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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump goes completely anti-vaccine in a recent statement, playing up the idea of Republicans not getting vaccinated because they "do not trust" the Biden administration.

Quickly straight to the asylum.

He literally got the covid vaccine… that he takes credit for. This is too stupid.

He had the vaccine. Didn't tell anyone for ages. Especially the people who voted for him.

We all know he and his family are all vaccinated.

And the Trumpsters just pretend that never happened.

I am so completely done with stupidity, these folks from Trump on down need to stop the madness! Unreal!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Former Trump advisor and private equity investor Tom Barrack was arrested on allegations that he worked to manipulate the Trump administration to advance the interests of the UAE.

Thomas Barrack, a private equity investor who is a close friend of former President Donald Trump, was arrested Tuesday morning in Los Angeles on federal charges of illegally lobbying Trump on behalf of the United Arab Emirates.

Barrack, who was charged with two other men in a seven-count indictment in Brooklyn, New York, federal court, was chairman of Trump’s 2017 inaugural fund.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump spends every night at Mar-a-Lago and other clubs begging for applause from his fans, but this clashes with the reality that most Americans hate him. This is similar to his base believing his dangerous lies that corrupt democracy.

This is why Trump's post-presidential life is both hilarious and dangerous. His alternative reality is corrosive.

He can't afford to pay for an audience anymore so he has to beg for one.

Millions of Americans don't believe a word he says. If he says it is sunny, grab your umbrella.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump has said his only regret is not mistreating protestors in American cities in his last summer as president. This proves that he plans ot use even more force against citizens if given the opportunity.

It was horrific, to have a sitting US president who saw most Americans as his enemy. Everyone outside of his kkkult is his enemy, those are his terms.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump in leaked audio rambled about losing to reporters, but sounded drunk and out of it. But even if Trump doesn't drink, it shows a man who is dangerous to democracy and disconnected from reality. He isn't going away

We know Trump doesn't drink, which makes this all the crazier and more troubling.

His dementia is just getting worse.

He should try drinking, he'd probably make more sense Drunk than Sober.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Trump furious his wife Melania is dumping him.

Donald Trump and Melania Trump's marriage has always been fiction, but new reports confirm that Trump and Melania don't spend much time together, and that Trump gets angry whenever people asks him about his marriage.

He’s actually have to be capable of love and human feeling to be “torn up inside”.

She married him to get her legal residency otherwise she couldn’t care or less about Trump.

She used him for a Green Card, He needed a shiny Trophy.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Rachel Maddow reports on the mess state level Republicans are making in pursuit of Donald Trump's election fraud fantasy and highlights reporting by the Washington Post that Trump's PAC has raised tens of millions of dollars on his Big Lie but that money is apparently not being spent on "stopping the steal."
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Ivanka Trump was attacked on Fox News for using Donald Trump's white house to make hundreds of millions with her husband Jared Kushner.
While some Fox hosts didn't like this, this is s a sign that some on Fox News have had enough of her corruption.

The Trump Family is corrupt. Any other family would be in prison. Kudos to that woman for telling the truth.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump delivers a demented and deranged speech to a crowd in Phoenix, Arizona at an event about so-called "voter integrity" meant to support the "audits" of the 2020 election taking place in Arizona and other states.

That intro is right on point: Trump is the first WWE president; everyone knows he's fake, but they still clap and bark like trained seals.

Mocking the women’s soccer team is because the team’s captain refused to visit the White House after the team became world champion.

The US women's soccer team at least won their awards fairly.

Only thing trump is going to win is a trip to Ryker's Island for life.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump legal team had people in court today in trouble for the lies they told on his behalf. But they 100% blamed Donald Trump for getting them to tell those lies and they believed him because he was president. This shows Trump lawyers throwing him under the bus, but also an admission they were spreading lies.

She's a lawyer who should have known better now she deserves everything she gets. I just hope Trump gets what he deserves.

Trump is gradually losing control and the quicksand is swallowing them all up.

Even if every Trump lawyer admitted that the former Chump lied about voter fraud, the MAGA crowd would simply not believe them. They are lost to the truth.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump was revealed today by an officer he put at risk when he sent his supporters at democracy as this officer noted in official testimony, Trump is the only one at the top to blame and he chose this.

Well said officer, there was no hugging, no kissing, Trump and his cohorts are to blame for this hate.

Everyone knows Trump was responsible for the attack on the capital.
Republicans will not admit it to protect themselves from his base from going after them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump's former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is gifted a gun by the Church of Glad Tidings in Yuba City, California, and says he might go find someone in Washington DC to use the gun on.

Clearly a church who gives guns as presents has lost its way . Terribly sad to see this.

Bible says “Thou shall not kill”, then Church gives a weapon as gift.

Exactly, churches should pay tax on income not used for charitable purposes.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Trump-endorsed Republican candidate Susan Wright is defeated by Republican Jake Ellzey in the Texas 6th Congressional District Republican primary election.

Trump must be infuriated that his influence meant very little for the other Republican candidate.

The more Trump open his big mouth. The more he became irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger admits that privately, almost no Republican elected officials actually believe the lie that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen by Joe Biden and actually won by Donald Trump.

Until Criminal trump is thrown in prison America cannot heal from his abuses.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump just found out that congress will gain access to his tax returns, meaning they will finally face public scrutiny. But this could expose more of Trump's schemes and illegalities, and could be devastating to his public image as successful and rich.

Trump's taxes going public is the worst news. It not only exposes his crimes, but also the lies around his wealth and success.

Looks like Trump is not as tough as he is now he's just a scaredy cat afraid of going to jail.

Exposure and humiliation is Trumps biggest fear. Toll due, bad dreams come true Donny.

Trump is defeating since he was born, nobody can save him and that he ends in prison.

He calls himself a billionaire but don't kid yourself he's broke like a dope and then they're going to find out all the corruption that he has done all these years is catching up with him.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

At a recent rally in Arizona, Donald Trump had his supporters cheering the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team's loss against Sweden in a bizarre speech.

I guess "America First" doesn't include any Americans who don't agree with lies and white supremacy.

He's the leading example of losing, of having a warped mind and demented.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

If everything goes fantastic the poorly educated Republican Christian conservatives will continue to self eliminate and our educational ratings will rise dramatically.

He already knows what he did! He watched the insurrection in real time.
He won’t care about the truth .
He won’t pay attention to the videos.
He has no conception of the truth (or morality, common decency) in his mind.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump publicly called his daughter Ivanka Trump 'Bastard'

Trump's world is Trump himself, anybody else can be attacked by him. Even his own daughter.

Still waiting on the Trump family's Arrest Warrant.
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