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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
I wouldn’t say that I heard from good sources that if sales pick up from the President and Ivanka’s advertising Goya is going to donate at least 1% to the Trump foundation, who in turn will donate 1% of that to the manufacturing of masks in America.
Watch for Trump and family to be wearing masks at every opportunity now with pictures of Goya products on them.
Millennia started the ball rolling by promoting masks a couple of days ago with her video.
Nice to see the whole family pitching in.

I have been stocking up on cans of Goya beans and have been eating them for breakfast and dinner ,,, they are delicious and I’m NCITW and I approve of the Trump family supporting Goya products ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I have been stocking up on cans of Goya beans and have been eating them for breakfast and dinner ,,, they are delicious and I’m NCITW and I approve of the Trump family supporting Goya products ...

No_Church_InThe_Wild, are you serious?

Personally, I have nothing against the Goya beans, but at the time of the election don't you think that Trump could have abstained, no he thinks that it's a way of obtaining votes.

Even if I love a product, as soon as it is announced by Trump, I would never buy that product.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I have been stocking up on cans of Goya beans and have been eating them for breakfast and dinner ,,, they are delicious and I’m NCITW and I approve of the Trump family supporting Goya products ...

I agree nice to see the whole family taking time away from golf and other important activities to support healthy food products.
It is evident that the health of the nation is foremost in their thoughts.
I hope they keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Trump did good things for america.
Well, if you think the USA was getting too crowded, it's true that his inept handling of the coronavirus did help to reduce the population by over 140,000 and still counting. His stupidity has also provided lots of laughs. It's not clear, however, that everyone would consider those "good things for america" (sic).
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I am not a fan of any politician which includes Trump.
Blaming the loss of 140,000 people entirely on him is ridiculous.
Perhaps you would like to blame the more than 400,000 other deaths worldwide on him also.

The whole world was ill prepared for this including Trump, he is not the only one that has done a piss poor job of managing it even in his own country.
Perhaps some of the blame maybe should go to where it originated from and why they let their people travel with it world wide, but heaven forbid mentioning something against China as it will be considered racist and politically incorrect.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Fradi, Please read purplem`s statement correctly. He never blamed all the US deaths entirely on trump. He stated that trump helped in their deaths. A factual statement that still holds true to-day.

If you don`t think that politicians have a great influence on how their country handles this pandemic , then you should take a closer look at the countries that are doing well.
New Zealand was strict and so far their outbreak is minimal.
Then there is a low key communist country with 97 million people called Vietnam. With only 300 cases and 0 deaths. What makes it even more amazing is that they are next door to China and not too far from India.
Quebec should send a delegation there to see how they are doing it.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Will these guys be speaking @ the convention with Desantis?



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I am not a fan of any politician which includes Trump.
Blaming the loss of 140,000 people entirely on him is ridiculous.
Perhaps you would like to blame the more than 400,000 other deaths worldwide on him also.

The whole world was ill prepared for this including Trump, he is not the only one that has done a piss poor job of managing it even in his own country.
Perhaps some of the blame maybe should go to where it originated from and why they let their people travel with it world wide, but heaven forbid mentioning something against China as it will be considered racist and politically incorrect.

Well, I had promised myself that I would no longer give my opinion on Trump's handling of the pandemic, but it's stronger than me when I read things like that.
I too don't like politicians in general, but I cannot remain silent in the face of comments like those you are making.

Yes, that's right, we can't blame him for the loss of 140,000 people, but if he had listened to his health advisers, if he had stood up as a leader instead of separating the states, at the instead of always saying that he manages the crisis very well, instead of admitting that his country is going into a chasm, instead of considering his election more important than saving lives, there would surely have been half fewer deaths.

If he hasn't done a poor job in his country, but who could have done it?

The virus makes no difference between Republicans and Democrats.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Trump is an ass but he is one man for crying out loud.
In most cases the governors are in charge of running eveyday activities and look at the fuck up they are creating In Georgia, Texas, Florida, Arizona. even within the same state like Georgia, the Governor is suing the Mayor for issuing a mask mandate for fuck sakes does any politician agree with any other at all or are they all too busy beating their own drum while the people keep on dying.

You want to bring up countries like Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam ok
flip the coin then.
Brazil, UK, Russia, India, Mexico Sweden, we can do this forever if you want. is Trump at fault here too.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
I agree nice to see the whole family taking time away from golf and other important activities to support healthy food products.
It is evident that the health of the nation is foremost in their thoughts.
I hope they keep up the good work.
Thanks for replying with sarcasm to my sarcasm Fradi haha

I did not even know the existence of the Goya Company until I started reading the stories and as always when DT is in the news /involved the left is not far behind in overreacting

Trump was trying to improve his standing with the Latino voters but he didn’t count on the backlash when Goya’s CEO started to ass kiss him . About Ivanka’s tweets and DT support of the company I think it shouldn’t have happened but I kind of understand why he might of felt the need
Funny thing though is that I heard business went through the roof after news of the boycott
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Saying I do not like Donald Trump would be an understatement . He is the kind of leader I would never want . Constantly likes to take credit when things are going well but when things go bad he shows no accountability . There is irrefutable evidence that he failed in preparing his country for this pandemic , but like Fradi previously mentioned he is but one man albeit a very important man being the POTUS
I think it is not always easy to see things objectively , unless one is kind of neutral ,,, I personally think that the USA would have mishandled the crisis no matter who was in charge . I still think the Democrats would have done a better job , that they would have taken more proactive measures but the death toll would have still been high . Again I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve the blame , it’s just that I find that the Democrats and the media go over the top in wanting to blame him for EVERYTHING

New Zealand is an isolated Island in no mans land with a small population and they did well partly because of that I think and also because they had a leader that reacted very fast
As for Vietnam well they had the advantage of being a totalitarian state . They acted swiftly , laid down the law and made sure that everybody followed the rules . They did great although we will never know for sure if they underreported the numbers

like Fradi said there are as many countries that handled it well as there are countries that didn’t , and curiously enough some of those that failed had governments with a reputation of being much well organized than the States

As for why I think the USA would have still done bad ?
Well for one their attitude and “defiant nature “ didn’t serve them well in this case . Also their mistrust of the Government /Politicians and the Media . I remember January half the population thought that it was a hoax and in the beginning social distancing was very much resisted and still is
A big Federation with many states , so their political system and them being a big country would not have helped
Their healthcare system ,,, although as we already know lots of developed European countries with great free healthcare did miserable as well
We can go on and on but I’ll just mention one last one and that would be the media and the politicians having an agenda on an election year , so I think that didn’t help
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I did not even know the existence of the Goya Company until I started reading the stories and as always when DT is in the news /involved the left is not far behind in overreacting

Excuse me, I'm relatively new to post in the "Lounge" section.
I didn't quite understand your sarcasm about the Goya beans.
Thanks for explaining, because I was really surprised with your post.
Excuse me again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

Thanks, you took the time and I think you explained it better than I could have and was trying to in several posts.
One of the biggest problems is not just the politicians but the nature of the people of I will not be told what to do.
I see the same thing with guns which again as an outsider and obviously someone that wants nothing to do with guns just can’t understand why there is a need for anyone to own a semi automatic weapon unless it is military or law enforcement.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
NCITW and Fradi I tend to agree with both you guys on most points. Yes China made this whole pandemic into a monster that is devastating the globe, by hiding early warnings and surpressing facts. Cases in the world would be much lower if the Chines government had come clean early on. Once the virus was out , Trump, Boldersaro and their cohorts did more damage by calling it a hoax and telling people not to worry that its just another flu that will go away in the summer.
Trump should have taken federal control through one of his presidential acts that he like so much , and mandated masks and social distancing for everyone. He should have set an example by wearing a mask himself and taken the nations health as more important and urgent than politics.
Individuals can and do cause thousands and even millions of deaths by their actions or inactions .Look at Mao and Stalin among dozens of historical monsters and the governments they led.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I agree that Trump and his ego fucked up and it may cost him the election.
One man can make a big difference but probably in the US with the governors making most of the lockdown, opening of businesses etc. it would have been a fuck up whoever was POTUS. Hilary, well I would have taken Trump over her at least he was doing well with the economy until this.

I wouldn’t compare him to Mao or Stalin. These guys were mass murderers of their own people purely for power there was no pandemic. You picked probably two of the worst in history.
Trump is an egotistical prick and the wrong person to have as Potus during a pandemic but I believe he loves his country and his people and he was trying to make America great again while helping himself and his family to some of the profits not unlike the Clintons or even JT and his family ( look, at the scandal going on right now with speaking arrangements) if you look long enough all politicians are scumbags some worse than others, and it is usually the cream of the scumbags that rises to the top.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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If the US state governors appear to be making the decisions in lockdowns, business reopenings & other coronavirus control measures, it is because Trump has refused to openly take the lead. But make no mistake, Trump is still in charge of the republican states behind the scenes - Abbott, Ducey, DeSantis, Kemp & most of the other republican governors have been obediently following Trump’s coronavirus playbook from the start so whatever disaster they’re in now, is clearly Trump’s fault. It’s the democratic governors & republican holdouts like Hogan that have refused to go along w/ Trump’s anti-science & coronavirus denialism.

Yes, America‘s political system is one of federalism but it’s not unique. Many developed countries like Australia, Austria, Belgium, Germany practise federalism but have done relatively well in the coronavirus fight. For these countries, there have been disagreements and political compromises had to be made but their approaches have been similar because they are all following the science.

The sharing of power between the federal & state governments is not the reason behind America’s disastrous coronavirus response. In the early days of the coronavirus, even the democratic state governors were more than willing to follow Trump’s lead until they realised that Trump was basing his coronavirus strategy not on science but solely on his re-election timetable. In fact, federalism has saved America from an even worse coronavirus disaster simply because the democratic state governors had the power not to go along with Trump’s madness.

But in the end, all this is not going to stop the US from falling into the coronavirus abyss. States cannot close their borders and their quarantines are full of holes so imported infections from other states will keep happening. Without the federal government taking the lead, there is no way to scale up enough coronavirus testing & contact tracing. So even darker days ahead.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
One of the biggest problems is not just the politicians but the nature of the people of I will not be told what to do.

I would tend to agree with this, but with an explanation. In NY we were basically told that we are fucked and everything is being shut down, wear a mask and you need to stay at home or you will die. Obviously not the exact words from our governor but that’s pretty much how many of us in NY heard it. So we pretty much had no choice and our freedom was taken away from us In what felt like overnight. People from NY listen to nobody, but this time we all fell in line and did the right thing from day one. Many of the other states outside of the northeast hardly had any cases so the pandemic never really hit home for them or felt real. They would hear about the horror stories of death in the northeast but nothing was really happening in their states so they never had to stay at home and face the same dilemma as we did in NY. Then, now after being told there’s nothing to worry about and pretty much being free to do whatever they want to do, now they are being told everything is going to shit and need to take this seriously. So of course people are going to be skeptical and defiant and continue to go about their business as if nothing’s wrong and I’m not going to be told what to do. They are doing this while the refrigerated trucks are now rolling in to stack up the dead. It’s hard to blame the people for this. The shit all rolls downhill from the top, whether it’s the presidents lack of guidance, or to the governors that never really took it seriously. When people start to die around them and when family members start to die they will take it serious.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

'Reckless, callous, cruel': teachers' chief denounces Trump plan to reopen schools

Plans put forward by Donald Trump and his education secretary to reopen America’s schools in the fall are “reckless” and could result in many teachers leaving the profession, the president of one of the country’s biggest teaching unions has warned.

Florida is setting new infection and death records almost daily. California is returning to lockdown, with bars, restaurants and even offices shuttered. Texas and Arizona are requesting refrigerator trucks as cases increase and morgues are expected to fill to capacity.

For Trump, teachers don't matter, school employees, their families, their parents, in short, everyone around them.

Election again
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