Montreal Escorts

The Nordiques are coming back!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
J'ai terriblement hate a l'année du centenaire des minables maple lafs de toronto.
On va se bidonner!!!:D:D:D

Ma prediction: L'annee du centenaire des Leafs va etre moins desastreuse que celle de NOS CANADIENS. :D

Et bien la, en voila une moyenne bande de minables!! :mad:


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Ma prediction: L'annee du centenaire des Leafs va etre moins desastreuse que celle de NOS CANADIENS. :D

Et bien la, en voila une moyenne bande de minables!! :mad:

Lorsque les pauvres maple lafs ''célebreront'' leurs centenaire ca fera environs 50 ans qu,ils n'auront pas remporter de Coupe,et il ne restera probablement plus aucun joueur de la dernière édition championne encore vivant...:(

Pour ce qui est de la bande de minables,je suis entierment d'accord.;)

Un des architectes de ce désastre est déjà parti(Gillette) les deux autres ont un pied dans la porte;Gainey,Timmins....

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Un des architectes de ce désastre est déjà parti(Gillette) les deux autres ont un pied dans la porte;Gainey,Timmins....

Comment est-ce George Gillette responsable pour les deboires des Canadiens? Personellement, je crois qu'il a ete un proprietaire exemplaire et passionne du hockey dans le temps qu'il appartenait l'equipe.

La grosse gaffe etait de congedier Guy Carbonneau, et meme Claude Julien auparavant. L'autre gaffe etait de donner Mike Ribeiro aux Stars, en plus des autres joueurs qui auraient pus aider le Canadien, tels les Stephane Robidas, Ron Hainsey, Francois Beauchemin, etc. Une autre etait l'echange pour obtenir Scott Gomez, l'homme de $8 millions, qui va les hanter pour des annees a venir. En plus d'obtenir ce minable, ils ont donnes 2 futurs jeunes vedettes dans cette echange, en plus de Chris Higgins. Et finalement, l'embauche de Jacques Martin pour venir endormir les partisans avec son style de hockey TELLEMENT PLATTE!!! Je comprends pas pourquoi les gens voudraient debourser de grosses sommes d'argent pour venir assister a un spectacle tellement PLATTE. Au moins si l'equipe gagnait....


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Comment est-ce George Gillette responsable pour les deboires des Canadiens? Personellement, je crois qu'il a ete un proprietaire exemplaire et passionne du hockey dans le temps qu'il appartenait l'equipe.

La grosse gaffe etait de congedier Guy Carbonneau, et meme Claude Julien auparavant. L'autre gaffe etait de donner Mike Ribeiro aux Stars, en plus des autres joueurs qui auraient pus aider le Canadien, tels les Stephane Robidas, Ron Hainsey, Francois Beauchemin, etc. Une autre etait l'echange pour obtenir Scott Gomez, l'homme de $8 millions, qui va les hanter pour des annees a venir. En plus d'obtenir ce minable, ils ont donnes 2 futurs jeunes vedettes dans cette echange, en plus de Chris Higgins. Et finalement, l'embauche de Jacques Martin pour venir endormir les partisans avec son style de hockey TELLEMENT PLATTE!!! Je comprends pas pourquoi les gens voudraient debourser de grosses sommes d'argent pour venir assister a un spectacle tellement PLATTE. Au moins si l'equipe gagnait....

Gillette a engagé Gainey et l'a gardé trop longtemps.

J'ai 100 fois plus confiances aux Molsons.Des Québecois qui ont a coeur les succès de l'équipe,pas seuleument aux guichets.Gillette était bcp plus pres de son équipe de soccer.
Et trop chummy avec son fils ''adoptif'' qui minait le vestiaire;Koivu.:mad:


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
I don't understand you people. 200 million dollars is being spent at a time when the government wants to us pay user fees for doctors, hike tuition and municipal taxes. On top of that near place des arts I see a new musical amphtheatre being built at god knows how many millions and 20 million being given to the MSO.
We as a provnince should be really mad right now.We are spending money when we are deep in the hole. The diques suck and always will. This is a boondogle.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
I don't understand you people. 200 million dollars is being spent at a time when the government wants to us pay user fees for doctors, hike tuition and municipal taxes. On top of that near place des arts I see a new musical amphtheatre being built at god knows how many millions and 20 million being given to the MSO.
We as a provnince should be really mad right now.We are spending money when we are deep in the hole. The diques suck and always will. This is a boondogle.

First, the rivalry between Montreal and Quebec was one of the best and it will probably be a good one if they do.

Second, no matter with or without hockey in Quebec, the gov. will always screw the people specially this one (which anyone with a brain knows) they're in cahoot with everything that smells bad downwind !

Third, the MSO is one of the best in the world and it is a complete shame that no gov. both federalist or not, never gave them the place they deserve and much more instead of giving away $$$ to stupid twits who thinks they are real artists.

Last, I'm actually stupid to answer this stupid post :)


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
I want the Nords back, badly... BUT NOT ON my dime! This whole Nordiques setup is pure Bullshit - taking taxpayer money to fund this comeback.

As a bad idea, it's right up there with the 76 MTL Olympic Budget. Quebecor and a ton of construction companies are fucking over regular ppl - and surprisingly (or not) ppl are lining up to get fucked + pay for it too!


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
...Second, no matter with or without hockey in Quebec, the gov. will always screw the people specially this one (which anyone with a brain knows) they're in cahoot with everything that smells bad downwind ! ...
Crap, you already said it... right on JH Fan!

And look who gets the arena + controlling rights on the venue after it's built, Quebecor! Basically, taxpayers are PAYING to build a MONEY MACHINE for QUEBECOR, then PAYING TO VISIT THE MONEY MACHINE.

I'd rather give my money to Hospitals, LE (yes), Schools.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
nordique quebec

i was the owner of season tickets for 10 years.I will be great to see again the rivality with mlt,Canadian montreal can get a boost with the return of quebec nordic.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Seeing all the empty seats in Sunrise, Florida tonight in which the Leafs beat the Panthers to a pulp in every way possible, PLEASE Bettman, bring the Panthers or any team not supporting HOCKEY in their city, BACK TO QUEBEC CITY!

Gary Bettman would be a hero in Canada if he would do this, he came out as the good guy in the lockout and this would make him tons of fans! GO BETTMAN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! (did i just say that :confused:, why i think I did!) :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It was the same situation when the habs played in Florida last week: half of the arena was empty.

I heard a theory being floated around during the lock-out, and the more i think about it, the more it's starting to make sense:

The NHL doesn't want to relocate struggling franchises to markets that would fill up arenas since it would bring up the salary cap. By keeping franchises in half-empty arenas, the hockey-related revenues stay down. That's why not much is being made by the NHL of struggling markets in Miami, Tampa, Columbus & Nashville, among others including Phoenix, which is still being operated by the NHL. Long Island could be added to that list, but they plan to relocate to Brooklyn in a couple of years.

Bettman must go!


Active Member
May 23, 2005
That is an interesting theory that makes alot of sense.
I agree Bettman must go.
He would prefer having struggling franchises in the U.S then admitting his mistakes and bringing them back to Canada.
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