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The Official 2012 New York Yankees death watch thread...

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009

Shame on you. Iggy has given the word (he screwed up and now has to cover his butt with another fake rationale) and the sycophants must agree.

You mean like..."I agree with Iggy". :lol:

Well the only way to settle this is the original source of the times:


Yankees BUY Ruth...Oh my goodness, you just got owned. Ooops, I forgot who you belong to...

Tell us DD, when you buy something with cash how often do you say...I want to TRADE some cash for that. BWAH!!!!!!



crying to M8 again. :rolleyes:

Touche!!! ROFLMFAO...Babe Ruth was "TRADED"...:lol::lol::lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Is that homer Bobby Valentine moonlighting, yet again? :lol::lol::lol: gotta love BV, not much of a manager anymore but he sure is entertaining!


I was watching a baseball expert on the MLB baseball network today assessing the Yankees (and other teams in the East) & he basically said that the Yankees pitching stinks & that it would be its achilles heel pretty much all season. That was before Pineda's injury was announced.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I was watching a baseball expert on the MLB baseball network today assessing the Yankees (and other teams in the East) & he basically said that the Yankees pitching stinks & that it would be its achilles heel pretty much all season. That was before Pineda's injury was announced.
Well, I'm not surprised. Yes, they have Sabathia, but...Sabathia is now 32 and has thrown over 1000 innings the last four years. Serious red flag. Hiroki Kuroda is 37 years old and has done all his pitching in extreme pitcher friendly ballparks in the NL West, a division utterly lacking in offense. The AL East will be a big wake up call for this soft throwing right hander. Ivan Nova continually holds on to a starting job by a thread. Phil Hughes used to be a decent prospect, now he's just a failed one. Freddie Garcia has had one decent year since 2005; we'll call that a fluke.

Two, maybe three, of these five will have good seasons. The rest will bust. The aging offense will score some runs, but not enough. 90 wins is an upside.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I was just reporting what i heard. He also stated that the Yankees were not only getting old (as the interviewer had suggested), but that they WERE old. Robinson Cano is by far their best player, in my opinion. CC Sabathia is 32 and he's a heart attack or a stroke away from the end of his baseball career. Men his size usually don't live very long and begin to face serious health problems by the time they're in their 40's. They also face premature wear n' tear on their joints, ligaments, etc. Don't be surprised if he hits the DL for a considerable period at the midpoint of this season.

Once again, a lot of their wins will depend on the bullpen, or how long Mariano Rivera can be effective. The man can't pitch forever. If Texeira once again starts off slow and if Jeter & A-Rod cannot overcome the fact they're aging & deteriorating, the boobirds might come out sooner than expected and the seats behind home plate will remain empty. I also would be surprised of Curtis Granderson's surprising power stroke comes back this season. But you never know.

Has Russell Martin re-signed yet?


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I was watching a baseball expert on the MLB baseball network today assessing the Yankees (and other teams in the East) & he basically said that the Yankees pitching stinks & that it would be its achilles heel pretty much all season. That was before Pineda's injury was announced.

Too bad Bartolo can't make ANOTHER comeback...:lol::lol::lol:. I am sure brain cashman will figure it out...:eek:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
maybe you missed this but he is now with Oakland, and for the record I would love to have him if he pitches like this all season, and trust me, so would the red sox. :lol:

2012 season stats
W-L 1-0
Whip- 0.50

Too bad Bartolo can't make ANOTHER comeback...:lol::lol::lol:. I am sure brain cashman will figure it out...:eek:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I see you've gotten a little better at handling quotes, iggy. It appears, however, that the rules the rest of us live by don't apply to you.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Since when do you play by the "rules" :confused: Stop making me lol. Where in my response to jman was i breaking ANY rules, and said anything that was NOT the truth? Are you really telling me the Yanks, red sox or just about any mlb team would not want a pitcher with Colons stats if he were to pitch that way all season? Especially at his salary! Yea, thats what i thought. ;)

PS. I even decided to include his WHIP just for you, I swear!
I see you've gotten a little better at handling quotes, iggy. It appears, however, that the rules the rest of us live by don't apply to you.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
It was in another thread where you invented a quote for Merlot, causing M8 to close the thread and state that a sports thread suspension would follow. That was days ago and still no action has been taken. Apparently, as has been the case often in the past and as has been often observed by many, your uncle mod just can't bring himself to hold you to the rules that the rest of us must obey. You'd almost think that you were a valued reviewer.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Maybe just maybe because something with the words "death watch" in the thread title was realised for what it is/was? (they kinda suggest a free for all vibe, no?)

If you can't handle a simple and honest response to what I said in regards to jmans post, then dont read what i write or you can always defect to the other board, again.

PS, Why are there even death watch threads in a sport where teams have not even played their first games yet?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Maybe just maybe because something with the words "death watch" in the thread title was realised for what it is/was? (they kinda suggest a free for all vibe, no?)
It's still a sports thread and there's still a clear rule against making up quotes and putting them in the mouths of other members. You broke the rule, your uncle mod 8 pointed it out and said there would be a sanction, and three days later, he's done nothing. Apparently he hasn't been able to find the 45 seconds it would take to post the announcement.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
It's still a sports thread and there's still a clear rule against making up quotes and putting them in the mouths of other members. You broke the rule, your uncle mod 8 pointed it out and said there would be a sanction, and three days later, he's done nothing. Apparently he hasn't been able to find the 45 seconds it would take to post the announcement.


It seems that some people have a problem remembering that this is not a free for all thread and also remembering the rules set out regarding accuracy in quoting other members.


Don't bother with Iggy. He's lying again. His own original assumption below was he wasn't tampering, while Mod8 indicates it is. The death watch crap is just another of Iggy's cheap slimy dodging excuses.

I fully agree with you here! Finally! :)

So you cant say you never posted the above, here is the proof

Doc can attack Mod11, no problem. Iggy can break Mod8s rules, as Mod8 says above, no problem. If I misplace caps (LeAFS just for the example my friend) I get a week off. Apparently, either tampering with quotes to change the meaning of a post, as Mod8 cites above, is far less important than 1 lower case letter or something fishy is going on.

Mod8 seemed pretty pissed off when he wrote the above. Yet three days later...nothing. There are no innocents here, but it seems some rules are far less important than others. Certainly the choices have not lead to enforcement against Iggy and Doc. Perhaps I just misunderstand the rules. Maybe Mod8 has decided breaking his rules in a pissing death watch thread is okay. If so maybe he will clarify...then all of us can play too. Mod8???????????

Or are Rumps and I going to be suspended for seeking some rational clarity for not following through on your own public notice, which has not been provided after three days?




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Are you kidding me? You guys sound like 6 year olds. Quoting someone's OWN WORDS is now breaking the rules? Sorry boyz, but go look at merlots post #20, I did not add to his post at all, thus why I copied it so he could NOT remove it later. I added nothing nor changed HIS words like he has done over and over and the words quoted were strictly his own and to prove a point of what he accuses others of all the time and he is not as innocent as he likes to think. Merlot, you got time off because you were warned about it and then immediatley broke the rules as if to say "screw you mod8" and you know that, and maybe you should be suspended for whining about it, since you have caused nothing but to ONCE AGAIN take a thread off topic,and crying about it in public is the same thing as mod 8 telling anyone they had not better pm him about it to complain or else. Out of respect for M8, i have said my peace , if you guys wanna keep complaining, then dont be mad if you get suspended for doing so when told not to. It wasnt even in this thread and we are only having this conversation because rumps did not like hearing someones POV about his team, and he could not handle it, well then rumps, dont read what I write if it upsets you, like i said before.

Ok, now, besides the drama........ it is almost time to PLAY BALL!

PS... Again, why is there even a death watch thread for teams that have yet to play even one game in the season?????


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Quoting someone's OWN WORDS is now breaking the rules? Sorry boyz, but go look at merlots post #20...

This is another Iggy lie.


Merlot with Mod8.

crying to M8 again. :rolleyes:

This is Merlot's post # 20 with your quote as it was included in the post. The meaning is clear. You are crying.
Merlot crying to M8 again. :rolleyes:

This is how you tampered with the meaning, saying Merlot is crying.

The thing is, this is a sex board. All this sports bickering is a lot of idiotic nonsensical garbage. I pity any mod who has to deal with this usually thankless job overall, never mind the nonsense in the sports threads. It's all pathetic.

But the reason this is an issue is three-fold.

1. Mod8 laid out the rules and how to proceed in filing complaints, and let him ACT on it. I did everything as directed and still no Act after 4 days (except maybe your cheap trick has been removed from the board).

2. The reason we have this quote rule was a complaint by Iggy against me. As we all know. But now the original crier hypocritically again violates what he complained about. No surprise, it's the same do as I say not as I do cheap crap as always.

3. Inconsistency. There has never been any notice a so-called Death Watch thread is the same as a Free-For-All thread. So the quote rule stands or Mod8 would not have been so pissed off and threatened suspensions. Yet, no action. BTW ...accuracy in quoting was supposed to be absolute regardless of thread type.

But, it is entertaining watching Iggy handle his double talk when Mod8 has pointed out..."a problem...remembering the rules set out regarding accuracy in quoting other members" in reference to Iggy!

Again, why is there even a death watch thread for teams that have yet to play even one game in the season?????

Excellent question and I agree with the premise. Now send this to all those who started one including your buddy...Doc Holliday!

Frankly, why have any rules in kiddie land anyway.




Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Ahh yes, start the parade in NY...:rolleyes:
Sabathia = 6 innings giving up 5 earned
Mo "i should have retired" Rivera = one of many blown saves in his swan song.

Brain Cashman = :help:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Just curious....

Why is this thread allowed to stay while the Red Sox thread of the same name is closed?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Just curious....

Why is this thread allowed to stay while the Red Sox thread of the same name is closed?
Quite simple, Doc. Iggy broke a merb rule by inventing a quote in Merlot's name. Mod 8 closed the thread and promised that a suspension would follow. Six days later we're still waiting for Mod 8 to issue that promised suspension. At some point, Mod 8 must have realized that iggy was the violator and, remembering that iggy doesn't have to follow the rules that the rest of us do, was hoping that the rest of us would forget his promise.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I see. So if someone invents a quote in this thread, it'll be closed also? Interesting.
Quite possibly. And, if it's someone other than iggy, he'll probably get banned from the sports threads for a while.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I think Iggy has been one very misunderstood individual by many of you & that if you'd be more open-minded, you'd consider all the good he's brought to our community & that he's one of the funnyiest & most passionate individuals in the entire history of this board. I know that many of you despise the fact that he's never posted an sp review, but that is his right & i admire the fact that the man doesn't need to brag about his sexual exploits like many others do. He's comfortable in his own skin, he's adored by the sps who have met him, and he's one of the most knowledgeable merbites we've had in regards to sports.

Okay, his choice of baseball team sucks, but hey, who's perfect? :lol:

What i'm saying is that we should all try to keep an open mind & take a look at ourselves before we judge others & start throwing stones. Indeed, Iggy has his faults, but not a single one of us doesn't. But one thing about him or hate him.....Merb is a better board because of characters like him. So let's all use this religious holiday to take a deep breath & be tolerant towards one another. Let's all give one another a group-hug & try to see things from the other person's perspective. We're one big family with its occasional problems, but we should all try to get along & stay strong. Courage!
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