Montreal Escorts

The Most Reliable and Satisfying Escort Agencies Poll.

The Most Reliable and Satisfying Escort Agencies Poll.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Polling Integrity

Korbel said:
Hey Eastender,

Perhaps it is you who should be questioned. So it is acceptable to post something favorably...but there is no need to "bash someone". Well son, in a poll about the effectiveness of agencies what could be more relevant than current experiences. If you deny that then you are either a white knight for some agency, incapable of seeing it, intentionally avoiding the easy logic, or you have an "agenda" against Korbie....or some combination of these. Really Eastender, what can you offer about the facts regarding the service of any agency since you do not hobby????? My posts about Eleganza were all perfectly "favorable" when it was warranted. That favor isn't justified now, so you insinuate I should what...ignore...lie...just play kissy kissy with them? What about the other posters confirming the same experiences???

If you can't stick to the subject instead of criticizing and making obviously wrong insinuations, then I am done with you.

Thanks for the love,


Issue is about polling. If you want to change a specific agency's business model then a public poll featuring many agencies is not the venue since it does a disservice to all the other listed agencies. After all the other agencies do not contribute in any fashion to a specific agencies business model. So you go to the appropriate thread or start one and compile the experiences of others willing to participate. Build a data bank or consensus and move forward anticipating change.

Since I have degrees in mathematics and work with statistics often, I see my share of polls. My comments are limited to the validity of a poll as a venue for the issue raised. If a poll about hamburgers or pizza would take a similar turn then the same comments would be made regardless of the originator or poster.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Korbel said:

The issue of the thread is "The Most Reliable and Satisfying Escort Agencies Poll." I ought to know I created the thread and wrote the title. This thread is about AGENCY EFFICIENCY. That makes any truthful experience relevant. So give us all a break and stop trying to commandeer this thread to fit your very narrow purpose and display an alleged expertise no gives a darn about. You still have not provided one fact about the efficiency of any why are you here on this thread??? If you want to have a professional data thread tailored to show your AMAZING SKILLS, then go start one and try hold everyone to your tedious standards.




Based on your poll Eleganza is the third most efficient agency out of the ten listed. This is a simple fact based on interpretation of the data available to date.

May just start a series of polls that will focus on the service side of things.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
DouMan said:
The way the things are turning out on this thread maybe the name should just be changed to the Korbel vs eastender bout.

Come on guys kiss + make up and lets move forward

Hello Douman,

The thread is basically for reporting on personal experiences with escort agencies to benefit all. If we all stuck to that there would be no such bout.

I did have two experiences with Devilish last week. One was with a lady who requested anonymity. Mike of Devilish helped me set up the appointment and follow through into what turned out to be a great surprise reunion since I had not seen her after she joined Devilish. The other lady was Nikki of the same agency. In that case Mark suggested the lady out of several who were available at the time. She is a real sexy doll and we had a pretty nice connection. At this point I have had more successful encounters and more altogether with Devilish than any other agency.




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hello all,

Well, the last couple of days for voting is here. Thanks to all who have voted. I can't remember seeing 155 voters on any poll ever before. Congratulations to Montreal XXXTASE on achieving the most votes by a wide margin. You must be doing a lot right. :D



Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
picky friendly guy said:
Devilish. I'll definitely still call Devilish since there are plenty of Devilish girls I haven't seen. And, whoever answers the phone is hilarious and always in a major rush!! ("buddy...don't make me name 'em all again!! there's 20 girls showing up tonight, ok bro!! who do you have in mind, 'cause I don't want to name 'em all again?!!")
I like Devilish's efficiency. I don't have to spend a second more on the phone with them than is absolutely necessary.

me - When is Danika's next available appt? (no hello, good evening, etc. is needed, time wasters)
Devilish - 4:30am
me - Send her to me at Delta Montreal, room 2999
Devilish - okay, click

Korbel said:
Congratulations to Montreal XXXTASE on achieving the most votes by a wide margin. You must be doing a lot right. :D
He is doing something wrong by raising his rate to $180. Not all his girls are GFE/PSE like Devilish, Eleganza, Montreal Sex City, Satin Dreamz.

It will be interesting to see how people would vote on the next poll.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Rex Kramer said:
I like Devilish's efficiency. I don't have to spend a second more on the phone with them than is absolutely necessary.

me - When is Danika's next available appt? (no hello, good evening, etc. is needed, time wasters)
Devilish - 4:30am
me - Send her to me at Delta Montreal, room 2999
Devilish - okay, click

He is doing something wrong by raising his rate to $180. Not all his girls are GFE/PSE like Devilish, Eleganza, Montreal Sex City, Satin Dreamz.

It will be interesting to see how people would vote on the next poll.

Hello Rex,

I met Nikki of Devilish during my last trip. I had great time with her. But if she is listed as GFE it's only very tenuously applicable in my view. So GFE labels can obviously be relative.

One the market side, this poll indicates XXXTASE does a great job according to the voters. Believe me, I don't like the rate hike either, but doesn't that give the the right to have matching rates if they are rated better by more voters than the other agencies.



XXXClusive Agency

Supporting Member
Nov 29, 2013

He is doing something wrong by raising his rate to $180. Not all his girls are GFE/PSE like devilish ....

Je vais l ecrire en francais pour etre sure d etre bien compris . !

Bien bonne cette replique ...j ai justement essayer une fille d une de tes super agence cette semaine et bien que ca reputation la precede ( la fille ) j ai pris la chance ...resultat elle a whipper chez le client ZzZZZZ trop geler je l ai donc renvoyer a ca super agence GFE qui pourtant la garde depuis des mois !!!!!

Tlm a le droit a son opinion mais na de bien drole desfois !!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
Rex Kramer said:
He is doing something wrong by raising his rate to $180. Not all his girls are GFE/PSE like Devilish, Eleganza, Montreal Sex City, Satin Dreamz.

It will be interesting to see how people would vote on the next poll.

While I am not happy with a raise in prices also... I'd like to paraphrase something I read about a top sports performer, regarding why he is the best by far in his field: "he may not be number one in anything, but he is no 2 in everything" ... (sorry if I misquote)

Although Devilish has quantity, GOF has PSE, Eleganza has top model looks, Jessie has top phone firendlyness, etc etc, IMO xxxtase has the best consistent predictable result for your money/effort... Doesn't mean they're always my top pick. There were times rcently when the offer seemed to lack, but it's been back to business in the last weeks.

We should run this poll twice a year!

Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
Korbel said:
Hello Rex,

I met Nikki of Devilish during my last trip. I had great time with her. But if she is listed as GFE it's only very tenuously applicable in my view. So GFE labels can obviously be relative.

One the market side, this poll indicates XXXTASE does a great job according to the voters. Believe me, I don't like the rate hike either, but doesn't that give the the right to have matching rates if they are rated better by more voters than the other agencies.



Hello Korbel,

I saw Nikki a while back and my recollection is that she was a marginal GFE. Devilish does seem to try hard to be all GFE, whereas I don't get that sense about xxxtase. I have met relatively more non GFE ladies from xxxtase than the very few non GFE girls from devilish. Everyone I met from Eleganza, Montreal Sex City and Satin Dreamz have been GFE as far as I can remember.

Your poll does not call out rate, but I would think that it does influence the votings in some way. So I think xxxtase was competing with a fee advantage of $20 lower at $160, until very recently. It would be interesting to see how the poll would turn out if they are all on the same fee footing.

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Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
Martin_XXXtase said:
Je vais l ecrire en francais pour etre sure d etre bien compris . !

Bien bonne cette replique ...j ai justement essayer une fille d une de tes super agence cette semaine et bien que ca reputation la precede ( la fille ) j ai pris la chance ...resultat elle a whipper chez le client ZzZZZZ trop geler je l ai donc renvoyer a ca super agence GFE qui pourtant la garde depuis des mois !!!!!

Tlm a le droit a son opinion mais na de bien drole desfois !!!
Can someone translate this please? I tried google translate and it did not work too well.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Rex Kramer said:
Hello Korbel,

I saw Nikki a while back and my recollection is that she was a marginal GFE. Devilish does seem to try hard to be all GFE, whereas I don't get that sense about xxxtase. I have met relatively more non GFE ladies from xxxtase than the very few non GFE girls from devilish. Everyone I met from Eleganza, Montreal Sex City and Satin Dreamz have been GFE as far as I can remember.

Your poll does not call out rate, but I would think that it does influence the votings in some way. So I think xxxtase was competing with a fee advantage of $20 lower at $160, until very recently. It would be interesting to see how the poll would turn out if they are all on the same fee footing.


Hello Rex,

Yes, I have to agree about Nikki. But she is how and was great fun.

Well, I tried to pick agencies of the same general rate range. But the poll was supposed to be about satisfaction. While it's reasonable to weight judgment scaled against the rate, it's hard to do. Anyway, I doubt that many considered that heavily if much at all.



Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
picky friendly guy said:
I could be absolutely wrong ;).
Especially since Magalie and Melina left...and Vanessa is only day time, right?

Anyways...I will still call Devilish and hope they add more quality girls like Melina and Magalie.
I never got to see M&M and I heard that they are very worthwhile to see. I also like Danika and have great fun with her. Vanessa is on my repeat list.

BTW, that phone call with Devilish never took place. I was just imagining what the shortest phone call could be with Devilish.

Devilish (and other agencies like xxxtase too) should consider adding a phone line with a recorded message on who are available that day. It will save them time talking on the phone answering the question "who are on today" multiple times. A local phone line and answering machine are not that expensive. Website daily listing is fine, but you have to get online before accessing it.
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Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
Visit site
The great thing about Devilish is that:

1) you can go to their website
2) click on "Who's on Tonight"
3) see a bunch of names and pictures underneath a heading with the day's date
4) pick out a girl you like
5) call up the agency, and
6) have the guy on the phone act like you're a fucking moron because the names and pictures under "Who's on Tonight" are actually for yesterday's girls and the heading has today's date only because the agency, at the end of a work night, automatically changes the date while still keeping yesterday's pictures up until early the next evening, and no one at the agency is smart enough to realize this might be a problem.

No wonder the guy on the phone is always in a rush. He wants get back to sucking his shoelaces.

Another point about Devilish. I like people who are honest. I don't like people who think it's really easy for someone else to do extra work. Consider this: I call up Devilish very late on a Saturday night, like 3:30 am, 4 am. Natasha is available. Great. I say I'd like 90 minutes and is that ok, seeing as how it's so late. What? the guy says. Of course it's all right. Why wouldn't it be all right? Of course she'll want to do 90 minutes. So Natasha shows up and she's a great girl, but it's past 4 am and she's been working since 8:30. She tells me forget 90 minutes; one hour, that's it. Which is fine, it's what I had expected -- before talking to the guy at Devilish.

Please, sir, why the bullshit?
Jan 7, 2006

If you only knew the lengths i go to convince girls to stay at 4am!!!Just so that people like you can have a good time before going night-night.More often than not if a girl doesn't want to stay for another 30 minutes at that time then chances are it's got a little something to do with you.;) Besides we can't force anyone to do something they don't want.

p.s. you are a rude man,buy some manners instead of some fun:rolleyes:



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Chris Devilish Escorts said:
If you only knew the lengths i go to convince girls to stay at 4am!!!Just so that people like you can have a good time before going night-night.More often than not if a girl doesn't want to stay for another 30 minutes at that time then chances are it's got a little something to do with you.;) Besides we can't force anyone to do something they don't want.

p.s. you are a rude man,buy some manners instead of some fun:rolleyes:


Hello Mikey,

Hey, you guys have treated me very well. But aside from the rudeness of Red Paul's post here, it is annoying to see the previous night's ladies still posted at calling time the next day. A Montreal friend of mine gets very frustrated with that. So a little fine tuning would make things that much better.


Jan 7, 2006

You are a gentleman and a scholar as always.When you book with us everything is a breeze because you know how it works.Around 630pm the "who's on tonight" is updated daily.I can understand how people that aren't used to booking with us can get confused though.We will work out that quirk.:)



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Chris Devilish Escorts said:
You are a gentleman and a scholar as always.When you book with us everything is a breeze because you know how it works.Around 630pm the "who's on tonight" is updated daily.I can understand how people that aren't used to booking with us can get confused though.We will work out that quirk.:)

Thanks Mikey,

Sometimes I have gotten impatient calling around 4:00, but that's my fault. The last time I was in Montreal both you and Mark were available right on time at 6:30 just as you said with several good options. But, I wouldn't dream of calling around 3:00 even if I was in the most rested condition. Any agency would be hard pressed to provide a lady who is still at her best after so long on the job and so late at night. What could anyone really expect...reasonably.

Happy hunting,



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Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
To all,

As the poll is about to close, Montreal Sex City Team wish
to thank you for your votes and we are please to have
reach such a place in your hobby ;)



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Miss Jessy xxx MtlSexCity said:
To all,

As the poll is about to close, Montreal Sex City Team wish
to thank you for your votes and we are please to have
reach such a place in your hobby ;)


Hello Jessy,

Just one year old and Montreal Sex City is on par with Eleganza, close to Devilish, and competitive with all...Not bad at all. :D

Two Thumbs Way UP!

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