Montreal Escorts

The Most Reliable and Satisfying Escort Agencies Poll.

The Most Reliable and Satisfying Escort Agencies Poll.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hello all,

I made another effort to book my first choice at Eleganza. Last week I called on Thursday to pre-book Karyna. I was told I had to wait until the schedule was posted. I asked about what time that would happen, and I was told to check around 1:00 on Monday. Fine. I saw the schedule up at about 12:45 and called immediately. No one was answering the phones yet, so I left two messages. I kept called frequently until someone answered the phone at about 2:40. "Hello, I would like to make a reservation to see Karyna." "She's already booked for the week." When did you start taking calls?" I just got three calls quickly." "Well, okay fine." I was too disgusted to ask about my other top choices. No doubt the same answer was waiting.

Eleganza useless!!!



Oh yeah, I sent email requests too. No response...ever.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
TongueNCheek said:
Happens to me too. But I cannot get mad, because I will ALWAYS want to see Karyna, (FOR THE FIRST TIME TOO), anyways, I can bet that Eleganza states their list of SPs availability on the forum, when they get no calls, no offense, Eleganza.

Hello TongueNCheek,

I can understand "first come first served" and simply being beaten to the punch. But this has now happened for six trips in a row...two this year...three last year...and one the year before. In five of those attempts I asked when the agency started taking calls for the weeks appointments and I called as soon as told to, and even before just to be sure I would be there at the open. I have never missed so often when calling at the opening minute for the week with any other agency. In fact, this has never happened with any other agency in this manner at all. It's "very strange".




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
bensonnobalia said:
How gullible are you? Don't you realize that this guy is lying through his teeth?

He has nice young girls posted on his site long after they leave the agency. Or he has them on the schedule four nights a week when they only work one.

Then when you call, they are not available and he offers you some older veteran that you have seen ten times before....

Forgive me Korbie...but you had this one coming to you.
Hello Benson,

No...not gullible. I have my own thoughts, but I try not to make serious accusations without better proof. Supposition is not proof. The odds of this situation happening to me legitimately for six tries in a row are high in the extreme. It seems impossible. But I can't go further in what I say without evidence. However, the agency has not worked for me since October 2006. As for your age's far overdone.

That's it,



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Thumbs Up Devilish, Thumbs Down Eleganza.

Hello all,

I called Eleganza around 3:30 yesterday to ask about Karyna just in case there were any changes. I knew it was going to be hopeless, but sometimes lightning hits and why not just ask since I rarely get to town. If I was beating my head against a stone wall, well I can take it. I got John on the phone and...Nope, all booked. What did I think would happen. No complaints possible to be fair. So getting my head out of the Karyna trap, I realized I never asked about anyone other possiibilities when I called. Yeah, the schedule listings are limited to say the least, but...let me be sure. Called again and asked if there was anyone else working. John again...this time impatient and RUDE...YOU JUST CALLED, THERE IS NO ONE. Let me say I never said I was Korbel...that shouldn't that matter anyway of course. Are you really too busy to be just plain cold...John. Come on. So John, thanks for manning the phone so graciously, even though there were no availabilities with anyone. Cheers my friend.

Next I called XXXTASE and Devilsh. They both said it's a little early. I asked Mike at Devilish about a lady had met 5 times when she was with another agency, but had not seen while she was at Devilish. Mike said he would know at 6:30. At 6:35, I called Mike and set an encounter for 11:00. When I told him I was at the Doubltree Hilton at 505 Sherbrooke, he said...I think she can be there a little earlier since her first appointment was at the same hotel. traffic except for the hall danger of lwanderers, and lustful fellow hobbyists who might try to lure her into their Remembering the episode with Tamara at the Chablis I was a bit acutally worried. So I made sure Mike had the room number down exactly and I told him the lady would know me since we had met several times before, but I asked him not to say who she was meeting. She was very surprised and happy to see me, and the encounter was fabulous since we were completely at ease with each other. Sorry, but she asked me not to mention her name on the boards.

So, when it comes to available opportunity, follow through, and successful completion...Devilish gets two big thumbs up,...Eleganza just thumbs it's be fair. Thanks again to the ever on the ball Mike of Devilish....YOU ROCK!!!




I was just waiting for the valet to bring me my car and who should appear but Startrek1...not hobbying...just visiting Montreal to see his girlfriend.
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Jul 5, 2008
I chalked 1 for MSC + 1 for SD.

I would also add 1 for Asservissante but they are not on the poll.

Never had any problems all the times that I dealt with these 3 agencies. They always have cheerful and courteous reception on the phone and always on time. If a delay would happen (never more than 15 minutes so far) they would give me a call.

I even met Peter from SD a few times when he would chauffeur to my hotel and he is just as pleasant in real life as on the phone.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not knocking on the other well renown agencies, it’s simply that scheduling didn’t match my to-do list when I called.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
bensonnobalia said:
Eleganza is having the same problem that almost all Montreal agencies are having: which is that it is very hard to hire new talent right now.

But he plays the game better than most.

His site is filled with gorgeous young girls.

(which Merbite vets like Korbel, Techman and Special K claim (in public) not be be interested in...I mean there's no difference between a 20 year old and a 30 year old....right guys)

But then when you call, he claims to be fully booked and he offers you a veteran SP that everyone in the city has seen a 100 times.

This is an old in-calls trick and you guys fall for it all the time.


Of course I shouldn't talk. I fell into that trap myself just today, with another prominent Merb advertiser. They advertised one of their stars, I booked, called to confirm...but she never showed.

The girl they sent as a substitute wasn't bad, (in fact she is one of the highest rated girls on MERB) ...but I had seen her from her younger days with two other agencies over the years under two different fact dating all the way back to her when she got her start in the in-calls....

(Oh and there was of course that minor detail that she was a full eight years older than advertised...but of course on Merb no one cares about that).
Hello Benson,

I don't know what is going on at Eleganza. But no one there has ever tried to push someone on me that I did not want. What is extremely perplexing is that the agency has many names listed though almost no one seems to be working on any given day. In fact some ladies listed have not been marked as available for weeks at a time. For six trips in a row now I have been lucky if two or three names were mentioned to chose from when I have called, always between Thursday and Sunday. I am starting to believe several ladies have gone and the listed has just never been updated. By comparison, at Devilish last night I was offered between 7-8 choices.

TongueNCheek, in the last 10 days I have emailed Eleganza through their own system, sent a PM with the same..."the box is full" result as you, and called at least 4 times since the 11th of July. The basic results response. Two years ago this was one of the best agencies in Montreal and I saw their ladies several times. I don't know what Eleganza is now. In my view a great agency offers access and choice. For me, they don't.

The lady I saw on Friday I had met nearly 4 years ago at Dangerous Curves and had seen 5 time before this Friday night. We had a very good rapport right from the start. She asked me not to mention her name anywhere or write any kind of review. Even if she and I did not have a fabulous connection I could not and should not deny her request. However, I did see Nikki of Devilish last night and...KABAAM...what a delicious hottie...literally! Review to follow sometime this week.


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New Member
Dec 1, 2007
Why Eleganza?

I'm curious. Why did those who voted for Eleganza do so?

There have been a few theories bandied about that don't seem credible. Eleganza really has very few older SP's so there really isn't any one to push you towards if your first choice is booked. It is the SP's choice when and how long they work. If randomly answering the phone manages to book the available SP's time, then I guess there is little incentive to book via e-mails, PM's or voicemails.

I'm curious how Devilish always seems to have so many SP's available on every given night. Perhaps a little more on the quantity than quality though there seems to be some gems at Devilish as well.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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bensonnobalia said:
His site is filled with gorgeous young girls.

(which Merbite vets like Korbel, Techman and Special K claim (in public) not be be interested in...I mean there's no difference between a 20 year old and a 30 year old....right guys)

Now WTF are you talking about Benny? Did I ever say there was no difference between a 20 and 30 year old? Please, point it out to me smartass. What there is no difference between is the f'n horseshit you were peddling when a girls 21 and not Oh GOD FORBID 20!! Smarten up Benny! As we discussed via PM, keep your shit to yourself! :mad:


New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
Just last December, I was in Montreal for the Winter GT at The De La Montagne, and Eleganza was the BEST agency...... fast forward to my last trip in June.... wow! a change for the worst. I have to agree with most of what has been said before about Eleganza. It is too bad, because I still think that John has the hottest lineup of any agency and IMHO the most GFE service in general.

I see now, what good is a agency with a massive beautiful lineup, when no one works or no one is there to answer the phone. I hope John turns it around and puts more effort in running the agency and finds more SP's that want to work........ and maybe finds someone that will run his agency like a real business.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
bensonnobalia said:
Eleganza is having the same problem that almost all Montreal agencies are having: which is that it is very hard to hire new talent right now.

But he plays the game better than most.

His site is filled with gorgeous young girls.

(which Merbite vets like Korbel, Techman and Special K claim (in public) not be be interested in...I mean there's no difference between a 20 year old and a 30 year old....right guys)

But then when you call, he claims to be fully booked and he offers you a veteran SP that everyone in the city has seen a 100 times.

This is an old in-calls trick and you guys fall for it all the time.


Of course I shouldn't talk. I fell into that trap myself just today, with another prominent Merb advertiser. They advertised one of their stars, I booked, called to confirm...but she never showed.

The girl they sent as a substitute wasn't bad, (in fact she is one of the highest rated girls on MERB) ...but I had seen her from her younger days with two other agencies over the years under two different fact dating all the way back to her when she got her start in the in-calls....

(Oh and there was of course that minor detail that she was a full eight years older than advertised...but of course on Merb no one cares about that).

Hey, benson!!! When the hell did any of us claim we didn't like younger ladies? What we had a problem with was your continuous complaining about a possible 1 or 2 year age difference between the advertised and actual age of a SP. Nowhere did anyone state they disliked younger women.

You also continue to claim that it is hard for agencies to hire new talent. How do you know this exactly? Are you running ads for agencies? Do you have regular contact with all the agency owners in Montreal to discuss this? Or is it just another of your pet peeves with no evidence to back it up?

And again you have the nerve to insult every board member by insinuating that they aren't bright enough not to fall for a B&S. What the hell gives you, who have been here all of 3 months, the right to proclaim yourself the master of all things to do with the Mtl sex scene?

And finally you mention an encounter 'with another prominent Merb advertiser' but you don't have the balls to give either the name of the agency or the ladies involved.

Everyone is really tired of your constant complaining and your know it all attitude. When things start going against you, you run back and delete all your posts like a child trying to erase the evidence. Why don't you just erase your handle completely and save us all a lot of grief.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Techman said:
Everyone is really tired of your constant complaining and your know it all attitude. When things start going against you, you run back and delete all your posts like a child trying to erase the evidence. Why don't you just erase your handle completely and save us all a lot of grief.
Okay Techman,

Benson has the right to say what he wants as long as he doesn't break the rules. Though many of us would agree with you, I don't think we need a repeat of the battle between the two of you that has already been done to death. If Benson isn't attacking anyone or writing lies then he has the same rights no matter who hates what he says. You are certainly more than capable of confronting him and questioning what he says without saying he should get out of Merb. What about the ignore button?




Benson...Techman is right about a few things. You have not proven there is a real age problem. And, if you see someone who has not requested anonimity you should provide a name. IF you are worried about how others will react then don't make a post that doesn't help anyone. If you insist on posting then have the guts to do it properly...please.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
If Benson isn't attacking anyone or writing lies then he has the same rights no matter who hates what he says.

Has he provided any proof to back up his claims? Even when he posts that he has had a bad experience he refuses to back it up with names. Breaking the rules? How about this one...

v) Posting false or otherwise unverified information with the intent to either damage the reputation or otherwise of a service provider or agency or, to gain favor of a service provider or agency.

By refusing to name the agency he supposedly had a bad experience with, he brings all of merb's advertising agencies into doubt. I figure that qualifies as damaging the reputation of an agency, all agencies in fact.

Originally Posted by bensonnobalia
But then when you call, he claims to be fully booked and he offers you a veteran SP that everyone in the city has seen a 100 times.

This is an old in-calls trick and you guys fall for it all the time.

This is not the first time he has insinuated that merbites are not the brightest. Of course the other instances have since been deleted.

Originally Posted by bensonnobalia
I never posted possible age differences, only provable ones through tracking dates of MERB reviews, or through my previous encounters with them. IMHO a provable one or two year difference is crucial, because it always indicates that the difference is much more than that.

You haven't posted even one provable age difference. The only provable one is one where you have seen proof of the lady's age. Board posts prove nothing as there is always the possibility that the girl was under 18 when first reviewed. And none of your previous encounters have ever been posted and cannot be verified.

As far as him getting out of merb...well all this guy has done since he arrived here is stir things up. He is always complaining about something. Either the girls ages are incorrect, the agencies don't have enough new talent, the agencies are B&S, and on and on. What is he doing here if all he is doing is complaining and posting accusations without proof? Do you think that this is good for the board? I can't see it being very good for the board to have this guy always calling it's advertisers into question and it's members gullible fools.

And you have the nerve to call me out of line????? Everything this guy has done has been out of line! This guy is not here to share information, he is only here to cause problems. And in my opinion I don't feel the board needs members like him. Why should I ignore him? Should I have ignored others that came here to cause problems only to vanish or be banned once their agenda came out into the open? Sounds like another place I used to visit.



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Off Topic

This thread has drifted off topic in an extreme fashion. Mainly because people with agendas, age issue and Eleganza have used it as a platform to promote certain viewpoints.

Shortly I will start a new thread that will focus on one of the elements responsible for the drift.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
Techman said:
And you have the nerve to call me out of line????? Everything this guy has done has been out of line! This guy is not here to share information, he is only here to cause problems. And in my opinion I don't feel the board needs members like him. Why should I ignore him? Should I have ignored others that came here to cause problems only to vanish or be banned once their agenda came out into the open? Sounds like another place I used to visit.



In my opinion, and like assholes everyone has one, it's you who was out of line in calling out Techman. He's spot on in every point he's made regarding Benny.



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Special K said:

In my opinion, and like assholes everyone has one, it's you who was out of line in calling out Techman. He's spot on in every point he's made regarding Benny.

Hello Special K,

Well, no one has to listen to me. But in my view the exchange between Benson and Techman is a rehashed battle of the same war where both have said pretty much all they could say about each other. Frankly, I am tired of repeat battles that carry over to any thread. And, make no mistake. Anybody telling or implying someone else to get off the boards IS out of line, no matter if every other point he made is accurate. If Benson is a "shit stirrer" he's one of many.

As for agendas, it's been obvious for years some have had personal ones with individual members amounting to vendettas. When one member has had very current experiences with an agency it is most pointedly relevant to a thread on the effectiveness of agencies. Having just come back from a trip and having dealt with Eleganza, an update on their service belongs right here without a doubt. But perhaps people who don't hobby just can't see it. If you have FACTUAL EXPERIENCE that contrasts with mine then please post it. Otherwise you aren't credible on that point.


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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
Korbel said:
Having just come back from a trip and having dealt with Eleganza, an update on their service belongs right here without a doubt. But perhaps people who don't hobby just can't see it. If you have FACTUAL EXPERIENCE that contrasts with mine then please post it. Otherwise you aren't credible on that point.



What contrast are you speaking of? I haven't a clue about what "FACTUAL EXPERIENCE" you are talking about?



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Special K said:
What contrast are you speaking of? I haven't a clue about what "FACTUAL EXPERIENCE" you are talking about?


Hello Special K,

I was referring to the statement made by my great friend Eastender who thinks I have an "agenda" just because I have written some facts about my recent experiences with Eleganza that don't favor the agency.




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Daringly said:
I always knew you two were best friends, the mutual admiration and goodwill just spills over. You can feel the love:)
Hello Daringly,

Yes, and I got a marvelous collection of steak knives by just reaching behind my back...bwahahahahaha.






New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Korbel said:
Hello Special K,

I was referring to the statement made by my great friend Eastender who thinks I have an "agenda" just because I have written some facts about my recent experiences with Eleganza that don't favor the agency.




Refer to your posts #'s 58 and 69 in this thread which you started as a public poll, titled "The Most Reliable and Satisfying Escort Agencies Poll".

From post # 58 it is rather obvious that this is an on going "six trips" issue for you and if someone cannot put rejection behind them after being rejected six times then the possibility of an AGENDA should be considered.

Finally this is a public poll about ALL the listed agencies. There is a distinct
Eleganza thread where your complaint may find an audience BUT harping on your continued rejection takes away from the integrity of the poll. While it may be acceptable for a poster to comment favourably about his choice(s) once in a poll there no need to bash someone who they did not vote for once or ad infinitum.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
eastender said:

Refer to your posts #'s 58 and 69 in this thread which you started as a public poll, titled "The Most Reliable and Satisfying Escort Agencies Poll".

From post # 58 it is rather obvious that this is an on going "six trips" issue for you and if someone cannot put rejection behind them after being rejected six times then the possibility of an AGENDA should be considered.

Finally this is a public poll about ALL the listed agencies. There is a distinct
Eleganza thread where your complaint may find an audience BUT harping on your continued rejection takes away from the integrity of the poll. While it may be acceptable for a poster to comment favourably about his choice(s) once in a poll there no need to bash someone who they did not vote for once or ad infinitum.
Hey Eastender,

Perhaps it is you who should be questioned. So it is acceptable to post something favorably...but there is no need to "bash someone". Well son, in a poll about the effectiveness of agencies what could be more relevant than current experiences. If you deny that then you are either a white knight for some agency, incapable of seeing it, intentionally avoiding the easy logic, or you have an "agenda" against Korbie....or some combination of these. Really Eastender, what can you offer about the facts regarding the service of any agency since you do not hobby????? My posts about Eleganza were all perfectly "favorable" when it was warranted. That favor isn't justified now, so you insinuate I should what...ignore...lie...just play kissy kissy with them? What about the other posters confirming the same experiences??? Your recent posts here are just another object example of the White Knightism that happens whenever anybody criticizes the performance of a lady or an ageny that has driven many good and honest posters away from this board.

If you can't stick to the subject instead of criticizing and making obviously wrong insinuations, then I am done with you.

Thanks for the love,

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