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The Official M.E.R.B. Hockey Thread

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
ROFL! nice try, but even someone with limited hockey knowledge as yourself should know they both got their fame and had their best years as Leafs.... you funny habs fan you :)

How is it that I, with my "limited hockey knowledge" (sic) called the Cup final perfectly (Hawks in 6), while you (chuckle, guffaw) totally blew it by calling the Flyers (!!!) in 6?
How is it that I, with my "limited hockey knowledge" (sic) knew from the START of the season that the leafs would suck bigtime, while you were bragging about how great they would do?
How is it that I, with my "limited hockey knowledge" (sic) constantly provide accurate stats on current hockey as well as its history, while you and your associates come out with stuff like "Sittler was finished when they shipped him off to Vancouver"???
Simple, Sir, I am a true hockey expert while you know squat. You know SO little that you don't even KNOW that you know nothing!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
cairo, before you talk smack, just remember it took the red wings 42 years. so whatever you wanna say it is totally transparent "IF" you want us to believe your team is indeed the red wings, which i still have my doubts :)

Hey lg, we're supposed to be polite here, remember? Thus, it's MISTER Cairo to you! Now, to answer your little question: 1. 42 years is LESS than 43 and COUNTING (and counting, and counting, and counting...). If you want to see the leafs win, you'd better invent a time machine and set the controls about a thousand years in the future. Oh, and by the way, once the Red Wing drought was history, they EXPLODED with success and became the DOMINANT team in the NHL with FOUR Cups and constant success. Let's see the Toronto Maple Golfers do that.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Yeah right, Quenneville's a former leaf...who ALSO played for Colorado, Jersey, Hartford and Washington! Not exactly a George Armstrong, Dave Keon or Darryl Sittler when you think of former leafs! (And even Keon and Sittler played for other teams also!).
Meanwhile, you IGNORED my ORIGINAL question: When was the last time that even an EX-leaf played on a Cup-winning team? Please note that the word "played" and the word "coached" do not mean the same thing!

I'm STILL waiting for an answer lg!


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
i thought you wanted to "let it go"? :rolleyes: , truth of the matter is, red sox fans as well as cubs fans, had over twice the wait, i cant imagine how sweet victory must of tasted when sox fans FINALLY won! ... and it will be just as nice when the Leafs do, and cairo, before you talk smack, just remember it took the red wings 42 years. so whatever you wanna say it is totally transparent "IF" you want us to believe your team is indeed the red wings, which i still have my doubts :)

I did let it go man...we are in a hockey thread talking about droughts between Stanley Cups...baseball had nothing to do with it. Doc's shot was cheap. Simple...;)

And you are right, it was very sweet in '04 and again in '07...lol. But the whole 86 year thing that people and Yanks fans want to keep bringing up...let me give you guys a clue...before 2004 it used to touch a nerve, now when someone says it's just seen as stupid - it's irrelevant anymore.:rolleyes:

Back to hockey...

Have fun,



Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hello Doc,

D.E.S.P.E.R.A.T.I.O.N. C'mon Doc. Do you really have to go into another sport to feel better. BTW...the last time the Cubs won the World Series was 1908, not 1911...if that helps...lol. Want to be ecstatic? I don't think the Greeks have won the Olympics as a team in 2000 years.

Περιμένουμε μέχρι το επόμενο έτος
(Wait til next year)​

You're welcome,


Absolutely PRICELESS!!!!



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
to quote jman in another thread



How is it that I, with my "limited hockey knowledge" (sic) called the Cup final perfectly (Hawks in 6), while you (chuckle, guffaw) totally blew it by calling the Flyers (!!!) in 6?
How is it that I, with my "limited hockey knowledge" (sic) knew from the START of the season that the leafs would suck bigtime, while you were bragging about how great they would do?
How is it that I, with my "limited hockey knowledge" (sic) constantly provide accurate stats on current hockey as well as its history, while you and your associates come out with stuff like "Sittler was finished when they shipped him off to Vancouver"???
Simple, Sir, I am a true hockey expert while you know squat. You know SO little that you don't even KNOW that you know nothing!


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
LOL...comon' joel...you had me up until the expert part... calm down buddy.
We can agree that the Leafs are challenged...but never proclaim yourself an expert...

Have fun,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
you will never get a mr before your name , your lucky to get just a cairo, and as to your response, i see you dont "really" have a good one... typical, as 42 yrs was a long time as well, eh? and per the mods request, why are you still slamming the names of other teams when they to the point said enuff?

Hey lg, we're supposed to be polite here, remember? Thus, it's MISTER Cairo to you! Now, to answer your little question: 1. 42 years is LESS than 43 and COUNTING (and counting, and counting, and counting...). If you want to see the leafs win, you'd better invent a time machine and set the controls about a thousand years in the future. Oh, and by the way, once the Red Wing drought was history, they EXPLODED with success and became the DOMINANT team in the NHL with FOUR Cups and constant success. Let's see the Toronto Maple Golfers do that.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
some peeps just want to get banned and get the sports sections closed...sad

Yes, please try to behave better, lg. (By the way, I'm still waiting for an answer to my question. You replied to all my posts that didn't ASK any questions, so how about replying to the one that did?)



Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

The hockey season has ended and I believe it is time for this thread to end along with it. Anyone is free to start a thread dealing with off season trades and signings and such if you wish and I expect that thread to be conducted with respect and to deal with facts and opinions free from insults towards other members and the sport in general. When the new season begins, a new OFFICIAL thread for the 2010-2011 season will be started by myself and it will be held to the same standards as the rest of MERB in regards to respect and general posting behavior.

In the meantime, you may post in the Hotstove thread started by Doc Holliday which I also expect to be kept free of insults and trash talk. https://merb.cc/vbulletin//showthread.php?58944-The-Hot-Stove

When the new season begins, I will also allow members to create their usual trash talk flame threads and in advance I am advising anyone who can not stand the heat to refrain from posting in those threads or complaining about the behavior therein. These threads will be moderated in regards to personal attacks and insults which go beyond the normal boundaries of sports trash talk only. Anyone found breaking these boundaries will be suitably reprimanded.

I would like to extend MERB`s congratulations to the Chicago Blackhawks on their Stanley Cup winning season and wish all MERB hockey fans the best of luck for their respective favorite teams next season.

Mod 8
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