Hey there, my friend! I remember thoroughly enjoying your reviews. I used to admire several members, yourself included, back in the day.On merb, you are essentially regarded as a legend figure.19 years ago, you didn't need to register as a member to read reviews
It is the summer of 2004, i felt horny, but oddly i was not looking for escorts
I just type in key words for a a variety of sexual positions in google, and i end up on this thread:
When i found out that thread, i got hooked on merb, it felt like falling in the rabbit hole.
I wanted to read more and more, going thread by thread, i think the first i discovered merb, i think i browsed through threads for hours and hours.
When reviews are sensationalistic, it is entertaining, it is compelling, yes as a reader, the sensationalistic reviews aroused me.
Then years later, i relapsed in the hobby (started to hobby (before the internet) in 1998, took a break in 2001, then relapsed in 2006, maybe merb contributed to it.
I started to review a bit, nothing major.
In 2007, i was very active in reviews, then stopped and asked to cancel my account.
Then i created this handle, yes i enjoy reviews, as much as i read as much as i write them.
But every thing needs to be taken with a grain of salt, because experience varies for everyone.
Reviews are double edge swords. They may create high expectations as much as they may be helpful
By the way, in 2005, I found myself in a similar situation as you, stumbling upon the Merb platform. The only difference was that while you were looking for sexual positions, I was searching for a service providers agency. And guess what? I ended up stumbling on advertising agency on Merb.
Looking back, it was definitely the best decision I ever made. If not for that, I would probably still be indulging in this hobby with Journal de Montréal newspaper agencies and providers, or maybe even fooling myself into thinking I was with the greatest agency in the world, the Ferrari agency.