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The Trump Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

Donald Trump is said to have been left in a foul mood after his arraignment in Washington DC on Thursday – but not for the reason that many would think.

The former president was “irked” that US District Judge Moxila Upadhyaya referred to him as “Mr Trump” and not “Mr President” as he was formally hit with four charges over his attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, according to CNN.

A source told the network on Thursday that the former president subsequently left the court appearance “sour and dejected” as a result.


I prefer defendant Trump myself.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021

Donald Trump is said to have been left in a foul mood after his arraignment in Washington DC on Thursday – but not for the reason that many would think.

The former president was “irked” that US District Judge Moxila Upadhyaya referred to him as “Mr Trump” and not “Mr President” as he was formally hit with four charges over his attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, according to CNN.

A source told the network on Thursday that the former president subsequently left the court appearance “sour and dejected” as a result.


I prefer defendant Trump myself.
Prisoner trump sounds better.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Nice to see the bickering between Trump and Pence. Trump is as low as they come but Pence is no hero either. Mr. Vanilla spent four years kissing Donnie's butt so he's also beneath contempt.

Pence is delusional if he thinks he has a chance at future political success. Intelligent people wrote him off when he associated himself with a loser like Donnie, and stupid people (in other words Trump defenders) wrote him off when he stopped kissing Donnie's ass. Pence is such a clueless political idiot that he's managed to alienate BOTH sides.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Another indictment? Grand jury met again. Possibly a NEW set of charges relating to wire fraud & election finance fraud .

It has been established Trump knew he lost the election and yet he fraudulently claimed in commercials that the election was stolen, to get donations.

Personally I've been so desensitized by Trump's behaviour that I didn't even think of it.

But yeah, it makes sense. Nobody should be able to make false claims then reap the benefits from that.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
He said yesterday qu"il va passer plus de temps dans les tribunaux qu'à faire campagne active....n'a que lui à blâ anyway ses déplorables fans vont lui rester fidè même devant les tribunaux ce moron va faire campagne , mentir et faire appel à sa base
pour le soutenir et pour payer ses sordides avocats....non...pas de limite à la folie de cet odieux/dangereux manipulateur.......grandement temps que la justice lui règle son compte définitivement.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
He said yesterday qu"il va passer plus de temps dans les tribunaux qu'à faire campagne active....n'a que lui à blâ anyway ses déplorables fans vont lui rester fidè même devant les tribunaux ce moron va faire campagne , mentir et faire appel à sa base
pour le soutenir et pour payer ses sordides avocats....non...pas de limite à la folie de cet odieux/dangereux manipulateur.......grandement temps que la justice lui règle son compte définitivement.

This morning at 6h00 AM, a Trump crazy supprter welcome FBI agents with a pistol.
Bad idea, he was killed.
He had been posing threaths on Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and each prosecutor of Trump.
He posted a photo of his assault rifle.
He treathened to kill Biden during his visit in UTAH.
Trump is responsible for at least 5 deaths in the Jan 6th riot and this time another one.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
IN JAIL IN JAIL IN JAIL.....ce fou criminel continue dans ses interventions répétées d'appeler à la violence envers ses ennemis politiques---Biden en tête----et les procureurs/juges.....dénigre le système de justice....Will Hurd said yesterday qu'il constituait
une menace à la sécurité que ça ne peut plus durer....faut intervenir et l'isoler......come on....IN JAIL NOW.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
IN JAIL IN JAIL IN JAIL.....this criminal madman continues in his repeated interventions to call for violence against his political enemies---Biden in the lead----and the prosecutors/judges.....denigrates the justice system....Will Hurd said yesterday that it constituted
a threat to national security.....and it can't go on any longer....we have to intervene and isolate it......come on....IN JAIL NOW.
Gaby, I don't disagree with you, my friend. From what I have learned already - and there's much more damning evidence that will be discovered at trial - he should spend the rest of his life in prison. He is the biggest threat to national and world security. However, I believe in our system of justice. He deserves a fair trial and that takes time. Unfortunately he will use that time to attack the judicial system, intimidate witnesses, pollute the jury pool, sow social unrest and discord, and violence will occur. That's why the judges should act swiftly and harshly when he behaves in contempt of the courts. When he continues to defy court orders, bail should be revoked and he should be sent to jail. MAGA republicans and right-wing media will lose their minds, but so be it. Rule of law, accountability, and civil order must be preserved at all costs.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Today.....Judge warning TROMP et ses complices avocats....his free speech is ''not absolute'' bet....BUT we know he will not listen/does not care at jail ce dégoûtant criminel.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Today.....Judge warning TROMP et ses complices avocats....his free speech is ''not absolute'' bet....BUT we know he will not listen/does not care at jail ce dégoûtant criminel.

And she informed his lawyer that she could speed up trial.
She could begin the trial next monday if I have something to say about it !


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yep...but that's why ses pervers avocats vont demander que ce procès soit référé à un tribunal supérieur/féféral alléguant faussement again que ce tribunal local/state /Georgia n'a aucune légitimité pour procéder...demande qui naturellement sera rejetée...
ne veulent que gagner du temps .....mais l'heure a sonné pour que justice soit enfin rendue et ce criminel odieux envoyé in jail pour longtemps.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Last night & this morning Trump was back attacking judges & prosecutors on his crappy social media site. This after being warned of consequences if he continued this crap. He has total disregard for the law & he’s daring judges into punishing him. He believes he’s untouchable and above the law. We will see if the same law regular Americans face will also apply to Citizen Trump.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Last night & this morning Trump was back attacking judges & prosecutors on his crappy social media site. This after being warned of consequences if he continued this crap. He has total disregard for the law & he’s daring judges into punishing him. He believes he’s untouchable and above the law. We will see if the same law regular Americans face will also apply to Citizen Trump.

I suppose the Justice Departments are afraid of his brainwashed supporters.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Hope not....and as some even many are in jail pour leurs fraudes et actes illégaux/violence pour loyauté envers ce criminel...cela va en faire réfléchir beaucoup avant de poser des actes dont ils vont payer chèrement la said none is above the law and at the end of the day justice must prevail...and will.....just saying.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Good news, if Trump is convicted in Georgia and is elected President, he will not be able to pardon himself !
And he cannot be pardoned by a crony republican governor. The power to pardon is vested in the state Board of Pardons and Paroles. To be considered for a pardon in Georgia you must have completed your sentence for at least 5 years. Look for the corrupt republican legislators to try to change the law if trump is convicted.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
I suppose the Justice Departments are afraid of his brainwashed supporters.
I don't think Jack Smith is afraid of anyone. The judge is going to have to haul trump's fat ass into court and read him the riot act. Unfortunately that won't stop him and eventually she will have to impose a gag order. When the gag order is ignored, she will have no choice but to revoke bail and send him to jail, or more likely home confinement. MAGA republicans and right wing media will lose what little minds they have left after 8 years of trump brain rot.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Add witness tampering to Trump's laundry list of crimes - so much for the "law and order" President:

"I am reading reports that failed former Lt. Governor of Georgia, Jeff Duncan, will be testifying before the Fulton County Grand Jury," Trump wrote on his Truth Social account on Monday.

"He shouldn't. I barely know him but he was, right from the beginning of this Witch Hunt, a nasty disaster for those looking into the Election Fraud that took place in Georgia."
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