictionary shows when i look up Scapegoat, and it "aint purrrty" My only regret was i couldnt find the goat that had a red wings blankie on like the one your used too :D.."Go WINGS Go!!"

Current stats: Detroit 54 games, 61 points, 26-19-9
Toronto 55 games, 45 points, 17-27-11
More stats: Current Detroit GMs with a gay son: zero
Current Toronto GMs with a gay son: one

By the way grown men (if that's what you are?) call them "blankets".


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
The Canadiens have lost five of seven.

And the entire leaf organization from GM Burke, his gay son, "Coach" (???) Wilson, "merging superstiff" Phil Kessel, and all the rest of the leafs down to the two most intelligent ones (Mayers and Exelby) would KILL to be doing that well!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
thus why i said "blankies" for you :) i figured i had to stoop down to your level so you could understand .... your responses are getting WAAAAAAAAAAY to predictable... go have a beer, watch the habs lose again, O wait, they did that earlier..... my bad... :)
By the way grown men (if that's what you are?) call them "blankets".


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
well considering the Leafs are in a 2-4 yr process under Burke and Company, and the Scabs were in a 5 year process under Gainey, and are now in year 6! with no good in sight after this season (if anything good in fact does happen this postseason) i dont think the Leafs are as bad off as you like to think, however, your lil team of scabs are
And the entire leaf organization from GM Burke, his gay son, "Coach" (???) Wilson, "merging superstiff" Phil Kessel, and all the rest of the leafs down to the two most intelligent ones (Mayers and Exelby) would KILL to be doing that well!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
well considering the Leafs are in a 2-4 yr process under Burke and Company, and the Scabs were in a 5 year process under Gainey, and are now in year 6! with no good in sight after this season (if anything good in fact does happen this postseason) i dont think the Leafs are as bad off as you like to think, however, your lil team of scabs are

Same old same old, eh lg? Deny, deny, deny, and when you get tired of denying, then insult and fabricate. And, by all means, never let people use facts, stats, or past quotes, because that would be rude and unfair.

Oh, and in case you never noticed the other thousand times I said it, the "scabs" (sic) are not "my team".


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
same ole what? deny what? fabricate what? i know you probably never made it past grade 8 but i have said over and over the leafs were not expecting much this season, i hoped for the playoffs but i am also a realist and if it doesnt happen then i understand the big picture with Burke and Company, a fan always hopes for the best and Burke is a smart man and will produce a contender within the time he was hired for and hopefully beyond, it is silly fans like you who are not real hockey fans who bring up past posts, and words to only "TRY" (LOL) to undermind others, well Einstein, A Leafs fan tride and true has a thicker skin than most any fan, as far as insults, well, when you deserve it ya get it, toughen up, i take it from you, so All is fair in love and war "Ms. C", and since i am sure your education never covered this phrase, let us examine, just for you my fair weather lil fan,,, getcha popcorn for todays lesson.....

Some internet quotes:

'The cliché, "All is fair in love and war," implies that people can suspend the law or the rules in special circumstances.'

' "All is fair in love and war" - Behavior that is unpleasant or not fair is acceptable during an argument or competition.'

'ALL'S FAIR in love and war, we hear at a tender age. Though this is tempered by schoolboy concepts of fair play and never hit a man when he's down. Fair play is reasonable if you don't mean to win at any cost and the other guy doesn't mean to kill you, but all that goes by the board in any genuine confrontation. Juvenile tussles are one thing; a real fight is definitely something else. And so is real love and real hatred and anything else that's real. You don't learn to play poker by wagering matchsticks. Vae victis, or, as we say in English: Losers weepers.

"All's fair in love and war," quotes Frank Farleigh (1850, by Francis Edward Smedley, 1818 - 1864) and is the popular paraphrase of "Love and War are the same thing, and stratagems and polity are as allowable in the one as in the other." - Miguel de Cervantes (1547 - 1616), Don Quixote (1605 -1615)'

;) .... :D....:) , Was your popcorn good? mine was EXCELLENT ;)

Same old same old, eh lg? Deny, deny, deny, and when you get tired of denying, then insult and fabricate. And, by all means, never let people use facts, stats, or past quotes, because that would be rude and unfair.

Oh, and in case you never noticed the other thousand times I said it, the "scabs" (sic) are not "my team".


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
not as bad as your leading scorer on the shelf for weeks... oups!, it is not looking good for the SCABS to win it all this year, and well, we know whats coming the next several years... nice job Boring Bob G
Raycroft beat is former team after they blew a 3-0 lead!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Raycroft beat is former team after they blew a 3-0 lead!

Yes TO was up 3-0 and then LOST 5-3 as their castoff Raycroft (who as HNIC mentioned is still being paid by the leafs!) shut them out in periods 2 and 3 after taking over from Luongo. Raycroft's end-of-game "salute" to the fans showed exactly what he thinks of TO and the boneheads who support the leafs.

HNIC also pointed out that after scoring two goals in the first, Kessel was invisible for the rest of the night.

TO has now played 56 games and has managed to win 17 of them - LESS than 1 out of 3 - absolutely pathetic!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
not as bad as your leading scorer on the shelf for weeks... oups!, it is not looking good for the SCABS to win it all this year, and well, we know whats coming the next several years... nice job Boring Bob G

And here we have lggy doing what he does best: totally ignoring how badly his team sucks, totally ignoring facts and reality, bringing up the same tired BS about the habs not winning the Cup this year (the Cup? Oh yeah, that's the thing the leafs won a mere 43 years ago!), pulling out the same old "Boring Bob" insult, and taking delight in an elite player being injured - because let's face it, injuries on other teams are the only way the freakin' leafs will EVER have a hope. Even Carolina is getting ready to pass them. If this intellectually crippled character is a "fan" as he always likes to rave, we can see why the word comes from "fanatic". Face it lg, your team bites the big one and all the childish ranting in the world won't change that simple fact. But I guess if you're a loser who roots for losers, childish ranting is just about all you can ever do. Gee, it sure must suck to be a leaf fan - no wonder Doc jumps ship every year!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
again, or A" GAIN" for you, your meltdown is geting totally hilarious.... and you say I dont face the facts? hmmmmmmmm for the slow minds (mainly YOU) i never said the Leafs were a contender this season, and if i did it was more for your benefit to humor you, duh, as always the Leafs signed Burke to change things on a 2-4 yr plan, unlike what Gainey promised Mtl fans to do in 5 years and failed miserably, so if it makes you feel important to put words in peoples mouths like you ALWAYS do,. keep on keeping on my man,,, errrrrr.... lol, nevermind, you will cry some more if i use that "term" lol...... in case your NON EINSTEIN looking at you in the mirror does not get it, you contradict EVERYTHING you say about Doc and I ... but then again, must be that Canadian Educational System at it's best "EH"? :)

PS. Yea, another boneheaded response by Ms. Cairo, pertaining to ignoring how bad a team is, it is not like i hear SCABS Fans saying "we lost our fourth in a row, we suck, we are horrible, FIRE GAINEY and MARTIN NOW! " what a dipstick! .. you certainly are good for one heck of a laugh every night tho, i will say that my fairweather scab fan....;)

And here we have lggy doing what he does best: totally ignoring how badly his team sucks, totally ignoring facts and reality, bringing up the same tired BS about the habs not winning the Cup this year (the Cup? Oh yeah, that's the thing the leafs won a mere 43 years ago!), pulling out the same old "Boring Bob" insult, and taking delight in an elite player being injured - because let's face it, injuries on other teams are the only way the freakin' leafs will EVER have a hope. Even Carolina is getting ready to pass them. If this intellectually crippled character is a "fan" as he always likes to rave, we can see why the word comes from "fanatic". Face it lg, your team bites the big one and all the childish ranting in the world won't change that simple fact. But I guess if you're a loser who roots for losers, childish ranting is just about all you can ever do. Gee, it sure must suck to be a leaf fan - no wonder Doc jumps ship every year!
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
and as we speak like clockwork, Ms. Cairo is probably once again childishly looking for past posts to quote.. what a buffoon.. just like night and day there is always "Dumb and Dumber"

PS. UPDATE, Yup. i was correct once again :) ... what a trainwreck happening before our very eyes.... geesh, i almost feel sorry for him...
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Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Habs lose again!! Cammalleri injured & possibly out for remainder of season

OTTAWA -- Mike Fisher had room to operate and took full advantage of the rare 3-on-3 situation.

Fisher scored 3:33 into the extra period and Ottawa extended its winning streak to a team-record nine in a row with a 3-2 victory over the Montreal Canadiens on Saturday.

Fisher took a pass from defenseman Erik Karlsson and cut across the goalmouth to put a backhand past Jaroslav Halak.

"Yeah, you don't see it too often, that's for sure," Fisher said. "I went in with speed and it was a great play by Karlsson. It was his play."

Montreal's Hal Gill was penalized for tripping 2:17 into overtime after he upended Jason Spezza on a partial breakaway. Spezza, who gave Ottawa a 2-0 lead midway through the second, was sent off for interference at 3:12.

"Three-on-three, I want to be out there, so it was nice to see Fishy get the breakaway," Spezza said.

On another note, Montreal lost top scorer Mike Cammalleri to a possible knee injury. Initial reports state it's an MCL problem and further tests will be made Monday. Insiders fear that the diminutive winger will be lost for the rest of the season.

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