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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

Donald Trump to some of his staffers praised Hitler because he did good things supposedly.
But while this shows Trump doesn't understand history, it also shows his disdain for Democracy and rights.

It's not a big step philosophically to go from, Bolsonaro, and Hitler.

World leaders he got along with best? Kim Jong-un and Putin. Are people really surprised by this?

How is this new? We can see this in practically everything he has done and is doing.

Who says he doesn't know he just thinks the holocaust was no biggie.

Everyone knows Hitler is Trumps idol even his ex wives have said this.
Are you aware that Trump was born a little more than a year after Hitler death ?
Is he Satan's replacement for Hitler ?
Trump's father is German after all.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has now set a new date for Donald Trump’s impossible “reinstatement” to the White House of August 13, 2021

The grift is to get donations to help pay off Trump's debts.

The only Trump will be back in the White House is if he purchases a ticket for a tour!

This level of crazy and disconnect could make you laugh if it wasn't the reality of our world.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump has filed lawsuits against Facebook and Twitter for banning him, from their platforms following the Capitol Riot.
This is a lawsuit that has absolutely no chance of being successful, and it also undermines all of the other conservative social media apps that have come along since Trump's banishment.

Hope his lawyers got their retainers paid upfront with cleared funds.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

President Trump ranks among the worst presidents in history, according to a new C-Span survey.

I love that he is watching and his blood is boiling.

Gotta love history professors! They know their stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump holds a completely humiliating public event to announce that he is suing Twitter, Facebook, and Google for banning him and, as he claims, restricting his First Amendment rights.

He continues to humiliate himself, as for 4 years.

He isn’t humiliated, he’s using it as a scam to raise more money.

It’s disturbing that Trump’s backdrop looks so presidential.

This is just more money-raising, positioning himself as a culture warrior who's fighting back against big tech, cancel culture, so his supporters will continue to throw money at his broke ass.

Hard to imagine that we've ever had a more ignorant president.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The conservative social media app GETTR has only been online for about a week, but already the site is considered a complete trainwreck. Founded by former Trump spokesperson Jason Miller, GETTR has already been hacked several times, with as many as 90,000 users getting their data scraped due to poor security.
GETTR is destined to suffer the same fate as Parler, Gab, and Frank.

"Everything trump touches dies"

Go figure, "conservatives" with an IQ high enough to operate a computer don't make up enough of the population to make a social media platform possible. What a shock!

This isn’t a surprise. Whatever Trump or one of his cronies does somehow ends in failure.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019

The conservative social media app GETTR has only been online for about a week, but already the site is considered a complete trainwreck. Founded by former Trump spokesperson Jason Miller, GETTR has already been hacked several times, with as many as 90,000 users getting their data scraped due to poor security.
GETTR is destined to suffer the same fate as Parler, Gab, and Frank.

"Everything trump touches dies"

Go figure, "conservatives" with an IQ high enough to operate a computer don't make up enough of the population to make a social media platform possible. What a shock!

This isn’t a surprise. Whatever Trump or one of his cronies does somehow ends in failure.

They should have hired the guys Hillary hired for her home servers and the dnc emails in 2016. Those never got hacked, safe as a rock!

All joke aside, this platform does seem to suck and Trump is for sure a silly, corrupt individual.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump's businesses have billed the federal government (taxpayers) more than $50,000 for expenses related to the Secret Service protection that Donald Trump receives since leaving office.
This wouldn't necessarily be a problem if the money weren't going right back into the pockets of the Trump family.

Trump is someone who will never be grateful to those looking after him, and I'm just talking about the Secret Service.

Supposedly, he’s a billionaire. He should pay for his own security.

It's just like Donnie to be running a 'protection racket.

Time to cut off the funds, he claims to be a billionaire, he should be capable of hiring his own bodyguards.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump hates Don Trump's girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle because she backed the wrong candidate for senate in Missouri.
This is also based on the fact that Trump finds her annoying and feels she uses the Trump name for money.
This also shows Trump family infighting.

He doesn't like anyone including his family.

Yet Donnie likes women with big breasts, but I don't know about her pussy, because he likes it to grab them by their pussy.

Trump on tape: I grab women "by the pussy”
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
Now, I agree with you
Some comic said “Americans hated Hillary so much they were willing to vote for someone they hated more”.

Corruption to corruption, silly to silly, dishonest to dishonest… the choices in 2016 and 2020 were bad. Democracy likely delivered the best result out of terrible choices with Trump over Clinton then Biden over Trump.

Bernie would have probably beaten Trump in 2016 but we might now have Trump as a consequence of a Bernie presidency ;)


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

In his new book "Frankly, We Did Win This Election," Wall Street Journal writer Michael Bender reports that Donald Trump said to his former Chief of Staff John Kelly that Adolf Hitler "did a lot of good things" during a 2018 trip to Europe.

Who would have thought that Donald Trump would admire racist dictators?

When it came to January 6th, Trump did what most dictators do on their last days in office, to keep convincing his most rabid supporters to keep fighting for a lost cause.

To say that Adolf Hitler "did a lot of good things" This again proves that Trump is an uneducated, an idiot, a moron etc .....

Robert Payne, The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler:

Hitler told Himmler that it was not enough for the Jews simply to die; they must die in agony.
What was the best way to prolong their agony? Himmler turned the problem over to his advisers, who concluded that a slow, agonizing death could be brought about by placing Jewish prisoners in freight cars in which the floors were coated with...quicklime...which produced excruciating burns.
The advisers estimated that it would take four days for the prisoners to die, and for that whole time the freight cars could be left standing on some forgotten siding.
Finally it was decided that the freight cars should be used in addition to the extermination camps.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump in a Bill O'Reilly interview refused to answer a question because it made him out to be a controversial president.
This shows Trump will not answer hard questions, even from his friends and allies.
It shows why he was a bad president unable to admit mistakes and weaknesses.

Trumps ego is so delicate suggesting someone doesn't like him, he just can't handle.

That’s why Trump loved Twitter. He can lie non-stop without being questioned.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Inside Elections' Nathan Gonzalez discusses Trump's potential impact on the Virginia gubernatorial race.

If Trump is endorsing this person then there is something wrong with him (criminal wise). Trump has a reputation for it.

Trump also praises Putin and Kim Jung Un, so there is that.

Why oh why is anyone, anyone at all, listening to the failed ex-president trump.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

According to a new report by Vanity Fair, Donald Trump apparently hates Florida governor Ron DeSantis and he's about ready to try to kick him off of his throne.
This is according to a Trump confidant that spoke with Vanity Fair about the issue.
There's no disagreement in the GOP that Trump created DeSantis, and now he is being threatened with obscurity by his own creation.

Trump only sees people as tools, and discards them as soon as they're no longer useful to him.

Trump realizes that DeSantis is a threat to his political future. He doesn’t realize that he doesn’t have a political future after that disastrous four years.

Trump hates anyone more popular than him. He is a washed up beauty queen.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The Trump won't pay Rudy Giuliani. Now they don't even want Rudy for free.

Rudy thought he was special to Trump. Lol! No one is, even his kids.

This is the trump don't pay, don't admit crimes, don't let the press ask tough questions, and never ever tell the truth.

Good that Rudy got stiffed, it's not like he wasn't warned. Trump stiffs everyone.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Ivanka Trump activities for the Donald Trump organization have been revealed to be even more criminal than we previously thought. It shows that she knowingly allowed illegal activities to happen at multiple Trump companies for nearly a decade. She may go to jail if she doesn't flip daddy.

I shouldn’t get so much pleasure in hearing these stories about the Trumps. I can’t help it.

They're all complicit. Therefore they all need locking up.

Donald doesn't love Ivanka, he just lusts after her.

If she flips turn upside down sideways whatever she needs to go to jail along with her father they all corrupt.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump has been screaming at his lawyers as they fail to keep him in power and win cases afterward.
But while Trump's lawyers have been bad, it was Trump that hired them and he only gets bad lawyers because he is cheap and a liar.

Trump's lawyers are bad, but you picked them, donnie boy.
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