Montreal Escorts

The miserable US$ to C$ exchange rate


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
La Fed imprime beaucoup trop de dollars pour soutenir l'économie,il ne peut alors ni avoir qu'une baisse du dollar car il y en a trop dans l'économie,sans compter que les taux d'intéret sont trop bas.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Stop acting like I am the one who invented this concept that money markets react to political news and political agendas being enacted. I didn't.

The bottom line is that the US Dollar is heading in the wrong direction and it has dropped a full 5 cents since the Jazz festival. 5 cents dropped in 2 months.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Simple reason why the CDN$ is up over the US$....we have a Conservative government that knows how to govern, while the US has Obama and a dysfuntional congress.
Money doesn`t lie nor twist facts like some pinkies do.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
The only reason why the Canadian dollar is as high as it is......the high price of oil. Once oil will go down again to reasonable levels, the dollar will also go down.

Whether or not Pauline Marois won the Quebec election (a minority government at that) has zero bearing on the Canadian dollar. I'd even go as far as to say that three-quarters of Canadians have no idea who's the Premier of Quebec or the ruling party, nor do they care. Half of them likely don't even know who Jean Charest is. Nor should they.

There isn't a chance in hell that Quebec will separate from Canada in our generation. It's all talk by the separatist minority. There probably are as many people in Alberta who'd like to separate from Canada. But it won't happen in our lifetime.

Quebecers likely elected the Parti Quebecois (and barely!) in order to have change after all those years of having the Liberals in power & the various controversies/scandals that came about over the years. The student strike likely got Charest & the Liberals kicked out more than anything.

Separation is not on the PQ's current agenda, and the fact they only have a minority government tells us that they wouldn't stand a chance of being able to call for a provincial referendum even if they wanted to. Marois is also quite aware that she wasn't elected by the voters because they wanted to separate from Canada. She may be the leader of a separatist party, but she's not stupid.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
This is fucken ridiculous. The USD was supposed to go in the other direction after Marois and the PQ got elected. What the fuck is going on? It is down a full 5 cents since I was in Montreal for the Jazz Festival.

Proof once again that people asking this, don't know much about Quebec vs. Canada and the world economy...
Probably the same thinking that "They don't care about what's happening outside the US" or Canada for that matter.

So no surprise here that they missed completely what just happened in Europe !

Actually it is funny to see people on the west island of Montreal scarring themselves the sh!t out because of the PQ and actually selling their house lower than they should just because they actually believe in this sh!t.

Poor beggers ! :)

To think that the value of the CAD is actually about what is going on in Canada is... a real proof of someone's ignorance on the world economy and its politics !

Well anyway ! I must say that the level of knowledge out here is really getting lower and lower and since some of you are about to be banned for a while...then I will have fun in leaving this board as it is, for a while myself.

Have fun !:D


Mar 28, 2007
The majority of Canadians have had a good chuckle seeing their currency outpace the USD, and taken delight in crossing the border to do a little shopping, but now people are opening their eyes to the implications.

Lily from Montreal

I never check the exchange rate but maybe Is this why I just got a american friend asking me my rate in USD? I was like...???, I said at par...I like getting american dollar, it goes to my vacation piggy bank loll


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site

It might be a great marketing tool right now for Montreal escorts to advertise they are accepting American dollars at par.

HINT! HINT!:nod:


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
the problem with canadian dollar ,you can buy far less marchandise in canada if you compare what you can buy in usa with us dollar.In canada all the price are at least 10% higher than the price for the same product in us.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

It might be a great marketing tool right now for Montreal escorts to advertise they are accepting American dollars at par.

HINT! HINT!:nod:

Hello Eager,

If someone don't have the time to go make the exchange before meeting me, that's not a problem, but for my part, I am asking a little 20$, to cover the fees of exchange AND the time I am going to take to go exchange it.

That's really not a big deal.


Ladies who don't tour USA, or don't go there vacationing, need to exchange it, to be able to use it, American money is not accepted here to pay our bills and groceries, or to simply to be able to put it in the bank account.

So, if ladies and agencies here accept to make at par, it signify to meet people who are paying with American money in comparison of people who are paying with Canadian money, is a bit more work, because of the time to go to exchange it, adding the fact that it cost something to exchange it.
Last edited:

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Maria, Eagerbeaver was joking when he made his comment. He said it 'tongue-in-cheek'. :D

On a slightly more serious note, it's not a bad suggestion. Not only to sps, but to all merbites from Canada. Converting Canadian dollars into American dollars might currently be one of the best & easiest investments today. I have no doubt that the US greenback will bounce & take over its Canadian counterpart within a month or two from now, if not sooner.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I have no doubt that the US greenback will bounce & take over its Canadian counterpart within a month or two from now, if not sooner.
You're probably right, Doc, though it might take a bit longer. The two currencies have been bouncing between .95-1.05 for the couple of years, with a slight value edge over time to the USD.
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