My thoughts exactly...and your rebuttal is lame Holliday. The thread is here to degredate the Habs...and you were classless enough to post an article in it about an 80 year old who is having a health issue.
Please refer to the disclaimer of this tread:
Dedicated to le bleu, blanc. rouge. This thread is dedicated to what has gone wrong all season long to this once-great franchise, now one of the most poorly run professional franchises on the planet.
If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. If you are too thin-skinned to participate in this thread, don't. If you do not have a sense of humor, it's not my problem & you should keep away from this thread. You may not like what you read. The truth hurts. You've been warned.
Where is it written that this tread's purpose is to 'degredate' the Habs? This is a conclusion that YOU made. The disclaimer is clear: it's dedicated to the blue, blanc, rouge....the Habs. It doesn't always have to be negative, however, considering that they've spent pretty much the entire season near the basement (and are now IN the basement), it's kind of difficult to find positive things about their season.
So if you're so high & mighty, Mr. 47, why didn't you take the initiative & post the story on Beliveau in the other hockey threads if you felt that this isn't the place for it? Look who's talking about having no class! Once again, you're talking out of your ass, and you obviously do not have the gonads to be a rational participant in this thread. On top of that, he had a stroke. He didn't die. Hundreds of thousands of people have strokes on a daily basis, and there is no age limit for strokes. Some people pass away from complications due to strokes, others make complete recoveries. As far as i know, Believeau will be sent back home in a few days. I hope so. Heck, someone still owes me an autographed photo from him.
Now, you seem to enjoy participating in the Leafs 'death watch" thread, so may i suggest to you that you go back posting in that thread or in the other useless threads? Now go post in the lame Jason "I dumped my wife to fuck Heidi Watney" Varitek thread. You'll be much happier there.
Pathetic...even Iggy had enough class to stay away from the post.
Iggy has more class than all of you guys put together. You're all jealous of him because he has class, he knows his sports & he's great with the girls.