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The Official 2010-2011 NHL PLAYOFFS thread.

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ya know the best team always wins right? Well if this Vancouver team does indeed win the Cup, they as a whole, have NOT been the best team. In all three of their wins, they were lucky to get the W and boston could of won each game, but heh, they didnt... Anyways, lets get this over with in boston, and get ready for the draft in 2 weeks!
They're not booing, but rather chanting "Lou".
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
... Anyways, lets get this over with in boston, and get ready for the draft in 2 weeks!

Shoot Iggy this is a pure bandwagon style post !
Lets get this over with ! Are ya kiddin' ?

Lets drag this all the way to a 7th game an 2 OT at least !
This is how I like it anyway !

And so far Boston has given us many of those so even if I luv to hate them when they play against the Habs, these series have been so far very, very nice to watch !


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Ya know the best team always wins right? Well if this vancouver team does indeed win the Cup, they as a whole, have NOT been the best team. In all three of their wins, they were lucky to get the W and Boston could of won each game, but heh, they didnt... Anyways, lets get this over with in Boston, and get ready for the draft in 2 weeks!

A win is a win. The best team is the one who can win enough of the close ones and/or the blowouts to get the 4 wins necessary to take the Cup. I accept that no matter how it goes.

The problem is two serious taints. One, that Burrows should not have been there in game two. That one I am not having too much trouble with because there's no way to say that would have changed the outcome, though Burrows is one of Vancouvers best players.

The other problem is the reason Horton is not playing. I can accept injuries that change the odds of winning. That's natural. If a player is injured and knocked out of the series in legal play then those are the breaks. But Rome took an out and out illegal and dangerous deliberate series ending shot eliminating a key and decisive player unnaturally that means we will never know who the best team was.

Still, I'm very proud of the Bruins who have played just as well as the Canucks, even without Horton, despite all the prognostication hype favoring Vancouver. The Bruins have stayed right with the Canucks in every game, slaughtering them in two, and Tim Thomas has been BRILLIANT against a much vaunted team. They had already earned their place just by getting there, and now they've proven they're just as good too.

Shoot Iggy this is a pure bandwagon style post !
Lets get this over with ! Are ya kiddin' ?

Lets drag this all the way to a 7th game an 2 OT at least !
This is how I like it anyway !

And so far Boston has given us many of those so even if I luv to hate them when they play against the Habs, these series have been so far very, very nice to watch !

Really Iggy, you can't love hockey and be worried about the draft during this playoffs final series.

Bravo Bs, :nod: :D :thumb: :cool:

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Just love the draft and july 1, the start of free agency. Not a fan of either team in the cup and their style of play, thug-anomics is not hockey, sadly.

Shoot Iggy this is a pure bandwagon style post !
Lets get this over with ! Are ya kiddin' ?

Lets drag this all the way to a 7th game an 2 OT at least !
This is how I like it anyway !

And so far Boston has given us many of those so even if I luv to hate them when they play against the Habs, these series have been so far very, very nice to watch !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wrong as usual cairo..... i Love a great hockey fight, just not thug play every game. Colton always picks the right time to get in a fight and get his team going, and its a clean fight, he waits until the other player is ready, then delivers a butt kicking. (most of the time, nobody is perfect) He is not like that thug you have on your team, Bertuzzi.... remember this?


You havnt a clue about the integrity a Brian Burke led team plays with, none of his teams have ever played thug like hockey, they are tough hard nosed teams, but not thugs, HUGE DIFFERENCE! Sorry to disappoint you cairo, next?

Colton Orr and Brian "Pass me another plate of meat loaf" Burke strongly disagree.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
To easy? why cause you twist everything, lol.... sorry bro, but thats just plain lazy and weak. I love the stanley cup playoffs style of play by MOST teams. However, sadly, one team this cup final does NOT fit into that catagory. The funny thing is, i dont see Peter C and Claude J as being those style of people to have a team like they do... Maybe secretly Terry O'reilly is calling the shots, lol. Remember this thug-O nomics at its best? Or what about the time he went into the stands to fight a fan? LOL, man, that dude was intense, and was a nut job all at the same time :lol:


You mean ? you don't like Stanley cup contenders' style of hockey ?
No wonder you like the Leafs...

Sorry Iggy, this one was too easy ! :)

Special K

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To easy? why cause you twist everything, lol.... sorry bro, but thats just plain lazy and weak. I love the stanley cup playoffs style of play by MOST teams. However, sadly, one team this cup final does NOT fit into that catagory. The funny thing is, i dont see Peter C and Claude J as being those style of people to have a team like they do... Maybe secretly Terry O'reilly is calling the shots, lol. Remember this thug-O nomics at its best? Or what about the time he went into the stands to fight a fan? LOL, man, that dude was intense, and was a nut job all at the same time :lol:


Now this is when hockey was hockey!! Wish the Bruins would bring back those uniforms!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Well, Game 7 to decide it all,, neither team can win on the road... does this mean Vancouver is a lock to win it all? No, and Boston is clearly the better team right now, but the Canucks gotta dig down deep and just get the job done at home. Cmon boys, make Burkie and Nonis proud :thumb:

Actually K, it was good hockey most of the time, i guess everyone has a few off nights! LOL! .... good ole Terry O'


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I HATE Game 7s!

Hello Boys,

The teams in this series should be renamed the Wreckers versus the Squeakers. Why is it Boston seems to be able to run right over Vancouver at home, but Vancouver always edges out a single goal home?

Well, the Canucks are gong to have to postpone their little planned parade, and Luongo is going to have to eat his comments because Boston dominated Vancouver again to force a game 7. I can't tell you how much I hate game 7s. Having seen the Red Sox lose 4 straight game 7s, and the Celtics blow one last year, I loath facing this again. I'd rather see my team lose four straight than get so close, but not quite there. No, I'm not going to be nearly as ecstatic or heart-broken win or lose as I would be if this was about the Red Sox, but this sucks anyway. All is good if it's a win, buuuuttt.......

Anyway, here we go one more game for the Cup. The ratings for this series have been huge, and it can't but help the sport of hockey. Now someone ask Iggy why the draft could possibly be more exciting. :rolleyes:


GO BRUINS, :thumb: :cool:

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Sounds good to me! Are you going for the Canucks because your Canadian or do you not want them to win because your a Canadiens fan? Myself, well i think you know why by now lol.
Now lets have an OT at least on this 7th game !

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
Sounds good to me! Are you going for the Canucks because your Canadian or do you not want them to win because your a Canadiens fan? Myself, well i think you know why by now lol.

Nop ! Canucks really deserve the cup for their regular season while Bruins deserve it for their playoffs.

I go for a 7th game always because I love hockey and I would make NHL season the entire year instead of having to wait for this stupid process of drafting in the summer.

To me Pro sports are like all the people who gets a 2 months of vacation only because their 'work' conditions gives it to them. They are being paid Millions while living like they were on welfare. (BTW Same goes for senators, politicians, etc...)

They should have a vacation like everyone else depending on the amount of time they worked.

Thus giving us a full year of Hockey, Football, Basketball, etc.

What I like about this Stanley cup finals is that I don't go for one team more than another.
They both deserve it and I'll be glad for any of them wining it.

Vancouver has been playing hockey since a long time ago and that would make it their first since coming in NHL 1970.
Which would be one more than TO since then ;)

As for Bruins they have been in there also since a long time and they would be the first team to win 3 game 7th in playoffs, and the first time they play a 7th game in the Final... also a 6th cup would make it 3 more than TO since the expansion. :eyebrows:

But if Bruins win it, I won't be able to say anymore that it's been 39 years since...

Can't wait to see a riot in Boston to laugh at Boston fans, specially the ones in my family over there who complains about Habs fan rioting in Mtrl :wave:
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Can't wait to see a riot in Boston to laugh at Boston fans, specially the ones in my family over there who complains about Habs fan rioting in Mtrl :wave:

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that if the B's win or lose they won't be rioting. There will be tons of people in the streets partying, screaming, etc but you won't see any cop cars on fire I bet. Boston fans are way classier than Habs fans. ;-)
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