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The share of Americans not having sex has reached a record high


New Member
Dec 14, 2015
The most rational thing would be to actually improve your earnings AND improve yourself so you can have free sex.
Personally I'm currently seeing a girl that comes over once a week and spends the night with me. An SP would charge like $2000 for that service
I'm basically saving $100 000 a year because I worked on improving my social skills and appearance. That's a lot of money


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Sorry Bruno. Nothing is free. You will pay one way or another. Ask some of the divorced guy on this board how much they paid for free sex.

Now I do agree. I think in many ways the game has become a bot more complicated. A lot has changed since my high school/college days and bar combing days. For example, a bad date is now considered rape and the #MeToo movement is out of control. Women are probably not a easily impressed by brawn or even success. Women are obtaining more advanced degrees than men these days. Society is also encouraging same sex relationships and people are even changing their genders and winning woman's track events, etc. and this is encouraged and marveled at..even celebrated. Meanwhile, the eligible bachelor is looked at suspiciously. Men looking for sex are said to be promoting a rape culture.

The good news is that online apps are available to find like minded people. If there is a will there is a way. You just have to grow a pair and keep trying. Don't worry about being turned down. When I was younger I was quite the player. I had a few buddies that were not players at all and would marvel at me. I got shot down in flames more than these two guys put together. But here's the difference: I got back on the horse. I would adjust my game and get back into the fight.

Getting turned down is not the end of the world.


New Member
Dec 14, 2015
I agree with you Hungry
I have nothing against prostitution and was simply pointing out a young man *that's legit successful with women* has no reason to see SPs unless he's rich
a good example is if you go to Thailand, you'll see plenty of young handsome men with hookers; and that's because they cost next to nothing over there (just like Montreal girls cost next to nothing for someone wealthy)

as for marriage, yeah big mistake in my opinion, unless you marry a christian woman that strongly believes in God and kept her virginity. and then again 20 years down the line things could change...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I agree with you Hungry

as for marriage, yeah big mistake in my opinion, unless you marry a christian woman that strongly believes in God and kept her virginity. and then again 20 years down the line things could change...

Ahhh merry a nun type girl and down the road the same thing is likely to happen. The only difference is the sex leading up to the breakup sucks.

For fun, search My Thai Bride.

Don't be like this guy.

But I am seeing some lame young teenage males. Guys with no game. But I don't blame them. There is no margin of error today and if you push to hard you could end up a registered sex offender. I'm glad that I'm not going through High School today.

Another thing I noticed about the young men is that there are a lot of ideologues. A young man that worked for me wouldn't use Tinder saying it's just for hookups which is not always true. My friend was goading his college aged son to go out and meet some girls. His son confided that he is not after looks alone. The girl has to be intelligent. He told his dad that he is being patient. After he gets his Computer Science degree, he will have his day. I saw another young man at the airport wearing a shirt that said Virgin Rock Star. I was thinking why not get a piece of ass once in awhile. It feels great.

The point is that there are a lot of young men that are willing to wait. This is commendable. For me, I'm glad that there are escorts.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I think I'm hearing some misogynistic undertones on this thread. Not every women is a superficial, materialistic pain in the ass.

Women are no different than men. They are trying to figure out where they are in the sexual pecking order. Like many young men, many women hope to move up in the pecking order by improving themselves using their intelligence, personality and appearance. Nature gave us all some of each, some more than others.

Women generally emphasize security from their partner more than men do. Men emphasize appearance and sexuality more than women. I'm not saying young women don't hold more power vis-a-vis young men, but that balance shifts when women reach their 30s. Men take advantage of their power when they can.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Way to go Jackfranz. Ego is the number 1 enemy of men!

Just dont give a fuck we are all the idiot of someone else anyhow.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Then before I found my full time engineering job I worked at retail [/COLOR]for a year and I improved a lot.

Full time engineer job? You got what the black girls would call poo-tential.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I would understand that most White girls don't get attracted by Asians, but on the other side my friends (including me) are terrible at talking to girls too.

JF, there is more going on culturally than we can cover. Basically, Asian guys and White girls ain't so easy. Asian girls and some Asian girls raised in Canada, respect Asian values of education, hard work and reserved personality. I don't think most Asian girls raised here respect traditional values so if they're your target you need to Westernize your outlook.

I was drinking with a young, Chinese guy at a bar a few days ago. I just met him first-time at the bar. He was successful and seemed to navigate the culture. His English was impeccable with a minor accent. Some foreign guys are good at picking up cultural clues quickly.

Do you ever go back to your native country to meet-up with girls, party and date? Perhaps I'm being presumptuous, but we all do what we gotta do.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
Ya... Us old guys in our days we used to wait for the bar to close at 3am to pick up the leftovers from the buffet.... Obviously with all lobsters and filet mignon taken before midnight...
Oh, how true - Lol. I can remember in my twenties hitting the clubs in NYC and coming out after 1am and seeing a dozen Sw's dressed to the hilt waiting for the frustrated guys leaving the clubs. Alot of these guys were easy prey.


New Member
Mar 14, 2011
It is all economics. I will bet guys with money or position have way more sex than guys that are just getting by.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I don't know about that Bogart. I know plenty of decent-looking blue collar guys who do alright especially outside the urban cores. One of the problems in those circles is alcohol, pot and hard drugs. It's not that well-off dudes don't have substance abuse problems, but generally they don't have time for it. The obnoxious trust fund babies can buy a tub load of cocaine and decorate their home with coke sluts.

Some here are projecting their own biases with some hints of misogyny on the thread. We couldn't get hot chicks because they are superficial, materialistic bitches who hang out at expensive nightclubs and bars hooking up with only the rich guys. First, most young guys don't have a shot at hot chicks. Second, SolTeeNutz' wisdom is exactly what young men should do.

Quoting Mr. STN: "My son and his friends tend to have females around with no shortage. They stay away from the clubs, where the people they do not want to meet hang out. Pool halls, the small town car races, weekend camping, places where you be yourself."

The mating game was never easy for anyone especially mediocre, young men. I assure you, if you look at this from the other side, there are many frumpy girls who never go on dates and only socialize with other women. The hot girls in their 20's usually don't invite their frumpy friends to go out with them when they're hunting for guys.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
The fact that young females are having sex (a valuable service they are in a unique position to provide) at greater percentages than young men, wouid indicate that they are doing so primarily when they obtain a benefit of some sort. If not, they would spread the love (and sex) more widely to the deprived.

Those charts in the articles that were posted earlier showed this was a problem that started in 2008. In fact, the percentage of nonsexual young females has also increased, but only slower. So immediately, you assume this trend was likely triggered by the Great Recession. We know an attractive, young woman is not going to have her sexual prospects hurt much be a slow job market.

Perhaps this trend starts to mediate as the job prospects for young people, men especially, improve. Or maybe there was a structural shift in the culture. Recessions tend to accelerate structural changes that were slowly evolving.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Sambuca, you lost me at the misogyny comment. Nothing being said here is misogynistic, we are discussing the truth both anecdotal and statistical. The fact is, due to mainly feminism, women today at much more stuck up, bitchy, and picky when it comes to men. Not all of them are like this, but a decent enough percentage where a significant portion of men are essentially told to fuck off and have zero access to females.

There is really no such thing as "the truth" in this discussion. This is not science. It's just men and women interacting in a world that is constantly changing. Too many variables to make definitive statements.

Men in their 20's have always busted their ass to get laid especially by attractive women. My generation did and I guarantee you Canadian/American women were more conservative then so hence selective in one form or another. Some men here are glossing over the fact that while women are selective, many young men hold on to unrealistic standards for themselves. Many men won't acknowledge this and some get bitter. There are some easy to pick out misogynistic comments, but I don't want to get into a forum battle with anyone by pointing them out.

I think the financial aspect works it's way into sexual politics in subtle ways even for 18-24 year old women. That's one thing most of older guys here agree on. I was sleeping with 20somethings in my 40s. Oddly, they were hotter than the 20somethins that I fucked when I was that age. Guys here say a lot of girls are working SA. If you take just 5% of the attractive women out of the market, it has a noticeable impact on the musical chairs. Furthering the game analogy, many guys will not just take any chair. They want an attractive chair.

Here is an excerpt from the article posted by Patron:
Labor force participation among young men has fallen, particularly in the aftermath of the last recession. Researchers also see a "connection between labor force participation and stable relationships," she said.

The survey showed, for instance, that 54 percent of unemployed Americans didn't have a steady romantic partner, compared with 32 percent among the employed.

Young men also are more likely to be living with their parents than young women: In 2014, for instance, 35 percent of men age 18 to 34 were living in their parents' home, compared with 29 percent of women in that age group.

At the risk of stating the obvious, "when you're living at home it's probably harder to bring sexual partners into your bedroom," Twenge said.

At the risk of stating the obvious, an attractive unemployed or underemployed 22 year-old female living at home is going to get laid. She can be working at Starbucks part-time and she is going to get laid. In fact, there are a couple attractive barristas that know me by name. ;)


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
That One Guy, I will tell you what I tell all the 20 something guys at work. Stop chasing the hottest girls in the office and the at the bar that everyone else is. Go on, into a bar where older women hang out or whatever and find attractive women in their late 30s and into their 40s. Women's bodies at that age are biologically programmed to have sex.

Turn the generational gender demographics and biology in your favor.

There are some attractive divorced women who will be just as curious about you as you will be of them. Really, the problem is if you don't know how to talk to a 25 year-old woman you won't stand a chance with a 40 year-old woman.

Youth is wasted on the young.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
That One Guy,

I hear you, but I also kind of wish that the Author / Comedian / Wise Man, Adam Corrola could weigh in to the thread.

He often comments on his frustration with the younger generation, particularly the males.

I think there are other factors. The helicopter mother emasculates the young male. Also, the draconian punishments for minor offenses in the schools like a fist fight or drinking a beer. We used to get laid at keg parties in high school. No more. Also, there has got to be a fear of the repercussions of #MeToo and of being charged with date rape etc. even prior to #MeToo. You have to have a hold harmless signed for every step of the way. How do you handle all that paper work while your getting laid? And then your records retention policy ought to be about 30 years. All of these things have worked to emasculate the young males. They'd rather stay home and play video games and stay out of trouble.

If you could ask my mother and most other females I know they will tell you that it's all OK. Nobody has to have sex and you are a deviant if you want it and seek it. Prostitution and strippers and people that dress sexy and others that notice it are all bad. Stay home and play your video game and I'll fight your battles for you the modern day mom will tell her kid.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
But I ask myself if I were in my 20s working shit jobs, and getting absolutely, positively no pussy anywhere, wouid I find a way to work some extra hours or jobsto come up with enough cash for either a safe, expensive, local escort, or perhaps better enough funds for a plane/bus ticket to Montreal or San Diego with a crossing into Tijuana. I have to believe I would, even if that involved the time and expense of getting a passport. Even if it involved coming up with a cover story, and even if it meant my completely undersexed self would be craving it even more a few weeks after the trip.

I totally agree Patron. I've got to think some of these young guys are either stupid or lazy. And that seems to be part of the problem.

On the flip side, we all knew 20 year-old babes that had no personality, no intelligence and no career prospects. They were fucking older guys since they were of age. All they had to do was open their mouth, open their legs and they were set for life. I'm just saying that's the way it's always been.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
If you could ask my mother and most other females I know they will tell you that it's all OK. Nobody has to have sex and you are a deviant if you want it and seek it.

Older women I know are far more realistic than the ones I see represented on TV. My mom was like move out, go find a girlfriend and get laid. In reference to Patron's comment, back then even upper middle income kids didn't have their own bedroom and their own bathroom. You had to figure out everyone's schedule just to jack-off.......and to a magazine. Talk about a manual world versus a digital world.........everything was manual.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2018
To this day there remains a stigma around seeing an SP. Mention that you have done so in most places and you will see yourself shunned. This happens to be even fiercer among those younger, where the line of "just get laid" can be tossed into that "logic" as well, regardless of the difficulties facing men of that age group.

I'd further speculate, being in the later part of the age group, that those who see SPs are also those who have had at least one prior non-paid sexual experience. Regardless of validity, there is a notion among many that one's first sexual experience should have some meaning, versus a pump and dump or compensated affair. If this holds, it would give another explanation for the younger generation not using SPs that is not financially based.

Going back to the figures themselves, it's entirely unsurprising that women are engaging in sex more than men at that age. The average female has a much easier time getting random hook ups than the average male; with current hook up culture it's as easy as making a Tinder profile and waiting, even if one's matches aren't the "best" or going to a bar and waiting. That's a second reason for this statistic occurring; in society men are expected to chase and pursue whereas woman can sit and wait. There are always a handful of men who have game and are doing so.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
My mother was not. To this day, if she is up for a weekend visit we are watching TV, she has to make some sign of disgust if she sees a woman in a bra or there is a sex scene of some kind. There was a scene if Ozarks where a stripper was dancing and she said 'Why would men want to look at that?" Ill tell her Gee, I don't know ma. In the same show if the mafia is dismembering someone and dissolving them in acid she can handle this. She shrugs as if to say "what are you gonna do?"

In my family, it was instilled in us that sex was bad from a young age.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I am not part of the crowd that believes that losing virginity is a special event. You hope to lose your virginity to a beautiful special partner but I hope all my sex is with a beautiful special partners.
Going back to the figures themselves, it's entirely unsurprising that women are engaging in sex more than men at that age. The average female has a much easier time getting random hook ups than the average male;

I love this. You remind me of a skit I saw in a comedy show called "Not Necessarily the News" years ago. Remember those old commercials on late night TV selling you a book or a series of audio tapes entitled "How to Pick Up Woman?" Well NNN was running a mock commercial for a 30 second tape or 1-page pamphlet entitled "How to Pick Up Men."

They gave a few examples. A man is eating an ice cream cone minding his own business and a woman walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder. He turns around to see a beautiful woman standing there. She says "Let's go." The man throws the cone and walks off with her with out saying a word.
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