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The share of Americans not having sex has reached a record high


Active Member
Jun 25, 2018
I am not part of the crowd that believes that losing virginity is a special event. You hope to lose your virginity to a beautiful special partner but I hope all my sex is with a beautiful special partners.

It's definitely silly, yet it's out there. Power to them for missing out on fun I guess.

I love this. You remind me of a skit I saw in a comedy show called "Not Necessarily the News" years ago. Remember those old commercials on late night TV selling you a book or a series of audio tapes entitled "How to Pick Up Woman?" Well NNN was running a mock commercial for a 30 second tape or 1-page pamphlet entitled "How to Pick Up Men."

That sounds like a riot! I remember seeing those commercials in the 90's as a kid, seeing it reversed is an excellent show.

There are a lack of positive sex worker role models in the media.

Of course, everyone who sees an SP is a loser, usually overweight/ugly, and taking advantage of a girl who was forced to do this. Even if sex work is the oldest profession in history, to many it's seen as sex slavery and child exploitation, rather than a job some choose to do for whatever reason.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
They're using the wrong dating Apps. Try MERB, ISG, GP-Guia, and maybe SA.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

I do not buy any of this shit. This guy in the article obviously has a problem that he needs to solve.

If you are a men below 35 and not having sex or not able to find any partner please consult! You are having a problem. Are you strange, awkward, anti-social, very poor, lacking self confidence or esteem of yourself or perhaps are you trying only to score A girl??
For any of these help exist and only can change yourself.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
average testosterone levels are on the decline for young men...............

We might have brushed over this comment. Testosterone levels in young men have dropped significantly. This is a powerful driver in our competitive mating effort. Young males have to get off the couch, get out of the house and get off the bar stool. It's likely a major direct cause in the lack of sexual activity for young men.

You can blame feminism for changing parenting styles, but there a lot of factors and no researcher has been able to pinpoint specific behaviors and environmental issues. Rising obesity is one known factor. We can put more blame on mothers, but fathers also have a role.

Citing a Psychology Today article:
"In humans, previous studies have linked testosterone to dominance and competitive success in mating when men battle one another for a sexual partner."

"We found that testosterone levels influenced men's dominance behaviors during the competitions, how much they derogated (or 'bashed') their competitors afterward, and how much the woman said she 'clicked' with them," said Slatcher."

"We hypothesized that testosterone could perhaps also lead to prosocial behavior if such behavior would be beneficial for maintaining or obtaining social status."


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Personally, I don’t think this problem is as bad in Canada, or Montreal in particular. A more socialist-oriented economy produces more total misery, but shares that misery quite efficiently. Big cities with high costs of living and large income disparities produce less overall misery, but allocates it very heavily to relatively fewer recipients. And notably produces more long-term young celibate men in the current environment.

Haha I love it. Not sure it's related to socialism. It's well known that poor country fuck a lot more. Look at Africa. Since there is less to do let's fuck ;)

But Montreal is changing rapidly. The lodging market is at 1% availability. People are starting to spend more and more on lodging like in big city. Where is the quality of life when 50% of your income goes for your lodging...


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
And if a third world country has cities/places that attract mass tourism, tourist males come in with their money and disrupt the order.

After WWII, I still think American GIs (Canadian soldiers too) poached many beautiful women from the rubble and the massive loss of men in Europe. All my friends who had European moms and Ex-GI fathers, had beautiful moms.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ These hookups do not work, the girl is looking for money and the guy for looks. Find a girl who does not care about the money, has your same interests and you will find a great companion. Not only the wealthy like to fuck.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
I agree with Patron a strong (stronger than what we have here in the U.S.) middle class does help. It just stands to reason. We know that the lack of prospects for males has created the bad social phenomenon of unmarried mothers without a father in the picture.

Tucker Carlson Fox News commentator is not lobbying for more guys to score chicks, but he's been advocating for pro-family polices that support working males (and their mates). This is a somewhat new shift in conservative thought. Many conservatives realize you have to have government policy that supports the American family beyond lip service. Laissez-faire economics can be impervious to societal issues which makes it impractical in a democratic society.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
They are working unimaginable long hours in high pressure situations.

How do pretty girls pick which ones make it big and become multimillionaires, and which ones become regular guys.

I would say if a girl has reached the point where the potential richness of their future bf goes beyond actual passion and love she is fucked up. Unfortunately I am not saying you are wrong Patron. I am saying I am afraid you are perfectly correct!

I have been around successfull and not so sucessfull entrepreneurs (as myself haha) for the last 18 years. All internet based business. It's simple those who succeeded never focused on becoming rich. You do things because you have a passion. If you do solely only for the money you are fucked. Something will go wrong sooner or later.

A regular well balanced human being does not count when in love.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
The problem is that we have no good way to check the data. The link in the original article goes right to the massive raw database and I haven't seen a better link. So it is hard to tell what exactly he is using to do his graphs and if it is valid (It probably is, I just don't like it when people don't show their work in things like this.)

As for theories, we have nothing good to work with without followup. The inflection point is 2008, so it could be correlated with anything from then. I mean, Netfix started offering streaming in 2007, so maybe that is it - people stay home and watch Netflix. We seriously have nothing to go on here. (And we're still talking a minority of men and women not having any sex.)


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
Valcazar, makes a very good point. We only know that 2008 was the inflection point.

Thanks Obama!


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
A lot of people are pointing to social media, but we don't know.

Sambuxa's thanks Obama joke is good, though. :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013

Or are you seriously arguing that Obama was so sexy it made men give up on ever getting laid again? :)


New Member
Jul 12, 2010
The cost of of civilian pussy is more expensive than non civilian pussy. Not to mention the time and effort ...............and sometimes disappointment.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
Oh boy! Just in the nick of time - 'Slutbot'.

"A new “SMS experience” — co-created by erotic writers and sex educators — allows users to text a number and receive lessons in sexting from the “Slutbot.”"
“Sex is so much more than a physical act,” Juicebox CEO and founder Brianna Rader, a 27-year-old “queer woman” from Tennessee, tells The Post. “People want their minds stimulated, and dirty talk is a great way to do that.”

So for all those Americans not having sex who feel they need help - Have no fear, Slutbot is here!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
That doesn’t surprise me that women think 80 % of men are below average in terms of attractiveness.

My statistics on women are worse, I find 90 % of women in my age bracket I wouldn’t or to be probably more precise couldn’t sleep with and the 10 % that I could carry so much unwanted baggage that it is not worth the effort or nearly impossible to find the 3-4% that I would.

Good news is I live in Montreal, have an ATF that is out of this world gorgeous, and there are hundreds more fabulous escorts available at all times.
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